Thorny Rose Ch. 03

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Tragedy, love and, finally, sex, as the story ends.
9.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 10/22/2014
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The conclusion to the story. In chapter 2, Dale and Rose escape danger, but more problems are just around the corner. But there is good stuff, too.


I put the phone down and walked back to the bed. I stood next to Rose, and said, "That's great news."

She smiled and nodded, then stood up. I watched her walk across the room to the desk, and she reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. She looked at it, shook her head, then made a call. Again, it rang and when to voice mail. "Mom, please call me. Don't worry about the time. Please." She looked at the phone as if she could will it to ring.

"I'm worried about my mother, Dale."

"I'm sure she's sleeping and will call in the morning."

"Yeah, it is late. I guess you're right."

She turned toward the bathroom and went back in. I heard the shower start, and so I turned on the TV. It was after 3 a.m., so not much was on, and I was flipping around, when I heard the water stop. A few minutes later, Rose came out of the bathroom, a towel barely covering her body from the top of her breasts to the top of her thighs. "That felt great—do you want to take one?

"Uh, yeah, sure, I guess."

She smiled at my awkwardness, and moved away from the bathroom door into the room. I walked past her, smelling the soap and shampoo, and looking at her beautiful face. The bathroom was warm, steamy and the mirror was fogged up, except for a small area that Rose apparently cleared. I started the shower and undressed. I was rock hard, even as tired as I was. Thinking about Rose, in the towel, and what was under the towel made me crazy. I stepped gingerly into the hot water, adjusted the temperature and plunged in. The water felt great, and as it poured over my body, I began to relax, not having realized how tense I was. By the time I had soaped up and shampooed, I had lost my erection, and I stepped out of the shower, turned off the water and found a couple of towels to dry off.

The towel barely fit around my waist—I guess that is what you get a budget hotel, and my left leg was essentially bare. I put the other towel over my shoulders and left the bathroom, feeling the comparatively cooler air. Rose had turned off all of the lights, except for one bedside lamp, and I could see her, in the bed, under the covers, which were pulled up to her neck. Her eyes were open, and she was looking at me.

From under the blanket, her unseen hand pulled the covers back from the other side of the bed. "Come on in," she said softly.

"Let me go put on my underwear," I said a bit nervously, and turned toward the bathroom.

"Don't bother. I'm not wearing any."

I froze, turned back and felt the towel rise. "Uh, sure, O.K.," I mumbled, and walked to the side of the bed before letting the towels drop to the floor. I slid under the covers, and bumped her soft, naked arm. "Sorry," I whispered.

"Nothing to apologize for, Dale. Would you hold me?"

It wasn't a difficult decision at all. I slid in the bed toward Rose, and she cuddled next to me. To say that it didn't feel good to have her naked in bed with me would be maybe the biggest lie I ever told. Of course, as I lay there, stroking her soft curves, I got aroused, and turned to kiss her. In return, I received an incredibly tender kiss, one that made me want to kiss her more and more, and as I did, the kisses became even more passionate.

It seemed like it was getting hotter and hotter under the covers, and I could feel her firm breasts pressing against my chest. My cock was like the proverbial steel rod, and I felt myself rising up and turning, pressing Rose under me against the pillows on the large bed. My left hand reached for her right breast, and found its mark. I could feel her hard nipple against my hand, and was encouraged by the small sound, like a gasp or a sigh, that came from her mouth when I touched it. Emboldened, I bent my head down to take that nipple into my mouth, and this time got a moan from Rose.

I worked my tongue over her nipple and around her areola and felt Rose's hips begin to wriggle.

And then, before I knew it, she turned away from me, and in the dark, ran into the bathroom.

I was pissed. I thought I had done everything right, I thought I had read the signs correctly, and things were going great, and then she ran again, just when things were getting good. I was really tired of being the patient, good guy. I had been doing that for months, and all it had gotten me was frustrated, not to mention in a situation where my supposed girlfriend was being chased by dangerous thugs. It was time for me to stand up for myself and let the chips fall where they may.

Rolling out of the bed, I turned the bedside lamp on, so that I could see where I was going. I crossed the room to the bathroom and knocked. "Rose, we need to talk," I demanded.

There was no response. I tried again. "Rose, what is going on? Let me come in."

