Three Entitled Girls Ch. 02

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Athletic girl and her friends take advantage of her crush.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/19/2022
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Eric is feeling like shit right now. He's been close with Anna ever since they were children and there is nothing he hates more than hurting someone's feelings, especially a person he cares about. There are very few people the boy cares about as much as her. Yet he couldn't avoid hurting her feelings. It makes him detest himself for being so oblivious for so long. If only he knew beforehand and managed to resolve this before her feelings got so strong. No, he wouldn't have done that. The teen knows he would have gone out with her if she confessed to him first before he met Clara at the community college.

But he can't just dump his girlfriend to go out with his sister's friend. First, he really does love Clara. Also, he doesn't want to be a sort of two timing slut. Doing what he just considered would make him a hoe. He can't do that. It's not right to just break up with Clara because Anna, who is much hotter, wants him. Nope, he loves Clara and only Clara. He is staying with her and not breaking up with her for Anna. That is the conclusion that he reaches, when someone else walks into his room, this time a brunette instead of a blonde.

"Hi, Eric!" Blair, another of his sister's friends, approaches him and hugs the slender boy. "Good to see you back home again. Did you have fun at college?" The dork smiles at her. She is another girl he has always seen like a little sister. He gently pets her head, making her coo. Eric doesn't think much of it, the way he never does. They embrace for a few seconds before releasing each other. It makes Blair blush to be in his arms but she manages to hide it well and he doesn't notice anything, remaining the oblivious geek he has always been.

"Yeah, it was really good," he mutters, before frowning. "There's something though. I got a girlfriend and Anna is sad. I had no idea she's in love with me. Is she okay right now? Did you talk to her after she left my room?" Blair has to hide a grin at how he is unaware of the fact that the girl he is worrying about is planning to rape him soon. She pretends to be solemn, wearing a serious expression on her pretty face as she tuts, looking into his cute eyes as he frowns.

"Oh, Anna's alright, I guess. I mean, she cried for a bit but then stopped," she informs him. He is worried at hearing the word 'cried' but relieved once she said that that's already stopped. That means she isn't too wounded by his words. It still makes him feel terrible though, so much so that he doesn't notice Blair trying not to giggle. The girl finds it so adorable how he is so concerned about Anna while Anna is busy coming up with ideas of how she is going to violate him. She even said that the fact that she's going to do all those dirty things to him against his will is the hottest thing about all this.

"Well, that's good to hear. I'll go talk to her later to make sure she's fine. Feel like such an asshole for making her cry," Eric berates himself as she rubs his back soothingly, telling him not to blame himself for what happened. She finds it hard to stop herself from touching his ass, given how adorable Eric is. Being close to him is making her feel light-headed. The girl doesn't love him the way Anna is but she does want to play with his dick. That's all there is in it for her. No sex or relationship, just some fun. Fortunately Anna consented to that and now she's really looking forward to it.

"By the way, did you two have sex yet?"

Eric sputters for a moment, before admitting "No. We're both still virgins. Decided to wait until marriage."

"Hmmm, yeah. Why don't you give your girlfriend a call and let her know you've arrived back home now?" Blair suggests, deciding to let the couple have one final sweet moment together before she, Jenna and Anna tear that apart. "She's going to want to know, isn't she? Then you can come join us later." Eric thinks about that for a moment, considering her words, before nodding in response and walking over to fetch his phone.

"You're right. She'd want to know," he answers. "Thanks for being here for me, Blair. Before I go talk to her, could you also please tell Anna that I'm really sorry for hurting her feelings? I'll tell her that myself again but just not at the moment. I'll be there soon." Blair nods and walks out of the room, a mischievous smirk on her beautiful features as she thinks of the havoc she and her friends are about to wreak. The girl barely manages herself from cackling madly as she heads back to the room where Jenna is waiting with Anna, examining the ropes.

Eric looks at the phone in his hand. He still feels guilty about hurting Anna's feelings, despite Blair telling him that she's doing okay now. A part of him really wishes he knew about her love for him first, before Clara snagged him. But he is in love with Clara now and can't just dump her for Anna, just because Anna is sexier and he has known her for much longer. He can not just listen to his dick like some jackass and abandon the girl he loves who also loves him, just like Anna does.

