The Twelve Zenati Pt. 15


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"If you think I am staying here..." she began her rant and placed her hands on the arms of the wheelchair, yet another thing forced upon her, to stand up and face her kidnappers.

"Stay seated, Miss Gambaro," the deep voice of the orderly murmured, as he placed a large restraining hand on her shoulder, seemingly unconcerned by the malevolent look she levelled at him.

"You can't keep me here against my will," she hissed at him as he pushed her steadily back down into the chair. "I will just leave as soon as you deposit me in whatever ward and bed they told you to put me in. Did you know about this?" She turned her rage on Vivienne, who had promised her that if the scan went well, she could go home with a nurse.

"No! I..." Vivienne tried to defend herself but the doors opened, and a smiling Junie Zenati waved them forward with a rush of words.

"Oh, thank goodness! I've been so worried." She bent down, peering into Marcella's surly expression. "Are you in pain? We can fix that. Someone find Helena for me. Now, most of the men are busy with one thing or another. Between Dominic and you it's jup to us women to be the caretakers as usual. This way, come on." She waved the orderly forward and led the way to a single bedroom, already decorated with flowers.

"I'm not sure what you were told, Junie," Marcella said, trying to reel in her temper and speak respectfully to the Zenati Matriarch. "But I'm not staying. I need to go home. Vivienne was going to organise a nurse and come with me. I'm sorry you went to so much trouble for nothing, especially when you must already be so worried about Dominic."

"I'm afraid that's not possible now, Marcella," Junie said, in a regretful voice. "You see, some witnesses saw a Martino man assault a Gambaro woman and then push her into traffic. Representatives of both families and the Battaglia are on their way to our little corner of the country now to investigate, so we must make sure that you have been looked after with the utmost care and consideration. Just like Dominic is being looked after, now that the worst is over for him too."

"The Battaglia! Why is the Battaglia coming? I already said it was an accident. Apollo wouldn't do that, no matter how it looked. I am sure that he wouldn't have actually pushed me. He was probably just reaching out to catch me when I stumbled. Honestly, you have to tell them all it was a huge mistake and send them home," Marcella urged, her voice rising with her anxiety. She knew she would be blamed for the drama surrounding this accident and they would try to take her back for indoctrination on how to be a good table woman again.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Junie smiled, patting the bed. "Now I have sent someone to get you suitable hospital wear for the night and some basic personal things. Don't you worry about a thing. I have it all under control. It was lucky this room was free. Dominic will be just across the hall in his room, so family members will be close by all night in case you need anything, anything at all."

"Dominic is okay?" Marcella asked softly, feeling bad that she had caused this woman and her family even more stress today.

"He will be just fine in time. He is young and strong and has everything to live for," Junie smiled, but that didn't dispel the tension in her eyes.

"I'm glad it all went well today," Marcella said in a soft voice, and sat on the bed, feeling for the woman who had gone to so much trouble for her when she should be with her son.

"We all are," Junie sat on the bed beside her. "You're a smart girl, Marcella. You know how to pick the battles you can win and those you can't. Stay here tonight, and as soon as all our visitors are satisfied that you are not in any danger, you can go back to the apartment. I'm afraid that if you don't, the Gambaro family may insist you return with them for your own safety, and we don't want that, do we?" She spoke quietly, and she felt the young woman beside her stiffen, confirming the belief that she had no wish to return to Perth.

"I understand," Marcella nodded, though she hated being put in a position where she had no freedom again. She'd spent all of her adult life breaking free of the restrictions placed on her by her last name, and now she had only herself to blame for being trapped again by Table laws and traditions.

When Ambrose's wife, Michaela, arrived with a small overnight, case containing clean clothes and toiletries, she disappeared into the bathroom and tried to think her way through the accident, but she just couldn't remember the car at all. Her head ached and, if she was truthful, birthday or not, she just wanted to go home to sleep, not go and party with Greg and his friends. She was glad Vivienne had insisted on cancelling her date, not that she would ever admit that to anyone.

