The Y-Virus Ch. 03

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A male-killing virus plagues the world in the future.
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/26/2015
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The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don't appeal to you then I strongly suggest you don't read the following story and find something else more suited to your tastes. You have been warned!


The Y-Virus

Chapter Three: Reeducation in Ward 408

When I awoke the next day I soon noticed that Dr. Miller, Dr. Minoko, and Dr. McFlarghan were in the room with me. There were electrodes taped to my forehead, chest, abdomen, left forearm, and legs. The electrodes monitored my vitals wirelessly and sent the data to a high-tech tablet-like device held by Dr. McFlarghan.

When I looked down at my legs I made the discovery that I was still naked in front of these three women. This didn't bother me too much considering they had already seen my naked body violated by the XTC Internal Scanner only the day before. The thing that was unsettling for me was the fact that I had some sort of metal device secured around my balls. It was like a ring around my scrotum that trapped my testicles and pulled them slightly away from the rest of my body. There were also two little metal prongs that extended and curved from the ring and rested atop each testicle. This thing looked unfriendly, whatever it was.

"Where am I?" I managed to utter in a weak voice. I was very glad to be able to speak again, even if it was weak.

"Please rest, Mr. Barber. You no doubt have many questions," Said Dr. Miller. "We'll answer all your questions in due time. But first, there are many important things we need to tell you. It's crucial that you be informed of what's happened in the world since you've been in stasis."

"What's happened?" I asked. The three women looked a bit sullen.

"My name is Dr. Alexis B. Miller. The current date is April 8, 2309. Almost three years ago, on June 26, 2306, the worst calamity in human history occurred. An artificial virus made its existence known to the public; a virus that has since been called the Y-Virus," Dr. Miller paused for a moment, "It's a highly contagious and severely lethal virus that exclusively attacks the Y-chromosome; hence, it only affects males."

"What?" I uttered in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

Dr. Miller continued, "Yes. I'm very serious. Through my own personal investigation and study of the Y-Virus, I've learned that the virus itself has an incubation period of six weeks. This is why nobody knew of its existence until it was too late. There wasn't enough time to develop a vaccine, and, despite our best efforts, we still can't seem to synthesize one."

I was speechless. This definitely explained why I was surrounded by only women. I didn't want to believe it at first. A part of me thought that maybe I was being lied to, but after a second glance at the three doctors, I knew she was telling me the truth.

Dr. Miller continued once again, "We've learned, through the admission of the culprits, that the Y-Virus was introduced into the atmosphere and drinking water simultaneously around all major cities of the world. It didn't take long to spread to every corner of the globe before the virus finally took its effect on every human male. Within a twelve-hour window, all the men in the world were dead."

"If there's just one bit of news that isn't bad in all of this, it's this: the Y-Virus doesn't seem to have any effect on other animals in the world."

I buried my face in my palm. This was too much to take in.

"We realize that this is a lot of new information for you to process, but we had no choice but to bring you out of cryogenic stasis early. 119 years early to be exact. I think you understand the simple reason why." Dr. Miller looked at my genitals, and then returned her eyes to mine.

I knew exactly what she meant.

I admit I was at a loss for words at first. I was still very embarrassed about the fact all these women watched me get raped and violated by the XTC Internal Scanner the day before. I tried my best to forget about my recent embarrassment by thinking of some vital questions.

"Who did this? Who would create such a virus?" I asked. My voice was starting to return to its normal strength and volume.

This time it was Dr. Minoko who answered, "The person primarily responsible is a woman by the name of Mirinda Freeborne. What we know about her is that she has a PhD in microbiology and an extensive background in genetic engineering. This is how she was able to create the virus. She admitted to creating the Y-Virus in secret at the laboratory where she worked in Chicago, Illinois. She is also the head of the Black Widow Society. The Black Widows were once a secret society, but it isn't so secret anymore. They were responsible for coordinating the release of the Y-Virus into the world under Mirinda Freeborne's orders.