After a second she replied, "It's open."

I opened the door, and Rose was sitting on the closed toilet, slumped down, her hair covering her face, her breasts hanging down. She was crying. It would have been easy for me to simply be sympathetic, as I had been, but I was tired of being that guy.

"Why did you get out of bed?" I asked.

She looked at me with red rimmed eyes. "You know."

"No, I don't know anymore. Is it me? Do you not want me, because god knows I want you."

She paused. "I do, but I can't. I just can't."

"Why not? I'm your friend. I'm here for you. I wouldn't hurt you. You have to know that."

Rose looked up at me from the toilet, and used her hand to brush her hair out of her eyes. I almost didn't look at her breasts, but of course, I did because they were amazing, then looked at her face. She smiled, wanly. "I know, Dale. I know you wouldn't ever hurt me. But I've been hurt so badly, I'm not sure that I'm right for you."

A better man might have been able to control himself, maybe a mature man. Or maybe someone other than a horny virgin staring at a naked goddess that he probably loved. But I finally lost it. "Stop fucking trying to protect me from you, Rose," I yelled. "I'm sick of it. We've been friends for a long time— I mean, you're probably my closest friend now. And I think I'm in love with you, but all you do is tease me and then run away. I can't take it anymore. I want to be with you. I don't care about your past. As far as I'm concerned that is over and done with. I'm willing to take a leap of faith, and I need to you do the same. Or whatever we have is done, because I can't keep doing this." I just stared at her as I felt the adrenalin rush ebb, and I became bone tired. Not to mentions shocked that I actually said all of that.

Rose looked up, and I could see that she was crying, but not the convulsing sobbing that I had seen when I first came into the bathroom. She was just looking at me, and tears were streaming down her cheeks, dripping off her chin, and yes, onto those breasts.

She stood up, and again, I had before me a completely nude, incredibly hot woman who I had just screamed at. "Dale, I think I love you too," she whispered. "And I'm sorry for being such a terrible girlfriend. And a terrible friend. Will you let me make it up to you?"

Before I knew it, she was on her knees on the tiled floor, and my cock was in her warm mouth. It was not the way I expected to get my first blowjob from Rose, but I wasn't complaining. And while I was far from an expert on blowjobs, I was pretty confident that she was. The way she varied speed, and held onto my shaft, while using her tongue, was literally mind blowing, and it was not too long before my knees started to feel weak, and I knew that the end was near.

"Rose, I'm going to cum," I announced, because I understood from somewhere that was the polite thing to do, and when she kept going and nodded her head, I let fly a load that did not seem to end. Rose, former professional that she was, I guess, was able to swallow it all without any problems. And when she was done, she stood up and pressed herself against me.

"That was—" I started to say, but she smashed her lips against me and passionately began kissing me. The taste of my own cum, I guess, was a bit odd, but the kiss and the body against me were a sufficient distraction, and before long, I felt my cock begin to rise again.

Rose pulled away from me, took my hand and led me out of the bathroom toward the bed.

Before we got into the bed, she again reached around me and enveloped me in a hug, resting her head against my chest. It felt almost like she was, for the first time, completely letting her guard down with me. We fell into the bed and were making out, with the light on, and it felt incredible. I felt like Rose was no longer holding back, and I felt myself focusing only on her. Her taste. Her smell. Her feel. The noises that she was making.

Somehow, and I really couldn't say how, I found myself on top of her, and I began to kiss her soft, warm neck. I was clearly doing something right, as she was sensually moving her head back and forth, exposing different spots for my attention, and making almost a purring sound. I was, therefore, encouraged to move down her throat, kissing the top of her cleavage, where the rose necklace was still wedged. From there, I moved slowly down her perfect right breast, and in the light of the single lamp, I could see the hard nipple and puckered areola that I had only felt earlier. When I sucked her nipple, while squeezing her other breast, Rose's head snapped back, her hips pushed up against my throbbing cock and she gasped.