As he dials the number, the boy sits on the edge of his bed, looking outside the window. He stares at the potted plants, observing the little birds flying around them. It is a beautiful view, one that he never tires of, despite having watched every morning for many years now. Eric really loves the serenity of it all, enjoying nature. It is so easy to get absorbed in and he can't help finding himself distracted from all of his worries as he looks at the clear blue sky. The troubles slowly begin to disappear from his mind.

"Hey, baby!" Clara greets once she's picked up the phone and accepts the call. "How's it going over there? You got home already?" Her bubbly voice cheers him up a great deal as he listens to her. Talking to her is going to make him feel much better than he is feeling right now. That's one of the things he loves most about her. The way she knows all the right words to make him brighten up. Calling her is the right thing to do when he is feeling depressed, knowing she will help him feel better after what has happened.

"There is something we need to talk about, honey," he says to her. He takes a deep breath, before saying. "My sister's best friend made a move on me and grabbed my balls. Before you say anything, I quickly moved away. I also told her that I already have you as a girlfriend and that I love and don't want to cheat on you. I just thought I should tell you that now." The boy waits anxiously for her to reply, listening to her breathing on the other end of the call. He couldn't tell what she is feeling right now just from the sound of that.

"Well, I must say that she has excellent taste," Clara finally murmurs. He thinks he can hear a smile in her voice but isn't quite sure of it yet. "Just as long as you told her you can't be with her, we're good. Thanks for calling to tell me about it, babe." Eric lets out a sigh of relief, pleased that she trusts him and isn't upset about it. He knows he didn't do anything wrong but was still briefly concerned about her potential reaction to the matter. Now Eric knows he doesn't have to worry about anything at all and can relax, no longer fearing outrage or indignation from the girl he loves.

"Thank you so much for being so understanding, Clara," he tells her. "I love you so much. I really miss you. Wanna have phone sex later? I'd say right now but I'm still a bit tired after unpacking." He stretches out languidly on the mattress, gazing up at the ceiling as he waits for her reply. This time the boy could hear her breathing harder, a sign of lust. Yes, she'd definitely say yes to his request. Why wouldn't she? She enjoys it as much as he does.

"Of course, sweetie. I love you," Clara says and he says the same thing to her, before they end the call and he decides to start light reading. He has no idea at all what the three girls next door are conspiring to do to him and would not be relaxing and chilling out like this if he did. Had he known what they are talking about, he would be properly freaking out and trying to escape. Instead, Eric is sitting here, oblivious once again to what is about to happen to him next.

Blair is giggling with Anna as they sit on Jenna's bed, discussing some nasty ideas. Jenna listens and also chuckles, enjoying hearing her friends talking about her brother like he is a piece of meat. The conversation is turning all of them on as they go through various concepts together, trying to come up with the best ones that they will keep and use. She could feel her cunt get very wet at the thought of jacking her helpless brother off herself. If he thought he could spend years prancing about in front of them, looking so fucking cute, and then get away without getting fucked, he was seriously wrong. Anna was so happy when Blair told her that Eric's still a virgin.

"Oh I know. We could take turns sitting on his face and make him eat us out until we all cum at least three times each," Blair suggests with a giggle, combing through her curly hair as Anna laughs, nodding at her idea. "I bet he'd look so adorable with our juices all over his pretty little face."

"Hey, my darling brother is always adorable," Jenna says.

"True," both of the other girls immediately agree, swooning.

"Although, he'd look extra cute when his face is completely drenched," Blair remarks, and the three of them collapse into another bout of giggling.

"Alright, well I don't mind you two stroking his cock or even sucking him off, but the only one who gets to fuck him is me, okay?" Anna says with seriousness. "I really mean it. I love that boy and want to marry and grow old with him. Only I will get to fuck his lovely cock." She isn't going to let it get too far and wouldn't let the other two girls have actual sex with the boy she loves. No, Eric is hers. The other two can only have a little bit of fun and nothing more than that.

"Of course, Anna. You know I'm only looking to have a bit of fun and nothing serious with Eric," Blair quickly assures her golden haired friend. "We know that he is yours and yours alone." Jenna nods at this, making Anna smile, happy that they understand what this is all about. "You just make sure you fuck him really good, okay? Make him cum several times until he's knocked out. Break his mind with your pussy. Then we can show his girlfriend that you've taken him."

