The Twelve Tables Ch. 17


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"You're right," she smiled softly. "We'll meet tonight, and you can tell me if any of my suggestions are something you would like help with," she said to Peri in the same soft tone.

"I think we had better be going now," Josh cleared his throat as he spoke and stood quickly. "I've seen that look they are giving each other before." Peri's eyes widened at the older couple who laughed at her sudden blush.

"After dinner," Peri stumbled over her words as Josh pulled her from the room. Once they closed the door behind them, Josh did not stop walking but rather went back through the house and up to the room they shared.

"That went well. They barely blinked an eye when you said triplets," Peri smiled, "I think you made your parents very happy talking to them about everything that's going on in our life. I should probably call Andie before someone else tells her the news. I'm not sure how she will take it. She wasn't the happiest person when I told her that I was pregnant, in her mind I hadn't fully recovered yet." Peri was reaching for her phone when Josh moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Who knew letting them into our lives a little bit more would mean so much," he murmured and kissed her neck. "Ben's always handled everything for us in the city, and he let Papa know what was going on. I guess we always assumed he was busy with family business, and it was easier that way."

Peri turned in his arms and looked up at him as he spoke, winding her arms around his waist.

"I was just going to go to Ben about the renovations and freeing up some money to get it done, but I guess letting Papa be involved cuts out the middle man," he shrugged.

"How will Ben feel about being cut out of the equation?" Peri asked with a frown. "I'm still getting used to having so many people involved in our lives, and I don't want to offend anyone."

"It'll be fine. I'll ask him to come and meet with Papa and me tonight," Josh bent his head to kiss her. Every single day she amazed him with her thoughtfulness for those around her. Sometimes he wished she would be selfish and tell him exactly what she thought without always worrying about the consequences and how the people in their close family circle would react.

"Tell me how you feel about Mama's suggestions. You don't have just to accept them. We can talk about it and decide what is best for us," he said seriously looking into her eyes.

"How about you just kiss me again while I think about it," she purred seductively.

"Oh the hardships you put me through," he sighed dramatically and swept her up in his arms carrying her to the bed as he kissed her. He fell onto the bed cradling her in his arms as their kisses deepened and his hand began to roam down her body.

His need for her had been growing since they had left his parents room. Had his need had not been so strong he may have slowed down and asked for an answer to his question before continuing. His desire grew exponentially though as they lay together their hands exploring as they kissed. He knew that if he slowed down now, he could almost shatter with the need her felt to possess her, and his hands became rough with impatience as he began to undress her.

Peri nipped at his lips and jawline, and she whimpered softly moving to assist him in his urgency to remove the offending material from her body. As the dress slipped over her head, he growled and lowered his head biting at the soft flesh showing from above her bra as he undid it and moved away from her slightly to discard it with a forceful toss across the room. Her hands went to his chest to undo the buttons of his shirt, and he fumbled with the clasp and zip of his jeans. It seemed that in seconds they were naked.

He reached for her running his hands through her hair and taking fistfuls of the long thick locks he pulled her face back to his and kissed her deeply their tongues duelling within the twin caverns of their mouths. She matched his need with her own, and he felt that he could devour her at that moment. The chemistry between was as strong as it had ever been and he felt her quiver against him feeding his lustful need to possess her body and soul.

She could feel the violence of his need rising, and she revelled in it rather than recoiled from it. She pushed against him feeling that line between pain and pleasure being crossed as his teeth grazed down her neck and bit into her breast once more. She mewled and arched her head back as if offering the soft flesh up to him for more. Her hands grasped his shoulder as she arched and her nails dug into the hard muscle there repaying the painful pleasure he gave her.

A low rumbling growl came from Josh, and he lifted his head to kiss her again, almost sucking the air from her lungs as he rolled her onto her back and forced her hands above her head, holding the slender wrists in one of his meaty paws. His free hand roamed her body as he stretched the arm holding her wrists and lowered his head once more to her breast. He imagined they were already growing firmer and filling with the milk that would sustain his heirs.

