The Twelve Zenati Pt. 09


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"Things like this tend to happen fast in my family. I imagine that once Olivia is healed properly then she and Gen will tie the knot," he shrugged. "Once we find the one for us, we know, and we don't waver from that, ever," he said with certainty. "I can't remember there ever being a divorce in our family."

"That's not unusual among any of the tables. Marriage is like a life sentence for us. You get less for murder," she said without batting an eye, thinking about her mother who lived with their oppressive, dominating father because you just didn't divorce in the Gambaro family. It was like a cardinal sin or something.

"You think marriage is a bad thing?" he asked, frowning.

"It rarely works out, and then people who can't divorce for one reason or another are stuck together, making each other and their children unhappy for the rest of their lives. Doesn't sound like something any woman should aspire to, or man for that matter," she shrugged.

"That's a pretty cynical outlook. I know a lot of happily-married couples," he said reasonably. "I'm sure that Gideon and Vivienne are going to be one of them. Maybe you should get to know more of our family before making up your mind about it. The Zenati believe in things like love at first sight and having a soul mate. If you can make yourself wait to find that one perfect person for you then there is never any need for divorce or watching people make each other unhappy for the rest of their lives."

"You think Viv and Gideon are soul mates?" she asked curiously. "They have known each other less than a month!"

"I know they are soul mates, which is why I have no qualms about them getting married so soon," he said as if it was only natural. He looked over to where Genesis fussed over Olivia as he placed her in the wheelchair that he had insisted on for her, and smiled. His brothers were both completely caught up in the women they loved, and he felt a small pang of jealousy. He wondered if he would ever find his curse breaker and sighed softly, half wishing the feisty woman he stood beside was his .

"What's wrong?" Marcella frowned at him. "Having second thoughts about that statement?"

"Not at all. I have other real issues to worry about right now. Don't worry about Viv and Gideon. I promise, they will be deliriously happy together," he said with certainty.

"What other issues?" Marcella frowned and gave him a long stare as it seemed he wasn't going to answer her. She followed his gaze and found Olivia and Genesis and turned back to him. "Tell me," she pushed.

"We had to make certain allowances and promises to be able to bring Olivia here," he admitted. "The federal Police still need to speak with her and interview her properly about Remington and his men. They were not happy that she was leaving town, if only for a few hours," he admitted. "They have given us a lot of leeway for her recovery, but this trip shows that she is well enough to deal with the interview and questioning."

"She's a suspect?" Marcella gasped, wondering why the thought hadn't occurred to her until now. Of course, she was. She had been in the process of marrying the sick bastard before someone started shooting up the church. "Shit, criminal law is not my speciality, but I can represent her," she said, thinking about what would need to happen for her sister now.

"It is my speciality, and I've been representing her so far. There is no need for that to change. I have been keeping them at arm's length, and I also made the arrangements with them for her travel today. You can assist if you like, but I don't believe you are the best person to take over the case," He tried to phrase it in a non-confrontational way, but he could see her back stiffen as if she was getting ready to fight him. "You said yourself that you are not a criminal lawyer, and I have been acting on her behalf for weeks now and ensuring that she had the time to heal before they interviewed her."

"Thank you," Marcella said quietly after a few minutes of silence, during which she castigated herself for not even thinking of the implications and consequences of her sister's almost-marriage to Remington Royce. She had treated her sister as a kidnap victim, one who might want to press charges, not as one of the guilty Suebi who had targeted and attacked the Mothers of the Tables. She opened and closed her mouth a few times to speak, but she had no words to say beyond the simple thank you that weren't self-recriminating, and she would hardly give him that satisfaction. Then the thought came to her. "So, I couldn't have taken her back to Perth yet, even if I wanted to," she sighed.

"No, but Genesis never would have told you that in front of Olivia. We haven't prepared her for the interview yet, but this wedding means that we have to step up the schedule. Genesis won't have any choice but to tell her when we return. You can help us if you like, but you need to reign in that temper where she is concerned. You won't be helping her or us if you get emotional." Noah warned seriously.

"She's my sister!" Marcella bit out in a hiss.