"The Black Widows are made up entirely of neo-feminist extremists that have a stated goal to, quote: 'wipe Mother Earth clean of the plague of men.' They felt there were enough technological advances in cloning to make males obsolete. They believed that they could simply clone female fetuses and, subsequently, do away with males once and for all . . . but they were wrong. Cloning has proved itself to be an ineffectual mode of reproduction. It leads to countless genetic abnormalities and chromosomal instabilities." Dr. Minoko said matter-of-factly.

"I can't believe all of this is happening . . . or . . . happened," I corrected myself.

"We understand this truth isn't easy to accept," Dr. Miller said, "We just need to stress the reality of the situation. To put it in simplest terms: we need your sperm. It's beyond critical."

I nearly choked at her bluntness.

"I feel that it's also important to inform you that we've managed to obtain the cryogenic chambers of twenty-one other men from various parts of the eastern half of the United States. We tried to obtain as many men as possible before the Black Widows could get a hold of them. You're very lucky we were able to bring you here all the way from Ann Arbor."

"Where am I now?"

Dr. McFlarghan looked up from the tablet-like device that monitored my vitals and answered the question in her delightful Scottish accent. "The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), DeKalb County, Georgia. We managed to bring your cryo-chamber here via hover vessel, as well as the cryo-chambers of two other men frozen at the CryoVenture Institute of Michigan."


"Yes," Dr. Miller said, "this is a quarantined facility. Please forgive the crude terminology, but I'm afraid you and the other males we've been able to acquire will have to be detained here for your own safety, as well as for the security and preservation of the human race."

"Well . . . I guess I can't argue with that. But what's this metal thing locked around my balls? I think I have a right to know that at least, don't I?"

"Indeed, you do," Dr. Miller said, "I'll allow Dr. Minoko here to explain it to you. I'm afraid that Dr. McFlarghan and I have other work to attend to. There are more men that need to be brought out of cryogenic stasis."

Dr. Miller turned and nodded to the beautiful Japanese doctor. She returned the nod with a smile. Dr. McFlarghan then handed the high-tech tablet over to Dr. Minoko before leaving with the head physician.

Dr. Minoko approached and sat at a chair that was about three feet away from my bed. She was so beautiful. I couldn't help but get a full-blown erection. She noticed this when she turned in the chair to face me and gave a slight giggle.

"To answer your question, Mr. Barber, the device secured around your testicles is called a TestiTracker 3.1X. Its original purpose was to serve as a sex toy for people interested in BDSM, femdom, and medical fetishes. I can't help but point out the irony that we actually need them within this facility. It has three major functions:

"First, it works as a tracking device. We, the staff, want to make sure we know where you are at all times. You are extremely valuable given the global situation.

"Second, the device monitors and keeps track of all your orgasms. Believe me when I say that you'll be required to supply us with a tremendous amount of sperm. Don't worry," She smiled, "we'll make sure you enjoy it . . . or, at least most of the time. These DataPads," She held up the tablet, "receive and store all information the TestiTracker sends us about your orgasms: how many you have, roughly how much sperm you produce when you ejaculate, and when your refractory period ends.

"Third, and I know you won't be too keen on this function, the device is wirelessly connected to the wrist remotes that each woman in this facility wears," She raised her left hand and I saw what resembled a wide metal bracelet with more than a dozen small buttons on it. "We, the staff, have the ability to deliver varying degrees of electric shock to the testicles of any male in this facility if they become ornery and violent."

My eyes went wide and I made an audible 'gulp' as I looked at the device locked around my balls. Dr. Minoko continued:

"I'm afraid such a thing is necessary for the safety of the women in this facility. We need to be sure that, in the event some men we thaw out are predisposed to violent tendencies, we have the ability to subdue them for our own safety. In truth, we don't know which of you, if any, were rapists or murderers in the past.

"Well, I suppose I can't blame you for taking that precaution," I said sadly while looking at the device on my balls, and then back at her, "but I can only assure you that I've never killed or raped anyone in my life."