That I could give this woman what appeared to be so much pleasure turned me on, and I couldn't wait any longer to give her more. I quickly kissed my way down her flat stomach to her crotch. Unlike when I had seen her videos, she wasn't bare, but instead had a trimmed full bush. The only other pussy I had ever seen live was Julia Ventura's and she had a landing strip, but I only got a quick look at it. I buried my face into her, and was overcome by the smell, and I mean that in a good way. I know that everyone uses the word "musky" to describe that smell, and I guess that is what it is, but to me Rose's smell was just right. I could see her lips, and when I bent down to kiss them, it was clear that she was already pretty wet. I had never done this before, but, of course, I watched porn, so I tried to lick and kiss her in the right way. Rose tried to help me by moving her hips and my head, until I found what was probably her clit, because when I licked the spot for the first time, her hips bucked against my face and she let out a little yelp.

So, I focused on that spot, but also the area around it, and when I stuck my tongue deep inside, my face was drenched with her juices. Rose pulled my head up, and directed it toward her clit, and I attacked it, causing her to buck faster and faster. I was like a man possessed, kissing, nibbling and licking, while her hips were bouncing off the bed, faster and faster. Somehow, I was able to stick a finger inside her slippery hole, and between that, and my tongue, Rose screamed once, then yelled my name, but I kept going. I wanted to show her that I cared about her pleasure, and after what felt like a second, smaller orgasm, she pulled my head away from her and started laughing. Softly at first, then harder, until she was almost convulsed.

I was confused, because I thought that maybe she was laughing at me, and when she came up for air, I guess she saw my concerned look.

"Oh, baby, that was amazing, Dale," she panted, trying to catch her breath.

"You're not laughing at—"

She interrupted, "Oh, god, no. I'm laughing because that was incredible, and sometimes after I cum, I mean, really cum, I get hysterical. Now, come here." She motioned up the bed, and I crawled up and lay next to her.

Of course, my cock was rock hard and throbbing, and Rose reached down and felt it. "We better do something about this, right?" she asked smiling, and before I knew it, I was on my back, and Rose was poised above me. She was, if possible, even more beautiful from this angle. Her face was flushed a bit, and her hair was kind of wild, sexy. Her strong shoulders led to her beautiful breasts, and from below, I could see their slight upward point. Then, a flat belly, the flare of her hips and inching closer to my pulsating cock, the golden thatch of her pussy hair, matted and wet. And when she slowly impaled herself on my rod, and I was inside her for the first time, inside any woman for the first time for that matter, I thought I could die happy.

She sat there, as if resting, and I felt her pussy squeeze my cock gently, and instead of what I expected, that she would lift herself up and drop back down, she ground herself against me, rotating her hips. It was exquisite, and clearly it was pressing her clit against me in a good way, because she threw her head back with abandon, increasing the speed of her grinding. Before too long, she began to mix in bouncing and thrusting with her hip motions, and I found my hips rising from the bed to meet her. And then, without warning, she leaned forward, pressing her tits against my chest, and fucking me fast and hard, then faster and harder until the two of us were pounding each other, thrusting as fast as we could.

At the point of greatest pleasure, I felt the pressure in my balls, and as I shot my load, I heard a voice that sounded like mine screaming, and then one that sounded like Rose's.

And then, there was calm and silence, except for our panting. Rose was collapsed on me, her head resting on my chest, her breasts pressing against my belly, and her legs between mine. There was nothing to say, and in any event, I couldn't speak. I lay there, listening to our breathing slow and coordinate, so that we were inhaling and exhaling at the same time, and feeling about as good as I could ever remember. About as good as I could have ever imagined.

* * *

I thought I heard something that sounded like my phone, but it seemed far away. Then closer. I opened my eyes, and for a second had no idea where I was. The hotel room's décor, though, brought me back to reality, but before I could move, the phone had stopped ringing. I realized that sometime after I fell asleep, Rose had rolled off of me and was sleeping on her side, facing away from me. The blanket was resting on her hip, and I admired the curve of her back and shoulders. I felt tired, but good, if a bit sore and sticky. "The phone," I thought to myself and tried to wriggle out of the bed without waking Rose, but it didn't work. She rolled onto her back, pulled the covers over her breasts, and looked at me with sleepy eyes, but with a smile.

"Everything O.K.?" she asked quietly.

I smiled broadly. "Couldn't be better." She smiled back. "My phone just rang. I should see who it is."

"Yeah, then hurry back." She gave me a look that made it clear that when I came back, we would not be talking, which was a pretty damn good incentive to hurry.

