The Twelve Zenati Pt. 20


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"Okay," he said slowly, enjoying the feel of her body against his and her hands exploring his chest and belly. He sucked in his tummy in a little, knowing how it would look and feel after such a big dinner and not wanting to give her an excuse to stop whatever was happening tonight.

"Until this plan is fully completed, who's in control of what we do?" Marcella asked in a husky voice.

"You are, but just remember that you are setting the ground rules for what will happen when I am in control of our day-to-day lives," he warned her, not for the first time.

"I know," she laughed lightly, having no intention of hanging around once the job was done and Olivia was in the clear. "You tried to take over today by thinly veiling what you wanted in a suggestion. Which is one of the reasons why I called and met your father, alone. You can't help yourself; you're no better than all the other arrogant Table men who think they know best and have to push their own agendas, because a weak little woman like me couldn't possibly think of a suitable solution on her own."

"That isn't what I..." Noah began, but Marcella cut him off.

"I don't want to hear excuses. The fact is that you didn't do as I asked today. You failed to stay in the car. You failed to leave when I instructed you to, and you came inside where I had told you I didn't want you to be." She trailed her fingers around the belt again, playing with the buckle as she started loosening it. "I'm thinking that, seeing as you saw fit to punish me for being a bitch with a spanking, that you, too, should endure some form of punishment," she teased in a low, sultry voice, and let her hand run down the front of his pants and press firmly over his trapped erection.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Noah asked, trying to keep his voice even but finding it extremely difficult with her hand on his cock. He could overpower her in less than a minute but to do that would end this little game that she was playing, and he was eager to see where it led.

"I want full control. You will be at the mercy of me and my whims tonight," she said huskily, her fingers squeezing at his cock through the material of his pants.

"Okay, tonight," Noah said after some thought. It would be difficult to dampen his dominant side, but the knowledge that he would have the opportunity to turn the tables on her soon enough was all that he needed to agree to her terms. "But, tomorrow, can I show you around the Darwin that I know and love?"

"As guide, where I can veto any activity that I don't like the look of?" she questioned, curiously.

"More like a date, but I will do the guide thing, if you like," he agreed.

"A date, huh?" She gave a soft laugh, and finally stepped back from where she had been crowding him against the wall. "After all these months of denying any interest in me, you want a date now?"

"I've never denied that I am attracted to you, Marcella," he responded as he turned to look at her. "I turned down an invitation to spend the night with you when we first met because it was too soon, for both of us. We barely knew each other, and I didn't want to be another notch on your bedpost. I want more. I want the date, and whatever this is tonight. I want to spend time with you, and I want to keep you safe, and if that means getting punished because I didn't follow bullshit orders when I knew you were in trouble, then I'll take the punishment," he said, his voice rising in frustration with her. He didn't reach for her even though his hands twitched to do just that. She needed to prove that she was in control, and he had to let her do it.

"My, my, my, who would have thought that Noah Zenati was such a prude that he baulked at one-night stands?" she mocked him, callously.

"I have no problem with one-night stands. It was you. You were different, and I wanted more with you. Especially after the agreement we made over breakfast that week. Speaking of which, we really should inform your parents that we made the engagement official with a ring," he grinned, trying to lighten the mood. The mention of her father, however, had the opposite effect, and as her expression became hard, he cursed himself inwardly for a fool.

"This engagement isn't official, Noah. It's part of the disguise, remember," Marcella said, in a stiff voice. "In no way, shape or form did I agree to actually marry you." She went to pull the ring off her finger, but the tight fit had grown tighter after the heat and humidity of the day. She would need soap or something to get it off now.

"Don't take it off," Noah's voice cracked as he held back from grabbing her hands. "There is no need to take it off yet. I was teasing. I am sorry. I forgot it was a touchy subject. You were going to punish me anyway, just add my droll humour to the list." He gave her a half smile as he saw her relax, and her hands drop to her sides, the ring still in place.

"Fine, whatever. I'm done playing for the night, I just want to go to bed now," she sighed, knowing that leaving him with a raging hard-on was going to be punishment all on its own. "Those blue balls of yours should be punishment enough." She shrugged nonchalantly before unzipping her dress and stepping out of it on the way to the bathroom. She grinned as she heard Noah groan behind her.

