The Story of Odilia Ch. 02

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Odilia is forced in lesbian sex.
5.9k words

Part 2 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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I was still sobbing and my buttocks were still stinging when Gretel took me by the hand and led me away to teach me my duties now that I lived in Mistress Jarvinia's home.

The first duty Gretel impressed upon me was fetching water from the well. Water was needed for bathing, for scrubbing floors, for cooking, for drinking, for mixing potions and for a few other tasks which I now forget. Mistress Jarvinia's home needed so much water that Gretel and I had to make scores of trips to the well every day in order to suffice.

When filled with water, the buckets were very heavy and Gretel and I carried one heavy bucket each as we walked from the well back to the cottage. It was physically demanding work, however when we were out at the well, there was no one to ogle at my nudity or smack my already sore buttocks.

Eventually I stopped sobbing and the pain diminished to a painful but tolerable stinging ache. It was at that point that I dared to question Gretel about Mistress Jarvinia's odd transformation from an old crone to a beautiful young maiden.

Gretel looked around furtively before answering and only spoke in hushed tones that, even though I was standing right next to her, I could just barely hear.

"Mistress Jarvinia is a witch," Gretel explained. "She is devoted to the old gods and she has old wisdom. She has placed a spell upon this place. It keeps her young as long as she remains here."

What Gretel told me was almost too incredible to believe, however I had seen Mistress Jarvinia transform from an old, white-haired, wrinkled woman to a young, dark-haired, smooth-skinned maiden.

When we brought the water into Mistress Jarvinia's house Gretel remained silent, however when we were once again outside, Gretel imparted more information to me.

"A year ago, Mistress Jarvinia was at the slave auctions. She was bidding on a slave girl, but a man named Ivan outbid her. Furious, Mistress Jarvinia placed a curse upon the man. Ivan's penis shriveled up to half its normal size and his lust died within him. He was incapable of having sex with a woman. He had purchased one of the most attractive, naked slaves at the auction, but because of the curse, Ivan could no longer enjoy such things. And what was even crueler, Mistress Jarvinia made it publicly known that Ivan was no longer capable of functioning as a man. He was utterly humiliated."

As I brought up a bucket, heavy with water from the well, I asked her, "Does he suffer from this curse still?"

When the bucket reached the top I accidentally spilled freezing cold water from the bucket, down the front of my naked body. I gasped at the shock of the cold liquid on my sensitive naked skin. My already aching nipples became ever more swollen and more erect.

Gretchen shook her head in negation and replied, "He eventually broke down and offered to sell the slave girl to Mistress Jarvinia if she would remove the curse. He even offered to sell the slave girl for half the price her originally paid."

The cold water on my naked breasts and thighs raised goose bumps on my thighs and breasts. Some of the frigid water even dripped down to my sensitive public lips. I wished desperately for a towel to dry off, but naked slaves are not allowed such luxuries.

"Sadly, Mistress Jarvinia was too angry to allow Ivan to settle the matter so easily," explained Gretel. "She demanded that Ivan give up his only daughter to serve as a slave for three weeks. Ivan loved his daughter very much, and at first would not allow her to be Mistress Jarvinia's slave, but when he initially refused, Mistress Jarvinia made Ivan's curse even worse."

"She had already taken his manhood," I said, horrified even at that, "how much worse could she do to him?"

"Nobody is quite certain," Gretel replied, whispering through gritted teeth, "however Ivan brought his daughter to Mistress Jarvinia the very next day. The poor girl was stripped naked and shaved and roughly used and spanked and humiliated much as you and I have been roughly used and spanked and humiliated. Mistress Jarvinia even whipped the poor girl's breasts, and belly, leaving welts that were still visible on the day she returned to her home."

Suddenly it dawned upon me why the bidding at the auction stopped immediately after Mistress Jarvinia called out and placed a bid on me. After what happened to Ivan and his daughter, the people in the village must be terrified at the prospect of Mistress Jarvinia's wrath.

Fetching heavy buckets of water is demanding, physically exhausting labor and by the time Gretel and I finished bringing the water in from the well, my muscles were sore and I was covered in sweat.

However Mistress Jarvinia had no sympathy for my exhaustion or sore muscles and we were next led into a room where she kept jars of roots and herbs and powders and jars of oils and ointments. We were made to get down on our hands and knees and ordered to scrub the floor vigorously until there was not a trace of dirt or dust or footprints to be found.