She whimpered and strained against his mouth as he teased and tortured her nipples knowing that he loved the sounds he coaxed from her lips like this. She felt his body alongside hers, searing hot and damp with perspiration that matched her own. She panted in quick whimpering breaths and writhed beneath his possession of her body, as his hand found her cunt and she widened her legs to allow him the access he wanted to all of her.

Her heartbeat hammered against his mouth, and he could feel and hear the urgency of her climax rising quickly. He moved down her body leaving a wet lingering trail with is mouth and tongue. He paused over her belly kissing the soft flesh that held his progeny before moving slowing down to the hot wetness of her cunt where his fingers continued to delve ever deeper. Releasing her wrists, he breathed in deeply taking in her familiar scent and almost tasting her in the air before lowering his head to join his fingers.

Peri bit her lip in an effort not to cry out in pleasure as he took her clit between his lips and sucked on it. She felt his teeth graze over it as his tongue worked its magic. The rhythmic movement of his fingers added to the feeling of his talented mouth on her undid her, and she exploded bucking her hips up and grinding against his face. She shuddered and shook her teeth biting into the flesh of her lip muffling her squeals and shrieks of pleasure. She was dazed, and he slid back up her body bringing her legs with him and doubling her over in the movement.

Josh looked down at the woman he loved, her hands still held above her head as by an invisible rope and he plunged into her still pulsing cunt groaning deeply at the sensations of her hot wet flesh as he sank deeply inside her.

The movement seemed to free her hands, and she grasped his shoulders and ran her nails down his arms. Her eyes glazed over, and he could feel the heated pulse of her gripping his cock as she continued to ride the wave of ecstasy. She began to move with him thrusting up toward him as he slammed into her feeling the wave catch him as he raced to catch up with her. They became almost frantic in their movements. He felt her grasp onto his hips as if urging him on. Her ragged panting breath came out like sobs when he finally lost all control and erupted into her with a low rumbling groan that seemed to come from deep within him.

Josh eased Peri's legs down before collapsing to the bed beside and lying on his back breathing heavily. Peri was still trembling and unable to move so she lay staring up at the ceiling with a smile playing on her lips. She felt the bed move as he rolled to his side to look at her and run his hand over her breasts playing lightly with her hard nipples.

"Can we just stay here until tomorrow?" Peri sighed enjoying the tingles that still rolled through her body.

"We could, but Mama and Papa would probably come to find us," he chuckled.

"Do you think they would bring us dinner in bed?" she giggled knowing they couldn't stay where they were for any amount of time during the gathering. Josh was a popular member of the family, and everyone seemed to be looking for him from the time they arrived.

"They probably would, you're eating for four now and Mama knows it. You'll be lucky if she doesn't feed you ten meals a day," he continued to laugh as she looked at him in horror.

"I'm going to become as big as a house aren't I?" she said in a worried voice.

"I will love every single inch of you whether you stay the same sexy size you are now or become even sexier as our babies grow," Josh picked up her hand and brought it to his lips.

"I'm gonna get so big you will have to widen all the doors in our house!" She tried to keep her voice light but the ramifications of having three babies grow inside her suddenly hit home, and she felt anxiety overwhelm her once more.

"Hey," Josh said concern covering his features. "We can do this, together. I know it's all happening to you at the moment, but I will do whatever you need to make this as easy as possible." He held her tightly to him and felt the stiffness in her lessen slightly. "Even widen all the doorways and buy a crane to get you up and down the stairs," he chuckled as she fought free of his arms and smacked him lightly.

"It's not a laughing matter, what if," she stopped talking as Josh put a finger on her lips.

"Let's just take one day at a time and as each speed bump comes up we will find a way to get over it, together," he said seriously and kissed her. "You are my priority. I promise I will make this as easy as possible for you. Please don't worry about things that might never happen, let's just enjoy all of the moments like this where we are healthy, happy and surrounded by people who love us almost as much as we love each other."

"I do love that you are so close to your family. You're going to be an amazing father," she said softly.

