The Twelve Zenati Pt. 01


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The rail felt cool beneath his fingers as he gripped it. There was no longer any need to guide the movements of his slut; she knew exactly what he wanted and expected from her. He allowed her to set her own pace, as he wrapped leather cuffs around each wrist, tightening them securely. He groaned as he gazed down, meeting her eyes as she swallowed his cock as if she was starving. He allowed her time to enjoy the taste and feel of him across her tongue, while she took him deeper and held him longer as she gagged and tears glistened in her eyes. Her submission and need to please him never failed to affect him deeply, even after being together for so many months now.

The cuffs felt soft and familiar as they encased her wrists, and Serena felt a thrill run up her spine as he secured them tightly and she sucked him deep, looking up into his face. When his hand threaded into her hair and jerked her from his cock, she remained open-mouthed and panting, showing her need for more.

"Lower your hands," he instructed. "You may play with my needy cunt but be warned. Do not cum, or you will be punished severely." He stared into her eyes, ensuring that she understood just how real the threat was.

"Thank you, my love," she answered quickly. "I understand," she added, as he continued to stare at her. She was pushed back onto his cock then, and for the first time in weeks, he took control of her head and fucked her mouth as if needing complete control of her and her sucking mouth.

Remy lost himself in her submission and fucked her mouth and throat hard and fast. There was much he had to do today, not the least of which was to get her consent to the final act of his possession of her. Just the thought of owning her legally made him harder, and he came, roaring loudly as he splashed ribbons of cum over her lips and tongue and collapsed back against the rail again, gripping it as he took large, deep breaths and allowed her to milk all the cum she could and clean his cock.

"Up," he commanded, after long enjoyable moments while he recovered, reaching forward to grip her hair again and pull her to her feet. He knew that she was now familiar with what the cuffs meant on this deck and he barely had to guide her, as she moved automatically to her place and offered him her bound wrists.

Serena whimpered softly at the pull of her hair but followed his instructions and automatically lifted her hands to him as she rose. He surprised her by guiding her to one of the outdoor chairs and sitting with her in his lap, straddling his thighs, so she faced him instead. He took her hands and secured her wrists together behind her back, making her pull her shoulders back and arch her breasts toward him.

"Today is a special day for us, my sweet girl," he said in a smooth voice and stroked her tear-lined cheek. "You are mine, and I adore you. I cannot imagine my life without you in it," he declared and bent her to him to kiss her.

"Yes, my love. I am yours, body and soul. You possess my heart and mind completely," she said fervently, in words he had drummed into her mind every day of their lives together. "I love you more than I can express," she gave a small smile.

"Then you shall be mine, legally as well, to bind us together forever. We will marry this afternoon. This is the engagement ring you will wear." He picked up a box from the small table next to the chair and opened it. "You will wear it here," he said, and reached out to take her left nipple between his finger and thumb, squeezing it tightly. "I have a woman coming to prepare you for our wedding, and she will see to your piercing," Remy stated, searching her eyes as she whimpered prettily for him. "Do you accept your place at my side, forever?" he asked, knowing she would no longer deny him anything he wanted from her.

She gazed at him adoringly, not believing how lucky she was to have run into his arms on that cold dark night, on the decrepit old dock. He had changed her life forever that night, taking her away from the miserable existence she had called a life. Now she had a good job, good friends, family and a man who adored her and treated her like a precious princess, even when using her with the harsh toys and equipment they both loved. He was always aware of her limits and comfort, and he never gave her more than she could endure, albeit there had been times she had not been able to go to work because she had needed a longer recovery time than usual. It had been a long time since she was punished for a transgression, however. Now the pain she received was all about the pleasure it brought them both. How could she not marry him when he gave her so much, including his love and affection every day,

"Yes, my love. It's so beautiful, thank you," she whispered, her eyes on the engagement ring that would pierce her left nipple. "I would be honoured to be your wife," she said with tears in her eyes. She watched Remy's smile light his face, and he took her head in his hands and kissed her deeply.