"And you know he is my brother, so I won't be having full on sex with him," Jenna adds. "Most I'll do is just suck his dick before you put it in your tight cunt. Get him all warmed up for you, you know? Bet he'll blow a really big load inside your hole."

"Loads, Jenna. Loads." Anna corrects her best friend. They all high five before Jenna leaves the room, prepared for action.


Eric is inspecting ingredients in the kitchen, making sure he has enough supply of everything. He is pleased to see that the supply of white pepper is still full. It is, after all, the boy's favourite ingredient to cook with. The teen hums to himself as he gets a towel to wipe the counter clean and ensure that his work space is hygienic, taking cooking very seriously. It is his favourite hobby and he intends to do it well, which also involves making sure no one gets sick from eating his food. Especially not his parents and little sister, all of whom he cares a great deal about.

Jenna watches her cute brother work diligently. Her cunt is soaked as she looks at him, excited about what she is going to do soon. It makes her snicker to think about how the naive boy expects to save himself for marriage, having no idea that he is about to be violently deflowered by a gang of horny girls. She feels herself tremble slightly from anticipation. The girl has never done anything so crazy before in her entire life but has no intention of backing out now, not when she is about to get exactly what she wants.

"Eric! I was wondering if I might ask you for some advice," she says to her brother, making him pause and turn to look at her, a confused smile adorning his endearing face. "It won't take very long, I promise. Then you can get back to cleaning the kitchen. I just really want to hear your opinion on it." He places the towel down and then walks over to her, wanting to help out his sister in any way he can. It's what makes him the perfect brother, really. How kind he is to her and her friends, not knowing about their designs for him.

"Sure! Go ahead, sis. You know you can ask me anything." He looks at her as she appears nervous, not knowing that it is all just part of an elaborate act designed to dupe him into going along with what she is about to say. "Come on, why are you being so nervous? Is it something bad? Did something happen?" He looks at her, waiting for her to just tell him what on earth is going on that is making her feel so anxious talking to him, despite him always making sure to be a cool brother. Whenever she had a problem, he was always there to listen and she knows that, so why is she being so skittery now? He can only desperately hope she didn't do anything terribly wrong.

"Well, it's about a guy I really like," she begins. Eric gestures for her to go on, now curious. His sister has never, ever mentioned anybody so this must be someone she met during the time he was away from home. "He is really nice and I want to have sex with him. That is what I want to talk to you about. I need some sex advice from you, my dear big brother." He suddenly feels very awkward but tries to hide it, choosing to help her as much as he could before running off. What else is he supposed to do?

"I suppose you already know about the use of contraceptives?" he asks his sister tentatively, watching her nod her head to give an affirmative answer. The boy sighs. "Well, that's a good thing. As much as I adore kids, I'm not ready to be an uncle yet. No money to spoil nieces or nephews, you know? Just be careful." That's really all he can give her in the form of advice but she clearly seems to expect more from him from the way she is looking at Eric, making him feel slightly uncomfortable under her constant gaze. "I'm a virgin so I can't give you advice on positions or anything like that. All I can say is take it slow and don't get carried away. Make sure both you and the guy are ready for it."

"Thanks a lot, Eric. There's this thing though." She pauses for a second, acting as nervous as he can. "I'm very interested in exploring femdom. I've considered tying him up when we do have sex but I've never had any practice with it before. I was wondering if you could please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, let me practise on you? I'll tie you up but only so I can get a feel of how to do it and then I'll untie you."

Eric stares at her, surprised by all this. "Well, I suppose there is no harm," he says, not knowing what is about to happen to him. "You can do it but don't make it too tight." He crosses his arms behind his back and allows her to use a piece of rope to tie them together securely. Jenna then instructs him to lie down and he does so, letting her bound his ankles the same way, making the knots tight enough to prevent him from getting free. Soon, both his arms and legs are immobilised, with ropes being tied firmly around them to stop him from escaping.

"Okay, can you untie me now please?" Eric asks his little sister, only for her to chuckle and shake her head with a devious grin. "What do you mean no?"

"Alright, ladies! You can come in now."

