The Time Machine


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As they walked, Newton pointed out different plants to her, stealing a glance every time she looked away. When she caught him looking, she gave him a warm smile.

He nervously cleared his throat, and said, "I've never met a woman like you, Piper. You're like a creature out of time, a free spirit such as I have never met. Would it be possible -- if properly chaperoned, of course -- that I might see you again? And that maybe on our next walk, I might hold your hand?"

She leaned back against a tree and smiled at him. "You can hold my hand now."

Newton reached for it, and was shocked when she pulled him close and softly pressed her lips against his.

As they embraced in the leafy shadows of the tree, Piper felt him growing hard against her hip. She'd never met anyone as famous as him, and wondered how big a jump his cum would take the time machine.

If he'd been surprised when she kissed him, he was stunned when he felt her hand rubbing him through his breeches.

"Oh, Piper, your boldness is intoxicating," he whispered. "But what if your brother discovers us?"

Piper smiled, thinking that the professor was probably wishing that he were the one alone in the garden with Newton. But she only said, "He won't mind."

She smiled shyly as she lifted the front of her dress, and Newton thought his heart was going to stop when she lifted her petticoats and he saw she wasn't wearing a shift. But he nearly had a stroke when she started to unbutton his pants.

And then Piper, completely ignorant of seventeenth century dating customs, pushed his pants down around his knees and guided his stiff cock toward her wet, waiting pussy.

Newton had never been with a woman, but instinct took over. He pumped and pumped into Piper while pinning her against the tree. She wrapped her hands around his neck to hold on and begged him to fuck her faster.

Newton couldn't believe her forthrightness, but did as instructed. And as he banged her back and forth against the tree, an apple shook loose and fell.

He spotted it and the scientist in him wondered aloud. "Why do they always fall straight down?"

"Unh...I don't know," she moaned, thinking he was asking her a question, "gravity?"

Newton's mind reeled; he was in a state of euphoria as he filled Piper's pussy with cum, but all he could think of was that one word -- gravity.

"Oh, shit!" Piper cried, as she pushed him away and used her hand to try to keep his cum from leaking out between her legs. She gingerly tiptoed back to the garden table, dumped out her tea and squatted while Newton's load leaked out into the teacup.

He was dumbfounded as he watched her. "I'm sorry if I've offended you, Piper. I was swept away by your passion. I promise you, that if you find yourself with child I will marry you and care for both you and our baby!"

"Yeah," she said. "I'm not sure how that'd work out."

Piper straightened her dress and headed back inside, where she found the professor rifling through papers in the library. She excitedly showed him the teacup, but he was appalled when he saw its contents.

Glaring at Piper, he threw the papers down on the desk and angrily whispered, "When I told you to keep him busy, I didn't mean by spreading your legs. You and Professor Carr are going to get along well!"

Piper was stunned by both the outburst and the accusation. "I was just trying to help, you keep telling me how important it is for us to take big time jumps," she whispered. "And we're not going to get anywhere with you fucking hookers and farmers' wives!"

The professor didn't say a word; he just simmered with anger as he stared at her and then at the teacup. Snatching it up, he hissed, "We're leaving!" and headed out the door.

Newton watched as the two of them disappeared down the walkway. He knew by the professor's sullen disposition that he'd somehow discovered what had happened in the garden. Newton was ashamed of his actions, but knew that Piper had inspired him like no other. He would have neither passion nor weakness for a woman again; none would ever equal her.

Piper chased after the professor as he stormed over the rise ahead of them. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be so mad!"

The cart was still safely hidden in the small copse where they'd left it. When the professor poured the teacup's contents into the reactor, he read the gauge and slammed the side of the cart in frustration.

"You idiot! You took him past the point of conception!" he said.

"Oh my god," Piper whispered. "I'm pregnant?"

"No, you're not pregnant, but you didn't make him pull out when he ejaculated! If you let him release inside you, the time nuclei are rendered inert!"

"Oh...well, I didn't know. I thought I was helping -- "

"Well, you weren't!" he said, cutting her off. "In future, let me worry about fueling the reactor." The professor slammed the false floor into place, concealing the time machine. "I have to go find a prostitute, try to stay with the cart...and try to keep your legs closed until I get back."

