There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 17


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"Gray are these the new numbers from the Paranal Observatory?"

"Yes Gordon they are. Why is there a problem?"

"I think so; take a look at this. I think Kepler 298d is uninhabitable. Should we ask them to take another look or have TESS take a look at it?"

"TESS is malfunctioning; they don't know if they'll get it back online soon or ever."

"Wonderful, call the Europeans please, and have them take another look at it. If they are right we've got to change our destination."

"Why were we going there again Gordon? It's the same distance away as Tau Ceti."

"Are you forgetting that little Black Hole? We have to fly around?"

"Oh yes, I forgot about that little thing. It would be my luck that my wife will be driving at that time."

Gordon stiffened.

"Gordon, what's the matter? Oh shit, she's behind me isn't she? Does she know I was kidding? Say something, Gordon, I want to how much trouble I'm in."

"I think I'll leave you alone, and let you work this out. It's been nice Doc."

Gordon started backing away slowly. When he was 15 feet away he said, "I hope I see you later Doc."

Gray put a smile on and turned around slowly. No one was behind him. Gordon had done it to him again. Infuriated, he yelled, "You are a dead man." He took off at top speed running after his nemesis.

Gordon yelled, "I'm going to tell my sister what you said about her driving."

Gray screamed, "You can't say anything without a head."

I was carrying a cup of coffee back to my desk, when I first heard the yelling. When my son running down the corridor, I shook my head.

"Hi dad, Gray's coming." I pressed my back up against the wall, and put the coffee as far away from me as I could. Three seconds later Gray flew by at top speed.

"Hi dad, I'm going to kill him."

I shouted out, "I'm taking this time out of your paychecks."

"It's okay; you're going to have one less paycheck to write out."


Delicious walked up next to me and said, "Hi dad, what is my husband's yelling about now?"

"Baby, it appears Gordon got him again, and he is not happy about it. If you would stand in the corridor, and redirect them both into my office I will try to put an end to this nonsense."

"No problem dad; why don't we do this first ^^^^^^^^^, and when they see me standing in their way they will both know they are in trouble."

"That's my evil little genius. Gordon should be coming by anytime now. I'll be waiting for him in my office. Grey should be about a few seconds behind him. Take out your cell phone and take a picture of his face when he sees you. It should be comical."

Delicious did as I asked. Shortly her brother came running towards her. Gordon tried his best to stop, but the leather bottoms on his shoes did not give him any purchase. He started sliding, lost his balance, fell to the floor, and slid to a stop a few feet in front of his sister.

"Little man you have two choices: you can walk into dad's office peacefully, or I can start kicking the shit out of you where you lie."

"I choose dad's office."

"You have five seconds to get in there."

Gordon scrambled to his feet and ran into my office. I ordered him to stand next to the wall on my left, and not to move.

Delicious started tapping her foot, while waiting for her errant husband. He turned the corner at full speed, and spied her instantly. He tried grabbing a desk or a chair to stop his forward motion but he was unsuccessful. He crashed into her knocking her to the floor.

Delicious stared up at him with a look he had never seen before. He knew he was in deep shit as he ran down the aisle. Now he was in shit over his head.

"Let me help you up to dear, I'm so sorry. Are you injured?"

"No Grayson, I am not injured, I am absolutely fine. I will call my attorney this afternoon and file for divorce. I did not realize I was marrying a child. My father wishes to see you. Stay at a hotel tonight, I'll have someone bring you your clothes."

"Delicious, you know you don't mean that. It was a game between Gordon and me. Honey don't do this, what about Newton, he needs a father."

"You're right; he needs a father not a playmate. When are you going to start acting like a grown up? Gordon is going to be 14. You're going to be 35. I'm not saying you can't have fun, but what you two are doing is over the top. You are disturbing everyone here at work. They are betting on who is going to start the next ruckus between you two. Doctor Baron won $216 last week betting on Gordon. I wonder who won this week. Have you completed all your work? I know Gordon hasn't completed his. What was today's beef about? Answer me dammit."

