The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 13

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Slavery and pregnancy affects different women differently.
7.9k words

Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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This story is another of my dystopias. It is perhaps the harshest one. While I have attempted to be amusing and erotic, the story considers what I believe to be a possible world in which slavery has been legalized. It is attempted to be a bit more realistic than many of the legalized slavery stories that appear on Literotica.

Not to rain on anyone's fantasy, but in my view, to be at all realistic, the story has to be very dark. Call me a feminist, but I believe few women are eager to become sex slaves, and there is no "horny juice" that makes women happy bimbos, although certain drugs might get you through parts of the experience.

Generally, I have attempted to make the political situation and technology involved be what I think is within the realm of possibility for 2045-8 while hoping that nothing like the world I present ever comes into reality. The events that I imagine might lead to the dystopia presented are discussed in Chapter 1 and developed in later chapters.

Also, in Wild West, the lives and feelings of women who have become slaves are discussed in greater detail than in stories that end on the auction block with the lover that the slave always wanted as the purchaser.

Also, many of the characters in the story are very unpleasant. What do you expect of slavers? I personally agree with few of the views presented by the characters in the story, and again, I am not promising a happy ending.

Finally, many may disagree the Wild West dystopia is at all realistic and with my suggestions as to how people would react in my imaginary Free American States under God. I encourage comments. I would be much comforted by proof that nothing like the dystopia I present could ever happen.

Thanks again to Avicia.

Chapter 13


Lena had her fun with the letter she got through the clueless censorship office. She paid for that fun. Several days of solitary confinement and excruciating pain caused Lena to decide that she would not again do anything to embarrass the Free American State Under God; well, anything that could easily be blamed on her unless it was really important.

Also, it had been discovered that the operators of the gambling and sex ship that Lena was kept on, the Everleigh, had failed to take out the birth control device that was in Lena when she entered the Free States despite the strict Free State law prohibiting birth control. Obviously, Lena knew that it had not been removed, knew that the Everleigh management had "accidentally" left the IUD in to maximize its profits, and stayed quiet about the Everleigh's "oversight." But the government authorities had found out, the hormonal IUD came out, and Lena's body was as open for business as possible.

Naturally, everyone agreed publicly that it was all Lena's fault that she was allowed for months to be on birth control because she should have notified someone of the Everleigh's negligence. Privately, Everleigh management admitted that Lena had done them a big favor by expanding the time in which men would be paying money for the chance of impregnating her and delaying the time that she would have to be taken out of service temporarily due to pregnancy.

Lena was submissive in bed and really liked sex. Those inclinations did not stop Lena from thinking and feeling about how totally helpless, exploited, and humiliated she was. While some of the customers, such as Neck Wallace, Killer Lewis, Doctor Galton and some foreigners, were sympathetic, many of the men who came to see her made a point of telling her that she was barely human anymore. Many customers took joy in telling Lena that she was a breeding sex toy of significance only for her femininity in the most basic sense of that term. Being addressed as "cunt" much of the time wears thin very quickly, she thought.

Several of the customers came right out and said something like, "I really love the fact that a feminist slut that was so wild and free is now my rental toy to fuck as I please and impregnate if I can."

Jeb Altschule said with glee, "I don't feel that one ever really has a woman unless you can put your sperm in her helpless, fertile womb. Now we got you, stupid cunt.

"Isn't the most basic male fantasy to father a child and not have to suffer any financial or social consequences? That's what is offered on the Everleigh and other sex boats.

"I've never understood guys who make such a big deal out of blow jobs and sticking it up some bitch's asshole. Maybe it feels good, but so does jerking off. If elevating yourself by humiliating a woman is what you want, forcing a woman to carry a baby she doesn't want and abandoning her is the way to go. Don't you agree, Sheriff?"

Sheriff Hawley was with Jeb in July 2046 for the dedication of a new room in the hold of the Everleigh that had been set up for serious S&M activities. The torture chamber had been built specifically with Lena in mind.

