The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 15

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From trophy wife to breeding sex slave.
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Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Chapter 15 From Trophy Bride to Sex Slave


Outside Lena's head and the Everleigh, the world moved on, full of sound and fury, sturm und drang. The hottest scandal of the summer began shortly after Lena returned to the Everleigh.

The scandal involved Zoe Klug, Jeb Altschule and his older half-brother, Lester Semmes Jr., who had just returned from a French prison as part of the deal that sent Grette Zelle back to Europe and would release Lena.

Mrs. Altschule and certain other proper Free States women had long been offended by rumors that Zoe Klug and certain other women married to major Free State power brokers were not complying with the laws regarding marital fidelity and birth control.

If asked, Mrs. Altschule would have talked first of Zoe setting a bad example for the greater population. If pressed hard in a private setting, Mrs. Altschule might have admitted something like, "darn it, I had to open my legs and ovaries for an old man for over a decade, and for only that old man, and had seven children by the old coot. Other gold digger women should have to go through what I did." If she was honest, Mrs. Altschule would also have to admit that her sex life had been one of duty, and she was overwhelmed with envy of Zoe Klug and other attractive, upper middle class women who had married older men with great power or wealth but who had not had to pay the dues for wealth and physical comfort that Mrs. Altschule had paid.

Mrs. Altschule hired a man, Thomas Marlowe, to follow Zoe Klug. Marlowe assumed that the woman he was hired to follow was married to one of Mrs. Altschule's sons, and Altschule hoped to get rid of an unwanted daughter-in-law. Why else would an older lady care who a younger woman was sleeping with?

Mrs. Altschule told Marlowe that she wanted Zoe exposed, but she did not want to be exposed as having hired him. Marlowe was to get pictures of Zoe having sex with someone who was certainly not her husband and go straight with the pictures to the local sheriff wherever the illegal act occurred. He was to tell the sheriff that he was working for the Department of Dixieland Security doing routine checks on persons associated with high officials of the Department and had come across this offense.

For many years now, Zoe had been having casual affairs with men she met at, where else, church.

Zoe picking up guys at church was facilitated by the fact that Max Klug always claimed he was busy fighting some horrible security risk to the Free States on Sunday morning. In fact, Max Klug had no use for God. Further, he did not really care what his wife did. Klug's needs were satisfied by an indentured servant he'd bought eight years ago, Nadezha, who was less showy but far smarter and nicer than Zoe.

The Holy Word Church of Arkansas and the rest of God's Kingdom had been established by James Backer some years before the national divorce. The church had grown to be a massive institution with over 40,000 members and numerous associate preachers along with Backer. In addition to the main sanctuary with its center stage with a seating capacity for over 25,000 churchgoers, the religious campus had three auxiliary worship centers for weddings and special services.

Zoe did not quite violate the unwritten Free States dress code when she went to church, but she pushed the limits. She promptly returned the glances of any attractive man who looked at her and always moved her body in a manner that emphasized her flat belly, shapely legs and derriere. Somehow, she frequently found it necessary to stretch during sermons in a manner that pushed out her very nice C-cup breasts, and the way she shook her lovely auburn hair also served to keep many men from falling asleep during even the most boring sermons.

Zoe always managed to sit somewhere where she was projected sitting behind the preacher on one of the huge screens shown above to those sitting further back and to the national TV audience. Naturally, Zoe came to the attention of Rev. Backer who was an acquaintance of the Altschules, major donors to the church. Zoe's religious activities also came to investigator Marlowe's attention.

Readers of this saga can pretty well imagine much of what happened in May to early July 2047. Jeb Altschule with his half-brother Lester Semmes took it onto themselves to introduce Zoe to Rev. Backer. Backer took the three on a tour of the religious campus, particularly to one of the auxiliary worship centers that had particularly well-padded pews. Marlowe observed this and that Backer took the three to the same auxiliary worship center the following Sundays. Marlowe determined that he could enter the well-padded auxiliary worship center while the main service was going on and hide behind the altar.

And so, it came to pass that Marlowe obtained some excellent pictures and movie footage of Zoe Klug naked, sitting on a pew with Jeb Altschule's cock up her ass while Lester Semmes rammed his cock in and out of her quim and Rev. Backer fed his cock into her mouth.