"Mine, in every way possible, you are mine," he grinned. "And I will love and cherish you until death do us part." His hands roamed over her body, sculpted and honed to perfection by the strict diet and exercise regime that he had forced upon her in those early days of her training. Helped by the situation, her natural subservience growing up in a family like hers, and the brainwashing drugs he had trialled on her, she had become the epitome of his perfect woman and partner. Now she would become the perfect wife and mother to the new generation of his family. She would bear his heirs, and he would bring them up as strong men in a new world where the Tables no longer interfered with their business. He would leave a legacy for future generations of Suebi that would not easily be forgotten.

After today, his position within his combative family and the tribes that made up larger clans would be unassailable in this state. He would have complete control over all areas of his life. His enemies would be in total disarray after today, thanks to a national offensive, coordinated by the Sydney clan, that he intended to take full advantage of. Once they were married, he would tell her what the symbol she wore around her neck meant and his place, as well as hers, in the grand scheme of Suebian Tribes. Once he had become ruler of this kingdom in the north, he would deal with his brother's murderers once and for all. Part of him hoped they died in the suicide mission he was sending them on this afternoon while he was getting married and providing an airtight alibi for himself and all those loyal to him. Time would tell and, even if they returned alive, today would still be a great day.

"Kairos?" Remy asked, as he heard a soft tap on the glass door.

"Miss Mary is here when you are ready for her," Kairos said, ignoring the couple's nudity and compromising position.

"Excellent! Once my girl has accepted her betrothal ring, we can start our day," Remy said and stood, lifting Serena into his arms. "Tell Miss Mary to set up in my office. We will just be a few minutes." He carried her back to the bedroom.

They showered quickly, and he dressed with the same haste, instructing her to remain naked. Throughout the time it took to shower and dress, he continued to touch and tease her, keeping her on edge. He wanted this experience to be particularly memorable for her, and he wanted to test his absolute control over her. Once ready, they went to his office to greet Miss Mary.

"You have the ring?" Mary asked abruptly, as they entered.

"Good morning Mary. Thank you for coming on such short notice," Remy chuckled. "This is my fiancée Serena. Serena, this is Scary Mary, and her reputation, as well as her name, are well deserved." Remy smirked at the woman.

"I don't have time for your flattery this morning. Sit there and hold the little slut still." Mary indicated a leather recliner and took the ring box from him. "Traditional," she commented, taking the specially-made diamond solitaire from the box to sterilise it with alcohol and an antiseptic spray. "You surprise me, Remington, considering where you wish her to wear this engagement ring."

"That's novel, I thought surprising you was impossible," he grinned and replied, and then took his seat, pulling Serena back and guiding her hands back and over his head to lock behind his neck. Tilting her head to one side to afford him a better view, he slowly thumbed her nipples, enjoying the catch of her breath as he did so. He hadn't let her orgasm yet this morning as he continued to keep her on edge with his teasing. He had felt her reaction to the keywords, 'little slut' when Mary had used them. It intrigued him that someone else could make her react with her trigger words, and he wondered if he should start the long process to change them to more obscure words. He knew she reacted to Kairos when he used them, and even to Aunty Bea, but Mary was a complete stranger. He pushed the worrying thought to the back of his mind and prepared to enjoy this moment with his prized possession.

"You surprise me a great deal," Mary said, bringing a small tray over to the table beside the chair where he sat with the girl on his lap. "Playboy extraordinaire settles down to a traditional life with a meek and mild little pet like this? I thought you liked women with fire and ice in their veins."

"Women like that are more ambitious than I am and that makes them dangerous. I am ecstatic to have this girl's love and devotion. She makes me want to become a traditional family man with all that entails. Wife, kids, perhaps even a dog or two," he chuckled at how he sounded as Mary blinked at him. "What can I say, I am in love," he admitted. He had kept the extent of his feelings for Serena a closely guarded secret, only sharing his feelings for her with his closest friends here at home or at Hermione's. Once he held absolute power and dealt with those that sought to bring him and his family down, however, the world would know, and that started today with this surprise wedding.

"You're losing your edge, Remington," she warned and scowled at his words.