My arms and hands and shoulders were already sore from my previous labors, but I dared not disobey.

Of course Gretel and I were ordered to keep our legs far apart while we toiled. My sex was still throbbing and I desperately wanted to rub my thighs together in an attempt to calm the wild hunger in my sex, but I dared not anger Mistress Jarvinia. I dreaded the sort of fate she might have in store for me if I should ever disappoint her.

Once while I was scrubbing the floor I saw her in the doorway, silently watching me. She didn't say a single word; she just regarded my naked hindquarters in an eerie silence.

According to Gretel, Mistress Jarvinia is a lover of women. Her lingering examination of my naked thighs and buttocks and vulnerable pubic lips was probably just a lustful indulgence, however I carried the memory of her brutal assault on my buttocks and I flinched. My poor buttocks were still sore from the previous spanking she had given me and I lived in fear and trepidation that she might see fit to inflict another stinging punishment on my already sore bottom.

I tried not to look back at her and slid my knees ever further apart and scrubbed the floor even harder in the hopes that this would please her. Eventually Mistress Jarvinia vacated the doorway and I let out a breath that I hadn't even been aware I was holding.

After that incident I had managed to delude myself into believing that I had adapted to living under Mistress Jarvinia's authority and that she now accepted me as a properly submissive and obedient slave.

It was a delusion that was soon destroyed.

After the labors of the day were finished, and all the slaves had been fed, and Mistress Jarvinia had bathed, the slaves gathered around the wooden tub for their baths.

I was exhausted and my muscles were sore and I smelled of sweat, yet I obediently knelt with my knees far apart and my hands placed behind the back of my neck, feeling my breasts lift as I spread my elbows. Gretel was the first of the slaves to bathe, and due to her apparently superior status was allowed to bathe herself. Then Maleen got into the tub and allowed Gretel to bathe her. Then I got into the tub and knelt in the shallow water and allowed Gretel to bathe me as well.

In the castle, I had always been bathed by a groom. To be bathed by another slave seemed to be a deliberate insult, but I held my tongue and did not complain. Slaves had to endure insults and humiliations silently and without comment. Slaves who could not suffer in silence were punished.

Once again I knelt with my knees far apart and my hands behind the back of my neck with my fingers laced together. This position caused my breasts to be thrust out and displayed as if I were offering them up to Gretel.

Gretel took a wet, warm cloth and she used it to stroke my prominently displayed breasts, however she spent no more time or attention on my vulnerable breasts than she did on my arms or my back, or my

the small depression beneath the arm where it joins the shoulder.

However I flinched and whimpered when she washed my sore, stinging buttocks and I squirmed when she washed the tender flesh around my anus and when she dragged her cloth across my swollen, anguished sex, I trembled and made a pathetic, almost-sobbing noise and struggled to maintain my position. I desperately needed sexual release and Gretel could have so easily given it to me, but her cloth lingered on my sex for no more than a second or two...just long enough to exacerbate my sexual longing, but not long enough to trigger the release I so desperately needed.

And then that sexual torment was soon followed by another sexual torment. After Gretel had allowed me to leave the tub and she dried me with a towel, I was ordered to kneel upon the floor and watch silently as she bathed Hansel.

Hansel was naked and quite attractive to look at. Of course he was shaved, just as the female slaves were and his utter lack of body hair made him appear more naked and vulnerable and exposed than any male slave I had ever seen previously. He had long eyelashes and a rounded chin and high cheekbones. He was slender and very well-muscled, with a narrow waist and high, firm buttocks. Of course Hansel's organ was swollen and erect and hard and was alarming in its length and girth. I longed to have his organ plunged into the empty void between my thighs. Gretel had just dried me off with a towel, but I was already once again wet between my legs and almost deranged with sexual desire.

I watched intently as Gretel used her cloth to wash Hansel's firm, tiny buttocks and his slender, well-muscled thighs and I wished it were my hands washing Hansel. I squirmed and thought of my hands on Hansel's naked body and I whimpered as I thought of guiding Hansel's thick, swollen cock; with the network of bulging veins just beneath the skin; into my pulsing sex.

So, intent was I on my fixation with Hansel's naked body that I failed to hear Mistress Jarvinia's footsteps behind me.

