Three Can Be Company, Too


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The warm afternoon sun felt good on Nancy's skin. She enjoyed listening to her friend talk, and felt comfortable snuggled in her embrace. She asked her about other experiences she had.

"Actually, Mandy, Todd's girlfriend, and I got it on a couple times. Todd was screwing her in his room. I waited until the animal noises stopped, and waltzed in. Of course I was nude. Todd looked at me and hi. Mandy looked a bit surprised, but recovered and waved.

"I hope it was as good as it sounded," I said.

Todd smiled and Mandy said it was. I asked if they wanted something to drink. They agreed and I started to head downstairs. I heard something behind me and saw a naked Mandy coming along. She is very pretty. Mandy is about your height, dark hair, good boobs, and a neatly trimmed pussy. Since our parents were gone for the weekend, we felt free strolling through the house nude. I was digging in the fridge for beer when I felt Mandy's hand on my ass. I didn't jump, so she moved it from my cheek to between my legs and lightly caressed my puss. I stood and pulled her into my arms. We kissed passionately and let our hands discover the many erogenous zones of each other.

"Returning to Todd's bed, Mandy and I made out and Todd explored each of us. He and I then teamed up on Mandy. I ate her out as he had his dick sucked. In the end, I played with her clit as he screwed her. Afterwards as we were cuddling, Mandy said Todd had told her about what he and I do with each other. Mandy asked if I was ever with a woman and Todd said yes. Mandy said she always wanted to do it with a girl and found me really attractive. When I walked in and she saw me nude, it made up her mind. After that, we got together about four other times. Todd and I found a rhythm on how to please her. One time, she and I got together at her house and had a marathon girl on girl fuck session. She was an animal."

Nancy asked if that was how she and Todd seemed to act in unison when they were feeling her in front of the mirror.

"Guilty," said Gwen.

Nancy asked what else was doing in her sex life.

"Well, I did say I was bi-. It wasn't until later that I got physical with a boy again." Gwen continued. She had her face close to Nancy's head and Nancy could feel the air move as Gwen spoke into her ear. One of Gwen's hands had left her breast and was now softly scratching her pubic area.

"After the waitress, and after Henry, I did miss having a sexual relationship of my own. Todd and I mostly stopped what we liked to call our experimentation with Mandy. Once in a while we will have a mutual jerk-off session, and last week I joined him in the shower and jerked him off. He went down on me once when I was feeling totally alone. It was fun and I totally got off. God, the girls that lands him will be in for a real treat. But, we are not emotionally in love or anything, and I mean it.

"My man this year, and you probably will not believe this, was Phillip, the computer geek."

Nancy shrieked and turned around to face her friend. "No way. He is a nerd, and a geek. Like, you never even talked to him. Now, you're telling me you and he were lovers?"

Gwen smiled and kissed Nancy. This took Nancy by surprise, but she meekly kissed back. Gwen then turned Nancy back around, so she could continue embracing her. "Yes. And, he was fantastic."

Gwen shifted around to make herself more comfortable. She repositioned Nancy, and continued her tale, with her hand now between Nancy's legs and gently rubbing the warm, wet and tender slit.

"Remember Phillip and I were teamed up on that yearbook project back in October?"

"Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, you two did spend a lot of time together." Nancy took a deep breath, "Gwen, you are totally turning me on. Do you know that?"

"That's what I'm trying to do, Nance."

Nancy let out a long sigh.

"Well," picked up Gwen, "we had to work close to each other for a couple weeks. I mean physically close like sitting side by side. Phillip did most of the layout, and I did most of the creative ideas and writing of copy. But, the point is we were together a lot. He was shy, but as I got to know him, and got past his geeky appearance, with the bad haircut and ugly glasses, I guess I began to see the funny, smart and cute person underneath. I know this sounds like the classic Beauty and the Geek story, but it is true. I would have never even given him a second thought if we hadn't been forced to work together."

Gwen gently pushed Nancy forward, and squeezed out of the lounger. She promised to be right back and made Nancy promise to wait there.

True to her pledge, Gwen returned in a couple minutes with two fresh beers, and a light blanket. She repositioned herself behind Nancy, covered both of them with the blanket. She let her hands roam over Nancy's breasts and gently rub the damp slit between her lakes, evoking deep moans from Nancy. She then continued telling her story while they both drank out of the cans, and munched the salty pretzels.