"Quite the opposite. The need to protect her, and the life I want with her, has made me more dangerous, even ruthless now," he said, in such a way that once again Mary showed true surprise. She looked critically then at the girl lying passively in his arms, as he stroked her breasts and talked about her, and found sea green eyes looking back as if in a stupor that caused Mary concern.

The girl was certainly beautiful, there was no arguing that. While she seemed meek and mild in her dazed state, Mary got the impression that there was a strength of character behind those eyes that could make her a match for Remy if he allowed it to make them a force to be reckoned with as a couple. That strength, however, seemed tinged with a vulnerability that, if exposed, could weaken not only herself, but also make Remy vulnerable to their enemies. She kept her thoughts to herself, however, because as everyone knew, Remington Royce was not a man to be crossed.

"Try to restrain yourself and keep your hands away from her left breast," Mary admonished Remy. Despite his introduction, she had yet to even acknowledge the girl in his arms with more than a look. Now she reached out and drew a long-nailed finger over the breast, flicking the nipple and hearing the sharp intake of breath, she smiled. "She's very responsive, isn't she?" she commented. Seeing the dazed expression clear a little from her eyes.

"Extremely," Remy nodded in agreement. "She is a constant delight to possess."

"Well, let's make it official, shall we?" Mary laughed lightly and donned tight sterile gloves and began to bathe the breast in an antiseptic solution. Then she picked up the clamp, holding it for both Remy and the girl to inspect, as she tweaked and played with the nipple she was about to pierce. Lining up the holes in the clamp, she took her time, listening to the whimpers of the girl as she adjusted and readjusted the tight clamp to the perfect position. She rarely marked up a victim with a pen nor asked their opinion anymore, and she had no intention of insulting Remington by doing it today.

"This will hurt a great deal, but it will be fleeting. Take a deep breath," she said, holding the large ten-gauge needle. Then, with no further warning, she pushed the needle through the holes in the clamp, hearing the girl's breath hiss out and her whole body become rigid below her. "Halfway there," she instructed, pulling the needle free and leaving the plastic cannula in place. Then she carefully and painfully removed the clamp, being careful of the cannula and making the girl cry out softly.

Serena couldn't believe the intensity of the pain. She hadn't been expecting that, and she felt the tendrils of it flow out from her nipple and through her body. She tilted her head up and looked at Remy, who had his eyes glued to her nipple. The look of lust on his face only sent her higher in her neediness.

"Oh God, I need... Please, I need to..." Serena stuttered, and Mary raised her eyebrows as Remy grinned and instructed the girl to cum, his own fingers tormenting the nipple of her other breast. Mary looked down the girl's body and saw the fingers of his other hand slowly stroking through her obviously-wet cunt.

"Cum, little slut. Show Mary how much you love and want to wear my ring," Remy crooned, as Serena arched up off him, her back bowing hard as she shook with violent tremors at his words.

"Almost done," Remy crooned into her ear. "You can do this for me. You make me so very happy, you may cum without asking when the ring is put in place." He played with her other nipple almost absently, as he watched her calm again, and Mary prepared the ring that he had chosen to bind her to him, in all ways, for always. Once the healing had properly begun, he would have the ring permanently welded shut by the man who made it for him. The thought gave him pleasure, and he kissed her ear and murmured, "Mine." When Mary held up the golden ring with the diamond solitaire at its peak and instructed her to take a deep breath and hold it again, his fingers began to move over her, knowing the intense pain she was feeling and needing her to associate it with pleasure. "Mine forever and always," he crooned, as she hissed out her breath and stiffened in his arms again.

The intense pain was fleeting, as Mary had said, and it left little more than a dull ache in its wake, unlike the clips and clamps Remy used on her that left their painful message long after they had been removed. The intensity of the second orgasm that rolled through her ebbed away very slowly, and her body continued to tremble long after the ring was in place that she barely heard Mary's instructions.