She was at least grateful that whoever had shopped for sleepwear didn't try to give her anything with cute cartoon sheep or clouds on it. The long sleep shirt was like wearing a comfortable men's pyjama top, except that it was fitted to a woman's figure, navy blue with white piping along the buttoned seams and a pocket over her left breast. It was something she might have bought for herself if she knew she would have to stay overnight in the hospital. She might have chosen one not quite as long but, at her height, any item off the rack seemed long on her. She shrugged. I,t wouldn't matter here. No one would see her, except maybe Vivienne.

Piling her hair on top of her head in a messy bun, she went about washing her face properly and brushing her teeth, before returning to the bedroom, resigned to her fate for tonight. Thankfully, no one was there, not even Vivienne, who had probably gone to deal with her own life now that she was sure Marcella would stay put for the evening. Having missed lunch and now dinne she found she was hungry, but she was loath to call a nurse and ask if anything could be salvaged from the kitchen. She would be happy if they all just left her alone until she could leave in the morning. She'd been in worse situations and places, so she could certainly handle one night here, as long as they left her alone.

Pouring herself a glass of water from the jug on her hospital grade stainless steel nightstand, she rifled through the drawer, and the small cupboard area within it, looking for her handbag and, hopefully, her phone. She sighed when she found it empty. There would be no escaping this place tonight, even if she hadn't agreed to stay. At a loss for what else to do, she climbed onto the bed and settled down, believing that sleep was the only thing she could do in this place and not be berated for. Tomorrow, everything would be sorted out properly, and she could go home and keep doing what she had been doing.

Except that she knew she couldn't. She didn't believe that Apollo would have purposefully hurt her. He had a temper but never with her. She frowned, trying to remember their conversation. She was sure they hadn't even been arguing. Not really. He wanted her to stay, and she needed to go and meet Greg. He'd grabbed her arm, she tried to pull it away, then she'd stumbled and fallen onto the road. Had he pushed her? No, he wouldn't have. She was sure he wouldn't have. Why would the witnesses say he did, though? She frowned and tried to will her brain to remember.

"Hey, how are you feeling now?" Vivienne asked, as she came back into the room.

"Angry; confused; like any innocent prisoner would," Marcella grumbled.

"You're not a prisoner here," Vivienne said softly.

"Then give me back my belongings and let me go home, if I'm not a prisoner here," Marcella snapped. "Strike that. Even prisoners get at least one phone call. I'm a hostage. That's what I am. A fucking hostage to the fragile egos of Table men. I did nothing wrong, Viv, I'm perfectly fine. I shouldn't have to be here, and you know it."

"You took a really nasty bump to the head, Marcella. The fact that you can't remember the fall or the car tells me you are not as fine as you think you are, so just indulge us, please. You aren't a prisoner or a hostage. You are just here under doctors' orders because you had an accident and we don't know if there will be after-effects or how severe your concussion is," Vivienne tried to reason with her friend, not backing down from Marcella's vitriol.

"Fine, it's not like I have a choice," Marcella grumbled. "I don't suppose you have a mint or a tic tac or something to eat in your bag, do you?"

"I have better than that in my bag," Gideon announced, walking into the room. "Pork ribs in Peking sauce, I believe was the request." He hefted the takeaway bag and wheeled over the small table so she could eat in bed. "Not a very good birthday for you, I'm afraid, but we will make it up to you tomorrow," he said in a positive tone. "Tonight, you won't have to deal with anyone else. Just me, Viv and the occasional nurse, who will want to prod and poke you, no doubt. Gen has taken Olivia home with the promise that I'll call if there is any change in your condition and Noah is busy across the hall with Dominic and X, as are the rest of the family."

"Thank you," Marcella said quietly, looking at them both. "That's exactly what I needed to hear." She let a small smile of pure relief show on her face. "Did you say Pork ribs in Peking Sauce?"

"I know how to a please a woman," he chuckled, and began pulling small cartons of food from the large bag he had carried in.

"Is that so?" Marcella grinned at Vivienne. "Do tell? Vivienne won't give me any details at all for the big smile she wears every morning when we meet early for coffee," she teased, making Vivienne blush deeply, and Gideon laugh loudly.

