The Written Truth Ch. 04

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Hypno file makes anything written on Stacy become true.
8.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/03/2020
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The closet got farther and farther out of view as Stacy was carried away from her brief home. Of all the people to find her, it had to be Greg. It made sense given that he had likely been stalking Jeff until Miley finally pried her boyfriend from his beloved new slut. Now Stacy was Greg's slut, if he could figure out how to work her.

Greg wasted no time securing a private room for himself and Stacy. With the words 'sex doll' still written on her, all she could do was wait and see what Greg's next move was. At first, he just stared as if she would suddenly get up and stop the whole charade. When that didn't work, he pulled out his cock. But it was only a scare tactic.

"Hey, are you all right?" Greg asked.

Stacy wished she could respond, but her mind was stuck thinking just as a sex doll would and all she craved was a cock inside every hole. Instead of using his cock to satisfy those cravings, Greg moved her around and discovered all the writing on her. He grabbed a marker from the desk drawer and Stacy felt the cold felt tip on her skin.

As soon as she saw the words 'Sex Doll' crossed out, her mind flushed out the thoughts of having her holes filled and a sense of normalcy returned. Or as much as one could be normal while still being fraternity property. Greg was delighted to see his doll come to life.

"There's the party girl. That's quite the role play you're doing." Greg said. "Did Jeff enjoy that?"

"He did." Stacy said.

"And what did Miley think about you two?"

"She thought I was a sex doll."

"Well, you sure as hell would have convinced me if I hadn't seen you earlier."

"I should probably get going." Stacy said. She hurried to the door but was stopped at Greg's command.

"Wait. Why were you stuffed in the closet?" Greg asked.

And like she did with Jeff, Stacy told Greg everything leading up to her answer to his original question.

"You're telling me hypnosis made you believe that you are the frat's property?"

Stacy nodded, too embarrassed to admit it out loud.

"So, I own this?" Greg asked as he gestured towards her body.

Stacy nodded again. Greg walked over and groped her tits. She stood compliantly and let him enjoy his entitlement to her owned body. The disassociation her mind had to perform to ensure she knew and accepted that the body wasn't hers yet still felt everything was a mind-numbing experience. He could do whatever he wanted, and she wasn't allowed to object. His hands found their way into her owned pussy and Stacy happily spread her owned legs for better access.

"I can't believe this." Greg said. "Is this a joke? Did you lose a bet at the sorority?"

"I wish it was, but unfortunately until you erase that writing, I am property of the frat."

"Smile for me." Greg said.

Stacy smiled. She hated being asked to smile and the act of doing it was inherently putting her in an accepting mood. She could understand why Greg wanted it. From his perspective, it now looked like she was enjoying herself.

Greg took a few more minutes to explore his property. She smiled and waited as he examined every inch of her owned nude body. It wasn't just the pussy and tits he predominately played with, but his exploration extended to her owned ass, toned tanned legs and perfectly pedicured feet. Surprisingly, the most time he spent was on her owned face. Her pearly whites shone as he kissed her gently around the face and then on her widespread lips. Being so close to truly appreciate her beauty and all the hard work she had put into her image without her harsh judgmental eyes staring back must have been a unique experience not very many men get with a prize like her.

When he was done his exploration, he grabbed the marker and wrote on her stomach. His smirk indicated she wasn't going to like it. Grabbing a mirror, he brought her attention to her new reality, which she read out loud.

"Greg's Bimbo trophy girlfriend."

The mind was powerful, and Stacy had never realized it until she was saddled with her written triggers. Before her intelligence slipped, her mind established what a trophy girlfriend was, and her worldview warped accordingly. Her goal in life was to be the most beautiful girl in the room by ensuring that her body was enhanced in all aspects including her tits, lips, and ass, and that her fashion and makeup was so on point that it was enviable not only by the men that wanted to fuck her, but by women who wanted to be her. And who wouldn't? She was the perfect trophy girlfriend. But she belonged to one lucky guy, and that guy was Greg.

Stacy slipped into an overly feminine posture making sure her ass and tits were fully on display. If she was a trophy, those were the two secondary prizes with the main prize being between her legs. The moment she looked Greg in the eyes, her intelligence began draining with every passing second. Her education, her personal values, her friends, why she was even there. All of it was gone, replaced by the overwhelming need to be the best arm candy and fuck toy she could be.