"According to the new charts we got from Peru, Kepler 298D may not be habitable. I asked Gordon why we weren't going to Tau Ceti or Gliese 832c which are both in the same quadrant. He reminded me about the black hole in the area. Please don't hit me, because this was only a joke. I said to Gordon with our luck my wife will be driving."

"Very funny Grayson, I'll advise my lawyer of that also. Doctor Luck would like to speak to you." She started moving towards the elevators.

"Delicious don't be like that it was only a joke."

"When a police officer serves you with a summons, it won't be a joke." She got onto the elevator, stopped off at security to get her agents and went home.


I said, "I'm sorry Gray, I didn't think she would react that intensely to what was going on."

"Thanks Even, I think my running into her set her off. I'll try to talk to her tonight, and straighten things out."

"I'm sorry too, should I talk to my sister and see if I can help?"

"Let me try first, then we will try everyone, and everything else. I really think she's overreacting."

"I don't think so Gray. You know as well as I do, when she overreacts the yelling and screaming starts. She was very controlled this time, and that is not a very good indicator of how angry she is.

However, let me tell you how angry I am at two of you. This is not an idle threat. The next one of you who starts something like this is fired. There will be no trip into space. You be left on the ground staring up at what could have been. If it's you Gordon, you will be staying with Rod, until your 18th birthday. Then it will be your choice; stay with him, or to move into our house across the highway. You will be a free person, you can do anything you want to after that. You can change your name back to Stars and remove my last name if you wish, and there always will be enough money for you, because Rod is handling it.

Gray, depending on your marital status at the time, Delicious will have to make a decision. Go into space alone, with your son, or stay here in hopes of salvaging your marriage. I would not count on the third part, because those three engines are her babies. I think she would rather rot in hell than not see them function in space.

Both of you take the remainder of the day off. Gray try to salvage your marriage. Gordon go home, and think about what you caused. See if it was worth your sister's happiness."


When Gordon stopped at the security area to tell Monty he was going home, he looked like death warmed over. His face was ashen, his eyes were glassy, and he looked like he was about to fall over.

Monty did not want to embarrass him in front of everyone, so she waited until they were in the parking lot.

In a calm, strong voice she asked, "What did you do Gordon?"

He broke down, and began crying.

"Crying is not going to help you, tell me what you did?"

"I ruined my sister's marriage. She is going to divorce Gray, because of something I did. She knows it, and I can't fix it. She's getting a lawyer, and going to sue him for a divorce.

Dad said if something happened between Gray and I again, the perpetrator would be fired. I can't let Gray be fired because of me. I will hand in my resignation tomorrow. I can go back to Denver, if you'll come with me. My dad won't let me go alone."

"Do you think running away from your problem is going to solve it?"

"My sister knows it was my fault, but she's taking it out on Gray. How can I solve a problem, when she already knows the answer?"

"Try talking to her, and get her to change her mind."

"Have you ever talked to Delicious?"

"No, I've never had the pleasure."

"Trust me Monty, when she is upset it is not a pleasure. She does not go for the throat. She goes straight for your heart. She's not happy until she shows it to you, just before you die."

Monty smiled. "She sounds like the girls I trained."

"Monty this is not funny. I caused a lot of pain today, and I feel like crap."

"I told you last week that you are a 14-year-old boy with an awful lot to learn. This is part of it. You are not perfect, and you never will be. We all make mistakes, and we have to live with them. You made a big one today, try to find a way to fix it. The two adults involved with this are also going to try to find a way to fix it, so you are not alone. Your father and mother will try to mend fences between them also. That's what families do when there is a crisis. They try to solve the problem before it is too late."

"I hope my resignation helps. I don't want my sister to be unhappy."

"That's a very generous offer you are making. Everyone will know what you're giving up to trying to save their marriage."


"Did it work dad?"

"If they find out this was a ploy, they will kill us both, slowly."

"They needed a wake-up call, and I believe they got the message."

"If you saw the looks on their faces, when they left my office, I don't think their brains were working. Don't overplay your hand when he gets home. He's already broken, fix him."