"If I told you, your expectations for all other men in your life would be too high. Best I leave them a little room to impress you without the comparison," he continued to laugh.

Both Marcella and Vivienne joined him in his laughter and, for the first time in hours, Marcella finally relaxed into her fate for the evening.

"Duty calls, save me some of everything," Gideon grinned widely, standing up and putting his phone to his ear as he walked out of the room.

"That saves me kicking him out, at least," Vivienne grinned. She watched him go and, once Marcella had started eating, started the conversation she needed to have, with determination.

"Oh, why would you do that?" Marcella asked, around a mouthful of pork.

"I need to talk to you and have you listen, not interrupt or argue, just listen, for a few minutes, okay?" Vivienne said, her voice serious.

"No lectures, please," Marcella sighed. "I told Junie that I would stay here tonight, and I don't really have a choice anyway."

"I was here consulting on another case when Olivia was shot and came to this hospital. Genesis reached out to me because of my speciality with women who have suffered trauma at the hands of the people who were supposed to love and protect them," she began. "At first, I put all of Olivia's symptoms down to what occurred with Remington Royce, but she had a traumatic childhood too, didn't she?"

"No!" Marcella gasped. "I made sure she was safe!"

"Safe from who?" Vivienne asked quietly. "Who hurt you, Marcie? Why did you look so scared when Junie mentioned you might have to go home? Why did the mention of the Battaglia worry you so much? Were you sent there? To the Battaglia facility?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Viv. Honestly, it's all been dealt with and it's in the past. Olivia was safe, I promise. You don't have to worry about her or bring any of that up. Her trauma is all Royce's doing and she will get what she deserves from that bastard," Marcella said. In an attempt to change the subject she added, "I think I have a lead on that club she talked about, Hermione's."

"Marcie, I love you. I am just trying to help. Anything you tell me I will treat with doctor-patient confidentiality. Just don't try to tell me that whoever 'they' are and whatever happened to you still doesn't bother you. I'm not that stupid and you never know, maybe talking to someone who loves and accepts you for exactly who you are will help," Vivienne tried again.

"Let it go, Viv, please," Marcella sighed. "It's my birthday. Let me enjoy this 'cause I'm starving!" She popped another piece of pork into her mouth, as if to end the conversation. "Tell me about your birthday plans for tomorrow."


After dropping off the Chinese food to Gideon at the hospital, Genesis finally turned the car towards his home. The home that he had fully intended to introduce Olivia to in the most extensive way today. Instead, they were both returning home wrung out after the events of the afternoon, and he knew that any plans he had were wasted now. Shelving the idea of taking her into his playroom tonight, he considered their new bed and how he might enjoy her there before falling asleep with her wrapped in his arms and no threat of being woken by family members, who had no sense of personal boundaries.

Genesis reached over and caressed her leg. He had used her well that morning but had left her unmarked, her pristine skin begging for the biting caress of his flogger and crop. He continued with his caressing touches to her legs or breasts as he navigated the street towards home, making her draw her breath because the slight discomfort when he gave touched her. , Every sound and movement she made just made her more heated and him hornier. He had been desperate to take her home this afternoon, but Marcella and his brothers had needed them more. Then he had stayed to ensure everything was okay with Dominic, rather than receive the group text message alone, which he knew Xavier would send out tonight.

Olivia wasn't hungry for food anymore, despite the delicious smells coming from the takeaway bag, as they pulled into the parking garage of the apartment block where Genesis's apartment was. Their apartment, she reminded herself. His touches on the drive home had become increasingly arousing as she remembered their morning together and the promises of the delights that awaited her here. It was far later than they had expected to arrive. Marcella and Dominic both would be fine, and she was relieved, to say the least, but the day had been taxing, not only for her but for Genesis as well, she knew, and she wondered what would happen when they finally got into the apartment and were totally alone for the first time. No watchers or concerns about his brothers walking in. Total privacy for the first time in their relationship.

"Ready?" Genesis asked, and Olivia smiled as he helped her from the car and held her hand, guiding her to the elevators. "We have the fourth floor," he indicated as he pressed the button. "Gideon is on six, Noah on five and Sera is on three, though her apartment is smaller than the ones above it. Half of the third floor and the two floors below were made into small apartments where visitors stay. Marcella has been staying on the second floor in an apartment. We have the fourth floor to ourselves."