Piper wiped her tears with her sleeve as she waited alone in the dark, still stinging from the professor's bitter, hurtful words. When she finally heard him return, clumsily feeling his way back through the pitch-black woods, she called out to him so he could find his way back to her and the wagon.

He pulled the hidden panel back, slamming it against the side of the cart. The lights from the console on the time machine illuminated his face, and Piper could see that he was still fuming.

As he unscrewed the lid to the time reactor, Piper said, "I want to go back."

He stopped, the lid half undone. Without looking up, he said, "What are you talking about?"

"I want to go my own time."

He took a deep breath, and said, "Well, you can't -- we can't! I'm taking this time machine back to rescue Professor Carr. And if you're not near when I push the button, you can stay in the seventeenth century; I'm sure Sir Isaac can find a bed for you."

The professor filled the time reactor and twisted the lid back into place. He adjusted the controls for the next jump, and as he glanced up he saw Piper standing away from the cart, arms crossed as she sullenly watched him.

"You'll be glad to know," he said, "that because of your screw-up I was forced to find the only thing close to a prostitute in the village. A one-legged ex-whore who asked me to 'stick it in her arsehole' as she thought her other hole might have 'the itch'."

Piper uncrossed her arms and squeezed her hands together. Taking a step closer, she swallowed and said, "I'm sorry, like I said, I didn't know..."

He didn't say a word; he just continued to make the final adjustments to the time machine. She moved to get closer to him like the earlier time jumps, but this time he didn't pull her near -- he just pushed the button.

* * *

Things didn't get any better on the other side of the time warp. Because of the poor quality of the fuel the reactor only jumped them twenty-seven years. Piper waited as instructed at the cart while the professor went in search of another whorehouse. He succeeded and soon returned with better material.

As he was filling the reactor, Piper couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "I don't know why you're so mad at me," she cried. "It's not like I screwed up on purpose, I was just trying to help."

The professor stopped what he was doing, turned to Piper and wiped a tear from her cheek. "You're right. You didn't screw up -- I did. I had no right to say the things I said, and you don't deserve to be treated the way I've treated you. I've just been...incredibly frustrated that the time jumps have been so short. And after losing Deidre, I'm afraid of what the consequences might be if we're too late to save Professor Carr. However, that's still no excuse for the way I've acted. I'm sorry, and if you still want to go back, we'll go back."

Piper sniffed and wiped her tears with her sleeve. "No," she whispered, "I want to go with you." She stepped closer and hugged herself against him, and waited for him to push the button.

* * *

They appeared in a grassy glade with a hill on the far side. After concealing the console on the time machine, the professor told Piper he was going to go climb it and take a look.

"Are we back in the States?" she asked.

"No, we're still in England."

"And are there Indians in England?"

"Indians? You mean Native Americans? Not in 1617 England. Why do you ask?"

"Because that girl watching us looks like one."

The professor was startled to see a beautiful, dark-haired girl staring at them from the near side of the glade. She must have seen them appear. The professor was alarmed, expecting her to run away in fear, but was surprised to see her wander through the tall grass toward them. When she neared, he could see there was no fear in her eyes, only curiosity.

She walked up and lightly touched Piper's shoulder, as if to make sure she was real, and said, "Has Michabo sent you with the light to take me home?"

The professor blinked in surprise, he knew the name, but had never expected to hear it here. "Michabo...the Algonquin creation deity? Who are you?"

"The name they call me is Rebecca Rolfe," she said.

The professor silently repeated the name, hoping the feel of it on his lips would jog his memory. And when he looked up at the dark-eyed girl, astonished, Piper knew he'd remembered the name.

"'s not possible," he said, as the native girl wandered around the cart, running her hand along the polished wood.

"Who is she?" Piper whispered. "A famous inventor or something?"

"You'd know her better by her other name -- Pocahontas."

Piper's eyes lit up. "Oh my god! I loved your movie!" she cried, and hugged the surprised Indian princess tightly, not letting go until the professor pried her loose.

He led Piper far enough away that they couldn't be heard. "I'm afraid that the real Pocahontas is a far cry from the fictional version. If my memory serves me correctly, she'll soon die."