Two could play that game, Noah thought as he followed her, pulling his shirt out of his waistband and unbuttoning it. He was shrugging out of it as he walked into the bathroom behind her. He struggled not to appreciate her lingerie and the need it evoked in him, for the second time that day, and undid his pants as he turned on the shower. He saw her eyes follow him as he removed the last of his clothes and stepped under the spray of the water. She continued to pull her hair back into a messy bun and removed her make-up, pretending to ignore him. She was still at the long double sink, brushing her teeth, when he wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed his own toothbrush. He wondered if she had stayed to ensure that he wouldn't jerk off in the shower to relieve the raging hardon she had left him with.

"So, I can organise a guided tour of the best non-touristy spots tomorrow?" he asked as he put his toothbrush away.

"What?" she snapped, as if she had been daydreaming. "Oh... the guide thing... sure. I don't have any better ideas, aside of lounging by the pool."

"Great. I'll just make a few calls and set things up," He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Sweet dreams, honeybee," he grinned and left the room before she could veto that name, along with all the other pet names he had tried out on her.


It was close to midnight. Genesis was rubbing the healing aloe cream into Olivia's delectable body and admiring the marks that he had given her when his phone buzzed, not with a message but a call. He frowned. No one would call at this time unless it was important, and his heartbeat sped up with the thought that something had happened to Noah. He had always been far too reckless when left to his own devices, but then so was Marcella. He snatched his phone up from the bedside table and swiped across the screen with an oily finger to answer it.

"Yeah," he answered the call in a clipped voice.

"Gen, good that you're awake," Armando said in a voice Genesis couldn't quite discern. "I need to see you, tonight."

"Is Noah okay?" Genesis asked his most immediate question.

"As far as I know, yes," Armando said. "I'm in the car. I will be at your place in fifteen minutes."

"That's good, about Noah I mean. It's late. Is it Olivia's deposition?" he asked, not wanting to hear that the AFP had decided to press charges against her, after all.

"Genesis, nothing will happen to Olivia on my watch," he said sternly, not wanting to get into the deal that Marcella was doing with the devil over the phone.

"Okay," Genesis frowned with the uneasy feeling that the tone in his father's voice gave him. "Is it Marcella?"

"As far as I know, she is fine too," Armando said. "I'll explain when I get there."

Genesis listened to the click of the phone and pursed his lips, trying to make sense of why his father would need to see him at this time of night. If it were about Table business, they would call a meeting, at least for business of the older Table, if not the newly-appointed one on which he had a seat. He turned back to his beautiful girl, who now lay on her back, gazing up at him curiously but saying nothing.

"Sorry, little one, we will have to postpone round three. Papa is on his way here," Genesis said, while crawling over her body to kiss her gently. "Let's get you dressed, so you can say hello when he arrives."

"But everything is okay with Noah and Marcie?" Olivia asked, a small tremor in her voice, as she took on Genesis's feeling of confusion.

"As far as we know, they are both just fine," he said and gave her a reassuring smile.

Ten minutes later, Genesis let his father into their apartment, greeting him with a strong embrace before allowing Olivia to do the same, and include a kiss on the cheek. Once they settled into the comfortable couches, Armando looked up and drew a deep breath.

"I know that it's late, Olivia, but, since you are awake, can you tell me about the woman you call Aunty Bea in your deposition, again?" he asked gently. Genesis said nothing as he turned his gaze from his father to the sweet woman he loved.

"Aunty Bea?" Olivia frowned, taken aback by the question. "She looked after me, or rather Remy, and me because of him." She glanced at Genesis, knowing that he hated any mention of Remington and what he had done to her. "In the beginning, she reassured me that Remy was a good man, and that I would want for nothing while I was with him. She oversaw the diet he insisted that I followed, and made sure I had my medications. She looked after me when I was sick or injured and, every time, reassured me about how much he loved me and that he would always look after me. I heard her argue with him a few times about the state of my injuries. She was the housekeeper, but she always spoke her mind and would argue with him occasionally. She wasn't scared of him at all." Olivia shrugged again. "I trusted her to protect me from anything really bad, just like..."