All her mind could think about was cock, fashion, and looking fuckable. The only thing to escape from her mouth were the giggles she made when thinking about her new life.

"Before I fuck your brains out, I mean if there's anything left up there, I want to show you off at the party."

Stacy giggled and jumped up and down in excitement. "Oh my god, I love parties almost as much as your big cock."

Despite forgetting everything, much like her sex doll experience, the real Stacy was not gone, but just a passenger. And like the sex doll, she had no control over her body or her new persona. All she could do was watch as a bimbo took over her life for the time being.

Greg left the room briefly and returned with a pile of clothes which he dumped on the bed.

"We get a lot left behind after parties. Let's see." Greg sifted through the pile and threw a red bra and pair of panties at Stacy.

"Are these like washed?" Stacy asked.

Greg laughed. "What does this look like, a hotel? Put them on."

Stacy laughed but internally she minced at putting on a stranger's dirty bra and panties. With the bra clasped, it was two sizes too small and strained against her skin. The panties had the same issue and rode up the crevasse of her ass and pussy.

Greg threw a tight t-shirt and matching mini skirt at her with the sole purpose of covering up all the writing on her. That was a secret he likely wanted to keep to himself. She put the shirt and skirt on without hesitation or comment. Even if the clothes weren't washed, it was the least of her worries. With her body mostly covered, Greg handed her a pair of five-inch heels that also looked one size too small. But at his direction, she crammed her feet into each shoe. Despite the height, the heels were manageable, but the tightness was going to cause her problems later in the night if she couldn't get out of them. But that wasn't for her to decide. She was Greg's girlfriend and property and however he wanted her to dress, her new person was happy to dress.

With her outfit complete, Greg grabbed her hand and led her out to enjoy the rest of the party, no longer a server, but now as a dumb slut. His dumb slut.


"Joseph Peters, you answer me right now!"

Joe's mom gripped the laundry basket tightly, waiting for a reasonable explanation as to why a naked, smiling girl was just standing in his room. It was a rhetorical question because there was nothing Joe could say that would satisfy his mother. To buy himself time, he quickly wrote the word 'Freeze' on her arm and as soon as she saw the word, her body became stiff. Her eyes were stuck in a furrowed gaze, with gritted teeth. Joe grabbed the basket from her to ensure she was comfortable until he figured out his next move. Well, he knew what he wanted to do, his mother had just happened to interrupt.

Joe moved his hand in front of his mother's face to ensure there was no reaction. Could he just ignore her and continue? Would she even be aware? Then the gravity of the situation expanded. If she didn't remember, he could take a peek at what was underneath. His mother was a carbon copy of Stacy with the added effects of aging. But that didn't mean she wasn't still a MILF, at least that's what his friends told him.

Looking back at Jessica, he pushed the thoughts of his mother aside. There was only one prize in the room. After taking a moment to think, Joe wrote 'Slave' on his mother's arm and erased the word 'Freeze' using the back end of the marker. The emotion drained from his mother's face and she snapped to attention while staring blankly ahead.

"Go stand in the corner." Joe said.

His mother complied. The power he had over her consumed him briefly, but the lovely sight of his nude 'Trophy,' Jessica, proved to be too great of an antidote. There was a reason she was considered the hottest and most sought-after girl in school. Her beautiful smile combined with her amazing curves could distract any man for days. And as much as Joe liked admiring the bombshell, he would kick himself if he ran out of time before doing the one thing that he had fantasized about doing from the first time he had seen her.

It was still nerve-wracking to approach her, despite the frozen, inviting smile plastered on her face. He could do anything he wanted without judgment, yet that psychological fear of satisfying Jessica lingered in the background. He stuck a finger into her pussy and reveled in the fact that he now had his finger in the hottest girl's pussy. He slipped another finger in. Then a third. As if expecting a reaction, he looked up and saw her still beaming pearly whites. Joe had three fingers inside her and she looked as happy as could be. He had to get a picture to capture this momentous occasion. But with the angle he was at, it was impossible to capture the entire story in a selfie.