"No, that's not right," Piper said. "I've seen the movies -- both of them -- her and John Smith lived happily ever after!"

"Yes, I've seen the movies too and it's actually John Rolfe that she lived happily ever after with -- that's why she gave her name as Rebecca Rolfe. But, unfortunately for her, there won't be a happily ever after. She'll soon board a ship back to the New World, but will never complete the voyage. Some said she died from smallpox or pneumonia, I always imagined that she was so homesick she simply lost the will to live."

Piper gasped and clapped her hand to her mouth. "Oh, no! We have to take her back to her home with the time machine!"

"We can't!" the professor whispered. "And please, keep your voice down. If we took her anywhere in the time machine she'd eventually revert to her point of origin -- here! And I don't even want to think of the possible implications of her -- or any others we meet -- discovering that time travel actually exists. Trying to help her could put all of our lives in jeopardy!"

"But going around screwing famous people is okay?!"

"The so-called butterfly effect would only result from a significant change to the pattern of history. Say, killing William the Conqueror...or revealing the secret of time travel! Millions of people have sex every day, so I doubt that one sexual encounter could be significant enough to change history!"

"Well...what if you got the Virgin Queen pregnant or something?"

"I highly doubt that Queen Elizabeth the First was a virgin, she was called the Virgin Queen because she chose not to marry. And there is zero chance of my getting her, or anyone we meet, pregnant. Conception isn't possible between time travelers and the people they encounter in the time stream. Professor Carr tested that theory exhaustively. If any time traveler would have gotten pregnant -- it definitely would have been her."

Pocahontas bent over to pick a flower in the glade, and when Piper saw the way the professor stared at her she started to shake her head. "Oh, no. No way! Don't even think you're going to have sex with her -- I won't allow it!"

The professor, trying to get her to keep her voice down, whispered, "Piper, I'm thrilled that you've met one of your historical heroes. But it seems senseless, if I have the chance, to pass on any opportunity to have her help me fuel the time machine. The semen she helps me produce could send us back eighty years!"

Piper gave him an icy stare. "If you touch her, I'll tear your prick off and send it back eighty years all by itself!"

For the next few hours, the professor waited quietly by a tree while Piper and Pocahontas talked. When she finally had to leave, she stood to go and wished them well. Piper watched as she walked into the twilight and then turned to the professor, eyes red from crying, and hugged him.

They slept in the cart, huddled together for warmth. When they awoke at dawn, the professor said they needed to make a small jump just to make sure they didn't unintentionally return back to their own time.

"A small jump?" she asked. "How do we do that?"

"I'll simply masturbate and we'll use that to fuel the reactor."

"Well, after you were such a gentleman with Pocahontas, the least I can do is help."

The professor was surprised she'd changed her mind and had finally agreed to lend a hand. "That's wonderful. Thank you, Piper. You know, if you'd actually be willing to give me a -- "

"Do you have another condom?" she interrupted.

"No, I actually ran out," he said, as he started to undo his pants. "Professor Carr used up most of our inventory and I forgot to bring more, but if you just -- "

"There's one now," Piper cried, and jumped off the cart and ran towards the road.

The professor watched in stunned silence as a horse-drawn haycart came over the rise. Piper ran to the road and talked to the driver, who reached down and pulled her up on the seat beside him. They talked for a few minutes and he could see Piper leaning close to the young farmer; it took him a second to realize she was actually giving him a handjob.

The professor pretended to be watching a bird in the opposite direction, and only turned around when he heard Piper returning. She proudly held out her cupped hands, filled with the farmer's cum, and the professor gave her an appreciative smile.

"That's excellent, Piper," he said, as he opened the reactor and had her pour it in. "But the reaction created by the contents are cumulative, so it still makes sense for me to add my own fluid."

"Oh, of course!" Piper said.

The professor climbed on the cart, kneeled near the open reactor and started to undo his pants. "Would you mind...umm..."

"Of course not," she said, and turned her back.

The professor masturbated silently, too embarrassed to let her know that he'd been about to ask her to give him a handjob too. Strictly for scientific purposes of course, as he knew cum produced by another's hand had proven to be twice as potent as material produced by masturbation.

