The Wrong Movie Ch. 02


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Danny nodded. "Good. I was hoping you would be." He smiled at her warmly. "Well...I should go, I—"

"Go?" Rachael echoed incredulously. "You want togo?"

Danny looked at a loss. "I... I guess so. Is that okay?"

"No, it's notokay!" Rachael replied heatedly, getting to her feet. "You're such a stupid bastard, you know that?"

Danny frowned. ""

"Yes," said Rachael. "You have sex with me and then you don't say anything to me for a week, and now you just want to walk away and pretend it never happened?"

"Well...yeah," said Danny. "I mean, we have to. We can't let it happen again."

"Why not?" Rachael demanded.


"Because why?"

"Youknow why, Rachael," Danny said. "You know exactly why."

"Because we could get caught?" Rachael ventured. "Because it's incest and you think it's gross? Because you're having problems and you can't get it up?"

Danny was goggling at her. "Rachael... It was just because of that porno, okay? It wouldn't have happened otherwise."

"So you wish it hadn't?" Rachael asked, feeling wounded.


"Do you?" she asked again, taking a step forward so that she had to look up to see her brother's face. "Do you wish it never happened?"

Danny looked at her curiously, something clicking inside his eyes like cogs turning into place. "You don't do you?" he asked in a strange voice. "You don't regret it?"

"No," Rachael replied truthfully. "I don't. And I want to do it again. But only if you do. If you don't...then I'll go back to bed and probably cry for the rest of the night, but I'll try to forget it."

"You'd cry?" said Danny.

"I already have," Rachael replied.


"Because I miss you. The other night was the first time I think we'veever spoken to each other for more than five seconds. And I liked it."

"I liked it too," said Danny.

"Then I don't understand," said Rachael. "Why don't you want to do it again?"

"I never said I didn't."

"So you do then? You want to have sex with me again?"


Rachael closed the rest of the, admittedly minute, distance between them and put her hands on Danny's chest. "I'll kiss you," she said. "If you feel something, then we can do it again. And if you don't...then we'll stop."

Danny took a step back. "Wait," he said, raising his hands. "You can't just kiss me..."

"Why not?"

"Because – kissing is completely different from sex."

"I know," said Rachael. "That's why I want to do it. With you."

"You do?"


"So...this is more than just sex?"


"Then what is it?"

Rachael shrugged. "Love," she suggested.

"Love?" said Danny. "As in ‘true love'? As in ‘I am in love with you'?"

Rachael raised her eyes to him, cringing at the possible reaction her words might have. She nodded.

Danny looked floored. He opened his mouth to speak, then exhaled a long breath and closed it again. "Y-" he started, then swallowed and continued, "You love me?"

"I might," said Rachael. "I don't know yet, do I?"

" will you know?"

"Well," said Rachael, thoughtfully, "I could have sex with you again. Or I could kiss you and lie in bed with you and wake up next to you in the morning. I might know then."

"And how will I know?" asked Danny.

"You could let me kiss you."

She saw the muscles in his throat working as he tried to swallow. "Okay," he breathed, barely a whisper. Rachael swallowed too and took a step forward. She found that she was more nervous –far more nervous – than she had been before having sex. Kissing her brother like this was... It was big.

She stood in front of him, and looked up at his face, willing him desperately to put his arms around her. She took his hands for him and guided them around her waist, where they sat strong and supportive. She felt bolder now.

She raised her hands and held his face gently, feeling the prickle of stubble against her skin. He really wasn't a boy anymore. She flicked her tongue out to wet her lips, and swallowed again. "Okay," she said. "I'm going to kiss you now."

Danny nodded. "Okay."

She stood on her toes and reached her lips up towards his, trying to pull his head lower with her hands; but he wouldn't budge. "Danny!" she scolded him.


"I can't reach, you moron!"

"Oh. Sorry."

Rachael heaved a sigh and began again, licking her lips and swallowing for the second time. Danny let her pull his head down. She raised her face and reached up for his lips, which were in kissing distance now, but felt him tugging away as she got closer. She reached up further and he pulled back further. She tried again with the same result. "Danny!"

"I'm sorry," he said. "It's just...weird."

Rachael sighed, her hands still on his face. "Do you want to do this or not?"

"I do. Yes."

Rachael licked her lips again; swallowed again. She took a deep breath and tried to still to rapid beating of her heart. She stood on her toes and raised her lips, closer, closer... He was pulling away again.