"This is called second skin." Mary began her lecture of the couple. "It is clear and waterproof and will allow you to see the ring, while keeping it protected. This must stay on for a minimum of four days. Do not be tempted to peel it off. You will be able to see the healing. The wound will become crusty; that is perfectly normal. After the second skin peels off, you must bath it twice a day in a natural sea-salt solution, for best results in the speed of the healing. It can, in some cases, take up to six months to heal completely. Let's hope that is not the case here. You can touch the surrounding skin of the breasts but leave her nipple alone for at least a month, longer if you can manage it. Three months would be my recommendation."

"I have another to torment while it heals," Remy chuckled. "I want no complications, so I will do as you recommend. Thank you, Mary."

"This is an open wound," she instructed Serena directly for the first time. "You must be vigilant in its care, do you understand little girl?"

"Yes, Miss Mary," she answered automatically, making the woman eye her critically.

"Alright, my job here is done. I will see you both this evening," Mary said, rolling up the med-pack she had used and depositing it back in her leather satchel. With that, she stood and turned, walking out of the room.

Remy's hands drifted down her body and pushed her thighs apart, dancing over her inner thighs to her pussy. She was so wet, not that he was surprised. He had not allowed her to come earlier that morning so he could enjoy her pain with her. He grinned and nipped at her earlobe, feeling the tremors that still assailed her body, as tightly strung as she was.

"Such a nasty little slut, turned on and so wet from Scary Mary mutilating your nipple for me," he murmured and raised his hand, spanking her pussy. "Put your legs over the arm of the chair," he instructed, and lifted his hands to help her widen her position further as her head fell back against his shoulder. "Perhaps you wanted Mary to pierce you here?" He ran a finger over her clit, gripping the slippery oyster between the nails of his thumb and forefinger. "Would you like that? Mary has already seen just what an insatiable little cum whore you are." He spanked her again. "You want to come, just thinking about her piercing this clit, don't you?" He squeezed, and she mewled, bucking her hips but kept her legs spread widely as he had instructed. "Do you imagine it's her hand on you, instead of mine, right now?" He let her clit go and spanked her again.

"No!" Serena cried out. "It's you. It's only ever you. Only you can touch me like this. Only you can make me feel this way. Only you!" She cried out, as he spanked her pussy several times in succession. "I am yours. Only you can make me feel this way. It was your hands, your body below me, your lips on my ear that made me so hot and horny. Please my love, fuck me," she begged in a breathless whimper, as he continued to spank her pussy.

"No," he murmured, biting her earlobe and enjoying her whine of despair. "We both have a lot to do today and, if as you say, only I can make you feel this way then, in my absence you should have no problem controlling yourself." He smirked and gave one last hard spank to her pussy before closing her legs and pushing her from his lap to the floor. Coming to his feet, his stroked her cheek. "I know you need it, baby, and I will give you the fucking you crave once we are man and wife." His eyes lowered with his hand, and he traced the outline of the second skin dressing over her nipple. "You have never looked more beautiful than you do today."


Serena had been poked, prodded, waxed, plucked, tinted, tanned and surrounded by the soft touches of men and women who prepared her for her wedding all day. After the torment of the morning without the heady release, Remy denied her body by not fucking her at all. She was wound tightly in her need for him by the time she arrived at the small chapel and was walked down the aisle by Kairos to stand before a priest and beside the man she loved.

She looked and felt like a princess in a fairy tale gown complete with a large sparkling tiara. She barely heard the words of the priest as she gazed at Remy, seeing the same heat and desire she felt mirrored back at her. She was truly happy. Her old life and the misery that she felt seemed like a distant memory, a dream even, and once again she thanked the fates for putting Remy in her path on that fateful night.

Her voice cracked as she repeated the standard vows after the priest and slid a gold band onto Remy's finger. Before he could begin his vows, however, a commotion sounded in the back of the chapel making him growl low in his throat and turn his head. Serena followed his gaze and barely took in the scene before shots began to ring out, women screamed, and men shouted. All the while she stood rooted to the spot until Leila charged at her, knocking her to the ground.

Serena cried out as pain lanced into her side. The woman knelt above her once the gunfire ceased and looked around, before seeming to make a decision. She picked Serena up bodily and ran to the side door of the church, with the woman draped over her shoulder, blood spreading down the back of her dress.