She didn't even know he'd finished until he pulled her back against him and pushed the button.

* * *

Piper opened her eyes and they were in the yard of an abandoned farmhouse. "Where, or when, are we now?" she said.

"We're outside of Rome in the year 1597. I had actually hoped to go even farther back to try to meet Lucrezia Borgia, and see if the legends about her sexual appetite were accurate, but this will have to do."

"Uh huh," Piper said, trying not to let on that she had no clue who he was talking about. "But what if people still lived on this farm and saw us?"

"That's another impressive quality of the time machine. When it creates a time warp it can detect the presence of life -- human life -- on the other side and only opens warps to locations where no one is near."

"Then how did Pocahontas see us?"

"I actually have no idea, the time machine should have detected her presence. The only thing that shocked me more than her seeing us appear was learning who she was. The odds of our randomly meeting someone as historically noteworthy as her are about the same as winning the lottery. It's definitely something that bears further investigation."

"So, what now? Whorehouse? Or is there someone famous nearby?"

"We've got no way of telling if there is anyone famous -- or destined to be famous -- nearby. We'll have to look for a bordello, and this time I want you to travel with me. Sixteenth century Rome is no place for a young woman to be alone."

"What about the time machine?"

"This farm is littered with abandoned carts, so I'm hoping it'll be fine. I'm more worried about keeping you safe."

"That's sweet," she said, smiling, "but I'm still not going in the whorehouse."

When the professor finally convinced her to enter the bordello, it wasn't anything like Piper expected, as the inside seemed more like a tavern or inn. They sat down at a table and adjusted their seventeenth century clothing, trying to blend in.

A serving maid brought them a loaf of bread and a jug of wine. Noticing a ruffian angrily arguing with a noble on the far side of the room, the professor, in poor Italian, asked who they were. He'd hoped the noble might be someone famous; he was surprised at her answer.

The professor leaned close and whispered to Piper. "See that scoundrel on the far side of the bar, arguing with the nobleman?"

"The what?"

"The scoundrel...the jerk, yelling at the rich looking guy."

"Oh, yeah...what about him? Is he famous?"

"He is -- or will be. His name is Michelangelo Merisi."

Piper gasped. "I saw a Discovery Channel show on the Sistine Chapel, its ceiling is beautiful!"

"Not that Michelangelo. This one is better known as Caravaggio."

"Well, not that I don't want to help out, but you should ask the waitress if you can order a hooker. He looks kind of...violent."

"You don't need to worry, as I don't think he'll be much help to us -- he was homosexual."

"Gay? He looks too mean to be gay," Piper said, as she watched Caravaggio run the nobleman out of the tavern. "But if you did get his help with your...fuel. Would that even work?"

"It's never been put to the test, and I know I personally won't be the one finding out if it does or doesn't. Let's see if the serving maid can find me a girl."

The professor was just about to flag her down when he spotted Caravaggio, who had noticed them staring at him, heading their way.

He spoke quickly to them in Italian and the professor, who had a hard time understanding him because he spoke so fast, said, "I think he's asking where we're from?"

"Oh!" Piper answered. "We're American!"

"You idiot!" the professor whispered. "America won't even be settled until the next century!"

He apologized to Caravaggio, explaining that Piper was a little drunk, and told him they were English.

Caravaggio laughed loudly and spoke passionately to Piper.

"What's he saying?" she said.

The professor translated: "He says that you are very beautiful and he wants to know if he can sketch you."

"Wow! Won't that be worth, like, a ton of money to a museum?"

"I'm sure it would be, but only if we bury it and dig it up four hundred years from now. We can't take anything forward in the time machine unless it's from the future, like us. The sketch would simply remain behind here, in its own time."

"Damn! Well, tell him he can still sketch me," she said, starting to feel a little tipsy from the wine. "Too bad he's gay. He's actually kind of cute in a criminal sort of way."

Once they'd agreed to the sketch, Caravaggio called to a pretty, olive-skinned girl on the far side of the room who brought over two jugs of wine. He put his arm around her and headed upstairs, gesturing for them to follow.

"He's bringing a waitress to serve us?" Piper asked.