"Oh, that's great," Olivia said, a little breathlessly, as nervous excitement filled her. She stepped out of the elevator into a spacious foyer area. She could see a living area to the right and let Genesis guide her to the left instead, through a dining area to a spacious kitchen with a small table.

"Sit, and I will grab some plates for us. We should eat while it's still hot and you must be hungry by now," Genesis said easily, as if he had all the time in the world and wasn't eager to get her naked and bound for his pleasure. "Then I will show you around."

Olivia sat obediently and watched as Genesis manoeuvred comfortably around his kitchen, as if he used it often and even, possibly, cooked in there. She wondered if he had a housekeeper for cleaning and cooking that perhaps came during the day. It would be uncomfortable for her if that were the case but, as always, she would do what he asked. She waited until he came back to the table with plates and iced water before asking the question.

"Before you," he smiled gently at her, "I wasn't home often enough to warrant having someone here full-time, so I shared with my brothers. I imagine Gideon will be less inclined to share now that he is married and no doubt planning on starting a family." He said thoughtfully, "Maybe it's time we all started managing our own households individually."

"I can manage it," Olivia said quickly. "I doubt that we will make much mess and it shouldn't take too much time to do a little cleaning each day. It would be difficult to constantly have another person here, especially when we finally have some time alone."

"For now, we'll keep things as they are. Heidi won't be intrusive in any way. She's a lovely, well-trained woman and you might find you like her company. Especially as it's still too dangerous for you to be going out without me or your security. You will possibly be spending quite a bit of time here without me during the day. I will still have to go to work, and that means I won't be right across the hall all day anymore."

"I hadn't thought of that," Olivia admitted, a little morosely. "I guess some company would be good. Vivienne lives just upstairs though, so she will visit, won't she?"

"I'm sure she will," Genesis smiled reassuringly. "Now tell me how you are feeling about today," he prompted, wanting to allay any lingering concerns that she had about her sister's accident. He noticed once again that when she spoke about her family, she became wooden and unemotional, and he decided to talk to Noah in the morning, to discuss what he had discovered about her parents and her upbringing. He didn't like her shut down like that. He wanted her happy and excited and playful as she was this morning, before all the drama began. It had been a long day, however, and he couldn't blame her for the cloud that had fallen over their plans.

"You didn't eat much," Genesis indicated her plate towards the end of the meal.

"I guess that I'm just not that hungry tonight. You know, it's been a weird day and all," she admitted, after having just spent the meal going over what had happened and confessing her argument with Emma that had caused her to cry on the street and her bodyguards to become concerned. It had all been about Marcella even then, before they knew about the accident. She'd taken her sister's protection for granted until it wasn't there, and she had blamed Marcella for abandoning her and then sending her away. Neither of which was true, though she couldn't see it at the time. Guilt at the way she had treated Marcella ate at her and made her reticent to talk about their relationship other than to repeat what she had already told Genesis so many times. She had been mean to the point of cruelty to her sister, and she didn't want to be reminded of that or anything about their childhood home.

"If you're sure you can't eat anymore, I will give you a very quick tour tonight and then you can relax in the bath while I clean up." Genesis started to put his altered plan in motion.

"No! I'll clean up," Olivia burst out, interrupting and making him frown at her. "Master?" she added more as a question than a correction. She wasn't sure of the rules in this place yet.

"The rules apply, little one," Genesis said sternly. "You are mine. You belong to me, and I am the Master of our home and you. Especially here. When I give you an instruction, I expect obedience, not childish arguments and defiance on our first night together in our home. There is only one room in this house where I expect you to call me Master at all times and that is not the kitchen. You will learn quickly, or you will suffer the punishment, and it won't be pleasurable. Do you understand, little one?"

"Yes, Genesis," she said quietly, and dropped her gaze to her hands in her lap. He suppressed his smile. Now was not the time, but his cock hardened at the sound of his name on her lips, coupled with such a submissive tone and position.