The sheriff of Pulaski County, Arkansas, would have recognized Zoe Klug and would not have investigated without giving Max notice. But that sheriff was also under investigation due to the uproar that the floating Bibles had caused. The acting sheriff was Deputy Goodman. Goodman saw clear evidence of sodomy and an attractive woman who had to be committing adultery, as all three men could not be her husband.

Deputy Goodman could perhaps have made two arrests immediately. Marlowe could identify Zoe Klug and Rev. Backer for him, of course. But Goodman was worried that the pictures or the movie had been photoshopped, and with all the recent noise in the papers about selective prosecution by sheriffs and sheriffs bringing cases without good evidence, Goodman decided that there was nothing to do but go to the auxiliary worship center and wait outside the door until he got a text signal from Marlowe who would again be behind the altar the following Sunday.

This time the three leechers had thrown some of the cushions on the floor, and Jeb was on the bottom with his cock in Zoe's quim as she faced him but with her head turned to suck Backer's cock while Lester rammed his condom-clad cock up Zoe's ass. None of the three men managed to disengage in time as Deputy Goodman and two other officers stormed into the hall. Zoe's possessions were naturally searched.

Thrilled that he had clear evidence of at least eight cases of adultery (later proven to be twelve), eight cases of sodomy and two cases of illegal possession of contraceptives, Goodman booked all four of the repeat offenders.

Rev. Backer insisted that he was only trying to force demons out of the woman, but, Goodman, being a Methodist, wasn't buying it.

Mrs. Altschule was initially thrilled after being told of Zoe's arrest and criminal charges that would probably keep her on a boat for decades. After she heard who had been arrested with Zoe and for what, she had a heart attack.

Perhaps it was unfortunate that the heart attack was not fatal, as Mrs. Altschule did not want to live. When she came back to consciousness in the hospital, she immediately began to bemoan the fact that she had not been going to church at the same time as Jeb and Lester Jr. "If only I had gone to the regular services instead of the special services Rev. Backer held at the country club for major church donors, I could have prevented all of this from happening," she told everyone in the hospital who would listen to her.

Of course, the newspapers could not get enough of it. Former debutant, high school beauty queen, and Phi Sigma Rho sorority sister and homecoming Queen Zoe having perverse sex in a church with a prominent preacher and two of the leading scions of the old south was simply wonderful.

Things could have been worse for the men. Rev. Backer invoked his rights as a man of God to only be prosecuted before a jury of fellow ministers. He was let out on bail. At the August arraignment, Rev. Backer declared that he "had seen the Whore of Babylon and been reborn." Most of his congregation were sympathetic, although a few left the congregation to become Methodists. Backer's trial would be held in September 2048 at the earliest because Rev. Backer had a lot of important preaching to do that could not be delayed.

After hearing from Mrs. Altschule and several important members of the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce, the Pulaski County prosecutor decided that Lester Semmes would not be prosecuted because he was a recently released war hero suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Given the political uproar caused by the floating Bibles, the Pulaski County prosecutor decided that Jeb Altschule had to be charged with something, but decided that Jeb's face was not plainly visible as to the first week of sex acts pictured and that Jeb did not necessarily know that Zoe was married. After all, Max might have divorced Zoe after the December 2045 party without telling anyone.

Jeb pled not guilty to one charge of sodomy on the basis of temporary insanity and told the court he was blinded by Zoe's beauty and could not control himself. "That bitch displayed both of her knees, the dress clearly showed the shape of her hips, and there was some cleavage on display. What could I do but fuck her?" Jeb protested.

The judge was sympathetic and eventually allowed Jeb to plead guilty to disrespecting a place of worship. Jeb spent 30 days in a motel room watching reruns of college football games not far from the county jail.

Released in mid-August, Jeb was still not quite in the clear. Max Klug approached Jeb in the Bedford Forest Country Club, struck him across the face with a wet Razorback monogrammed towel, and demanded to know if Jeb was a man. Jeb said he knew what Free State values demanded after receiving such an insult and said he would meet Klug in a duel "anyplace, anytime." Challenged by Jeb, Klug chose 22 caliber pistols as weapons.