When I picked up my phone, I saw, not surprisingly, a missed call from my Dad, but no voice mail. "It was my Dad," I said, "I better call him back."

Rose nodded, but looked a bit disappointed. Which I kind of liked, but figured I should call my father. As the phone rang, Rose got out of bed and walked toward the bathroom. My eyes hungrily followed her naked body as it swayed across the room, but my admiration was interrupted by Dad's voice.

"Dale?" He sounded concerned.

"Yeah, Dad. What's up?"

"You haven't heard?"

Now, I was concerned. "Heard what?"

"About Rose's mother?"

"No. Nothing. What's going on?" I heard the shower running in the bathroom.

"She's, uh, in the hospital in Atlanta."

"What happened? Is she O.K.?" I asked, worried.

"Well, it turns out that the assholes who were chasing Rose found her because someone saw her mother in Atlanta. They beat her pretty badly, apparently, and she told them where Rose was."

"Holy shit! How bad is it?

"Pretty bad, I understand. They wouldn't tell me details, but apparently she is in a coma."

"Oh my god, Dad. I better tell Rose. She's in the shower."

"Really?" Dad asked with what was kind of inappropriate amusement under the circumstances.

"Uh, yeah."

"Look, Dale, I think you should tell her, then get back here right away, and we can talk to the police."

"That makes sense. We'll be home soon. Bye."


I disconnected the call, and walked to the bathroom. I definitely wasn't looking forward to this conversation. I knocked on the door, and Rose said, "Come on in," in a happy voice. Pushing open the door, I felt the steam from the shower and through the haze, I could see Rose, exquisitely naked, drying her hair.

Before she could say anything, I blurted, "Uh, Rose, I have some bad news."

She froze, and her smiling, relaxed face turned wary. "What. Tell me," she demanded.

"My Dad says that your mother is in the hospital. In Atlanta."

Rose started to gather her stuff from the bathroom. "What happened? Is she O.K.?"

"Well, it seems like the, you know, guys who came for you found her there, and beat her up to find out where you are. Dad says she's in bad shape, and we should go to my house right away, then talk to the police."

There was a scared look on Rose's face that I hoped never to see again, but it seemed like this wasn't ever going to be an easy ride. We quickly got dressed in last night's now completely inappropriate clothing, checked out of the hotel and drove, in silence, holding hands, to my house.

The upshot was that the bad guys had been captured, here and actually back in California where the guys who planned the attack were. The story was picked up by the press, although they didn't mention Rose's current name, or mine, so there was at least still some hope for privacy. We briefly spoke with the police, who came to the house, but Rose's mother was in bad shape, and of course she wanted to go. We were sitting in my living room, with my parents, when she used her phone to start booking a flight.

"Rose, I want to come with you," I said.

She shook her head. "There's no reason for you to get involved."

"I'm already involved. With this, and with you." I noticed my parents exchange a look. "I told you last night that I am here for you. And if anything, that's even more so now." Which led to another look between my parents. They were smart enough not to say anything. "Look, this may be hard, but it will be easier with a friend."

Rose looked me in the eyes, as if measuring me somehow. She nodded. "You're right," she said softly, and smiled at me. "You're right," she repeated, almost as if she were trying to convince herself. The next half hour was filled with getting tickets and packing, then my parents drove us to Rose's house, so she could change and pack. We drove her car on the pretty long drive to the airport, checked in, and in short order we were on our way to Atlanta. The plane was filled with what looked like tired people recovering from the New Year's weekend. I was sitting on the aisle, and Rose was wedged into the middle seat, next to a 50-ish, bald businessman who tried to work during the flight. Not long after we took off, Rose leaned her head onto my shoulder and fell asleep, and I followed not to long after, enjoying the smell of Rose's hair.

The next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake, and sort of in a daze, got off the plane, and found myself in a cab, with Rose driving through the dark, cool, unfamiliar streets toward a hospital. We entered the generic looking building, with its drooping holiday decorations and Rose asked for her mother by her assumed name. There was no record of her, so Rose tried her real name, and then we were directed to the 9th floor ICU. Hearing that phrase made Rose's face look even more concerned, which made sense, and we silently rolled our carryon bags to the elevator, out the elevator, down the hall past rooms and nurse's stations until we found the room.