Time for Truth

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Seeking the truth.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 17 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/27/2013
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Hello everyone.

Welcome back to my exciting world of the Ivanovs and the Loess Pack. I tried to stay away, truly I did, but the story just wouldn't be quiet. So many unanswered questions, and who would ask the most. The children would. So here we go once again. It's time to learn the truth.

This story is a continuation of the She Wolf Series. Please read that story before reading this one. It contains background information that is crucial to understanding this portion of the tale.

It is self-edited, but please don't let the errors distract you from the tale.

A special thanks to Willieone for helping me figure out a title. Way to go, girly!

MSBLING59 You asked for it. You said write something by Christmas, so this is for you.


"Grandma, tell us about Grandpa Benson," young Benny Daniels pleaded to his grandma, Nina. Marisol, his cousin, his best friend, Ares, and the other children gathered around eagerly awaiting the tale. They loved hearing about their grandfather. Benny was named after him, so he loved the stories most of all. They had heard it hundreds of time. Grandma told of him, as did Momma, Aunt, Kyra, and Uncle BJ. However, Grandma's version was the best.

Nina at first was hesitant to tell the kids about Benson for fear of hurting her mate, Thaddeus. She told the stories leaving as much of the gruesome parts out as she could. But Thaddeus knew the truth. She shared everything with her mate, and he loved her even more. He accepted her and for that she was grateful. Thaddeus held her close and encouraged her to share the stories with the children.

Nina, who was now a Beta in the Loess Pack in Loess Texas, years earlier was forced from her home. She and her three kids traveled east. It was not an easy journey, but she made an unusual ally along the way. It wasn't often that she thought about her original pack, mostly when the kids asked for stories. She missed her family, but she knew when she walked away, they were gone from her life, so she adjusted. However, she often wondered about them. Especially when she spoke of Benson and the love they shared.

Decades had passed since the events that almost destroyed her occurred, but she wondered if the truth ever came to light, or if Isaac, the one that caused her pain, was able to get away with the evil he had done. Nina looked at her grand pups, all seven and her son and new daughter and thanked Luna for second chances. She took a deep breath and smiled, and then she told her grand babies about their strong and loving grandfather.


"Benson Loess, listen to me. I know graduating high school and going to college is exciting, but we want what's best for you. We want you to go to school. But sweetheart, you need to go to school here, close to home, not out west. I know you recall the stories we've told you." Celia explained to her eighteen year old son. Benny sighed. It frustrated Celia to no end that her oldest son was as stubborn as his father. He sat before her, his blond locks falling over his creased brow, listening but not hearing her. Why do young ones think they are invincible? Hmm, I was the same way. Momma didn't want me going to Louisiana. And I hid a big secret from her. she thought. Celia looked at her mate, willing him to take her side. Blaine sat silent looking pensive.

Benny listened and acknowledged what his Mom had to say, but he needed answers. Decades had passed and no one ever went back to his grandmother's original pack and questioned them. Alpha Javon started to call, but Grandma asked him not to. Out of respect for her, he did not pursue. Also, Benny wanted to meet the Jael Pack. This pack treated his grandmother horribly. He just wanted to meet them and learn why.

Momma didn't want him going to California, didn't want him crossing the pack lands of those they detested, but he wanted the truth. His grandfather died, and they lost a piece of who they were. Yes they were here part of the Loess pack, but it was so much not being said.

"Momma, we need the truth. After Grandma left, what happened?" he stated quietly. "Grandfather Benson died trying to keep you all safe, and because of that you lost your home. Haven't you ever wanted to go back? Don't you want to find out what happened after you left?" he asked.

"Yes, but Benny, our home, our family is here now. Please, don't..." Benny looked at his father who had not spoken at this point. "Dad?" he whispered.

Blaine smiled, "If you get yourself killed, I'm going to strangle you son." He whispered. "I know why you need to do this, just be careful." He added.

Celia could not believe that Blaine agreed with this. She faced her spouse as their daughter, Nikki, and the two younger ones followed. The three children joined them and hugged their brother. "Be safe Bennie, promise me. Ok." Nikki whispered. Benny held each of his siblings. He had to do this, not only for himself, but for them as well.

"Sis, I just want to meet them, not start a war."" He explained. "Besides, you and Marisol will be glad I'm gone. You can date whomever I wouldn't approve of." He added, laughing.