"Aargh!" Rachael grunted, and pushed him forward until he hit the wall. She yanked his head down and mashed her lips against his, cutting off both their air supplies, which only Danny seemed to mind. He squirmed and writhed about, caught between Rachael's body and the wall. His head was now on a lower level than hers, but she held it between her hands and kissed him fiercely, concentrating more on keeping his face there than savouring the sensation. Thiswasn't what a first kiss was meant to be like!

When Rachael finally took her mouth away, she was kneeling over Danny as he lay reclined on the floor, staring up at her with a stunned expression. "Real smooth, Don Juan," she said drolly.

"Sorry," said Danny. "I just... That was..."

"Good? Bad? Rotten? Orgasmic?" Rachael supplied.

"All of the above," Danny replied weakly.

"What!?" Rachael demanded, seizing a handful of his shirt. "You thought it was rotten?"

"No," said Danny hastily. "It was just...weird...and strange...and kind of gross. But in a good way."

"It was kind of gross in a good way?" Rachael asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Yes," said Danny. "It was good-gross. Not bad-gross."

Rachael stared at him for a long while, during which she suspected he was beginning to feel self-conscious. In the end, unable to form a proper reply, she lowered her face and body and kissed him again, long and hard until his arms found their way around her. They rolled over together until Rachael was flat on her back and Danny was now on top of her, kissing her back quite fervently. Thisis what I wanted, Rachael thought.

He held her face in his hands as she held his, and pressed his lips so firmly against hers that she was sure he would bruise them. But what was a little bruising to a brother's passionate kiss?

The second Rachael felt his erection pressed against her thigh, she knew she had to have it inside her. Her body wasburning with desire, accumulated from a week of pent-up frustration and sexual energy, love and longing and an intense craving to experience what she had so fleetingly experienced all those nights ago. She whispered it into his ear, and she felt him tremble against her. He was nervous then, and so he should be.

With no blanket to encumber them this time, it took only seconds for Danny to get his pants and boxer shorts down to his ankles and Rachael to lift her nightgown above her breasts, then hook her thumbs into her panties and draw them down to her knees. That was all they needed to do, because anything else would take longer.

Rachael was startled by the look of pure hunger in her brother's eyes, and even more so when he lowered his head and closed his mouth over her breast. "Oh, shit," she groaned, holding the back of his head like a mother holding a nursing baby. He sucked it the same way too, like a kid sucking a milkshake through a straw or like Rachael sucking his cock in her fantasies. She arched her back and let him take more of it into her mouth.

His hands were on her lower back, pulling her up to him. He took his mouth of her breast, took a deep breath, and lowered it onto the other. Rachael reached down to take his cock in hand and stroke it softly. It was so warm and hard and so much better than any of her fantasies. She cupped his balls and squeezed them gently. "Put it in me," she whispered. Danny took his mouth away from her breast and obliged immediately. She felt his head pressing against her lips and then pushing past them as his cock settled inside her. And there it was: bliss.

Rachael held him around the shoulders and gasped with every thrust, her whole body shifting on the floor. Danny held her tight though, so she didn't move far.

She kicked her panties off and wrapped her legs around him, locking her ankles behind his butt. Then she scrambled for his face and managed to raise it to hers and kiss him sloppily. They were sweating now, both of them. "Do you love me?" she asked. Danny nodded. "Proper love?" He nodded again and Rachael pulled him down to her once more. "I love you, too."

She lost control of her voice after that, and most of her body. All she could do was cling to Danny as he drove into her again and again and made her moan each time. She kissed his neck – the only part of him her lips could reach – and then fell suddenly still as her orgasm tore through her and reduced her to a trembling mess. Danny came at the same time, squirting inside her that lovely cum that warmed her up inside. "Yes, Danny, yes," she said.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as tightly as she could and smiled against his shoulder. "I love you so much," she said.

As soon as she'd said it, she wanted to say it again, and again, and again... She wanted him to whisper it back and pick her up in his arms and carry her to the bed where they could lie together and make love again when they were ready. But all he did was collapse on top of her like a dead fish. "Danny?" she said, prodding his shoulder. He only grunted in reply. Rachael twisted to the side and tried to move. "Danny, you're crushing me."

"Sorry," he mumbled, and rolled off her. He lay on his back, panting and looking up at the ceiling. Rachael felt suddenly cold and naked (which she was), so she rolled on top of Danny and smiled down at him. "Did I tire you out?"

"Yeah," he replied, smiling back. Rachael lowered her lips tentatively and, when Danny showed no sign of protest, kissed him. She felt little sparks all through her body, heating up her nerve endings. Danny's hands came to rest on her back and slid up and down the length of it. Rachael grinned broadly and let herself drown in his arms. "You were going to leave, you prick," she said, turning her grin on him.