Lena was brought down to the chamber a half hour before the dedication. As Jeb chatted with Hawley, Lena laid on her back on a slightly padded table with her arms fastened to the end of the table above her head and her ankles each attached to ropes that were attached to the ceiling. Lena's legs were now held up, forming a 'V' with her vulva facing the door on the edge of the table and her vagina and anus as open to viewing and penetration as possible.

Further, there was a mechanism that could lift Lena's spread legs up so her feet were near the ceiling, leaving her upside down with her head about three feet from the floor.

"I'm told there was a lot of work done to make sure that it lifted the woman upside down without hitting her head on the table on the way up," Jeb said. "We don't want to conk the cunts out, at least not with blows to their airheads."

Prior to Lena being on the Everleigh, the atmosphere on the Everleigh was what it was imagined that a sophisticated, posh late 19th Century Chicago bordello for senators, artists and captains of industry was like. The women were dressed like Gibson girls (when they were dressed). They were expected to act like flirty, perfect ladies until they were requested to do something directly related to sex. For men who wanted to punish a woman, humiliate a woman, or act like a ravishing beast, there were many other boats that they could visit that were cheaper than the Everleigh. Those boats offered women and facilities that were more suitable for men who wanted to act like bulls in a china shop.

But with Lena on the Everleigh, there was now a need to be able to discipline harshly and humiliate a woman who was very beautiful, highly educated, and extremely talented. It was expected that there would also be demand for S&M with other women, particularly for use on the women convicted of sex crimes, mainly adultery and sodomy, and a few of the women that Neck Wallace had sold to the Everleigh from Europe who had been involved in BDSM before they lost in the paintball gun duels.

The room in the ship's hold was not large, but there were a number of people at the dedication. When the dedication started, in addition to Sheriff Hawley and Jeb Altschule, in attendance were billionaire Melus Knox, Everleigh Entertainment Company President and CEO Eric Karo, Everleigh Entertainment Vice President in Charge of Sex Operations, Harvey Winestone, Dixieland Security Deputy Director, Max Klug, Doctor Frank Galton, Sheriff Connor Tauro, Sheriff Larry Suney, Mrs. Altschule and Mrs. Max (Zoe) Klug. The last two had to be shuffled downstairs in the boat quickly as the only women normally allowed below deck were slaves.

There was a lot of isolated chat before glasses of champagne were distributed and the dedication ceremony was called to order.

Speaking to Zoe Klug, Mrs. Altschule said, "That is the most disgusting display of a helpless woman I have ever seen. Were the woman put on display like that, anyone but that awful Lena Fesch woman, I would be highly offended.

"Take note, Zoe."

"What causes you to say that I, in particular, should take note, Mrs. Altschule?" Zoe Klug responded, somewhat annoyed.

"From what I hear, you are flirting with doing the sorts of things that got Lena into trouble. You must not assume that you are exempt from sex slavery on a boat just because your husband is a hot shot in Dixieland Security. Also, the fact you've not had any children for over eight years is highly suspicious. There are also rumours that you barely see your children but leave them with an indentured servant when they are not in school.

"It is because of such suspicions that I asked Jeb to invite you to come with me to the Everleigh today. You could be in Lena's place if you don't watch out."

Zoe Klug turned pale. Her discomfort only grew as Jeb Altschule and Sheriff Hawley both turned toward her and gave her a leering smile. Jeb even licked his lips and winked.

Meanwhile, Melus Knox was expounding to Dr. Galton, Max Klug and Sheriff Suney how much money continues to be wasted on sending young women to college. "Incredibly, rich young women still go to college. Even sadder, some women go to college when they are of modest means. It would be better if the rich ones used their daddy's money to study flower arranging, the Kamasutra or horsewomenship. The best that can be said about young middle-class women going to college is that this lunacy is supplying a lot of women for indentured servitude in homes and on the boats after those silly girls go broke and their student loans are foreclosed.

"Of course, it is even worse in the Social Democratic States and other places where they subsidize middle-class girls going to college. That is no excuse for the Free States allowing young women to go to college here. Other countries being very stupid is no reason for us to be stupid.