Nikki frowned at her big brother, but not for long. Benny always made her smile. She laughed at his joke then he turned his attention to their younger brother and sister. The smaller ones had awaken and wanted to hug their older siblings. As the kids greeted each other, Blaine pulled his worried mate aside and spoke to her quietly.

"He needs to do this. Look, Ares will be with him as will two junior betas. Javon and Elise insisted that he not go alone. They will be accompanied by a full guard, both wolf and vampire alike. You know Gernick has also assign guards for the entire group. Not to mention the other vampires will look out for them. Besides, Javon has already secured passage for all four pups to UCLA. He has also assigned Lars and Terse to accompany them. Now if my nephew, and two of his best friends, and two full grown Betas are going with them, you know our son will be fine.

Celia nodded. She had no qualms about school, but she was worried about his reception at the Thane Pack. None of them ever went back there.


Thaddeus and Nina were talking. She agreed with Celia and didn't want Benny approaching that pack. They banned her and she never contacted them again. If he went to them, she was not sure how he would be treated. She prayed that nothing would go wrong, but she didn't want to risk her grandson being hurt.

Thaddeus reminded her that he might be young, but he would not be alone. The alpha son and two of his best friends were with him, along with two of the packs most trusted Betas. Besides, Garrick was also watching out and assigning guards. Benny would be fine. He explained. Not to mention, Javon was well known and well liked throughout the North American region. The Thane wolves knew better than to mess with a Loess wolf.

Nina nodded and wondered, Do my parents still lived? Would they welcome him? Would Benson's family accept him? They were his family and he was right to be curious, but it was still a scary situation. He had to travel through the Jael Pack lands. What if they had an issue? What if Joe somehow recognized him? He might seek revenge. Nina shuddered. Thaddeus knew what she was thing and sent her his love. Over the years, she'd opened up to him about the degradation and humiliation she suffered. She asked that he not mention it to the Alphas, because she knew Javon as well as her vampire family would go after the pack.

"Baby, the Jael Pack is not stupid. If they harm a hair on his head, or any of the wolves with him, they will be decimated. They know this, just not why?" Thaddeus reassured his worried mate.

"Momma, can I go to Aunt Nicky's with Jonathan tonight." Twelve year old Theo asked.

"No, we are having a party for Benny, Ares, and Aria tonight. They are going to school remember. Besides, we need you here to help load the trucks." She added. Theo shrugged. He didn't want Benny to go, but he was leaving him anyway. "Momma, can Jonathan stay here then?" he asked.

Nina smiled. "You both are in enough trouble. You know this Theo. Maybe after you two are off punishment in two weeks," she added.

"Momma, can I go to Julianne's and BJ's? I want to see Rosita, Heaven, and Nevaeh. They said I could come." Jasmine informed her mother. Nina smiled. "Your brother and sister are busy and don't need an extra pup underfoot. You can go tomorrow, ok." she promised.

Jasmine sulked for a moment and then grinned. Thaddeus grabbed his baby girl and hugged her tightly sending a strong shaft of love to her and she smiled. She then returned the affection as well as a healthy dose for her big brother. Jasmine and Theo rushed out of the room talking and laughing with each other.

"Ha ha, I'm starting to think my kids don't like being home." Nina joked. Thaddeus joined in her laughter. "I know." He agreed.


Benny was packing the last of his things when his younger uncle Theo called him. Benny, come here. he stated.

Within seconds, Benny appeared in the younger male's bedroom at his grandparent's home.

"Are you sure you want to go so far away?" Theo asked. "I mean, who will be here to look out for the girls. You know they don't listen to me." He continued.

Benny smiled and sat beside his uncle, "We've talked about this. Javier is here as well as you and Jon. You guys are my back-up. Besides, the girls are pretty leveled headed and no one will mess with them."

Theo nodded, but he didn't like it. Benny looked out for them and often covered for them when they snuck out. He was also afraid because he knew Momma was scared about him going. Daddy said he'd be ok, but he could read his Momma. At night he felt her fear. His big sister was scared too, because she too felt Momma's fear. BJ promised them that if Benny needed him, he was headed west. So they had no reason to worry.