"Like?" Armando prompted when she fell silent.

"Like Marcella," she whispered. "I was never injured at our home, only at Hermione's, and Aunty Bea didn't like it when Remy..."

"Went too far?" Armando asked, wanting to make the conversation easier for both her and Genesis, who was now grinding his teeth and trying to hide his balled fists. Olivia nodded but seemed to have run out of words.

"Did you feel like it might have been Aunty Bea's house and that Remington lived with her, like she was his real Aunt? A family member?" he asked gently.

"I don't know," she finally whispered.

"Okay, your turn. Why all the questions?" Genesis asked through gritted teeth, showing his anger at having Olivia questioned about her time with Remington Royce, again.

"I've been approached by someone who claims to have information about the whereabouts of Hermione's." He held up his hand as he saw Genesis about to interrupt him. "Not only the whereabouts, but information about a meeting set to take place there in a few days, involving the remaining power players within the northern Suebi clan. They are willing to give us this information if Olivia will sign a statement indicating her intent to gift the house that she lived in with Remington Royce to his housekeeper, Bea Kottman." He sat back, letting them take that information in.

"I never want to go back there anyway, so where do I sign?" Olivia blurted, after a few moments in which she watched the mounting anger stiffen Genesis's body beside her.

"What's so special about the house?" Genesis narrowed his eyes at his father. "Why betray your own clan for a house?"

"That's the big question, isn't it?" Armando agreed. "This is time-sensitive, however, and I need to start on the paperwork, if Olivia agrees. The only thing I can offer you is that the AFP have been all over that house. I doubt there is anything hidden there that they haven't found."

"Then why? I just don't buy it. Have you talked to Gianni about this?" Genesis asked. "What about Imelda or one of the Tatar?"

"Gianni and Anthony know, as does Claudio, and they are looking into it while I deal with what's in front of me and the timeline. My source is taking a big risk trusting us, and I have no interest in leaving them out there in no man's land any longer than necessary," Armando said, not brooking any argument. "Think about what it is they are asking from you, and if it's worth putting other people at risk when you have no intention of keeping the house, and certainly don't need the money so badly that you can't afford to gift it to this woman."

Genesis said nothing as he continued to think on the questions this situation raised. Olivia looked a little lost as she glanced between the two men.

"We will talk again tomorrow. There will be a meeting tomorrow morning, and I didn't want you blind-sided and have the decision taken from you. Give it some thought, and weigh the risks involved carefully," Armando advised and rose to his feet, walking back toward the door and letting himself out.

Genesis let out a large breath and turned to survey Olivia. She looked anxious and a little bewildered. Probably because of his reaction to the news, he admitted. Picking up her hand, he tugged on it, motioning her towards him.

"Come here," he murmured, helping her to straddle his lap so that he could look into her eyes, the chemise she wore riding up her thighs as she did so. He indulged himself, running his hands up her thighs, making it ride higher as she leaned forward, twisting her hands around the back of his neck.

"I don't care about the house. I never even thought about going back there. She can have it, if that's what they need to get the other people at Hermione's," she said quietly.

"I know, little one," Genesis said, trying to hold back the growl in his voice. He hated to think about what had happened to her and make her relive those moments. She belonged to him now, and he would show her what real love and care in a relationship like theirs looked like. He drew her to him and kissed her, sliding his hands around to her ass.

"Now, where were we, before we were so rudely interrupted?" he murmured hotly into her ear, not wanting her to worry about this any further tonight. He knew how she felt and that she would do whatever he and his father recommended. She was his, and he felt the need to remind her of that right now. Standing with her in his arms, he walked them back to the bedroom.

Olivia knew that he would need to stake his claim over her again, after the repeated mention of Remington. Her body ached from the session that she had already submitted to earlier, and she wondered how much more she could take. Wrapped in his arms, his lips bruising hers with the force of his kiss, he placed her on the bed. She moaned against his mouth as his hands eagerly removed the blue silk chemise and tossed it aside. Tremors swept her body, as his heat and need seemed to engulf her. Olivia was anxious, but relished the tenderness and concern that showed in his face, as he gently lay her back onto the bed, dragging his hands down her body as he moved to stand over her and remove his clothes.