"We were working on the football section, complete with pictures, stats, schedules, and all kinds of stuff. We were allowed to use the cameras to get pictures of the athletes in action. One afternoon we were working on the football page, and I commented that Doug, the quarterback, was a hunk. Phillip asked if I really thought so. I said yes, and that he had a fabulous body. Phillip asked if I'd ever seen Doug's body. I said only in his football uniform, or around school, but it sure looked good in clothes, so I was sure it looked even better naked. Now, I don't know why I said that, and I realize it was kind of stupid, but it just flowed from our conversation.

"Well, the next day we had scheduled an afternoon session to devote a couple solid hours finishing the football section. Phillip was already in the room when I showed up. He had the layout of the cover page of the football section in front of him. I noticed a sticky note on the monitor telling to review and select some of the photos in a file on the desktop. I opened the folder and began going through shots from games, practices and some posed pictures of the seniors in uniform.

"At the very end was a picture I never expected. There was Doug in the nude. I screamed and asked Phillip where he got that. He confessed he snuck the small digital camera into the locker room and got a shot of Doug as he was coming out of the shower. I just stared. Phillip then asked if I still thought Doug looked great. I had to admit, that he didn't. His body was flabbier than I imagined, and his penis seemed unusually small compared to his overall size. Then Phillip asked if I was curious? About what, I replied. He just pointed to another electronic folder on the desktop. It said "More?" I was curious, and opened it.

"A new nude male appeared in full color. It was Phillip. He was standing with his arms at his side and just staring into the camera. He must have used a timer to take his picture. I was shocked, not just by the fact he would do this, but by his body--it was much better than Doug's. Phillip had excellent muscle definition, a narrow waist, incredible legs and arms, and a much bigger private part. I asked if he had doctored any part of this picture, or enhanced certain areas. He assured me he didn't. I then put the two pictures side by side for comparison. It was even more amazing. Phillip looked much more the athlete than did Doug, and he was much sexier. I questioned him on his physique, and he admitted to doing a lot of weight training at home. I told him he looked very handsome. He blushed. It was strange that he could show me a naked picture of himself and not appear embarrassed, but a compliment made him scarlet.

"I then asked him if he had any other surprises to show me. He said no, but he did want to add one more picture--mine. I told him he must be crazy, but he persisted.

"Look, I've got the camera here, we're alone in the room. It will only take a second," he reasoned.

"What if someone came in? Never mind that, why would I want to do this?" I pushed back at him.

"I'll lock the door, so no one will come in. And, because I want to see you. I think you are beautiful and I want to take a picture of you naked."

"Sure, so you can show all your friends and have a good laugh at the flatest-chested girl in the senior class?" I was getting steamed.

"First, I don't have any friends to show it to. Second, even if I did, I would never do that to you. Third, I don't think you're flat, I think you are beautiful. I would really enjoy seeing you nude."

"Phillip, I don't think so. Besides, you still haven't given me one good reason to do this," I said.

"Because you want to," was all he said.

Gwen had to admit that the thought of stripping in front of him was darkly exciting, the idea of getting naked in a school room was naughty and tantalizing, and having someone take a nude shot of her did have a prurient appeal.

"I don't know, Phillip. God, if anyone ever saw..."

"No one but us will ever see this, I give you my word, Gwen."

"I don't know," was all Gwen could retort.

Phillip stood up and pulled Gwen up by the hand. He led her to an inside wall of the room, so no one looking in could see. He walked over and locked the door. He then returned to Gwen and slipped off her sweater that was loosely tied around her neck. He folded it and placed it on a chair he positioned next to her.

"The rest you must do," he spoke to her.

He retreated to where they were sitting and picked up the camera and then pulled a chair close to where Gwen was standing. He sat and waited, with a soft smile directed at her.

She hesitated, then, kicked off one shoe, followed by the other. Undoing her zipper, she then unbuttoned her jeans and slid them to the floor. She bent over and removed both her socks. Slowly, starting at the top button, she opened her blue oxford cloth shirt and peeled it off, letting fall on top of the jeans. All that remained was a camisole top and her bikini briefs, both in a light salmon color. She paused, as if some indecision, then hooked her thumbs in the band of her underwear, and inched them past her hips, knees, and finally her feet. She stood up facing Phillip with only the short camisole remaining, ending a few inches above the neatly trimmed thick, blond bush.