"Women between age 18 and 38 should be having babies and should be taking care of young children for a decade after that. Twenty years of fertility is nature's way. If they have time and money to go to college in their late 40s or early 50s, after they have had six or so children, it probably doesn't harm anything. That is if they can afford to hire babysitters while they are studying medieval Chinese poetry, psychology, sociology, or some other such nonsense."

"But Mr. Knox," Doctor Galton said, "women are needed in the medical profession and a number of other fields, and they can't start working at age 60."

"Maybe so, but there is no need to teach them anything more than what is required of their narrow fields," Knox answered. "And they can have babies while...."

Eric Karo interrupted all the private discussions to say that it was time to get started with the dedication of the new facility, as the guest or victim of honor needed to be back in her room in three hours to entertain paying customers.

"On behalf of the Board of Directors, I have a few words to say," Karo's speech began. "We cannot exactly break a bottle of champagne down here to celebrate the opening of our new facility on the Everleigh. We had some champagne, and there was more on the table behind Lena's head. There will be other fluids involved in the dedication a little later. These fluids will be of a warmer and more potent kind.

"Anyway, Melus, Sheriff Hawley, Jeb, and I thought it would be amusing to celebrate the opening of this new facility on the Everleigh designed to meet a number of demands and initiate a new product to be available on the Everleigh.

"Real men naturally wish to exercise their dominance over women and to propagate their genetic material in healthy females. In the Free American States under God, we do this primarily by fostering strong Bible-based, family-values relationships in which men are expected to take wives, plant their seed, and lead their families. We strictly forbid birth control because it disconnects the sex act from reproduction, distorts population age distributions, and facilitates female lust.

"However, we recognize in the Free States, as did the ancient men of Israel, that strong men following their natural instincts will wish to plant their seed in many women, that many women cannot be provided to every man, that every woman cannot have as many children as a man might wish, and that few men can support the number of children that their natural inclinations would lead them to father. Thus, we have made a number of accommodations to satisfy the healthy natural inclinations of men to the extent possible within the limits posed by resource constraints and nature.

"The boats are one of the main ways that we address these limitations. Men may use the women on the boats to relieve sexual tensions that they cannot relieve at home without risking creating more children. In a sense, the women on the boats can be seen as a holy and natural form of birth control. The women can accommodate many men per day but, like other women, will only have a child on average every 17 or so months, no matter how many men they have accommodated.

"The children that are produced satisfy a portion of a healthy man's desire for reproductive sex as it is possible that each man is the source of the seed that impregnated the indentured female. To avoid frustration of this form of satisfaction, we forbid any form of genetic testing of the children born. The children that result from these liaisons can be profitably sold in the neighboring woke countries where women generally don't want to have children or think they can't afford them without free childcare."

"What a load of crap to excuse running a whorehouse," Max Klug whispered to Dr. Galton. Galton nodded and smiled in response.

Taking no notice of Klug or Galton, Karo continued, "Attached to the bed before us is a female that invaded our country apparently to derail our way of life. As she deserves, she is being fully incorporated into the systems that she wished to destroy.

"The invader is not to be pitied. She had what she wanted in life until an age when most women of pre-modern times died. That she will spend the rest of her life providing sexual relief and creating babies shows the wisdom and mercy of the creator. You can see that she is extremely attractive and, as is well known, is what might be called by the crass an 'incredibly hot slut.' We have it on good authority that she enjoys much of her slavery."

"Excuse my interruption," Dr. Galton said, "I follow you completely, particularly as I have heard most of it many times before, except that Lena is only 35 and carries a sentence for her crimes that should cause her to be released long before she dies given the excellent medical care that we all know that the Everleigh provides."

Max Klug said, "No one believes that Lena will be released in 19 and a half years. Given the letter to her mother, she has not earned any time off her forty-year sentence for good behavior. Also, the sheriffs can charge her for state crimes if releasing her was ever seriously considered."