"Never," said Danny, kissing her again. More electrical sparks, more hot nerve endings and many more surges of hormones. Rachael lay down on the floor beside her brother and curled her body against him.

"So...does this mean that we're together?" she asked him.

"You mean like a couple?" said Danny, turning towards her.


"I don't know. I don't think we get to be a couple."

"Well...will you see other girls?"


"And we can keep having sex?"

"I guess so."

"And you're sure you love me? You're not just saying that to get inside my panties?"

"Would it matter if I were?"

Rachael slapped him lightly on the chest, then said, "Not really."

Danny put his arms around her and drew her forward for a kiss. He didn't let her go afterwards, and Rachael felt such a pure, blissful happiness that not a single bad thing could upset her then. She couldn't stop smiling, because she was lying naked on the floor of her bedroom with her brother who had never been nice to her and never spent any time with her before, but was now just as in love with her as she was with him. Everything was perfect.

"Danny," Rachael said, breaking the comfortable silence. "Next time...I could suck it if you want me to. And you know...cum in my mouth. I'll swallow it for you, too, if you like."

She stopped and looked at the goggle-eyed expression on her brother's face, then giggled. "What's wrong? You don't want me to?"

"I- I- I-"

Rachael smiled and laid her head down on his chest, wrapping her legs around one of his and already feeling the familiar tingle in her vagina. She reached a hand down and rubbed Danny's cock, which was still soft and lifeless. Her excitement was building quickly again though, so she started to grind her pussy against his leg as she rubbed his cock. "When it's hard again," she said, "I'll put it in my mouth, okay?"

Danny groaned softly. Rachael brought her hand to her mouth and licked her palm, then wrapped it around Danny's cock and used her saliva to stimulate the return of his erection. It took a while, but it was helped along by the sultry encouragement she whispered in his ear. "Are you gonna get hard again for me, Danny? Because baby sis wants your cock in her mouth. She wants you to slide it between her lips and cream all over her face." She laughed at the effect her words had on him. Once his cock was close to fully hard again, she crawled down to his feet and knelt between his spread legs, her ass sticking up in the air. Danny lay on her back, staring at her with astonishment.

"Are you ready?" she asked. "Baby sis is gonna give you your first blow job." With a smile, she sank her mouth over her brother's cock and closed her lips around the halfway point. Danny's groan reverberated all the way down his body, through his cock and into Rachael's mouth. She tucked her hair behind her ears and slid her mouth up again. "Mmm, you're so good to your sister. I like my treat." She grinned at Danny's expression and licked the underside of his cock. "You'll cum in my mouth, won't you?" she said. "If I ask you to?"

Without waiting for a reply, she took his cock inside her mouth again and sucked it deep – so deep she thought she was going to gag. But she didn't, and it felt wonderful, to have Danny here with her and have something of his inside her mouth. She left his cock there, and looked up at him.

Then the light came on, its brightness dazzling both Rachael and Danny. Rachael blinked a few times and then squinted up at the doorway.

"Rachael?" said her mother's voice. "What's going on in here? I heard noi..."

Her mother's eyes widened, just as Rachael's, and she wore the same horrified expression, but she didn't have a cock in her mouth. Rachael was too shocked to take it out. "Mom?" she said, around Danny's cock.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Well the story is definitely interesting! I really like all the stuff going through her head during the post week, very realistic! ...and yep, brother is pretty much a douche for waiting a week to talk with her, damn!! Think I need to reread the first half of the ch. since I set it aside for days and forgot the movie scene.

....curious what mom actually heard, them talking? Obviously the sex was long over! ...or had mon been watching the whole time? Heh. Off to the next chapter. least he wssnt acting like a total pussy when she wanted him this time, just a bit of a douche, lol.

LAROCLAROCover 11 years ago
IT MAY SOUND SILLY BUT DID I MISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MattAkerMattAkerover 11 years ago
Love it

I absolutely love the story, I really hope mom wont stop them or try to join in.

So far it's a love story, even if Danny has spent most of this chapter being an insensitive prick ( I mean, they shared their first time with each other and then he avoids her for a week? ), and bringing her into the relationship would reduce a great story to one more fap story...

Anyhow, I've loved most of your stories and hope to see more of your work and fantasies. =)

Mattias (Sweden)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
True love. A Girl who saved herself. Bravo.

Keep these two together for Life. This is True Love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Oh dear God.... it's the Overly Obsessed Girlfriend! D:

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