"So, you like my male slave, do you?"

I turned my head and looked up into the stern, disapproving face of my mistress. Her teeth were bared and her bosom was heaving.

"Mistress, I did not mean to do anything wrong. I was merely-," I said nervously, attempting to defend myself. However my mistress interrupted me in mid-sentence.

"My slaves are not here for your amusement, Odilia. Rather, you are here to provide me with amusement and sexual gratification. Openly lusting over Hansel will only provoke my ire."

"I apologize, Mistress. I did not seek to displease you. I swear to never look upon Hansel with such-"

"No more words out of you," barked Mistress Jarvinia, cutting my sentence in half. "Show me that you truly repent with actions! Kiss my boots!"

My heart was throbbing mightily in my chest with fear and dread as I lowered my face to her dainty little feet and kissed the toe of her leather boots. My naked buttocks were high in the air and very vulnerable as I kneeled at her feet. I trembled at the thought that she might punish my already stinging buttocks anew.

And while my lips were pressed against her boots, I heard a rustling of fabric and suddenly Mistress Jarvinia's skirts were lying upon the floor. There was a sharp, painful slap against my left buttock and my Mistress ordered me to raise my head.

I pushed up off the floor and raised my head to see my mistress's naked thighs, hips and sex directly in front of me. Her sex was partially obscured underneath a growth of dark, silky pubic hair, however she was quite obviously aroused, as her very pink pubic lips were wet and swollen and her clitoris was already poking its way out from its hood.

"Now, if you are truly repentant, kiss me between my legs!"

Never at the castle had I ever been ordered to kiss a woman's sex, and I am not by nature a lover of women. As such, I was slow and hesitant to obey the order to kiss another woman's pubic lips. I will regret that hesitation for the rest of my days.

Suddenly Mistress Jarvinia had an iron grip on my left arm. She painfully yanked my arm up high, nearly dislocating my shoulder and forced me to stand.

"So, you would dare disobey my orders?"

"Mistress, Please!" I yelped in panicked protest, but I was silenced once again by Mistress Jarvinia.

"No words from you now," she barked and I bit my lip and resolved to say nothing more until her temper had cooled.

"Gretel has kissed me between my thighs! Maleen has kissed the lips between my thighs as well! Do you somehow think that you're better than Gretel and Maleen?"

I sensed a trap. I had already been ordered not to speak. If I spoke up to defend myself, I was certain to be punished. However if I remained silent, I would appear haughty and proud and in agreement with Mistress Jarvinia's accusation. And I would almost certainly be punished for my pride and haughtiness.

For a few dreadful seconds, all I could hear was the frightened pounding of my heart, and then Mistress Jarvinia loudly announced, "Gretel! Maleen! Odilia deems herself to be better than either one of you! She believes that her station is somehow above yours. Since this is an insult aimed directly at the two of you, I shall allow the two of you to punish her for it."

Gretel and Maleen looked nervous at this latest development; however they both dutifully thanked Mistress Jarvinia for the opportunity to punish me. Hansel was then ordered to fetch ropes so that Mistress Jarvinia could bind my arms behind my back.

Mistress Jarvinia tied me so tight that the ropes bit painfully into my naked skin. I whimpered as my mistress tied my left wrist to my right arm and my right wrist to my left arm. When she was finished securing my wrists behind my back, I was thrusting my breasts forward, as if I were offering them up to Gretel and Maleen to be punished.

I dreaded whatever cruel punishment Gretel and Maleen were about to inflict upon my naked and helpless body, however I also lamented the fact that I had lost Mistress Jarvinia's approval.

As irrational as it might seem, I treasured her approval and it had appeared that I had gained it for a very short period of time. Now that I had lost it, I felt that was just as regrettable a turn of events as whatever physical abuse Gretel and Maleen were soon to inflict upon my vulnerable, naked flesh.

I don't know why, but I desperately craved Mistress Jarvinia's approval.

I had thought for certain that Gretel would punish my breasts, after all the manner in which my mistress had bound me forced my breasts out prominently and made them quite vulnerable for all sorts of painful correction.

However, Gretel ignored that possibility and instead Gretel looked me intently in the eye and firmly commanded, "Over my knee now, Odilia," and she sat down onto one of the nearby chairs.