"That's sure as hell right," Sheriff Hawley said, "Can you imagine the damage that cunt would do if you allowed her to just walk out of the Free States? It would be the tell-all book to end all tell-all books. Everyone in this room would be embarrassed big time."

"I'd rather drop her attached to an anchor into Ole Man River," Sheriff Suney said.

"I think, Max, you exaggerate in several respects," Galton said, "First, Lena submitted the letter to the censors like a good girl and, second, while many of us have reason to feel ashamed of some of the things Lena could report, few of us have committed actual crimes."

"Oh, come on, Frank," Melus Knox said, "everyone here is complicit in parts of Free States laws and customs that are hard to explain to outsiders."

"Some are more complicit than others, and some are complicit in things that are harder to explain than others," Galton replied.

Jeb Altschule replied, "Frank, you are starting to sound like Neck, who suddenly has gotten all self-righteous and says he is disgusted with himself for having anything to do with Lena's captivity. And there's my dear brother, Captain Semmes, who told me that he'll have nothing to do with mistreating our spy here and invented an excuse as to why he could not be with us now at the dedication that has something to do with piloting the ship, as though he doesn't have a first mate that could do that."

"Lena well deserves to be here for life and to have as many children as she can have naturally and later with all the fertility pills and with frozen eggs we will collect from her. Also, she can go to hell for eternity after she dies," Mrs. Altschule stated.

Melus Knox broke in to say, "Let's not get carried away. Hell is not real. But the whole thing of being concerned with the individual happiness of Lena, Ann Bowlin or any other of those in servitude is wrong-headed. If they are unhappy - and who knows what sluts like Kathy Howard really think or feel -- that unhappiness must be weighed against the long-term happiness of all the people living in the Free States and of the millions of descendants of these women who will have many happy experiences as a result of the reproductive sex that these women are being forced to have now."

There was a short pause as people thought about some of the implications of what Knox said, including his mention of his current wife, Kathy Howard.

Everleigh Company CEO Karo said, "In any event, we all agree that Frau Lena Fesch here is ours until 2065 or longer, which is more than enough time to get plenty of use out of this lovely new disciplinary center. Also, I am certain that there are a number of other women on the Everleigh that customers will pay to take to our new facility." He then glanced at Zoe.

"So, I will conclude by saying, let's enjoy our little celebration properly. Everyone who wishes can fuck the bitch, and once she is full of the little swimmers we spurt into her, we can hang her up upside down to be whipped and to give the swimmers a better chance to knock Lena up," Karo said.

Mrs. Altschule interjected, "Wait, I don't think that Zoe and I want to watch all this sex, but I wonder what Frau Fesch has to say about all this. What she says is always interesting. She's not said anything, but she's not been in a very good position to speak."

"While it will probably make no difference to what we do, it might be amusing to hear what Lena has to say," Eric Karo said. "Lena, do you have anything to say before we fuck your brains out and hang you up like a slab of meat?"

"Yes," Lena said as clearly as she could from the table. "I got me servants and maidens and had servants born in my house," Lena paused then continued, "and behold all was vanity and vexation of the spirit, and there was no profit under the sun."

"Well, that was fun," Melus Knox said, "where ever it came from. Anything else to say, Lena?"

"Yes, if you bunch of big strong men are not too afraid that I will overwhelm you and escape, you could untie my arms and loosen the bondage of my legs a bit. I could then give you fuckers and myself a more pleasurable sex experience."

The men in the room all laughed.

"My God, what a whore," Mrs. Altschule let out in exasperation.

"I think granting Lena's request is in accord with my strict utilitarian philosophy," Melus Know said. "It provides the most happiness for the most people, particularly as there is some evidence that conception is more likely if the female has an orgasm."

Lena's arms were freed, and she was given more freedom to grind her sex against those who would penetrate her. Knox, Karo, Harvey Winestone, Jeb Altschule, and Sheriff Hawley got in line without discussion and made preparations to place their seed in Lena's defenseless womb. Others re-filled their champagne glasses and chatted amiably as though they were watching a demonstration of a new power saw at a tool show. They would get their turns at Lena later.