"You're still not comfortable here are you," he rolled to his back and pulled her close to his side keeping his arms around her as the spoke.

"It's a little overwhelming when there are so many people here but I'm comfortable with your immediate family," she said defensively.

"Good because I couldn't imagine life without them or you," Josh admitted.

"You miss her don't you?" Peri said softly remembering Emily's words from earlier. She felt Josh stiffen slightly and remain silent. They hadn't spoken about her since the engagement party and her panic attack. She had spoken about Nik to her therapist, and she was sure Josh had in his individual sessions as well, but they had both tried to forget, or she thought they had until today. Moving to lean on one arm she looked down at him with a sad expression.

"Sometimes," he admitted closing his eyes rather than look at her.

"I never wished her dead, Josh," she whispered. Josh's eyes popped open, and he frowned at her statement. "Emily said the family talks about her as if she is dead. Like in the past tense," she explained. "I don't want her near me ever again, but I never wanted her dead."

"She murdered a man Peri," Josh sighed. "It hurts, and I do miss her particularly at times like this, but she attacked you, she killed someone, and she couldn't see that she had done anything wrong. She needs help, and she will get it while she is there. Papa will see to it, and I feel better knowing that. I know you would never wish anyone dead, but no one would blame you if you did. I prefer to think of her as just gone."

"Gone," Peri mused. "It scares me to think she may come back into our lives one day but gone sounds better than dead."

"If and when she ever gets out of prison, she won't be welcome back here," Josh said sadly. "Which is why I expect Emily spoke of her as being dead. She will be released to another family who will care for her."

They spoke for the first time about his feelings for his twin sister and the loss of her presence in his life. He explained that Nik had planned to leave the family from a very young age. She had nothing but disdain for the old ways and the restrictions placed on her by family commitments. Josh had been helping her build up her business so she could eventually make it on her own without being reliant on family money. She had known he would never leave the family with her no matter how hard she tried to convince him and seeing Peri be accepted by the family and visit the farm was what probably pushed her over the edge.

As they spoke, Peri realised the depth of the guilt and blame Josh held for what had happened to his sister and in turn Peri. He admitted that Nik had always been a self-important narcissist who had just assumed he felt the same as her about their life and standing within the family. It was only when he began talking about a future with Peri that he believed she finally realised that he would never leave the family with her.

"She's not coming back into our lives Peri, you have no need to worry," he said reassuringly. "I will always care about her, but each of me sisters grew up and knowing they would leave our family for another. Lucia and Izzy only come home for this gathering each year, and it will be the same for Maryanne. I have always known that Nik would leave eventually, if not on her own then to another family." He gave a half smile, "My brothers, on the other hand, are with us forever," he chuckled.

"Even Carlo?" she giggled and watched the look of surprise on Josh's face turn to amusement.

"Yes, even Carlo," he chuckled.

"Thank you for explaining all of that," Peri said softly. "I'm not sure I was ready to hear it before now, but I am glad I know how you feel about losing her, despite how she was lost. I worried that you might blame and resent me in time for the loss of her in our lives."

"You and I are destined to live happily ever after," Josh said and kissed her lightly.


Peri found over the following week that she spent less time with Emily in the Atrium and more time with Antonia as plans for their home and family took on a life of their own. Antonia seemed to have boundless energy as she juggled the organisation of Maryanne's engagement party which had been planned for the last weekend of the gathering and what she considered Peri's needs.

Upon her arrival, Andie had been swept up in the vortex of planning for the arrival of her grandchildren. To Peri's surprise, Andie had not only become firm friends with Antonia but also Marisol and a quite a few of Josh's Aunts and their husbands. Once again she berated herself for not thinking about her mother as part of this big unruly family now that she and Charles were practically living together.

Even Louisa had been out to the farm on the middle weekend. It had surprised Peri that she had spent her time with Carlo rather than Dante but as it didn't seem to bother anyone else she just accepted the change of affection in her friend and didn't question her about it. Like all of the brothers underneath Carlo's strong exterior beat a good and kind heart and Louisa seemed besotted by the big country man. She worried for her friend that she would be made to undergo a trial if the relationship became serious but she wouldn't say anything unless asked. There was no need to alarm her friend.

