The Y-Virus Ch. 05

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A male-killing virus plagues the world in the future.
10.7k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/26/2015
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The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don't appeal to you then I strongly suggest you don't read the following story and find something else more suited to your tastes. You have been warned!


The Y-Virus

Chapter Five: New Friends, a Mission, and a Dream

I wasn't all that surprised when I saw Nancy and Dr. McFlarghan in my room the next morning. Dr. McFlarghan looked amused by something. At first I didn't know what. I lifted my head from my pillow and looked down. I quickly realized what it was that interested her so much. I had a full-fledged morning erection that pitched a tent in my bed sheet. I sat up in my bed and adjusted myself.

"Good morning, Mr. Barber," Said Nancy, "I thought I'd stop by to give you a morning report."

"Yeah," I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "what's up?"

Nancy lifted one of the tablet devices and scanned over it. "Well, since you've been asleep we've managed to thaw two additional men aside from Keith Morrell. These new men are resting in their wards as we speak, and Keith is having breakfast in the cafeteria. If you want, we can escort you there to meet him."

"Sure, why not? Just let me get changed first."

"There are a few other matters I ought to inform you about first." She continued to look over the tablet.

"What is it?"

"First, we've managed to extend our lines of communication to nearly every corner of the globe. Just last night we've been able to reach certain areas of South America and Australia. With the help of our remaining translation programs, I can say with confidence that, after tallying the reported numbers, there are little more than eight thousand men either in cryogenic stasis or recently thawed from stasis."

"That's good news I take it."

"Yes, indeed. But we all hoped there'd be more men than that." She continued after pressing her finger against the tablet screen, "Second, we've intercepted a secret transmission from the Black Widows a few hours ago. They made the mistake of not encoding the transmission before sending it across North America. Perhaps it was the mistake of a younger, inexperienced member of their group. Anyway, we've learned from the transmission that Mirinda Freeborne has recently left Seattle, Washington and is on her way to Vancouver, British Columbia, West Canada. She's most likely there by now."

"West Canada?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, that's right. You don't know about it. A civil war broke out in Canada in 2237. The country divided into East and West Canada two years later when the war ended."

This piece of information shocked me. I visited Canada a few times before I was frozen and it always had a relaxed and easygoing feel when I was there. The people were some of the friendliest and most patient I'd ever known. But then again, a lot can happen to a country and its people over the span of two hundred years.

Nancy Weller continued her report about Mirinda Freeborne, "Since we have good reason to believe she's there, we'll be sending Kristine Lane and seven others with military experience on a search and reconnaissance mission to verify the truth. They'll be taking a pair of hover vessels this afternoon and should arrive in Vancouver in two days. We've also given Kristine and her party permission to kill Mirinda Freeborne if possible. Dr. Miller wants Ms. Freeborne brought to her alive more than anything, but she knows that's unlikely to happen. The primary mission of Kristine's party is to retrieve information above all. We don't want any of our people to risk their lives unnecessarily. Life is too precious now."

I nodded in agreement.

"Third, normally I won't be the one to give you morning reports like this. The reason I'm doing so today is because I thought it would be better for you to hear some of this stuff from a familiar face. Mary here," She made a gesture to Dr. McFlarghan, "will be assigned to give you the reports of anything important going on hereafter."

Mary and I looked at each other and smiled before I turned back to Nancy.

"There are two setbacks that we face in our attempt to repopulate the earth: first, a small number of the men brought back from stasis might be infertile; second, some of the men might be gay, as is the case with Keith Morrell. Infertility is obviously the bigger problem of the two. But in the case of some men being gay, we'll just have to rely on them providing sperm samples by means of masturbation or the Orgasmanatrix."

"I won't lie to you, Ryan," Mary McFlarghan added, "some of the women were depressed when they learned Keith is gay . . . at least the ones that volunteered beforehand to reproduce with him by means of traditional sexual intercourse."

Nancy continued to explain that since the women in the facility hadn't been with any men in a long time, many volunteered to reproduce "the old-fashioned way." The men, of course, had the right to refuse if they wanted. She told me that Dr. Miller wouldn't force us to have sex with anyone we didn't want to, but it also worked both ways. If a woman in the facility didn't want to have sex with a thawed male, then she didn't have to either. The only thing set in stone was for us men to produce as much sperm as possible.

