Bound 02: Tied


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April back tracked a bit to clarify, "By vanilla I just mean not rough. It - you - were - are - amazing. I just, generally, like things a little - different."

A mental image flashed of my legs spread, tied to the coffee table as April pounded into my dripping pussy, my hands tied behind me so I couldn't touch her, but I could still feel her pressing into me, through me, possessing every inch of me.


Unable to formulate a logical response I went on the defensive instead, "You mean like Fifty S-"

"Stop right there," cutting me off she leaned back in her chair a moment with her eyes closed. It looked like she was attempting to regulate her breathing. Her eyes popped open and locked with mine. "We are going to be open and honest here or we aren't doing this. Okay?"

My inner brat wanted to respond, but there was something about the edge to April's tone that let me know how completely serious she was. I didn't think I would lose my friend, but if I played this wrong I would surely lose any chance I had at more and the way I ached for her I definitely needed more.

"Open and honest," I replied adjusting my posture and placing my hands in my lap.

"Honestly," April started, her eyes locked with mine, "I owe you an apology."

I tried to respond to tell her she'd done nothing she needed to apologize for and she held up a finger to keep me from speaking. "No, I do. I am not into games, you know that about me. I have, however, wanted you for a very long time and I tried to keep that under wraps. A couple weeks ago that all came rushing out in a way it shouldn't have. We should have discussed things first."

I sighed, "April, I have wanted you too. People have sex and discuss things later all the time. It is part of the natural course of things."

"I want more than sex," was April's soft response. The implication behind her words flooded my spirit with ripples of joy and possibility even as my body hummed and throbbed with anticipation of potentially getting sex.

"I think we are close enough to admit anything between us would be more than sex," I whispered in response.

April smiled. "Ok, I am apparently doing a bad job of this. Let me - I will describe something that happened with one of my exes and you let me know how it makes you - feel."

My curiosity piqued I nodded slowly.

"My ex was a tease. She was submissive, but she was also controlling. It was an interesting mixture for sure. She had this tendency to provoke punishment."

At this I raised an eyebrow. I knew what submissiveness was and so the reference to her ex as submissive meant April was dominant. I was trying to process what that implied for April in regard to me when the word "punishment" entered the equation and my brain had a whole new slew of things to contemplate. "What do you mean, punishment?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, it varied, her favorite was spankings. She loved to be spanked to orgasm. Given this, one of the best punishments for her was an extended spanking and delayed orgasm. Have you ever -"

I shook my head no before she could even finish the question. I had experienced male lovers in the past who'd smacked my ass once or twice while taking me from behind, but that was the extent of it. The idea of any of them putting me over their knee and spanking me like - like - a child made my want to hunt them all down and hurt them very badly. Yet, in the moment, remembering the tone in April's voice as she called me a slut and made my body implode made me think April spanking me would be more of a turn on than I could ever imagine.

"Tell me little one, what do you think of the idea of being spanked? What do you think of you, lying across my lap, ass bare my hand delivering blow after blow to that delicious ass of yours. Each touch of my hand would cause two things to happen at once. First it would cause a fire to spread across your ass it would sting, there would be pain, but it would force you downward so that second your exposed pussy would press greedily against my thigh. Each touch would stimulate your clit, but even as you focused on it you wouldn't be able to. You would be focused on counting each smack for me. If you stopped or lost track we'd begin again."

She paused briefly then, just watching my reactions to her words. I couldn't react though, all I could do was imagine. All I could do was fight the urge to go and throw myself over her lap right then. I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me. I was, without reservation, willing to try almost anything with April even though with anyone else I knew I would be reserved and hesitant.

"Little one, I would train you to orgasm that way, by my command and if you came without permission there would be some other discipline imposed. Do you know why?"

Quietly I shook my head no. Because she was a control freak was my guess, but I didn't think those words would get me what I wanted.

"Because," she continued earnestly, "if we do this - if you are over my knee and I am spanking you it will be because you have given yourself to me. It will mean that your release and pleasure is mine to control."

I shivered.

She smiled.

"Are you okay with that? Are you okay with giving me control - submitting to me?"