Gretel may not have felt any malice towards me; however she would obey Mistress Jarvinia's commands without hesitation. I lay down over her lap, however doing so without the use of my hands was awkward and difficult and in the end, Gretel grabbed my hips and dragged my naked body across her naked thighs and into the proper position so that I might be spanked.

I had a moment or two to reflect upon how intimate and humiliating it was to be spanked by a slave's bare hand while lying naked across her naked lap. At the castle I was usually punished with a paddle, and usually by a Prince. Once I had been punished by a groom, but never another slave. Mistress Jarvinia had found a new level of humiliation and degradation for me to endure.

And then suddenly I had no more time for reflection. Gretel's hand came down hard upon my left buttock, and then my right buttock, and then my left again. Gretel spanked my poor, upturned buttocks with a hard and merciless rhythm. I screamed and kicked my legs and endured horrible pain as Gretel's hand punished my already sore buttocks and made the stinging unbearable.

And, somewhat irrationally, as I screamed and sobbed and felt hot, wet tears slide down my face I hoped that by enduring this pain for Mistress Jarvinia, I might somehow be forgiven for my transgression and regain her approval.

I was still sobbing when Maleen grabbed me and lifted me off Gretel's lap. "I've kissed Mistress Jarvinia's sex many times," Maleen proclaimed as she looked me coldly in the eye. "With your refusal to kiss our Mistress, you not only show her disrespect, but you offer disrespect to me as well. I find the naked flesh of woman pressed against me, preferable to the naked flesh of a man. Do you think that makes me somehow inferior to you? Is that what the priests have told you?"

"Maleen," Mistress Jarvinia scolded, "Do not waste the evening talking to her! Simply punish her for her infraction!"

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Maleen said, the intensity leaving her face as she apologized. Then she turned back to me and her facial expression went hard again.

I would have apologized to Maleen. I held no ill will towards lovers of women, I simply preferred men. However I had been ordered not to speak, so all I could do was stand there and submissively accept my punishment and hope that that would be enough to show that I repented my actions.

And then Maleen turned her back to me and walked over to the wall where Mistress Jarvinia kept her whips and paddles. I could not help but notice, as she selected one of whips from the wall, that her firm buttocks were marred with the welts and red marks of some vicious paddling. She was tormenting me at the moment, but she was a slave, just as I was. I felt a certain kinship to her, even though she was about to inflict pain upon my naked body.

And then Maleen stood naked before me, but with a short, leather whip in her hand she now displayed a visible degree of authority that she did not have moments before.

"Gretel, hold her please while I punish her and see that she does not squirm too much."

At those words, Gretel stood behind me, her breasts pressed against my back, one arm firmly around my throat; but not so tight as to restrict my ability to breath; and one hand grasping my long hair and snapping my head back, so that I was looking up towards the ceiling of Mistress Jarvinia's home.

I anticipated the blow and I attempted not to panic. Maleen brought the small leather whip down upon my breasts and she smacked them as I screamed and gasped and panted and screamed again. The stinging blows upon my breasts were far worse than having my buttocks spanked. After about ten blows, Maleen took my breasts in her hands and roughly fondled one and the other. They were both sore and tender from the whipping and I whimpered and sobbed at touch of her strong fingers.

Then she sucked upon each of my nipples, using her mouth to stimulate them and make them more erect and rigid and causing me to moan. Despite the pain, she was causing a warm, pulsing in my pubis as well.

Then, just as my nipples were painfully hard and erect and I was at the peak of lust, Maleen resumed whipping my poor, defenseless breasts. I flinched and jerked as the painful blows came down upon my sore, sensitive breasts and nipples, but Gretel held onto me tightly and I did not break free from her grip.

Eventually Maleen tired of whipping my breasts and she returned the whip to its previous location on the wall.

"From this day forward," Mistress Jarvinia announced, "Gretel and Maleen shall have superior status to Odilia. Even though all three women are my slaves, Gretel and Maleen shall have the authority to punish Odilia for transgressions."

I could just barely hear Mistress Jarvinia's announcement over the sound of my own hoarse sobbing.

"Gretel and Maleen shall also teach Odilia how to satisfy a woman."

I felt Gretel loosen her grip on my hair and her arm around my throat became slack. "Mistress," she asked, "Does that mean...?"