I remembered Akira telling me that she couldn't have sex with me for a certain amount of time by order of Dr. Miller. I was a little nervous bringing it up, but I worked up the courage to ask Nancy how many women volunteered to have sex with me for the purpose of procreation. Mary blushed and giggled at the question.

"Well, Mr. Barber," Nancy spoke to me but her eyes were on Mary, "Dr. McFlarghan here for one."

I joined Mary in her blushing as we looked at each other.

"Akira Minoko has volunteered, as well as Amy Hocke, Tabitha "Tabby Cat" Dole, and . . . Dr. Alexis Miller."

"Dr. Miller?!" I nearly choked. At first I didn't believe she would've volunteered to have sex with anyone. She composed herself much too conservatively.

"You have the right to refuse if you wish, Ryan," Dr. Weller reminded me.

Truth be told, I had no intention of refusing sex with Akira, Mary or Dr. Miller. They were all very beautiful women, and I found Akira to be beautiful in more ways than one.

I only saw Tabitha ("Tabby Cat") for a brief moment the day before. She worked in the cafeteria and was cute in her own way. I had no time to talk to her, so I didn't know what she was like. At the time I only had her looks to judge her by. Amy Hocke was a bit average in appearance, but very friendly. I liked her company despite how brief it was. I could envision myself having sex with Tabby Cat and Amy without a problem. I liked them . . . but I didn't have the same feelings for them that I was developing for Akira.

This was a lot for me to take in. I found myself with a literal waiting list of women who wanted to have sex with me. Nothing like this could've ever possibly happened to me in my own time (unless maybe if I were a rock star, Hollywood celebrity, or porn star). True, it was for the sake of the survival of the human race, but it still seemed a bit unreal to me. I half expected this whole thing to be some kind of vivid dream and I would wake up just moments before having sex with Akira—such is my luck with most of my erotic dreams.

I told Nancy I wouldn't refuse sex with any of them. She nodded and told me to hurry up and get dressed. Keith, the other man, would probably be finished with his breakfast soon. She did want me to meet him.

I got out of bed, naked and erect, and picked up my clothes. Mary tried to keep her composure when she saw my genitals and ass again. I could feel her eyes move over me as I dressed.

"If you'll follow us, Ryan, we'll take you to the cafeteria. Keith should still be there." Mary said in her lovely Scottish accent. Her voice reminded me of a soft and gentle brook.

I followed the women to the cafeteria. When I got there a man was sitting down at one of the far tables. There were three women sitting at the table with him (Tabby Cat was one of them). They were in the middle of a conversation I couldn't hear.

Tabby Cat noticed us walking in. She waved and shouted, "Hey y'all."

"Hey Tabby," Mary said as Keith and the other women turned their attention to us, "we've got Ryan here. Can we get him some breakfast?"

"Sure thing," She smiled and walked up to me. "Whatcha want, Ryan? I can make ya some grits if'n ya want. We got oatmeal if'n ya want that instead . . . or maybe somethin' simple, like cereal?"

"Oatmeal sounds good." I said.

She was clearly happy that I was there. Thanks to Nancy I now knew that Tabby Cat was hoping for me to give her a child. She had the cutest dimples in her cheeks when she smiled at me. She turned and went into the kitchen area.

Dr. Weller led me to Keith's table. Nancy formally introduced the two of us and we shook hands.

"Hello there," He said. "Dr. Miller told me a little about you." I could tell he was gay from his lisp and mannerisms (not that I had a problem with a person's sexual orientation).

We talked for a long while. He told me about how he was a struggling artist in his time. His financial troubles were the main reason he chose to freeze himself. I explained to him that my reason for doing it was similar to his, except I wasn't an artist. We kept talking even as I ate. It didn't take long for me to decide that Keith was an okay guy. He never tried to seduce me in any way, so I felt pretty comfortable around him. We quickly became friends.

The women sitting at the table with us were mostly quiet because they wanted to hear about our experiences in the past. They probably saw this as an extraordinary opportunity to not only get to know a few men (a rare commodity), but to also learn about the distant past from two people who were actually there. Keith froze himself about seventy years after I did. We had plenty to learn from one another, as did the women listening.