"Yes." Was my response before my brain could catch up with what I was actually committing to. The word "submit" actually caught me off guard. I never backed down to anyone. I was taught to be strong, stand my ground, and always be in control and prepared for battle. Submission was not something I had ever considered and yet I had agreed without a second's hesitation.

April's head tilted a little to the side as she stared at me, "Little One - have you ever considered this path - submission - before?"

I shook my head no, then took a deep breath, "Well..."

I saw an eyebrow arch and curiosity creep into her eyes. "There were these dreams?"



"Well," she started softly, "what happened in these dreams?"

I gulped, telling her quickly about the most recent dream where she tied my hands and fucked me senseless on the edge of the couch.

"Did you cum?" Was her only response. Her body was visibly tense. It was a posture of control that I had never understood before but now realized she wore all of the time.

I thought briefly about what started the chain reaction in the dream and repeated the words to April. Her eyes closed briefly, her chest rose and fell with the deep breath she was taking. When she opened her eyes again her voice was calmer than I had ever heard it. "When you woke up, had you orgasmed."

I nodded yes, almost guiltily. Then shook the guilt away, she'd ignored me for two weeks and we'd had no agreement I had done nothing wrong. "I wanted you and you wouldn't even touch me. My body needed..."

"Ssh little one, I am not upset. Just trying to understand how I affect you. Come here."

I stood quickly and walked to where she sat. She glanced up at me where I stood over her and then glanced back down to the space between her knees where she had just parted her legs. I lowered myself to the floor kneeling between her legs hoping for my first touch of her since that night so long ago.

April did not disappoint. Her fingers cupped my chin tilting my face up to hers where our eyes locked. "I do want you to be Mine."

"I already am," I replied on a long moan as I turned my face so that my cheek now rested flat against her palm.

April groaned and shifted a bit before abruptly pulling me up so that I was cradled awkwardly in her lap. "You test my control. We have to talk about boundaries."

I nuzzled against her neck, taking in her scent and closeness fighting to decide whether I just wanted to curl up in her energy and fall asleep or whether I wanted to try and force a reaction - now that we were back to touching - that would get me taken, fucked and put to sleep. "More talk?" I questioned on a whine.

"Yes. You are Mine, as such I am responsible for you, your pleasure and your safety. Always. That means I need to know your boundaries and limits. I am open to testing and exploring these, of course, but I need to know your absolute hard stop points."

I quickly flashed back to my google searches on the BDSM lifestyle, "You mean like safe words and such?"

I felt April nod, her chin now on top of my head. "Yes, though I hope to one day build a connection where we are so in tune a safe word isn't needed. I also mean things like your kinks. I need to know if you are one hundred percent against anal, or water sports, or threesomes. I need to know if tickle play turns you off. Again, there are some things that we will learn as we go. Things to be understood as I train, push and test you. There are somethings that you know beforehand that you absolutely do not like and that we should not explore. I will not do those things. I just need you to tell me, honestly, what they are."

I thought about that briefly. I trusted April and I had wanted her so long I was pretty much down for anything. There were a few things I was absolutely not into and I relayed those to her in a short quick list. She smiled down at me and agreed they weren't her area of desire either while assuring me she would respect my boundaries. We decided that for as long as I felt I needed one my safe word would be "golden."

She chuckled when she realized it was because of our love of The Golden Girls and admitted thinking of those ladies would serve to bring everything to a full stop.

Something occurred to me and I asked softly, "What did you mean by train?"

"Well you are," she tilted her head, "from our brief time together, and those dreams you've been having, it's pretty obvious that you're a little cum slut."

The ache inside of me had calmed a bit. Talking to April was intoxicating but being wrapped up in her arms had served to calm my libido and start playing more havoc with my emotions. Hearing her call me a cum slut put everything else back into motion as well. I think I literally squirmed on her lap.

"Training is about exploring that with you. It'll be about seeing how big a cum slut you can be for me. It's about reigning it all in so that it's only for me. Also," here she cupped my face and turned it up to meet hers, "it's about training you to be good girl. You want to be my good girl right, little one?"