"I'm sure you haven't, but we, the women of the CDC, need to preserve our safety as we try to work our way out of this apocalypse. The TestiTracker is locked with a strong magnetic lock. The magnetic keys are kept under the watchful eye of Dr. Miller. She strongly insisted on being the only one to have access to them."

"I guess we can't argue with the doctor's orders, huh?" I said with a touch of humor.

Dr. Minoko gave a slight chuckle, but soon her expression became a little more serious.

"I regret having to do this, but I'm required to demonstrate that the device actually works, and the threat of electric shock isn't an idle one. Please forgive me." She brought a finger up to the buttons on her wrist remote and my eyes went wide with fear.

"Don't worry," She said with an apologetic look, "the lowest setting isn't all that powerful. I promise it won't hurt too much."

I braced myself for the worst as she pushed two or three buttons.


She didn't lie. The shock was very weak and didn't really hurt much. It did, however, get my attention.

"That was the weakest setting: level one. There are ten levels of electric shock we can administer, just so you know. Needless to say the highest setting will deliver enough pain to subdue any male. But since were primarily focused on the functioning of men's testicles in order to repopulate the earth, I assure you that even at the highest setting you'll still be able to produce sperm."

I felt like a dog wearing a shock collar. Perhaps, in a way, I was. I looked over to the Japanese beauty and asked sadly, "When did you put this thing on me?"

"Dr. Weller," She paused with a smile, ". . . Nancy . . . put it on you shortly after you fell asleep."

I felt like a fool when I realized that knowing who put this evil device on me, or even when, didn't make me feel any better about having it on my nads.

"Can I have some clothes while I'm here, Dr. Minoko?" I asked as politely as I could. I didn't want to upset her by sounding rude, especially since she had the power to shock my balls.

"Of course," She smiled, "Kristine, one of the scouts, should return in a few hours or so with something for you to wear. I'm afraid the clothes you had in your safe didn't stand the test of time and we don't really have men's clothes lying around. We didn't really have much need for them until recently. Oh! By the way, you can call me Akira."

"Okay, Akira . . . and thank you." I said with a nervous smile as I glanced quickly to her wrist remote, and then back into her stunning dark eyes. I was made aware once more of the fact that I had a raging boner.

"Alexis, the head physician you know as Dr. Miller, likes to keep things formal around here. The rest of the staff isn't so picky about the formalities of the old world. She's a gifted medical doctor and microbiologist, and we can't afford to lose her. So we humor her most of the time. She might seem like a hard-ass, but she's all right if you give her enough time. She's still mourning the loss of her husband, Anthony, and her son, Scotty. Her son was only four years old when the Y-Virus killed him. He died in her arms when she was about to take him to his preschool. I strongly advise you don't mention anything about it to her."

"Trust me, I won't." I said as I cupped my balls in defense. She laughed a little at this gesture despite the grim topic. I ventured a chuckled with her.

I thought about the things I was being told and asked another question, "Why would this person, Mirinda Freeborne, openly admit to doing something so heinous? Wouldn't she be risking her safety with the reprisals of angry women that loved their sons and husbands?"

"You'd think that, but I think she truly wanted to be credited with the achievement of her life's ambition, and the stated goal of the Black Widow Society, no matter the consequences. I've had quite some time to think about why she did what she did. It might be," Akira raised a finger on her right hand with each point she made, "first, she's a misguided, neo-feminist extremist; second, her views in general about men may have been warped by the fact that she claims to have been raped on two separate occasions; and third, she's simply bat-shit crazy! I tend to think it's all of the above."

I shook my head sadly.

Akira continued, "I mean, even though I had an abusive boyfriend, I don't hate all men. In fact, I was still dating my abusive boyfriend when the Y-Virus made its appearance to the world. His death, which happened in my apartment and right in front of my eyes, was the first indicator of the virus I was exposed to.

"Naturally, I was scared when he died in front of me, but I'm also willing to admit that there was a small part of me that felt freed from his tyranny . . . that is, until I realized his mode of death was happening to all the men in the world at almost the same time.