Jeb and his second, Melus Knox, met with Max and his second, Jack Colby, in a wood outside Memphis. The men were to approach each other from 50 meters and fire at will.

It might have seemed that Jeb had an advantage. Max was older than Jeb by about 25 years, and, like all Free State men, Jeb practised with guns frequently.

However, Max was a trained security officer who had shot in anger and been shot at many times. As they approached, Jeb nervously fired a few shots. Max smiled. Jeb panicked and turned to run. Max calmly shot him in his left gluteus maximus. Jeb fell and screamed like a stuck pig. Jack Colby asked Jeb if he was prepared to apologize and leave the country or if they should set another date to finish the duel.

Jeb apologized and promised to leave the Free States for five years, which would still allow him to return much sooner than anyone wanted to see him again, except perhaps for Mrs. Altschule.

Zoe came much closer to death than Jeb. A search of one of her rooms in the Klug's mansion revealed not only more condoms but clear evidence that she had used morning-after pills. Zoe could be charged with capital murder under the laws of Tennessee. Given the choice of facing the death penalty and pleading guilty to numerous offenses, Zoe pled guilty to six counts of adultery and four counts of sodomy and received a sentence of 200 years with a year off for each year of good behavior.

Publicly, many in the Free States applauded that Zoe had been brought to justice despite her political connections. Privately, many of the Free State aristocracy deplored that because of faddish notions of equal justice, poor Zoe had been subjected to punishments only intended for lower middle-class and poor women.

Lena was shut up in the Everleigh, but there was no way for her to miss the news of the Klug-Altschule-Backer Scandal. Several customers told Lena all of the basic facts as well as numerous juicy details that were exciting but probably not quite true. Nonetheless, Lena was very surprised when, in September 2047, Zoe was pushed into Lena's room naked at 3:00 AM in the morning.

Lena's greeting words to Zoe were, "What the fuck."


Zoe said, "They put me here with you for two nights."

Lena's initial reaction to the situation was fear. Was someone trying to get them to engage in lesbian activity to arrest Lena for some new crime? No, Lena thought, failure to release her now would cause all sorts of other agreements to collapse. Anyway, she was not going to touch Zoe.

"Zoe," Lena asked, "Do you know what you are doing here?"

"Yes," Zoe said, "I am to sleep, and tomorrow we are to be fucked by a bunch of men before you are packed off the day after tomorrow. Max said you are being sent to some sort of maximum-security facility with some confederate agents in Wyoming and had been sentenced to a life commitment."

It sounds like Max told Zoe some half-truths, Lena thought. Lena did not plan to tell Zoe anything she did not have to. "The Everleigh could not have found you another room?" Lena inquired.

"They could have. I think they are just being cheap. I am to be in your room for a few weeks before I am moved to the new 'O' boat being opened," Zoe said, "See my brands," Zoe said, pointing to her arm and bottom.

"I understand the 'S' as I have heard you have been convicted of some sex offenses, but I have not seen the 'O' brand of your left butt cheek before," Lena observed. "What does 'O' stand for?

"Oh, I don't know," Zoe said. "Maybe Melus Knox, who paid for the boat, just likes the letter 'O ' or maybe it stands for orgasm. I was told something about a Story of O about some woman who does everything men want her to do and is screwed and whipped a lot. I think that's what's happening to me. And it's just terrible. I'm a lady, not a crazy slut like you."

Lena suppressed an urge to say that Zoe was in no position to call someone else a 'crazy slut.' She asked instead, "If you are going to a new boat called "O," why are you on the Everleigh?"

"They said that the 'O' is owned by the Everleigh Entertainment Corp. It's supposed to be a boat where women are treated differently from the Everleigh. They said at the slave school in New Orleans that the Everleigh is too classy for me and is for women with a brain and can talk to men, but the O is for really hot women who aren't good for nothing but sex. It's really unfair cause I'm lots smarter than you, and you have been on the Everleigh. Oh, don't get me wrong, I remember you really know how to lick a girl right in the right places. That's pretty smart.

"How much have you heard of what happened to me?"

Choosing again to ignore an insult, Lena said, "My customers only knew about what happened until you were convicted. Nobody who was present at your branding or with you during your sex slave training has come to me yet."