I nodded slowly, unable to process the feelings tied to the ache alternating between my chest and my soaked pussy. Fundamentally I understood what April was getting at, but I didn't really understand my reaction to it or her. There was part of my brain acknowledging and accepting this for the way things were and needed to be. There was a smaller part in my brain trying to figure out what the fuck was going on and when my personality had done a complete 180.

I smothered that last part and decide to try and point us in the realm of less talking.

"I missed your touch. It drove me insane that you wouldn't even hug me."

April nodded again, "I didn't want to take advantage before you knew what you were getting in to."

"Well," I paused, "I know now. Care to take advantage?"

April chuckled, "stand up little one."

I groaned, not wanting to leave the comfort of her warmth, but I did as I was told.

April looked up at me with a possessive smile on her face, "You are beautiful. I think if you knew how hard I've had to fight over the last few years... I think you'd run away screaming. Anyway, we are here now. I want to take you in. I'm going to read my book. You have a half hour to shower and present yourself, naked, on your bed for me."

"But -"

I saw the look in her eyes harden just a little and a jolt slid down my spine and forced my already engorged clit even more at attention. I turned without another word and made a hasty retreat to the bathroom.

Quick showers weren't usually my thing but this one was basically just an exercise in freshening up. Once that was accomplished I did a quick shaping, trim, and or removal of all body hair. I restyled my locs into a bed ready state and added my normal subtle lotion scents. For good measure, at the last second, I put on the silver ankle bracelet April had gotten for me a couple birthdays ago.

When the timer went off on my phone I was crawling to the middle of my bed and trying to determine how to position myself. I thought I heard April in the hall and settled on an awkwardly seductress wannabe pose. One arm lay across the pillows, one lay across my rounded tummy while one leg bent at the knee, but crossed the other leg forcing me open without actually exposing anything.

April stood in the doorway looking my body over slowly. I swear every place her eyes touched tingled and sent fires racing directly to my groin. I would be lying in a puddle soon. When her eyes made their way back to my face she said, "Good girl," she offered, then, "you're gorgeous."

I smiled at the compliment as I looked her over. She'd changed to a tank top and matching lounge pants - her general sleep wear. Her feet were bare, and her shoulder length hair pulled back off her face. Her posture was that tense and controlled one I'd picked up on earlier and I couldn't tell whether she was going to pounce on me or just hold up my door frame all day. The raw desire and power I felt emanating off of her made my mouth drool and I wondered how I had missed it for so long. Were my eyes open for the first time or was April secretly a chameleon? To April I offered, "You aren't so bad yourself."

"Relax, little one," she offered. "Just lie there naturally."

I wondered how the hell she thought I would pull that off with her so close to me while I was naked. I wanted her and I hoped she would come closer soon. As if reading my thoughts, she headed for the chair in the corner of my bedroom. As she pulled the chair, only slightly closer, to the bed I rearranged myself a bit pulling myself up against my pillows and spreading my legs just a bit to give April a view of damp thighs.

April looked at the movement and smiled briefly. Obviously, I was horrible at being subtle, "When you were a kid," she started, "did you ever want something - a toy - so bad You thought you may actually die if you never got it. You'd never actually played with it, so you weren't sure how it worked, per se, but you just knew you had to have it. Then you get it, and you have to read the instruction manual or let it run a few seconds so you can figure out all the buttons and applications."

I nodded. I was confused at the conversation line, but I knew exactly what she meant.

"Good." her eyes locked on mine, "You're my new toy little one, show me how you work."

My breath caught. I literally could not breathe. April wanted me to play - a hilarious phrasing given her example story - while she watched. Oh God.

"I want you, April, not my fingers."

April's head tilted, "I thought you were Mine - my good girl. The first lesson of training little one is trust. Trust that I will always protect you and take care of you. Trust that I will always make sure that you receive the pleasure and release you are due and deserve."

"I trust you."

"Good. Show me how My toy works."

I took a deep sigh and shlyly said, "I've never... I don't know..."

Softly April replied, "run your fingertips along the side of your neck and slowly down between your breasts."

I did as I was instructed without hesitation. My body instantly responded and every place my fingers trailed became covered in goose bumps.