"I immediately stopped thinking about Kyle, my boyfriend, and started to panic about the wellbeing of my father and brother, whom I loved more than anything else in the world."

Akira stopped suddenly. She started to get a little misty-eyed and emotional. I wanted to rub her on the shoulder to comfort her, but I stopped myself because I didn't want her to think I was trying anything funny, ergo, she might zap my testicles. I figured the best thing I could do for the both of us was to only use words.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, it's okay," Akira composed herself before any tears could take form, "I just miss them both very much." Her expression changed a little when she looked into my blue eyes. She smiled a little. "Listen to me go on and on about my problems. You're the fish out of water here, not I."

"It's okay. I know each of you must've suffered some terrible loss one way or another."

"You're right," Akira straightened herself in the chair. "Anyway, I can assure you that there are droves of women, even some under the orders of Dr. Miller, which are trying their best to find and kill Mirinda Freeborne. I don't blame them. She's worse than Hitler."

"Without a doubt," I added.

We sat for a few seconds without saying anything. The silence was starting to get a little loud if you know what I mean. I tried to think of more questions to break this weird silence.

"So, how many women help run this place?"

"There are seventy-two of us here in the CDC building. Not all of them are medical doctors or scientists. Many of them offer their help to keep this place running in exchange for food, shelter, and a fraction of order that once was. These women come from all different types of backgrounds: military personnel, mechanics, electricians, cooks, janitors, former stay-at-home mothers, you name it. Many of the former stay-at-home mothers now watch over their surviving daughters, as well as the daughters of other women that work here.

"There are twenty-five other women that work as scouts and gatherers. They go out into the world of chaos that now exists beyond these walls in order to get food, water, tools, supplies, and of course, seek out any and all information about Mirinda Freeborne and her whereabouts."

"Wow! I admit you ladies have done very well given the circumstances." It was the truth, but I admit that I was also trying to flatter Akira a little. I wanted to shift her attention away from the death of her father and brother as much as possible.

"We do well enough," She said, "but now things are really starting to look up now that you're here. We have a tremendous opportunity to save the human race! None of the women here have seen a man in almost three years. There are even a few young girls here that haven't seen a man in their whole short lives. The little poor things. I'm very interested to see how they'll react when they see you for the first time. You don't know this, but you're the first man we've brought out of cryogenic stasis."


"Yeah," She said, "I'm sure you can imagine our excitement when your vital signs were displayed on the monitors for the first time."

"Oh, I can," I said smiling, "but I wish you didn't have to be so rough when you forced that chrome tentacle up my ass yesterday."

She burst with sudden laughter. I couldn't help but laugh with her despite how embarrassed I was when it actually happened to me. Her laughter was just too contagious.

"Yeah, sorry about that," She said forcing herself to control her laughter a little, "it was part of our pre-established medical protocol. We needed to make sure your penis, testicles, prostate, and other internal organs were functioning properly. You can understand, right?"

"I do, but I just wish it wasn't so . . . invasive."

"If it makes you feel any better, all the other men will have to go through the procedure, too." She laughed again. It became clear to me in her laughter that she actually enjoyed forcing the XTC up my ass. But once again I couldn't help but join in her laughter.

I almost forgot about the fact that I still had a prominent, eight-inch erection. Akira looked down at my hard cock and didn't bother to look away this time (at least not for a noticeable amount of time). When she finally controlled her laughing, she looked at the high-tech tablet and was no doubt focusing on my increased heart rate (due to my aroused state).

"Can I ask you for something?" She said.

"Of course."

She moved her chair closer and slowly leaned forward until her lips were up to my ear. She whispered, "I haven't seen a penis in almost three years. I've only had the company of my dildo at night," I was taken aback when I heard Akira whisper these words, "You are very cute, and you have a very nice cock, but you can't imagine how badly I want to fuck you right now. But due to protocol, I'm not allowed to have sex with you until we get your sperm quota."

"You want to have sex with me?" I asked in mild disbelief.