"Exactly! Which is why you need to consider whether your presence, while people are interrogating her, is in her best interests," Noah said, trying to keep his voice low and his own volatility in check when it came too Marcella, especially after their argument last night. "You haven't shown any rationality where she is concerned in the past twenty-four hours."

"Rationality!" Marcella blinked at him, her voice rising before Noah coughed and indicated Genesis and Olivia who now stood beside them, which silenced the fiery tirade he assumed she was about to let loose.

Noah sighed again and considered the woman as she moved away from him toward the house. Marcella may be a good corporate and family lawyer, but her emotions here were far too close to the surface where her sister was concerned to be of any benefit as a co-counsel. He knew that she wouldn't be able to hold back if she saw her sister fall into any traps, or if it appeared they were railroading her. Like it or not, she was part of the Suebi tribe for over six months, and that had consequences. They would be going with impaired mental judgement based on the drugging, brainwashing and obvious physical abuse she had suffered.

Marcella stopped short in her stiff march toward the Papillo home as Leighton and Lydia exited the house to greet them in a flurry of hugs and back-slapping. Lydia guided the girls to the large staircase in the huge house, while Leighton took Genesis and Noah to the library. Reluctant as always to hand over care of Olivia to anyone else, Genesis fussed, giving the nurse they had brought with them detailed instructions, and promising Olivia that he would be close by if she needed him.

"I won't let anything happen to her," Marcella reassured him as Genesis stood to leave and hesitated again. "Gideon needs you right now, more than Olivia does," she instructed and pushed him gently toward the library door before standing beside Olivia's chair and taking her hand. When Genesis relented, Marcella turned to smile at Olivia, who was allowing the hand-holding to continue.

"This is so exciting," Olivia grinned. "Vivienne is so brave, don't you think?"

"Brave?" Marcella questioned, thinking that Vivienne had gone insane rather than acting out of any sort of courage to seize the day.

"She's listening to her heart, not her head. She's not protecting herself and just surviving any more; she's... being brave and believing in him, despite how scared she is of being hurt," Olivia explained. "She doesn't think she is good enough for Gideon, but he does and that's what matters," she said simply. She had been considering it on the plane as she had listened to the conversations around her. Genesis and Noah had no doubt what-so-ever that Vivienne and Gideon were meant to be together, just as she was meant to be with Genesis.

It had been a revelation to her that, outside of the mental and physical scars left by Remy, Genesis loved her and was planning a future for them both. While she had just been looking at the here and now, he had been thinking long-term into the future for them both, and the feeling warmed her like nothing else. She could actually feel the warmth around her heart, as if he had cocooned it to protect it from any further damage. She worried that he didn't realise just what a self-centred brat Olivia had been, and could be again, and she vowed to try hard to keep that side of her nature contained in the face of his love and generosity.

"You are so right, Olivia," Lydia stepped forward. "It's a huge thing for Vivienne to trust her heart and not her head. She's usually so logical that it stops her from doing so many of the things she wants to do. Gideon seems to have got past that barrier though, and I am beyond happy, even though I will miss her greatly. I guess it's all to do with the curse. It has to affect her as much as him. I'm just not sure how," Lydia mused.

"What curse?" Marcella frowned.

"I guess we have a few minutes while we wait for Rick to come and help Olivia up the stairs, so I will give you the short version," Lydia laughed lightly and told them the story that she had told Vivienne last night and had confirmed by the Mother of the Zenati Table.

"You don't honestly believe that, do you?" Marcella scoffed.

"Stranger things have happened in our families. Just look at what the Oracles can do. Look at what Ricco Vitali did with his early warning to alert us all, the number of lives he saved, all based on his abilities. Sometimes there are things we just can't explain, but trust me, those Zenati men are devoted to the women they love. Whether it is a curse or a blessing is up to the couple, I expect, but there are many people in this world besides them who believe in love at first sight," Lydia smiled indulgently.

"You're one of them, I expect?" Marcella asked sardonically.

"I have a romantic heart, and unlike most people, I am in love and married to two wonderful men. I know that love works in mysterious ways. Try not to be so cynical, Marcella. Vivienne adores you, and your opinion means a lot to her. Be happy for her today. Don't darken her happy day with your own doubts," Lydia advised.