After talking for about an hour, Kristine Lane and her crew came into the cafeteria for an early lunch. I didn't know how long she'd be gone with her crew, or even if she'd come back at all. I wished her the best of luck and a safe, quick return. She thanked me for my concern and, after saying goodbye to her girlfriend Trisha and some of her closest friends, took the remaining time she had to get to know Keith and I better.

After Kristine and her crew left for their mission, Nancy told Keith that he needed to be given a tour of the facility.

"Are you gonna give him the same ending you and Dr. Miller gave me?" I joked.

Nancy laughed a little, "As a matter of fact, yes. We need his help as much as yours."

Keith had a confused look on his face. I could only bring myself to wish him luck.

Dr. Weller told Keith they would begin his tour of the CDC whenever he was ready. He said goodbye to me, shook my hand, and said he'd see me around. I wished him luck and told him not to be too concerned with the end of the tour. I assured him he would be fine. Judging from the look on Nancy's face she didn't want me to mention the Orgasmanatrix 8000. I knew the doctors of the facility loved it when the men were surprised by what the machine was capable of. I admit that I was probably an amusing sight for them when I was hooked up to the machine.

Keith, Nancy, and a female guard left the cafeteria to begin the tour. I finished my oatmeal with the company of Tabby Cat, Mary McFlarghan, and a few other women that volunteered around the facility. We all talked and joked about this and that. These women definitely wanted something to smile about. After three years of not knowing whether the human race would continue to exist, who could blame them? The world had become such a dark and depressing place; there was no question humor was almost as rare as men. We soon found ourselves laughing about anything and everything. Even the stupidest things seemed to make us chuckle together.

Mary was given the tablet before Nancy left the cafeteria. She looked over it and said that I was scheduled to give a sperm sample in about twenty minutes.

"Do I have to be hooked up to the Orgasmanatrix again?"

"Yes. Dr. Miller's orders," She said brightly. "But you will be allowed to masturbate manually later this evening if you prefer. You might even be allowed to choose the exact time."

I was embarrassed—yet again—at how openly the doctors of this place talked about my sperm and other sexual activities. They went from laughing about my workplace antics of nearly three hundred years ago to giggling about my required rape at the hands of the Orgasmanatrix. They looked at one another trying to hide their smiling mouths with their hands.

Fifteen minutes later I found myself back in the room with the machine. This time, however, I was in the room with Mary. Overseeing my milking was Dr. Miller, of course. Mary did most of the manual labor: lubing the machine and my ass, attaching the metal probe, tying my limbs down, releasing my balls from the TestiTracker, etcetera.

Dr. Miller spent most of the time typing something—I don't know what—on a separate tablet. She pressed a final button on the tablet and the monitor flicked on.

Many similar images were splayed onscreen to those of the day before. Plenty of BDSM with femdom as a common theme mixed in. The machine had teased me mercilessly for what felt like half an hour. My cock was treated to simulated vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Once again I begged Dr. Miller to let the machine finish me off . . . she refused. No surprise there.

The machine read my bodily signals perfectly and increased its stroking to the appropriate speeds at the appropriate times. I quickly developed a love/hate relationship with this wicked thing. I felt my balls begin to tighten and pull themselves up to my pelvis. My orgasm was imminent.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" I shouted as I fed my seed into the Orgasmanatrix.

My sperm were once again drawn through the clear tube and into the small glass jar. Mary took the jar to the necessary storage room but not before patting my bare ass a few times while Dr. Miller's attention was drawn away to her tablet. Alexis Miller put the TestiTracker back on my scrotum before helping me off the machine and onto a chair. She rubbed my shoulder slowly and told me to take deep breaths.

After regaining most of my strength, I clothed myself again. When I was able to leave the room with Alexis Miller escorting me, I saw Keith and Dr. Weller coming down the corridor. Keith looked at me with obvious concern. When I was a few feet away I said, "Perhaps you'll love and hate it, too." I forced myself to smile a little in a feeble attempt to put him at ease. I don't think it worked. He was taken to a different room than the one I was just in (the machine I used needed to be thoroughly sanitized).

