The Worm That Turned

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A lying boss gets what she deserved.
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The worm that turned.......

Chapter 1.

Dermott McHugh. How on earth did he get such a name? The McHugh was obvious - it was from his father's surname. But Dermott? It was probably his family's dreams of Scotland, where his family had come from 3 generations before. Actually it wasn't the origins of his name he was angry about - it was having the name in the first place. Having the name, and the obvious nickname that came from it - which all too sadly re-inforced his character - Dermott all too easily became "Doormat". Those who were sympathetic said he was kind, sensitive, laid back. Those who were stronger, less kind simply seemed to walk all over him.

For Dermott - now 25, work had always been like that. He'd worked in the same office - of a training company - since he was 18. He enjoyed the work. It was just the people who he had mixed feelings about. His boss was Susan - an attractive slim woman, but very ambitious to the point of ruthlessness, both for money and the congratulations of clients. She would use people like Dermott, or anyone else, to get on. Now in her mid thirties, she was good at her work - she was a good trainer, a good lecturer, she was entertaining. But she was strong and ruthless in her work. Everyone, when they met her husband, realised she was just as ruthless to her husband who was someone big in the city. Also working from the office were another three trainers - two men, one woman - as well as 5 support workers. Dermott was the only male support worker. He seemed destined to always be a support worker - to be "the Doormat."

There had been two occasions when there had been promotions available, but each time Dermott had been passed over for people with less experience than he had, but had better contacts, and because they knew he would make less fuss if turned down. And he hadn't made a fuss. He had congratulated those promoted, even though they were probably laughing at him for not fighting for the promotions. He knew they all called him "The Doormat". There were even a couple of people in the office telling him he should fight, go for it, see a lawyer, demand an explanation, but it just wasn't him. The Doormat.

The part of the work that really irritated him was that part of his job, as with all the assistants, when he had to prepare training materials for the trainers to use - and for the trainers to get credit for it - and worse - if they sold any of the resources get the commission for it - even though they hadn't written it or prepared it themselves...............

Well, yes, there were frustrations, but generally the office was friendly, the pay reasonable, the work interesting. And for someone as laidback as Dermott, it was too much effort to look elsewhere...... To be fair, Dermott also had a good social life outside work, playing sport regularly, being part of a sports club, and had a steady stream of girlfriends. As long as the job paid enough money to keep his social life moving he would carry on as he was.

It was at the end of a particularly frustrating week that Susan called Dermott into her office. Somehow he had already got worked up about things. And then it was her tone of voice. She simply told Dermott that the next week they had a training contract at a hotel 200 miles away, and he was coming with her as her support worker. No pleases. No promise of bonuses. Nothing good about it.

The work was not uncommon - companies take over hotels for 4 or 5 days for major training sessions, improving their management skills and so on, and Dermott's company is hired to do the input. But this one was irritating. It was short notice - another training provider had pulled out at short notice. Dermott had to miss his team at home playing the league leaders. On top of that it was a day-by-day course. It meant that the next day's input had to be prepared each evening, depending on what had happened that day. On top of that was the usual irritations. He had a small room, Susan would have a luxury room. Susan would get any commission on sales of the products he prepared. As the leader she would get drinks bought for her. He would have to shell out for his. For the week he would have to act as minder and carer for Susan - who had no heart for anyone else. But of course - Dermott said nothing - just agreed. He was the Doormat, after all.

All weekend Dermott seethed, but said nothing.

On the Sunday afternoon Dermott had to go into work to prepare the materials for Monday - the equipment, the paperwork - and there was never overtime pay.

On the Monday Dermott caught the train and took a taxi to the venue, carrying most of the material needed. Susan had gone on the Friday - for a long weekend, before the training course started. She had taken the company car with the heavy equipment, but Dermott's share on the train was more than he cared for.

Dermott felt angry - inside - he never showed it - even before the training course started.

The week didn't get any better. For Dermott it consisted of shifting furniture, operating equipment, and late nights.

Late nights? It was the "day-on-day" nature of these course - materials for the next day had to be prepared after a day's sessions were over - and there was much he was expected to do. The hard work started at 9.00pm, and would often take until 1 or 2 in the morning to complete. For him. Printing handouts. Preparing powerpoints. Susan would be well in bed by 11.00pm, or out socialising with the people attending the course. She simply told him what she wanted on a Dictaphone, and he had to produce the goods.

Wednesday night was the worst. She had actually knocked on his door at 10.30pm. Told him he needed to write the notes for the next days input - she gave him a 5 minute briefing of what she wanted, and said she was off for an early night. Dermott had again said nothing, but seethed as he worked until 4.00am. Getting everything ready. However, what pushed him over the edge, wasn't even that. It was towards the end of the evening session, the next day, when Susan lied. She was congratulated by the course members on the day's input, and Dermott heard her - she actually told the course she had been "......up till four this morning getting it ready......." She had been! She hadn't..............

At 10.30pm there was a knock on the door and Susan breezed in. "Last day tomorrow. Your stuff was fantastic today. Can you do the same for tomorrow? Well of course you will..........."