She'd loved having her mother and best friend at the gathering and took the time from all the planning that was going on leaving the decisions to Josh and Antonia while she spent time with both women. Andie had not taken the news of becoming a grandmother to three new babies well, fretting about Peri's health and the fact that she had barely recovered from such traumatic injuries, and now she was putting her body under such enormous stress.

"I didn't choose this Andie," Peri said gently. "It's one of those freak things that just happens, and it happened to me. You know the chance of conceiving triplets naturally is like one in ten thousand or something, and the chances of identical triplets is even higher in the hundreds of thousands. Not that mine will all be identical." She'd been reading a lot about the phenomenon and found it wasn't as uncommon as she had suspected. "It's rare Andie, but there are a hundred sets of triplets born every year in this country alone."

"Oh baby," Andie hugged her. "I am excited for you, but I wouldn't be your Mum if I didn't worry about you. Is Pete here? Has he been checking on you?"

"Yes and I have a great obstetrician, and they are bringing the best paediatrician on board for the babies," Peri reassured her mother. As soon as Andi had mentioned their little cottage, Peri had taken her to find Antonia, who had hugged Andie fiercely.

"I'm so glad you're here, we have a lot to do for our girl, she will need us both to help get everything she wants and needs in order," she said with a smile. "Peri why don't you see if you can find Grant while I make Andie a cup of tea and fill her in on your plans." She said looking at Andie critically and seeing the worry lines crease Andie's beautiful face.

"Okay," she said slowly knowing that they could just call him, and he would come to them. Despite being dismissed, she was glad she had said "your plans" instead of "our plans" as she had been doing. She suspected Joseph had spoken to her again about stepping back and letting Peri set the boundaries. She wasn't sure why Antonia wanted to speak to Andie alone but after checking with her mother she left the room and walked out to the front of the house and took a seat on the wide veranda before calling Grant.

"I know what you're feeling," Antonia said hugging Andie again. "She's still frail from her other injuries, and this will take a great toll on her health so we have to do what we can to take away any stress," Antonia said in a no nonsense way. "They are young and think they can conquer the world, so it's up to us to make sure they have everything they need to do just that."

"Oh Antonia, nothing ever goes smoothly for her. I just want her to be happy but triplets," Andie said with tears in her eyes. "How can she possibly survive it."

"She can survive it with our help. Dry your eyes you and I can have a cry about this later tonight but right now we have to be strong and happy for her," she said walking Andie through the house to the large kitchen. "Come and have a seat and I will tell you what I have suggested so far and what Josh is doing as well, though Joseph is doing his best to support him and will get Charles involved now that you are both here." She sat in a chair next to Andies, "I'm afraid this is an anxious time for both of our children."

She went on to explain Josh's urgent need to provide the best home and care for his family and how he was putting all his nervous energy into creating that. While Joseph had become involved in Josh's plans, she had been discussing a small staff with Peri including a housekeeper and nanny, possibly two nannies if she could convince her she would need the help. She spoke in a calm, logical way and could see Andie thinking about each element of their planning before commenting or asking questions.

"I think I have an additional idea," Andie said as Antonia finished speaking about the rebuild and plans for their home. "Peri will no doubt want to continue to work for some time yet. She's very excited about this new project Joseph has given her."

"Yes, I have spoken to Joseph about cancelling it until next year sometime," Antonia agreed. "We are not sure how she would take that, though, so we were going to consult with Pete about what he thought."

"Oh you can't take that away she would never forgive you, but I do have an idea about it," Andie tilted her head and smiled. Being their godfather, Charles was close to the twins, Dante, and Emilio. Andie had recently toured their enormous new home that had been built close to the auction house. "I would have to check with the boys," she used the term Charles always used for the twins, "But during the build Peri could possibly stay with Dante and Emilio. Then she wouldn't be disturbed by the noise and mess of the build, and she could go to work when she felt up to it and not have to drive."