"Is this enough? You've got all the good parts showing," Gwen asked in a small girl voice.

"No. The rest, please."

Gwen sighed, and raised the camisole over her head. She fought the instinct to cover her breasts, and just let her arms drop to her side. She felt more naked than ever before in her life. She then noticed the look on Phillips face. It wasn't lust, but it was sensual. He looked not disappointed, but triumphant.

"You are beautiful. Now just stand there and let me capture you."

He took a number of pictures, and quietly asked her to turn around and then took some more. When he was finished, he thanked her, and said she should get dressed.

He turned his back, affording her privacy to replace her clothes. Strangely, she appreciated this gesture and understood he knew it would be much more awkward for her to get dressed in front of him than undressed.

When she had slipped her shoes back on, Gwen rejoined Phillip at the table. He had already uploaded the shots to his computer. He suggested they finish the layout and get back to the private shots later. They worked together for another hour and were satisfied with the look of the section. Phillip suggested they could substitute the locker room shot of Doug for the posed uniform one, but Gwen dissuaded him. When they finished, Phillip said it was time to look at her pictures.

Phillip brought up the first and Gwen was surprised to see herself unzipping her jeans. Then, there was a progression of shots as she undressed. Finally, Gwen saw a strange likeness of her nude self. Phillip adjusted the color and cropped it. He then hit print. In a minute an 8x10 glossy of the tall, thin Gwen spurted from the printer.

To Gwen, it was strange to see herself so exposed, and she tried to see this image through Phillip's eyes. She still saw a tall, slightly gawky girl, with nothing more than two nipples sticking out ridiculously far from her chest, and a mass of blond curls between her legs. She did have a pacific expression that seemed to belie the nakedness of her pose.

"Phillip, what are you going to do with this?"

"I'm going to make a copy for you and just keep it."

"Phillip, OK, but one change, please."

"What?" Phillip kept his attention on the picture in his hands.

"Can you put that shot of you on the same photo?"

Phillip chuckled. "Sure, why?"

"Phillip, it is the only way I will allow you to keep this. Put us together on this thing, or destroy it all."

Gwen thought he was going to object, but he said he would do it. In a series of moves and adjustments Phillip managed to align the two figures so they both peered out from their nakedness, oblivious to each other.

Gwen nodded approval.

"What about Doug?" asked Gwen.

"Well, we could make copies and put them in every locker in the school," offered Phillip.

"Yeah, but he would figure out you did it, and probably kill you. Let's just destroy it." Gwen knew this was the right thing to do, and Phillip deleted the picture from his files.

They then stood to leave, after Phillip shut down the lab. Gwen looked him straight in the eye. She pulled him to her and kissed him full on the lips.

"Phillip," she said breaking away, "you and I are going to fuck each other silly tonight, so let's get out of here."

Back at Gwen's house, they fulfilled her prediction. That evening began a relationship that spanned four months. Phillip turned out to be an eager, if inexperienced lover. Gwen could never get him to admit if she was his first or not. But, he was resourceful, and obtained reams of sexual advice and techniques from the internet and adult book stores. He and Gwen tried them all, and laughed themselves silly more than they thought possible while having sex. It was Phillip who guided Gwen through all the fine points of oral sex.

The best part was how much he loved her tits. He could never get enough of licking and feeling them. He wanted her to be topless all the time and loved just looking her. It did a lot to boost her confidence about her small breasts.

Their fling only ended when his family moved away over the spring holidays. His father was a big time systems engineer and took a job in Silicone Valley. Gwen missed him, missed his friendship, and missed the incredible and fun time they had developing their own sexual base of experiences.

From the time Phillip moved away, until now Gwen admitted to a life of abstinence—with occasional brotherly assistance. But, she hoped, that would end, possibly this very night.

Nancy confessed she found that story moving and sexy, and that it did make her a little horny. She also confessed that she had never done it with a girl, and didn't know if she was ready.