That pack scared his family. He didn't like it. Benny hugged his uncle as he sensed his apprehension. He took a moment to read the others in the house and felt s strong sense of foreboding from grandmother. grandfather was with her, and he reassured her.

Benny knew they weren't really afraid, but concerned. The events from over three decades ago were still an open sore in his family and it needed to be cleansed so it could heal. He also knew that felt that going there was not necessary even Kyra had talked to him about the trip. She, more than the others, understood why he needed to go. Benny returned home, feeling torn. He was excited to go, but hated leaving his loved ones behind. As he lay in his room contemplating, Uncle BJ stopped by.

BJ walked to his sister's home feeling apprehensive. In many ways he felt like a failure, because young Benny was doing something he felt he should have done. As the oldest male in the family, he should have gone back years ago and confronted their former pack. He didn't. It never crossed his mind to go back. He wanted to talk with his nephew. He was proud of the young Benson. If he didn't have Julianne and their kids, he would be traveling back with him.

"Benny, look, I want you tell you I'm proud of you nephew. If you need me, call. I'm on the next flight out. Especially if the Jael... I mean if anyone gives you grief, call me." BJ added. He detested the Jael pack. He was really young, but he recalled the males forcing his mother to leave with them. Momma was brave. She would always leave and she never allowed them to be around her pups. When Ralph snatched Celia, which was the final straw, Momma cried. He was yet a babe and couldn't protect them, but now as a man if one hair on his nephew was touched. He would singlehandedly make them pay.

BJ, baby, calm down. He will be fine. His mate Julianne sent. Her voice helped him center, and he continue to offer words of encouragement to his nephew. Benny idolized his uncle. Often he spoke of going back to their old pack but it was never the right time. When he first mentioned to his uncle his desire to seek answers, BJ expressed concern. However, he understood. He was integral in convincing Momma and Grandma in letting him go.


Jonathan Ivanovo wanted to go to the compound. His Were brother, Theo, was upset. He could sense it through their bond. He knew Benny was going to California for school and Theo didn't want him to go. Theo called him earlier and asked if he could stay over. He couldn't because it was a school night, and his parents found out what he and Theo had gotten into a week ago.

However, Momma wanted to say good bye to Benny and the Alpha twins, as well as the other young ones that were leaving home. They were going to school in California. Dad wanted to see the young men and women also. He considered them his kids and wanted to be there for them when they embarked on the next part of their lives. Jonathon also knew the rest of his family would be there along with their kids. Although they were vampires, they considered members of the Loess Pack a part of them. So each and every member wanted to celebrate with the young. It was the same every year. Whether it was one of the Alpha children or the child of an Omega wolf, the vampires celebrated with them.

Jonathan called his brother. Theo, we're coming tonight. Let's talk then. Look, Dad says all of them will be guarded and you know he always keeps his word. I'll be there soon, OK.

Ok, Jon, let's convince them to let us have a sleepover. Javier can come too. Maybe we can get Celia to let Nickie stay. Amie can go to BJ's with the little kids. he sent.

Both boys' parents had already refused a sleepover, but they learned if they stuck together they could often wear their parents down. The tricky part was getting Nickie's mom and dad to agree. Blaine was super strict on his niece. It wasn't surprising; all of their parents were diligent when it came to their safety.

Momma said no, and she is already upset with me, so I need to get back on her good side, Theo. Beside, Amie told her about what we did last week. Maybe we should ask for next weekend. Jonathan sent.

Theo contemplated what his friend said and agreed. Now was not a good time to press their luck. They could always sneak in and visit each other, and maybe if they were extra good, they would get a reprieve next week. Besides, they'd get to see each other tonight as well as all of their other cousins.

Ok, I'll see you at the party. Momma's calling. Gotta go. Theo ended their conversation.

"Theo, Margaret and Lakota are here. Let's go see them" Nina called once again. She knew the Gaines alphas brought their entire brood and loved to see all of them when they visited. Theo loved his extended family, so he rushed down anxious to visit the alpha home.


At the Alpha home, BJ and Julianne met the new arrivals. Julianne enthusiastically greeted her new siblings and cousins as everyone shared in the jubilation of being together. The children were happy to see their grandparents. Of course the grandparents spent a few minutes spoiling each kid. Eventually everything calmed down and Marisol went off on her own as she often did.