Dermott was suddenly frosty - for the first time ever he had to answer back. "Why did you tell them you were up till four o-clock this morning preparing it?"

"I beg your pardon?" Sue was slightly taken aback. Dermott had never spoken back to her.

Dermott slowly repeated the question: "Why did you tell them you were up till four o-clock this morning preparing it?"

Sue was suddenly business-like. "Well, it makes our company look good, and sells more products if they think the manager works into the early hours. Now I've put some notes on the Dictaphone. Can you turn them into what I need..................."

Sue was suddenly taken aback as Dermott shouted at her. "That's not what you need. You need lessons in truth. All that work, all that reputation. Just makes YOU extra money. Why should I do it? Why should I work so you can lie?" Dermott's frustration over recent weeks, over recent days, over recent years were all building up in this moment.

Susan was angry at this insubordination. "Because that's what I pay you to do. That's what I tell you to do."

Susan was angry, but Dermott was getting angrier. Suddenly everything poured out of him. "You passed me over for promotion to make life easier for you. You use me to make you more money. You lie. You are ruthless. You are a cow............" as he said that he reached out and grabbed Susan by the lapels of her jacket. "And now I've got to burn myself to a frazzle just to make you more money, give you more pride. You've got this coming to you............"

Dermott's logic and restraint were all gone. He threw Sue onto the bed, she landed on her front. He was instantly sitting across her back, holding her down. She was screaming, shouting "Get off, Get off........" Dermott smirked - he realised the construction of the hotel - there were no rooms near his, the walls were thick, no-one would hear.............

Without thinking Dermott undid the belt around his trousers, removed it from the loops. For Dermott Sue was an easy catch - she couldn't escape as much as she was struggling. He was already strong through the sport he played, and now that was re-inforced by his anger. Sue struggled even more as Dermott pulled the back of her skirt up, right to her waist, revealing her pert ass - even more glorious than he had imagined it.

Dermott noticed that the thong she was wearing was hiding nothing of the shape, but he still reached down and ripped it off her. As he did he felt Sue struggle all the more, yelling "get off me, get off me......", but there was no escape for her.

Dermott wrapped the strap around his hand - instinct had long taken over - and suddenly there was a huge slapping noise as Dermott brought the belt down as hard as he could across Sue's ass, leaving a wide red welt across her.

There was a moment's stunned silence, then Sue cried out as the pain spread rapidly through her ass. She squirmed, fighting the pain at the same as calling Dermott names.........

SMACK - the second blow was just as hard, as Sue squirmed, now forgetting to fight Dermott in her need to fight the pain.

SMACK - the third blow, SMACK - fourth blow, SMACK - fifth blow, all followed in quick succession. At each one Sue squirmed, screamed, much of her screams muffled in the bed clothes.

After the fifth Dermott stopped and watched Sue squirming, clenching and unclenching that beautiful ass now glowing bright red..........

After a few moments he listened to Sue again - she had changed - she was now begging. "Please, no more, please, no............"

Dermott had also changed - the fury had left him. Everything he had done was to this moment driven by fury, but that had now gone. He found himself sitting across the back of a beautiful half naked woman whose ass he had just strapped. It was a strange feeling - part of him was terrified of what he had done. A little part of him found this incredibly erotic. But for Dermott he mostly felt empowed. He had stood up to someone. Controlled someone. Could make things happen. Suddenly a part of him was awakened, a part that was considering, working out what had happened, working out what to do next, even thinking how to get out of this. He sat for maybe 5 minutes on Sue's shoulders. Sue had stopped shouting. She sobbed occasionally. She even stopped clenching her ass which was now glowing bright red.

One thought kept coming to Dermott. He knew his job was finished. But he knew that the more he humiliated her, the less likely she was to tell. In her haughtiness, pride, call it what you will - the more she was humiliated the less she could tell anyone.......... How to humiliate her.........Suddenly an idea.........

Dermott, put the belt down for a moment, reached to the bedside table and picked up his digital camera. He took some photos. He then thought further. Another idea.

He suddenly licked a finger, pushed it gently between the cheeks of Sue's ass - she tried to fight him off, but had little fight left - and put the finger to her asshole. She suddenly squirmed much harder as Dermott pushed his finger inside her, slowly, about two inches, then after a moment as far in as he could.

Sue had changed. "Please," she begged, "No-one has ever done that to me before.........."

Dermott spoke to her for the first time since he had put her on the bed. "Do you like it?"

The question shocked Sue and she paused. "No, please no, please don't do it to me......."

Dermott spoke carefully to her. "Sue, I am going to leave my finger inside you. I'm going to get off. You will not fight me. You will do what I tell you. Do you understand?"

Sue whispered "Yes".

As he began to get off her, he felt her begin to squirm against him, so sat back on her, picked up the belt and CRACKKKKKKKKKK across her ass as hard as he could. The shock stopped her squirming and she screamed into the bedding. While he had used the belt Dermott had removed his finger, but now replaced it in her immediately. He felt her squeezing his finger as she fought the pain.