"Look, Nance. What have you got to loose? You can't get pregnant, you can't get a disease--because I don't have any--and you can't get hurt, because we already are best friends. I think we'll have a blast, and I guarantee you will just die. I am really good. So, let's stop talking, and start making out."

"What about Todd, what if he comes in?"

"Hmm, good point. Although, he wouldn't care. He knows about my involvement with women, and he would never say anything, and would love to watch. But you may not feel comfortable with that now. OK, my parents are gone for the weekend, so it's off to their bed."

With a push from Gwen, both girls stood up, and hand in hand walked back inside and toward the master bedroom, with the blanket draped over both of them.

Gwen led Nancy to the king sized bed, and fulfilled her promise to give Nancy the sexual experience of a lifetime. Nancy never had anyone kiss her in her most intimate place. Gwen's caress sent shocks through her entire body. After a moment of panic thinking that a woman was making love to her, Nancy gave in totally to the erotic sensations. She never wanted the kisses and explorations of Gwen's fingers to cease. Her first orgasm through sex was forever seared in her memory.

In the next months, Gwen led Nancy to a full understanding of her own sexuality, and how to express that with another woman.

Nancy and Gwen stayed secret lovers for the rest of the year. Gwen insisted they go to the prom with guys, and that Nancy get laid, just so she could be sure that she wasn't missing out. Nancy agreed, and decided that Todd be her date. After the prom and the parties, they went back to Todd and Gwen's house. Nancy told her folks she would be staying over. The three of them got naked and made out with each other. Gwen gave her brother a decent blow job to get him worked up. She slipped a condom on him, then went down on Nancy to make her wet. Finally, she moved to a chair and watched as Todd gently took Nancy's virginity. The night held two more sessions of love-making, one with Todd and Nancy and one with Gwen and Nancy as Todd watched.

Nancy and Todd had intercourse a couple more times. Most of the time, it included all three of them. One weekend, Todd said that Gwen was going away and asked her to stay over. He was much more aggressive and screwed her harder than ever before. He brought her to orgasm through intercourse, something he had not been able to do while Gwen was with them. He also gave her a brief intro to anal sex, something he never did in front of Gwen.

One night the three of them were relaxing naked in Gwen's bed after the brother and sister tag-teamed her into orgasmic nirvana. Nancy looked at them and said, "I want you two to screw."

The silence fell hard in the room. After a long time, Gwen said, "We've never done that, Nance."

"I know, but I think we all have considered it. We will be going our own ways to college in a short time. Let's have this one time together. I want Todd to have been inside both of us. I want to make love to you after he has. I want you to make love to me and he and I do it. Just this once let's let it all fly."

Todd and Gwen looked at each other, then in unison, nodded.

Nancy bent over and sucked Todd until he was rigid. She slipped a condom on and then turned her attention to Gwen. With her tongue and fingers, she had her girlfriend running wet.

"Lie on your back, Todd," she urged. Nancy then guided Gwen over the bobbing erection and kissed Gwen as she lowered herself onto her brother.

Neither moved for a while, then slowly Gwen began to rise and fall. Shortly passion took over and the siblings found a rhythm that evoked growls and groans and culminated in a scream from Gwen and a howl from Todd. Gwen collapsed on top of Todd and he held her close.

Finally, she rolled off. Nancy peeled off the condom and licked his damp cock clean.

"My turn," she purred.

Gwen used her mouth to rejuvenated Todd.

She was about to open a new condom when Nancy stopped her.

"I'm safe right now and I want to do it once to feel skin against skin."

She lay back and Todd positioned himself between her legs. He lifted one leg over his should and moved toward her opening.

"Put him in me, Gwen."

Gwen grabbed her brother's hard-on and rubbed the tip against the plump lips, moistening it. She then slipped the tip between Nancy's outer lips and Todd thrust quickly.

The suddenness took Nancy's breath away. He began pounding with a ferocity he never showed in front of his sister. Nancy was overcome with the strength of his attack and thrust up off the bed to receive him. She could feel his balls slapping against her ass and his groin smashing into hers.

He was going full speed when her first orgasm hit. She cried out, but Todd kept pounding. She felt herself quickly rising to a second. Todd was sweating heavily, but not slowing down. She rode the crest of number two and cried out for Gwen to kiss her.