Alexis led me back to my room and, once there, thanked me for cooperating.

"I realize this entire situation is not something you've asked for, Mr. Barber. But you have to understand our position. We need you and the other men to do what is required of you. I promise things will get easier over time. I daresay your body will become more accustomed to the Orgasmanatrix the more you use it."

"I don't know about that," I said with a tiny bite in my voice, "that thing is ridiculous."

Dr. Miller looked at me for the first time with genuine concern. I might even call it sympathy. Other times before I couldn't really tell if she felt anything for anybody, but now it was undeniable . . . she had some limits to her duty-bound demeanor.

"I'll tell you what: after you meet your initial quota, I'll reduce the duration of the tease and denial function by forty percent. I'll do the same for the other men, too. I want you to understand that I'm only doing these things to help ensure the future of the human race. I don't know for sure what that future might be, but at least it'll be a future."

"And what about this thing you have on my balls? How long will I have to wear it? How long will it be before I've earned your trust and the trust of the other women here? I think I've proved, to some degree, that I'm not a violent person." I said all this with a hint of indignation.

I expected Alexis to become hostile towards my tone of voice. I cringed a little when I envisioned her raising a finger to the buttons of her wrist remote. I made an effort to pull back any sign of aggression. I was relieved when she didn't press any buttons, but instead continued in a voice much softer than what I was used to hearing.

"I understand you're upset about that. But you must allow us, the women of this facility, to determine the truth of that. For the record: I don't think you're a violent person, but I need to ensure the safety of everyone else here. I can only ask you to be patient.

"Dr. Weller and I, as well as the rest of the research team, are working very hard on a vaccine to the Y-Virus; I promise you that. If we can manage to create a stable vaccine things will change for us all. Things will slowly—very slowly—fall into place and reach some form of normalcy once we can shield men from the virus."

"Well . . ." I started but paused suddenly to gather my thoughts about what she said, ". . . I can only say that I have no intention of hurting anybody. I hope you ladies have some success soon because I don't think us guys will want to stay cooped up inside a building like this forever. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole or anything; I just want you to look at the situation from my perspective. I think the other men will soon agree and share the same perspective."

"Believe me, Mr. Barber, I've tried my best to put myself in your shoes. I understand your grievances, truly. I just want you to try and understand the situation from our perspective, also. We need to be sure the other men we thaw out aren't homicidal maniacs or rapists. And if they are, we'll at least have a way to keep them from hurting anybody."

"I hear you," I said not quite looking at her, "Akira told me pretty much the same thing. But do you know what it's like to live with the knowledge that you can be shocked at any given time? Perhaps even by accident? I feel more like a dog than a man."

"Again, I apologize. But I can only ask you to be patient."

After a while of pondering the situation from every angle I decided to nod my acceptance of the position I was in. I wasn't all that happy about it. And I knew Dr. Miller knew that.

Alexis brought her tablet up and looked over it while occasionally flashing her eyes at me. Soon it looked like she was doing a math problem in her head. Her eyes returned to me before saying:

"I don't know if anybody has told you, but there are some women that have volunteered to have conventional—traditional—sex with you."

"I've been told."

"Well, I admit this isn't easy to say, but I'm one of the women that have volunteered." Her cheeks flushed and grew pink for the first time. I could feel my own face grow warm with blood when she brought this topic up.

I decided that it was best not to admit to having knowledge of her volunteering. I didn't want Nancy to have any conflict with Alexis Miller. If they fought with one another it would only mean a delay in a vaccine being developed.

"I didn't . . . I mean . . . you mean . . . you and me . . ."

Alexis shook her head. "I'm only willing if you're willing. You won't be required to do it if you don't want to." Her expression over the time of her little speech started to resemble more humanistic traits than just the formal doctor that I'd known to this point. I now began to understand what Akira said about Dr. Miller. "We're actually more alike than you realize, Mr. Barber. Perhaps you'll understand more of what I mean later. I just want you to come to grips with the fact that things don't have to be as bad as you see them. Things may seem pretty trivial and unnecessary at times, but if we can come to a common understanding of the reality of the situation, then I have no doubt that things will work out for everyone.