Joe looked for his phone and spotted it on his desk. With his fingers deep in Jessica, he didn't want to leave his position, but he needed a picture.

"Slave, hand me my phone."

His mother obediently walked over to the desk, grabbed the phone, and handed it to her son. As Joe grabbed it, he realized his problem wasn't a problem at all. Not when he had a slave at his disposal. He unlocked his phone and opened the camera app before handing it back to his mother.

"Take some pictures of me fingering Jessica."

His mother lifted the phone and snapped a few pictures.

"No, like a faraway picture."

His mother moved to the door and took a long-range shot. The unintentional side effect of being a mindless slave was that Joe's commands were taken very literally. He could boss her around specifically in order for her to do the right thing eventually or...

"Slave, act like your normal self, except act as is if everything is normal and all you want to do is follow my commands." Joe said. "Also, until I say otherwise, Jessica is just a trophy that I own."

Instantly, his mother's face livened up and she walked back over to Joe.

"Oh honey, what a beautiful trophy you've got there."

"Can you take some pictures for me?" Joe asked.

"Of course, sweetheart. You just keep fingering that pussy and I'll get all the good angles."

"Thanks, mom."

Finally, with his photographer in place, Joe went back to enjoying the feeling of fingering a goddess. Her pussy was tight as expected and her private area was cleanly shaven. Clearly, she got a lot of action. But it didn't take a hairless pussy to tell him that. Jessica was the type of girl to have any man she desired.

"She's getting really wet." His mother said as she snapped a few up close and personal pictures.

His mother was right, but Joe knew Jessica likely had a higher threshold for pleasure and his meek attempt at fingering her was not going to get the juices really flowing. He took his fingers out and grabbed the phone from his mother.

"Eat her out to get her even wetter." Joe said.

"I haven't eaten pussy since college, but I'll give it a try," his mother said in the same tone she would use if Joe had asked her to make him lunch on a Saturday.

With Joe in the photographer's driver seat, he captured the moment of his mother placing both her hands on either side of Jessica's thighs, bending slightly over and licking the clit of his dream girl. This would probably be the only time his mother would be getting one of his dates ready for a good fuck by her son.

The most delightful sight of the entire process so far had been Jessica's permanent jubilee expression. It was innocent and pleasant and contrasted with what was going on below, making it very ironically hot to watch. But Joe also liked seeing a genuine reaction. He re-wrote 'Property of Joe Peters' on Jessica's arm and erased the word 'Trophy' from the blonde beauty.

Joe held up her arm until she saw the writing and then put her hand back on her hip.

"Property, your mind is free to think like normal, and your face can move, but the rest of your body will remain frozen." He commanded.

Jessica let out a soft moan then her eyes looked down and discovered the source.

"What the hell is going? Who is that?" Jessica asked.

"That's my mother." Joe said, capturing everything on video.

"Why is your mother eating me out? What the fuck!" Jessica said. "And why can't I move."

"Because you're my property, remember? I'm letting your mind think freely, but I still own everything."

"How are you doing this?"

Joe pulled the marker out like he was unholstering a gun and spun it around his fingers with a grin.

"Technology, baby. Would you like a demonstration of its power?" Joe asked and looked down at his mother. "Slave, undress and put on Jessica's clothes."

"Sure thing, honey." His mother said with Jessica's juices dripping from her chin.

"What are you doing?" Jessica asked.

Joe signaled silence with a finger to his mouth. "If you don't voluntarily save questions until after the demonstration, I will force you to."

Jessica kept quiet. His mother stopped her oral activity and stripped out of her clothes, using Jessica as a clothing rack. In her mind, Jessica was just a trophy, so it made sense that throwing clothes over it was part of its use, especially in Joe's dirty room. Even though he had a naked Jessica standing in front of him, he couldn't keep his eyes off his mother's birthday suit. The only difference from Stacy's body was the slight sag in her tits and ass. His mother put on Jessica's clothes starting with her underwear, which seemed to be a perfect fit, then her plaid skirt, and finally, the tight white knotted top. When she was done, she smiled and looked at Joe.

"All done, honey."