"Do you think I could be Genesis' curse breaker?" Olivia asked, loving the story she had just been told and wanting to be caught up in the fantasy of predestined soul-mates. "I mean, he hasn't left my side in weeks, and he is so attentive to my every need," she sighed, smiling. If she truly were his curse breaker she didn't have to worry about her inner brat, he would love her anyway. If the curse story was real, she reminded herself as she felt the small naughty piece of Olivia that she still had tucked away in the back of her mind rattle in her chains.

"It's just a story," Marcella whispered but not unkindly. "He genuinely cares about you though; any idiot can see that." She knew it was true even though it had taken her time to understand and accept it for what it was.

"Even I can see that, and I only saw you together for a few minutes," Lydia laughed happily as Rick arrived and scooped Olivia into his arms, carrying her up the stairs, as Leighton followed behind him a minute later with the wheelchair. "I'm going to see if the bride is almost finished what she was doing. I know she is dying to see the two of you."

It was only a few minutes later and a flushed and bubbling Vivienne burst into the room and hugged her friends. She showed off the ring Gideon had given her excitedly and, for the first time in her life, let her nervous anxiety show in front of her friends, so that they could help soothe it.

"Come and help me dress. Lydia has pulled off miracles today, and I don't want to keep anyone waiting any longer," Vivienne gushed. She didn't want to keep Gideon waiting any longer, not that she thought he would change his mind, but she had been in a state of high anxiety all day. Her nervous energy filled her completely, and she felt like she might burst if she didn't complete the bond she felt with him soon. She felt an urgency to get married now, and she didn't stop to question it, but rather let it carry her through the preparations.

"Lead the way," Marcella laughed. Her smile was wide as she took in the happiness that radiated from her friend. It was hard not to get caught up in it, and she felt her misgivings give way to pleasure that Vivienne was so happy. She just hoped this whole love at first sight thing was more of a blessing than a curse for her friend and that her sister wasn't equally as caught up in the story. It wasn't that she disliked the men. The Zenati were all good and kind men as far as she could tell. It was just that they all rode the crazy train, with their mother acting as conductor. She frowned at the thought of their mother and hoped beyond hope that she wouldn't continue to be such a bitch to Vivienne. She hoped the woman wouldn't be here today, but decided not to give Vivienne the painful reminder of that humiliating lunch by asking the question out loud.


Gideon, in the suit his brothers had brought with them from his apartment, finally entered the outdoor chapel that had been set up in the vast landscaped grounds at the rear of the house and froze in shock. Not only had his brothers come but most of his Table were there and were checking the setup of networked cameras and monitors. He blinked in confusion.

"You only get married once," Noah informed him. "Welcome to eloping, next generation Zenati style," he chuckled.

"Xavier and Dom came?" Gideon asked incredulously, knowing how busy the two men were with all that was going on within the family.

"Where else would we be?" Dominic asked from behind him, making him turn. "This is important stuff, not everyone is lucky enough to find their curse breaker and then have the bride kidnap the groom to elope," he chuckled.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Gideon said with a little awe in his voice and a wide smile.

"She has to be some kind of special to put up with you," Xavier chuckled, giving him a firm hug. "Zanto said they're ready to go whenever you are, so get your ass up there and act like a nervous groom instead of a smug jerk."

Gideon couldn't help the smug expression on his face as he took his place at the end of the aisle. Only one niggling thought bothered him, and he turned to his brothers. "Will Mama be watching?" He indicated the cameras.

"Papa is pretty pissed at her and Sera, but I assume that he will let them watch as part of the punishment. It will kill them not to be here," Noah said a touch sadly, knowing that what had happened at the lunch wasn't exactly Sera's fault, even if their mother deserved to see Gideon get married without her approval or attendance. "She should have been the one to organise the wedding, after all."