Marisol was a year younger than Benny, but because she studied and worked extremely hard, she would graduate early and start college in the Spring. She was excited, because although Benny was traveling west, she was going to LSU where her Mama and Aunt Celia attended school. Marisol was edgy. Not because her cousin was leaving, but the memories came back.

Last night was the worst.

Momma was on the phone. Josh called and was screaming at her to get out of the house. Marisol could hear him, then something happened and the phone was quiet. Momma was shaking, she looked at Marisol and sent, Marisol, hide. Take Javier and Rosita in the back room- Bam.... the door flew open and a wild man stood. The man was huge, part human-part animal.

She recalled that his eyes glowed as he glared at Momma. He grabbed her and she screamed. Momma fought him and he hit her. Marisol, wanted to help fight, but she could only do as Momma said, run and hide.

Javier was heavy and Rosita was crying loudly. It was hard trying to hide them as she listened to the man attack her mother. Then she heard a loud pop. Then it was silence. It was then she carried the baby and ran back to see about momma when the man pointed a big black gun at them. She covered her baby brother and sister, right before she felt pain.

Sirens, she remembered hearing sirens and the strange man ran out. She blacked out wondering where Josh had gone. Every since they left that last pack, Josh tried to help them but he kept buying strange pills. The next time she woke up, she remembered seeing Papa. He swore to her that she was safe. He even promised to catch the man that hurt Momma and he did.

Marisol remembered waking, covered in sweat, shaking. That was years ago, yet if seemed like it just happened. Rosita was sitting on her bed watching her.

"You had the dream again, didn't you?" Rosita asked her big sister. Tears streaming down her cheeks, because it hurt her to see Marisol so tortured. She also remembered those horrible events from years ago, but she was younger than Marisol. Barely three when their mother was killed. She knew that Marisol never talked about it much, only in therapy. Mama and Papa, made sure they got help. Even Javier saw a therapist and he was a baby, with no memories at all.

"Rosita, don't say anything to Mama or Papa ok. You know they'll overreact. I'm fine; it was just a bad dream." Marisol explained. She hugged her baby sister, and for a few moments they cried silently, together. But Rosita knew that was untrue, it was a horrible memory. It was a memory no child should ever have to relive.

Marisol wondered why the man came after them. Why did he hurt her mother? She loved her parents. They were everything a little girl could want. But, she never really got over seeing her mother die. She never talked about it, and Rosita figured out that she had bad dreams. Javier worried about her as well. However, as the oldest of all of them, she had to protect the younger ones. Tonight was special, not time to rehash bad memories. The family was celebrating, and despite her issues, she would enjoy her time with her favorite cousin.

Benny noticed when she wandered off. Marisol was his biggest supporter, but he worried about leaving her on her own. "Mari, girl come on and enjoy the party." He called.

Marisol looked at her cousin and smiled. "I am. I'll be glad when it's over and you guys are out. Maybe then I can finally have a normal life." She and Benny laughed. "Yea, but just remember, I have guys watching out. If anyone tries anything, I deal with them when I get back."

Marisol laughed, "Benny I'm almost eighteen. In a few months I'll be in Louisiana with Grandma, so there. She teased, sticking her tongue out at him. When I go to school, I can date whomever I want and there won't be anything you can do about it." she asserted.

"She's right, Benny. In a few years I can too, as well as Rosita, then what?" Nickie teased joining her brother.

Benny frowned when Ares joined him. "Benny, Dad won't allow it, and you know with BJ, Gustavo, Uncle Blaine and Uncle Thaddeus, these girls will be on complete lockdown. As for Mari, Lakota will not let her out of his sight." Ares reminded his cousin. Others joined them, as they continued to banter back and forth. Soon, more family members arrived and the party was in full swing. Marisol had fun with all of her cousins, and for a little while, the bad memories faded away.

The night went on and Garrick, their adopted uncle who happened to be a vampire, wanted to address the boys. "Ares, Benny, boys, do you remember everything I told you about the area?" he asked. He had taken every precaution to ensure they had safe passage across the vast pack lands. The boys were traveling and he made sure they had safe houses to report to if the need arose. However, he assigned several member of his team to shadow them and prevent an attack of any kind. He made a vow to this pack decades ago and he would honor his word. Besides, these boys were his family and he would always protect them.