"Touch yourself little one. Tease your breasts and nipples as though I am not here. I want to learn what brings You pleasure."

I moaned low and then, once again, did as I was instructed. Normally I didn't really bother with torturing my breasts or nipples during masturbation. I utilized toys and my fingers to spend time teasing and torturing my aching pussy. At that moment, I remembered why. Every single touch was putting my brain further and further into a frenzy. I spent so much time teasing the meaty flesh of my breasts and making trails around my freckled marked areolas that my nipples were full and swollen before I had even touched them.

"Are your nipples sensitive," April asked in a whispered voice. It was a new tone, not a whisper because it was raspy or hesitant, but one born of a cool and calculating control.

"Uhhuh," I responded as I used two fingers to dance around and down the length of the elongated peaks while I pinched them gently.

"Harder," April commanded.

I pulled the right nipple between two of my fingers and pulled, the effect on my clit was immediate and I had to clench my thighs.

"Harder," April commanded again.

Trying for the good girl medal of the day I followed her command again and the pain pleasure spike was so intense I involuntarily bolted up right. As I did April was there pushing me back down with one hand as her tongue lapped gently at my tortured nipple.

My moans sprang forth instantly as my hands found their place in her hair and tried to hold her head to my breast. I arched my body closer, wanting more even though I wasn't exactly sure what more looked like at the moment.

Before I could figure that out my hand was pulled out of her hair and pinned above my head. Her mouth had left the nipple I had just pulled until my clit spasmed. It had now found a home on the other nipple. This one she rolled with her tongue before sucking between her lips. I was having a hard time catching my breath and then she took the nipple between her teeth and tongue. My body reacted almost immediately. It tried to arch up as the fiery pain-pleasure in my nipple channeled directly to my clit. Except, this time April's weight held me down forcing me to lay and process every second of the surge.

"So close..." I mumbled as my hips began moving of their own accord, working to hump air because my pussy ached to be filled and my clit throbbed for pressure.

April looked up at me, my breast filling her mouth, her tongue dancing along the tip of my nipple. She let go just long enough to say, "Do not cum until I tell you to."

Then she was back at it, alternating from using her teeth to bite, pull, and tease while using her tongue to lick and soothe. She devoured one breast and headed to the other all while keeping me pinned to the bed. In turn I begged and pleaded with her to just fuck me, to make me cum. She did not give in and eventually it became too much. On one last pull between her teeth my hips arched, and my pussy convulsed with my first orgasm. My head thrashed back and forth. I mumbled April's name over and over.

She'd just made me come with no clitoral stimulation or any type of penetration. My mind was completely blown. Once again, I was having a hard time catching my breath.

In my ear I heard the fiercest whisper I'd ever heard, "bad, cum slut."

I tried to respond but April's mouth was on mine and she was kissing me hard. Her tongue forced my mouth open and dominated my mouth the way she had taken over my nipples. No longer pinned my hands found my way into hair again. I felt her moan and the kiss intensified. She shifted, I thought to lay on top of me, but instead pulled away and stood.

"You haven't listened slut. You move when you are told to stay still, touch when you are not supposed to, and orgasm without permission. You make me wonder if you can be a good toy for me. Can you be trained, will you learn?"

I gulped. April's eyes were on fire and all I wanted was for her to come back and touch me again, "Yes," I whispered, "please teach me. I want to -"

I paused for a second as the reality swept over me, "I want to be a good girl for you."

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jokesterbmjokesterbm11 months ago

Loved the two parts, but I feel like you're just setting down the rules before the "good" stuff begins. Since part 2 was written in 2018, should we give up expecting anything more? If you're writing somewhere else, I'd love to know where so I can read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Pleeeeease continue...

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 3 years ago

Such a beginning they are making. This will be a long, enjoyable series at this rate. Or you could jump ahead, and give us a few key flashback scenes.

You've really got something good going here.

Even if you never finish it, your writing is good. You should always find some way to write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Please keep writing this and stories like this. I didn’t know how much I needed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More Please!

Your story's on a roll! Keep up the great work. Can't wait for chapter 3......

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