"You mean I can't play this out longer, and get a diamond necklace?"

"Exactly what are you going to do was a diamond necklace? If Newton gets his hands on it, he will make a laser out of them."

"Dad, you're no fun."

"Newton is your child, and my grandchild. What did you expect from our gene pool?"

"Sheer terror, and scientific genius."

"Do you have locks on the cabinets yet?"

"Yes I do. He was sitting there yesterday with a tiny screwdriver trying to pick the lock. It won't take him long to do it. When he does, I'm going to get combination locks."

"I hope you don't have a stethoscope in the house. I can see him sitting there listening to the tumblers drop into place."

"Did you have to say that dad. I don't have any other options after that."

"Yes you do; put mittens on him. If he can't use his fingers, he can't get to the tools he needs to defeat your locks."

"Now you tell me this? You wait until he is nearly 4 years old to tell me a secret I could have used all this time and not worried about him getting into the chemicals that are underneath the sink. You and I are going to have a long talk father. You are not going to be on the winning side."

"Did I tell you I'm going to Australia to check on the nuclear engine?"

"That's funny, I thought it was being made in Washington State."

"I must have forgotten to tell you about the change. When we went from Nuclear Fission to Nuclear Fusion we moved the build to Canberra."

"Dad, how much did your nose just grow?"

"It's not my nose that grows. It's that part of my anatomy that keeps the Jennifer happy that grows, and it only felt like two inches."

"Dad stop bragging."

"It's not bragging when it's true. Ask Jennifer, and all she'll do is smile."

"You are the ultimate pervert."

"I have only lusted after two women in my life. One I never touched knowingly, and the other I married. If that makes me a pervert, speak to your husband, after you fix him. Be nice as soon as he walks in the door. Tell him he's an idiot, but he's your idiot, and you're not getting rid of him so easily. Don't play games with him Delicious, I need him on the job."

"He will show up at work tomorrow with a smile on his face. I promise."

"Thank you baby, I'll see you tomorrow."


"Hi mom, can I grab something to eat out of the refrigerator?"

"Gordon are you all right? You don't look right and you sound like hell."

"Okay, let's sit down, I'll tell you what I did, and how I'm going to try to fix it."


"That's a very brave and very considerate thing to do for your sister. Is it the best alternative for you? You've dreamed about this for half your lifetime, and because you acted like the child you are, you are willing to giving up your life long dreams. I won't let you stay alone, I am staying with you, and your two brothers. I don't care what your father says. You are my son, born from my body, I will never leave you behind."

"Mom that will screw up everything. You are in command of the ship, there's no one to replace you."

"If you are not on that ship, I don't give a damn about it. The only reason I was going is because the two men I love the most were going to be on it. I love your father, he has made me happier than any other woman in this world, but I will not leave you. I'm going to call him and speak to him right now."


"Doctor Luck's office, this is Brenda speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi Brenda, Jennifer Luck, can I speak to my husband for a moment?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Luck, he's out of the building for the rest of the day. He had a doctor's appointment."

"He never mentioned a doctor's appointment to me. Did he say which one?"

"No he didn't, and the doctor's name is not on his list."

"Okay, if he checks in have him call me please."

"I will Mrs. Luck, enjoy the rest of your day."

"Did dad say anything about going to a doctor to you today Gordon?"

"No mom he didn't. The only time I saw him he was so angry with me he wouldn't have said anything, anyhow."

"Okay, let me may make you something to eat, and then you can go lie down."

"I still have to write out my resignation letter. Can I use your computer?"

"Yes you may."


"Doctor Luck, I don't like what our initial tests showed us. I'm going to put you on medication immediately. You have to go to the University Hospital in Austin to have further tests done. They have the equipment needed to give you a more precise diagnosis. I told you what I think it is, but wait until you have their confirmation before you start making any plans. I have a friend there in the oncology department. His name is Doctor David Rubin. He is one of the best in the field. By the time you leave that hospital, you will know precisely what you need to do."