Suddenly, Anna walks into the room, looking at the tied up boy with evident lust in her eyes, horny from seeing the love of her life tied up this way. He looks so ready for her to ravish him. Blair follows her, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she takes in the sight and high fives Jenna, all while Eric is staring at them, stunned.

"We're going to have so much fun with you," Blair says with a smirk on her bitchy face.

Eric is shocked by the sudden turn of events, not to mention confused. All three teenage girls are laughing at his predicament as he lies there, tied up and unable to escape from their grasps. The way Anna is eyeing him hungrily makes him feel very nervous as she and Blair approach his prone, vulnerable body. He twitches, struggling against the ropes but failing to get free. To his horror, the girls, including his sister, begin removing their shorts. He could clearly see Anna's white thong and Blair's and Jenna's panties. They remove these too, exposing their hairy cunts to him. He averts his eyes, not wanting to see this, as it would be cheating on his girlfriend. The girls then remove their shirts and bras, getting naked. It becomes impossible for him to resist peeking and his dick immediately pulsates at the sight of their round boobs, Anna's being the largest pair, of course.

"W W What are you three d d doing?" Eric stammers as Anna gets down on her knees next to his head, stroking the boy's hair affectionately. He can not believe what is going on at all and hopes that it is not what he thinks it is. Unfortunately, the way she and the others are staring at him with that damn predatory glint in their eyes doesn't raise much confidence. His heart is beating madly as she leans down so that the tips of their noses are almost touching each other, making him blush madly, much to her delight.

"Isn't it obvious, my love?" Anna asks rhetorically. "We're going to rape you." She then smashes her lips down against his, catching the boy by surprise. Eric thrashes about wildly but she holds his face in place with her strong hands, forcing the nerd to remain still as she probes inside his mouth with her warm tongue. Blair has crouched down by now and is looking intently at the tent in his pants, pleased to see it rising, becoming fully engorged. She and Jenna are getting so wet watching their friend take advantage of Eric like that and can't wait to join in on the fun.

"B B But I h have a g girlfriend!" Eric protests feebly once she detaches her full lips from his. "P P Please d don't do this to m me!" He is in tears now as his sister's best friend continues violating his mouth, tongue fucking him roughly. Anna unzips his pants and pulls it down to his ankles, using a pair of scissors to cut his boxers and T-shirt to shreds, making him completely nude. She then grabs a bottle of lubrication and squeeze a gentle amount onto the palm of her hand. The boy sobs as she reaches down with her hand to caress his hard shaft, squeezing Eric's tool as more blood rushes down to it. It is, as much as he hates to admit, much harder than it has ever been. Clara had never made him so erect before.

"That's bad for her," Blair says, now grabbing Eric's balls and rubbing them gently, making his dick throb. The brunette fondles him, taking part in violating the poor boy as he breaks down crying. She uses her fingers to carefully stimulate his backed up orbs, feeling all the semen in there. Her hand cups him, holding his balls as Anna continues to ravish the interior of his mouth. Blair could feel the precum seeping out of his mushroom tip, noting "You seem to be very turned on for someone who doesn't want this."

"I don't want this. Please stop," he sobs out in anguish as they continue to take advantage of him, begging them. "Jenna, please. I'm your brother. Don't let them do this to me. Please untie me." Anna is leaving a trail of kisses down one side of his neck, pressing her lips on his throat, over his Adam's apple. She places one of her hands on his hip while the other keeps on jacking him off, occasionally coming into contact with Blair's hand, which remains fixed on his balls.

"No can't do, bro. Your fault for pussyteasing my friend with your cute ways," she gasps as her fingers drive in and out of her cunt at the erotic sight in front of her. "I want my friend to be happy and if that means helping her rape you, I'll do it."

"That's right, baby," says Blair as she continues to squeeze Eric's nuts tenderly, feeling his balls heaving as he becomes more and more aroused. The horny girl enjoys rubbing Eric's balls as her friend kisses him and strokes his cock. "Blame yourself for being so freaking adorable." Her hand keeps on playing with the boy's crown jewel as she watches Anna moving her lips back to his and prying his mouth open with her tongue again, shoving it all the way inside, down to the back of his throat. It almost looks like she is trying to dislocate his jaw with that move. She nearly feels sorry for the crying boy. Nearly. Then she remembers how her horny friend has been desperate for so long and decides he deserves what is happening to him.