"I'm kind of tired, but I think I can fill you in on the facts of what happened after I was sentenced to 200 years for sex offenses, if you are interested."

"Certainly," Lena said, "but we will have to try to sleep soon."

Sounding like the southern belle she was, Zoe began, "I knew I was really, really fucked when I was arrested, but I did not realize how much. You know I've never been in any sort of trouble before. Daddy always took care of anything any teacher said bad about me.

"I thought Max could get me an easy sentence or sneak me out of the Free States. Max said, though, that this summer, the politicians and officers of the law were all going to have to act like they were all fair about enforcing the law. I thought that maybe they should just not sentence anyone for sex offenses for a while, but Max just smiled and said that he was sorry, but I was going to the boats, and he could not see any way I would get off.

"The prosecutor asked if I wanted to be hung or stoned when I wouldn't plead guilty. The lawyer daddy hired for me said it would be very sad for such a pretty women to die at my age. I told the prosecutor man that he should call my daddy. He said that my daddy would not be able to help me this time. My lawyer said that under current Arkansas law I could apply for probation in forty years and conceivably I could be pardoned before that but none of that could happen if I was dead.

"Finally, I broke down crying an said I'd say anything the prosecutor wanted me to say to keep em from killing me. The prosecutor acted like he was doing me a big favor by only charging me with sex offenses rather than murder. I pled guilty to everything he asked me to.

"An this is so unfair. All the girls in the sorority put out, or they wouldn't find no husbands an no one said anything bad about it, an I didn't do as much playing around as some of the other girls. I married who Daddy told me to marry. He said old Max, he was maybe 41 at the time, had some dough, and was a young man on the way up. Well, he was young compared to my daddy but a lot older than me.

"An Daddy said that I wasn't doing nothing at college anyway but wasting his money. So, instead of marrying the guy on the golf team I'd dated a few times who really liked me, I did like I was told, an had a big wedding an made babies for Max. But taking care of babies just wasn't for me. Well, an I did want sex a lot more than Max, but I didn't want to make no more babies after three, so what was I gonna do?"

Lena began to feel more sympathy.

"I know you know about the arm branding. It hurt terribly. Nobody had ever been mean like that to me before. I wasn't no adventure woman like you. I was a debutant an sorority sister before my father told me to marry Max because he had lots a money and was gaining power. An Max has sort of been good to me and hasn't minded if I had fun with men closer to me in age than Max. Course, he's got an indentured servant, Nadezha, who he hired to take care of the children and who he's had a lot of children with since he an I pretty much stopped having sex.

"I'm not saying anything bad about Nadezha, mind you, 'cause she's been pretty good to me an even tried to help me with the prosecutor by telling him that she didn't think I should be punished no worse than Jeb Altschule. I guess Max will marry Nadezha someday now that he's divorced me although she speaks with a kind of funny Russian accent. I think she's here cause she had to flee the civil war over there an had no better choice than to become a servant here."

"Zoe, I think you had best just focus on what's happened since you were sentenced so we can get some sleep. You know we have to get up in less than seven hours to have breakfast, do our exercises, and get prepared to start seeing customers at noon."

"Yeah, ok, but I think we'll be seeing some special customers tomorrow and might not have as many regular customers. Anyway, I told the judge I was guilty of all the things the prosecutor said an got the 200-year sentence, an a bunch of sheriffs took me to a room in the courthouse an told me to take off all my clothing. I said I already got into enough trouble for doing that. They laughed an said that, unfortunately, they weren't allowed to have sex with prisoners no more, an they did not want to rip my nice dress cause some other woman could wear it, so I stripped.

"One of em held my arm while the other pushed the branding iron into my arm. I screamed naturally. They laughed, put some sorts of ointments on my arm an walked me to the ladies' room, an then to a truck, an they drove me all the way to New Orleans. I don't know why they had to go so far to auction me, except that a lot of the boats are there. Anyway, it was kind of dumb as after the auction an slave school, they had to drive me north again to Memphis.

"You did not go through an auction, Lena, did you. Well, let me tell you, you sure did not miss anything good. You missed what would have been the awfulest, most humiliating day in your life. A couple days before, I was in church in a nice dress, listening to Rev. Backer, an now I was naked as a jaybird up on a platform and being auctioned along with a bunch of other women.