"How long will I be down there?"


"As long as it takes Doctor Luck. It's just like building your spacecraft, it will take as long as it takes. Let me call him and see if he can squeeze you in next week."

"Another one of my sister's messages becomes clear."

"What did you say Doctor?"

"I was just babbling to myself."


I walked into the house, and Jen approached me like a woman on a mission.

"Why does Gordon want to quit?"

"Jen, I'm not going to let him quit. He's too important to the plan. I can't do it without him. Where is he, we all have to talk."

I knocked on my son's door, and asked if his mother and I could come in.

He said yes.

"Gordon, I am not going to allow you to quit. First of all I should have stopped this nonsense long time ago, and I didn't. So it was partially a management failure on my part. Second, you are a 13-year-old boy, and I keep forgetting that because of how smart you are. Again, it is my fault.

The one thing that is not my fault, is that you have Gray's number. You seem to be able to twist him and turn him around any time you want. How you get him to react to your little schemes I don't know. I have never seen anything like it.

From now on it is not going to happen at work anymore, because I will not allow it. If it does, it means a week in your room with nothing. Your mattress will be on the floor, your furniture will be in another room. There will be no pencils papers any writing instruments at all. You will not be able to exercise or bathe for seven days. I will be putting cameras near you workstation to watch you. I will also have them near Gray's station. I will know which one starts the next ruckus, and to punish. Gray is being read the riot act right now by his wife. She is not going to divorce him, she's going to cut off his legs the next time this happens. If she doesn't, he will wish she did.

Are we back on level ground now?"

"Yes dad, thank you, I really feel terrible about what I did. I didn't want Delicious to be unhappy, and divorce Gray."

"Now I have to talk to you too about something that is very important. My doctor called me today and asked me to come to his office. When they do that you know it is not something good. I have to go to hospital at the University of Texas in Austin. I have cancer. If he's right it's pancreatic cancer, which doesn't give me too much time. I have to be there Monday morning at 6 AM. I don't know how long I will be there. I'll take a Rod with me, because you have the boys to take care of, and he will keep you informed of everything that's going on."

"Even Luck, if you think for one second you are leaving me home, while you are going to the hospital to take care of your body, you also need someone to take care of your head, because you are out of your fucking mind. If Delicious can't take care of the boys, I will ask Rosalynn if she can help. We can ask Montgomarie if she wouldn't mind spending her days here to keep an eye on Gordon while I am away with you. I can always make some arrangement for him. When are you going to tell your daughter about this?"

"When I have a definite diagnosis and timeline."

"How long have you been going to this Doctor?"

"I've seen him three times over the past month. The bloodwork just came back yesterday, that's why I went to see him today. He called me and told me to come in. That's how I knew I was in trouble."

"Even, we will go to the best hospital in the country to get this worked out."

"Jennifer, only 17 percent of people who get pancreatic cancer survive five years. The rest die sooner. I don't want to die before I see you leave for space. My dreams will be fulfilled by Gordon, Richard, Holden, and You."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Please, please get a proof reader for this story, and maybe for your other stories also. There are so many jarring errors, eg Gary instead of Gray! Otherwise a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fantastic as always

The story is flowing wonderfully, keep it going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What A disgrace

One in 1 million of those make it to the pros. Those who don't make it are working at our working at mid-level job doing something life did not prepare them for, and neither did college.

Never in A million years would I have dreamed one person could totally destroy the english language, you succeed in doing it in one fucking sentence

This whole fucking useless story is like using A chainsaw to cut an orange

What dreadful atrocious writing

Preacher_DavePreacher_Daveover 9 years ago
Please find a cure

This has been the best story I've read . Love the characters in love,sex, and romance .please cure Even and continue to the logical ending .i really like your writing and can't wait for the next installment .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Don't EVEN think it

I know I don't have any say in it but I've invested a lot of time following this story, which I've enjoyed immensely. So please, don't even think about killing off one of my two favorite characters ( the other is Delicious ). With your superior creativity, I'm sure you'll find an elegant solution to keep Even around.

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