Once naked, Genesis kissed his way up her leg, letting his fingers trail up both thighs, over the curve of her hips, and higher, until she felt him hovering over the top of her. He took both of her wrists, his gaze intense as he lifted them high above her head and tied them together, and then to the bedhead with a silk rope. As her head rested on the pillow, he began slowly stroking his fingers up and down her body, once again admiring the marks that he had given her earlier, and noticing the shiver that ran through her at his touch. Enjoying her reaction to this softer touch, he continued to lightly feather his fingers from her left ankle, up to her left shoulder, and then down her right shoulder to her right ankle. He teased her skin with the tickling almost-touches mercilessly. The inside of her upper thighs trembled the most from his teasing fingers, and he imagined that her plaintive mewls and twisting of her body begged for a firmer touch. He raised his head until their eyes met and she obediently stilled for him.

"Please!" Olivia moaned pleadingly, her eyes closing as he slipped his hands up her thighs and began sliding his fingers around the outer edges of her pussy, before dipping one probing finger into her warmth. She gasped as a second finger joined the first, and her hips bucked at the contact. He teased her with only a few strokes, before withdrawing his fingers and moving up her body to kiss her.

"Please, what?" Genesis questioned huskily, moving between her thighs and dropping his head to kiss the small hard buds of her nipples, while sliding his hands up the back of her thighs to cup her ass in his hands and rubbing his cock along the length of her pussy. His lips travelled over her breasts, nipping and sucking at her nipples.

Whimpering with desire, Olivia began rolling her hips so that her pussy moved more firmly against his cock, wishing it would slip inside her. She moaned and arched her back, thrusting her breasts further into his mouth. Finally, he pulled back and began to rub the head of his cock around the entrance to her pussy with a growl, showing that his own need matched hers.

After a few moments of enjoying the sight and sound of the sexy little nymph that he loved, Genesis knelt between her legs. His hands caressed her rounded hips, and his warm, wet tongue started to lick her inner thigh, slowly running up and down, moving closer and closer, before finally finding her hot, wet pussy.

"Oh Genesis," she breathed in a whimper, as he continued to savour her arousal. His tongue bathed her aching pussy, lapping at her as she arched in response. "Oh fuck, I need to... Oh God... p... p... please! I need... I need..." she begged brokenly, unable to complete the thought, as he continued his assault, concentrating on her clit as his fingers delved inside her. Her breathing quickened, and she writhed and moaned from the pleasure that he was giving her. Her thighs tightened around him, confining his soft mouth and wicked tongue. His tongue continued to torture her aroused clit between the small bites that sent tendrils of pleasureful pain through her body. Lifting his hands, he grabbed her hips and held her firmly, as she rode out her orgasm on his mouth.

Slowly, he kissed his way up her body and stopped at her breasts. He listened to her plaintive mewls and whimpers as he gave the stiff peaks of her nipples more attention. She gasped as his hands slid under her back, slightly lifting her up, as he hungrily sucked hard on each of her nipples, his tongue bathing them as it had her pussy. Moving his teeth again, he tamely bit into the side of her neck, as he roughly and passionately kissed his way up to look down into her eyes. Finally reaching her mouth, he kissed her deeply, his tongue twisting around hers to share the taste of her body with her. Then, with a single sharp, forceful thrust, he pushed into her to the very hilt, and he swallowed her gasp of pleasure as their tongues continued to dance.

He reached up, and with a flick of his wrist, he had her arms free. Her hands grasped his back, her nails scratching his skin as she clawed and writhed in her passion. In a breathless whisper against his ear, she moaned unintelligibly. She was so wet now, that his cock easily glided in and out of her, over and over and over again, and with each deep thrust, she cried out in pleasure.

Her cries were music to his ears, and he wanted more. Pulling out of her, he flipped her over, then pulled her ass up high. She quivered as his hand moved to the middle of her back to make her body bow, and her head lifted to cry out when his hand crashed down to spank her ass. The lined flesh quivered and turned pink for the second time that evening, and he smiled, as he reached below her with his other hand to play with her clit. He continued to spank her several more times, before thrusting back into her velvety warmth with no warning, making her gasp loudly and bow her back further, as she took the forceful blow.