Gideon grunted and turned back to survey the aisle that he knew Vivienne would walk down soon. He wasn't nervous at all. He was eager for the ceremony and even more eager for the wedding night after what she had told him. Never, in any of his fantasies, had he expected her to be a virgin. It equally thrilled and terrified him that he would be her one and only and that he would need to make tonight perfect for her. He wanted to make sure that the pain and discomfort she would feel the first time would be negated by the pleasure he would share with her. It was such a foreign concept at their age. His mind boggled that she had remained a virgin for so long. She was clearly gorgeous and amazing. Were the men she knew total morons not to have tried to go there with her?

He had been trying to work out how he could make a quickie here before they left, or on the plane ride home, romantic enough for her first time when the music started and he looked down the aisle. All thoughts of doing anything but worshipping the woman walking towards him, slowly and tenderly that night, fleeing his mind. He felt his throat constrict as he gulped, not in nervousness but in need, want and desire. He doubted that they would be leaving this house tonight and resigned himself to heading home tomorrow, after he had claimed her completely and knew every inch of her body as well as he knew his own.

When she reached the end of the aisle, he caught her hand in his and squeezed it, unable to help the wide grin plastered on his face as she turned to look at him in return, her eyes dancing and a small answering smile curving her lips. The ceremony went by in a blur until the priest spoke directly to him.

"I understand that this is a surprise wedding for you, Gideon, but if you would like to say anything to your bride, now is the time." The priest placed a hand over the bible in his hand and looked at him expectantly. Gideon cleared his throat and looked into Vivienne's eyes.

"Well, today was a bit of a surprise, so I don't have anything prepared, but I'll give it a whirl," Gideon chuckled and took Vivienne's hand, looking into her eyes. "Vivienne, I vow to never forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime love. I know that no matter what challenges life holds, we will meet them together, and if life carries us apart for even one day, we will always find our way back together," he grinned, "I will love you fiercely and make it my mission in life to keep you safe and happy, now and forever." Gideon let out a breath and dragged his eyes from Vivienne to the priest, indicating that he was done.

"And Vivienne, would you like to say anything to Gideon?" the priest asked, turning to her.

"Gideon," she said in a broken, nervous voice and swallowed, going on with a strong sound after a moment. "I had trouble finding the right words to tell not only you but everyone here how I feel," said Vivienne. "You are so much larger than life to me and have taught me so much already, not just about you but about how you see me, and I realised that love isn't just a feeling. It's so much more, it's words and actions and something intangible almost, so... here goes." She licked her lips nervously.

Gideon squeezed the hand he was gripping in support, and when she looked up at him, he smiled reassuringly back, encouraging her to speak from the heart. Nothing she could say to him now would outweigh their earlier conversation. This was just gravy, a bonus to remind him just how lucky he was.

"I vow to embrace your love of life and live it with you, to hold you with tenderness as well as cling to you as my rock. I vow to have the patience with you that you have always shown me. I will try to speak when words are needed and share the silence when they are not and know that, while we may not always agree on everything, it will not change the love and warmth I feel for the home you have made in my heart."

"Wow," Gideon breathed and then grinned at her again. "Can I kiss her now? It seems like it might be required after that!" he asked the priest, making the small gathering chuckle. "You have to admit that deserves more than the goofy look I am giving her right now."

"Not quite yet. There's the matter of the rings." The priest couldn't help his own chuckle.

"All right, let's do it," Gideon said enthusiastically. "So we can get to the kissing part." He winked at Vivienne. "You look amazing, by the way," he murmured to her, as Noah prodded his back sharply and made him grunt.

"Shut up or you'll blow it, and she'll realise she is marrying a moron and change her mind," Noah smirked in a stage whisper, winking at Vivienne. "He's like a big, excitable puppy at this point. Be careful he doesn't lick your face instead of kissing you if the priest makes him wait much longer."

With everyone stifling smiles, the priest launched into the final part of the ceremony and Vivienne giggled through the exchanging of the rings, as Gideon practically bounced with happiness. However, when the priest finally said the words, "You may now kiss the bride," Gideon seemed to slow down visibly. He stepped forward slowly, raising her veil to expose her face and then gently cupped her cheek, sliding his hand around to the back of her neck, pulling her into a tender kiss that seemed to eclipse the fact that they were being watched by so many sets of eyes. Vivienne became completely lost in the moment and wrapped her arms around him, almost clinging to him.