Joe walked over and grabbed her arm. He wrote down 'I am Jessica Ramsey' and then held her arm up for his mother to see. Although he was demonstrating the power of the marker to Jessica, he was simultaneously testing its limits. His mother knew about Jessica and had seen her plenty of times through various school events, but how would she act given this new reality. The mind could only interpret so much, and it was likely to be a best estimate. With Jessica, there was plenty to work with even with his mother's limited exposure to his dream girl.

Her uptight, responsible pose seamlessly transitioned to Jessica's loose, yet sexy posture. She looked Joe up and down.

"Like, why am I in your room."

Even the voice tone and inflections were as accurate as possible to Jessica given his mother's inherent limitations.

"I'm tutoring you remember."

His mother looked up at the trophy and laughed.

"Why do you have a life-size trophy of me?"

"Because I think you're beautiful."

"That's so creepy."

The imitation was spot on, and Joe could tell the real Jessica was struggling to keep her opinion to herself. As fun as it was playing around with his mother, he was finally ready to stick his cock where it belonged.

"Property, go lie on the bed."

Jessica remained silent and reluctantly stepped down from the makeshift podium and lay on the bed as instructed.

"This is getting weird, I'm leaving." his mother said.

"Slave, I want you to cheer me on as Jessica, as I fuck this Jessica on the bed."

If his mother was going to be there, he may as well use her for words of encouragement. He approached his trophy toy who was anxiously waiting on the bed. It was time to give her filter a little bit of freedom to express herself.

"You may speak your mind now without restraint." Joe said as he pulled out his cock.

In her silent state, the pleading phase had apparently passed. Instead, Jessica came out swinging with venom.

"You're not going to get away with this. As soon as I'm free, I'll make sure you pay for this."

"You're my property, remember. I can do anything I want with you because I own you."

Jessica tried to speak, but instead she glanced at the writing on her arm. She paused as her mind reprocessed the written truth. Her pleading eyes looked at Joe.

"I'm sorry, Master. You are right, I am just property. Do what you will with your body."

Joe appreciated the power he had over her. Allowing her to speak her mind then reminding her of her place was truly satisfying, especially after being ignored and made fun of so many times by Jessica and her clique. Soon they would all know his name very well.

After seeing his mother and Jessica naked there was no need for foreplay. His cock already stood at attention. Joe excitedly spread Jessica's legs and entered her waiting, dripping hole. The feeling was euphoric as he maintained eye contact with his toy. She bit her lip, trying her best to hide the building pleasure as his body thrusted into hers.

"Oh yah, fuck my hot body. Give it to me good." his mother chimed in from beside him. The sudden intrusion of her voice almost startled him. "Fuck me so hard. Give it to me."

It was a unique experience, but Joe wouldn't have had it any other way. His mother's impression of Jessica was impeccable and the sight of her in Jessica's clothes was bringing forth a whole new kink he never knew he had. It was turning him on so much, he had to stop glancing at his cheerleading mother and focus on the prize in front of him.

Jessica's body vibrated underneath him with each thrust, including her large melons which Joe happily squeezed. They were his after all. Every part of her was his and he could see in Jessica's eyes that she genuinely believed it. To her, this was normal because what other use for her would Joe have then to get off with? He certainly didn't need her for her intelligence if he was already smarter than her. All she was good for was pleasure and it wasn't by default either. Girls envied Jessica because she worked hard and added an amazing body to her already beautiful visage.

"Oh harder, harder." his mother said unprompted again. The weird thing was how much it matched up to how Jessica would likely be reacting. By watching intently, his mother predicted how Jessica would act, suggesting maybe a slutty past of her own.

Slowing the pace down to keep his load contained, Joe leaned forward and locked lips with Jessica. She did not expect it but could do nothing to stop him. Without instruction, she kissed back, and Joe moved from a fast-paced thrust to a more sensual love-making.

"Kiss me harder, Joe." his mother said from off to the side.

But Joe's focus on his mother was minimal given the entertainment in front of him. He was living out something he had fantasized about every day for a long time, and he was going to enjoy every minute of it uninterrupted. He momentarily broke his kiss.

"Slave, go suck on my property's toes."

The cheerleading stopped and his slave complied, kneeling at Jessica's feet and placing her toes in her mouth. Joe went back to his object of desire and continued his slow lovemaking, hoping that he could last as long as he needed.