Again, after five minutes she calmed down. Dermott spoke to her again. "Do you understand what I said about getting off you?"

Sue whispered "Yes, I'm sorry."

"Sorry" thought Dermott - that is a new word in her vocabulary..........

Slowly he lifted himself off Sue, leaving his finger buried in her ass - probably the ultimate humiliation for her - and this time she didn't struggle, just moving slightly on the bed to make herself more comfortable, as Dermott sat next to her. He knew she felt totally humiliated by what he had done to her, as well as her ass being very sore and red.

At last she spoke. Very quietly. "Please will you take your finger out. I'll do anything............." Her voice trailed away.

Dermott paused before replying. "Anything?" He paused. "Will you strip and let me take pictures of you naked. Doing lewd things."

Again Sue whispered. "Please, no............"

Dermott paused again, then "wagged" his finger still buried in her ass. It was enough to remind her of her defeat, her humiliation. She whispered again. "Yes."

For the next five minutes Dermott took pictures of Sue with his digital camera, Sue stood up and posed in different positions - there was almost a hint she was beginning to enjoy posing. He had to admit she did have a sensational body.

"Okay, good so far....." said Dermott. "Now, sit on the bed, spread your legs and draw then up........."

Sue suddenly had the dark cloud over her. "No, please, I can't. Please don't make me."

Dermott was not to be denied. "Do it!" he snapped.

Slowly Sue climbed onto the bed, slowly spread her legs slowly drew them up. It was then Dermott noticed. The lips of her pussy were shining. They were moist. Her pubic hair was damp.

Dermott looked straight into Sue's eyes. "You slut. You didn't want to spread your legs because you didn't want me to see that you were enjoying this." With that, Dermott slipped two fingers deep into Sue's pussy, which was sopping wet, Sue moaning gently as he did.

"Please don't," she whispered, but her eyes were suddenly hungry. She wanted it. She wanted to be fucked more than anything else in the world at that moment. The strap had hurt, and did nothing for her. But she had never been humiliated before like she had been in the previous half hour - and it had been so hot. She had acted well, hiding her arousal, but now she was found out she knew she would do anything Dermott wanted.

Dermott slid his fingers in and out for a few moments, until he heard Sue whisper, "Please fuck me....."

Dermott smiled. He quickly removed his trousers and pants. He noticed the Dictaphone Sue had brought with her on the bedside table, and without her knowing switched it to record. Then spoke to her again. "What do you want, tell me..........."

Sue now had lost her will to fight. "I want you to fuck me, I want to feel your cock in me, please fill me........."

Dermott pulled her down the bed. He lay on top of her and with one thrust his cock was buried deep in her, Sue moaning as she felt his cock filling her pussy. Dermott spoke to her again. "Tell me what you are. Tell me what you want."

Sue didn't hesitate, as Dermott began to slide his cock in and out of her. "Please fuck me. I'm your slut. Your whore. I want your cock. Cum in me, fill my cunt........." She kept up a long crude speech interspersed with moans as Dermott slid his cock in and out of her. Faster and faster, their bodies writhing against each other. Suddenly they both cried out, both came at the same moment, both screaming in orgasm, their bodies shaking as lust consumed them. Dermott had never known a woman as wild as Sue had become, as both had cum at the same moment.

At last they came down from their high, catching their breath. After they had lain in each other's arms for a few minutes, Dermott took more photos with his camera of Sue with cum dripping from the mouth of her pussy.

The rest of the night was a funny time. Together, naked, they prepared the materials for the next day between fucking each other, Sue sucking Dermott off, Dermott sucking her off with his finger buried in her ass. It was a wonder next day they still had the life to present the material, but adrenalin kept them going and no-one could really tell the difference.

Dermott knew that back at work Sue would revert back to her normal self, and given her own way would be able to claim any rumours were Dermott's fantasies. He was certain he would be out of a job in a week. But she would no longer have her own way.

On the Friday evening Dermott dropped Sue off at her home and even spoke to Sue's husband Derek, saying it had been a good week, when he had dropped her. But just before he dropped her he made his instructions to her clear.

"Sue," Dermott kept his voice business-like. "You will make sure everyone at work knows we had sex this week."

"What? I can't.........." Sue replied, shocked.

"I think you can, and you make sure people understand it was fantastic and kinky. You women have ways of doing it." Dermott paused.

"I can't do that.........." she whispered.

"You can," replied Dermott. "The thing is I have a load of good pictures, and I have tape recordings or you begging to be fucked, and moaning in pleasure - here on your Dictaphone. I'm sure there are a lot of people you don't want to see these, and hear this.........."

The full horror of what Dermott was saying and what had happened hit her. She was defeated. She would let them know. Dermott knew he had won - and knew - if his reputation went out, then he could look forward to a lot more fun, with a lot more people...........

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C_frommnC_frommnover 7 years ago

That he has Sue under control. She should be Bringing him Friend's , Client's and or Family member's to Share her Humiliation. and to Keep her Sexual Buzz going. Let's Hope you don't let it die here.

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