The Stock Boy

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A boy's first time.
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A boy's first time.

Author's notes: This is for the On the Job 2023 challenge. I hope you enjoy it.


In the days of Lyndon Johnson as president, I went to work at Charlie's Supermarket at the age of just seventeen. Living in the country, I was no stranger to working. I started working for area farmers when I was only twelve. My first job was picking berries, black and red raspberries, to be specific. It is where I was first introduced to and fell in love with red raspberries. Where we lived, black raspberries grow wild. I started picking them at a very young age. Every year, thoroughly scratched, I would bring a small bucket of them home to my mother to make pies. I loved them also, although I didn't love picking the seeds out of my teeth much. Then, of course, there was haying, which I hated, picking grapes, other crops, and other odd jobs farmers had.

Living in the country where we did, there wasn't any place else to work except on a farm. I could walk south out my parent's front door, cross the road and walk for two miles before I came to the next one, and if I went north out of the back door, I could walk four miles before I hit the first road. In either of the other directions, walking for two miles, I would cross only one road. So, I grew up in the boonies.

The closest town was a little village of about five thousand souls with two supermarkets and the only jobs that weren't farming. I was about to start my senior year in high school and thinking seriously about college. My mother had graduated from high school, the one I attended, but my father hadn't graduated. He only had a sixth-grade education and left schooling to work sharecropping with his father. That was likely the reason they encouraged me to go to college. They never forced me or demanded I go, telling me it was my decision. Completing high school, on the other hand, was nonnegotiable. On my father's side, I was the first male to graduate from high school. I had a female cousin who graduated the night before, and consequently, I can't claim to be the first in the family. On my mother's side, I had some educated ancestors. My bachelor's wasn't the first, but my master's was.

So, with my driver's license in hand and permission to drive the car to work, only if it was nights and weekends and wouldn't interfere with school, I applied to Charlie's Supermarket. Amazingly I got the job. I was to receive the minimum wage of $1.70 per hour. In those days, the average cost of a new car was around $2,800.

The first day rolled around, and I clocked in. My direct supervisor, the manager, was a guy named Stub. Please don't ask me what the etiology of that name was, I have no idea, but he always smelled of beer. He was quiet and not very open. Maybe it was because he was a World War Two veteran.

He paired me up with a guy, Carl. Carl was a guy that thought no one worked as hard as he did and was out to prove it. In the warehouse was a stacked pile of ten-pound bags of potatoes, and replenishing the display on the floor was our first mission. Now when I say a stack of potatoes, I mean a stack. It went from the floor almost to the ceiling, which was probably fourteen feet high. Stub estimated we would need one hundred bags or so.

Well, the only way that made sense was to put up a step ladder, and one of us to toss them down to the other, who would put them in shopping carts. Carl designated himself as the one to toss, and I would be the receiver. Anyone with any sense would realize that the person receiving them would need to catch them, turn his attention away to stack them, and then turn his attention to catch the next one. Thus there would be a lag between receiving and being ready to receive the next. Carl had no sense.

The first bag, I fielded with ease, and as I turned to put it in the shopping cart, Carl was about to toss the second one. He wasn't even looking at me or where he was dropping them. I threw the one I fielded into the cart, hoping it would end up in a place where I could stack them, and I just made the catch on the second one. I placed it quickly, and I barely caught the next bag. It dawned on me what Carl was doing. He was going extra fast to test me. Was I a worker or one of those lazy people?

You can call it toxic masculinity, machismo, or plain stubbornness, but I was not about to give this guy any satisfaction. The faster he tossed them, the quicker I went. When it came time to switch out shopping carts, I didn't catch the bag but punched it to change its flight path into the cart. Carl went as fast as he could, but I kept up, and eventually, I gained his respect.

Stub, as I said, was quiet and kept to himself, but he wasn't unfair. He ran the supermarket well but often butted heads with the owner Charlie. I remember we were having a sale on pop (soda pop, soda, tonic, soft drinks). Everyone calls it something different. Anyway, the pop we were selling was some cheap off-brand crap that always sold well because it was mostly the kids who drank it, and mom and dad didn't have to spend a lot. Stub's order was perfect because we had just four cases left over, which we would use to restock until the next shipment at the end of the week. About a month later, Charlie decided Stub was not ordering correctly and took over. We had the same sale with the same pop and ended up with one hundred and four cases left over. It took up a lot of space in the warehouse for months. Charlie did not do any orders after that until Stub left.

The only problem I had with Stub was he got into it with someone and, in his anger, called the guy a coward because he didn't serve in World War Two. This angered me. My dad wasn't eighteen until the middle of the war, and my grandfather went behind his back to get him a farm work deferment. In those days, it was a real stigma, even though it took ten noncombat personnel to keep one fighter in the field. So most of the guys in the service never saw combat. I think my father regretted it, and the few times he spoke of it, he seemed ashamed. Maybe this is one of the reasons I went into the military, to avoid facing that stigma, although by the time I joined, they were calling us baby killers.

Like an idiot, I jumped into a conversation I had no business in. Because he was in the heat of the battle, he snapped at me, and angry, I stomped off. Later, seeing the error of my ways, I apologized to him.

Surprisingly, he apologized to me and said, sighing, "We left enough guys over there."

As I said earlier, Stub eventually left, and we all realized why. The politest way to say it is Charlie, the owner, was a son of a bitch. Demanding and rude, he was impossible to deal with. He would fuck something up and then blame someone else. There was no training, no coordination, and no leadership. So, most of the crew left, and we were short-staffed. Evening staffing during the week was just three persons. There were two ladies at the register. In those days, guys didn't work the cash registers, and the stock boy was alone. We had to restock the shelves, pack groceries at the front when things got busy, run the deli, refill the cooler with milk and beer, retrieve shopping carts from the parking lot, do any clean-ups that might be needed, and lock up.

Finally, summer rolled around, and I turned eighteen. Because of my experiences here at Charlie's Supermarket, I decided to go to college. It would be a community college for now because I didn't have a lot of money, and my grades were not sterling. My high school guidance counselor told me I wasn't smart enough to get into any college, and my best bet was to join the Army. I finally felt I had proved him wrong when I received my MBA while serving in the Army.

Eighteen was a great year for me. I had graduated, could drink alcohol (yes, the drinking age was only eighteen), had my college acceptance, and my draft deferment was good. Even though I planned eventually to join the Army, I believed getting more education would make me more valuable.

It was then that she came to work. Diane was beautiful. I'm height challenged, only five-feet-eight, and she was shorter, five-feet-three. Her long brunette hair cascaded over her shoulders, gently hugging her face. She smelled of flowers, and her fetching smile lit up a room. Her makeup was minimal because she didn't need it. Her brown eyes burrowed into your mind captivating your heart and drawing you to her. The cute button nose, high cheekbones, and graceful sweep of her jaw topped off a most alluring woman.

One's eyes were drawn down her long neck to her breasts. They were not large, but also not small. Her breasts were perfectly sized for her. She was slim with a definite hourglass shape and a curve to her hips. Her legs were fit and tanned, and her knees were smooth, not knobby. Diane's calf muscles popped in her high heels.

Her voice was musical as she reached out her hand to me. I acted the star-struck schoolboy and just stood there my mouth agape. Finally, I came to my senses and grasped her petite ringless hand, admiring the neatly painted nails and the warmth of her flawless skin. Did I say Diane was beautiful?

This was her first problem. Do you remember Charlie and that he was a son of a bitch? Well, Charlie had a wife, Deborah, who was an actual bitch. Deborah was no grotesque, but she was no beauty either. In her defense, she was older than Diane, but I couldn't tell you how much. I have never been good at guessing ages, and memory isn't the best thing to use when judging these things. If I had to guess, I would say Deborah was perhaps somewhere between my mother's age and my grandmother's. Diane, I would peg her in her late twenties.

Diane's second problem was that she was a divorcee. This, in and of itself, was scandalous in those days. Young, beautiful, and single put her on Deborah's shit list, as well as being on said list of every other married woman who worked at the supermarket. I never understood the reaction of the other women that worked there. Their husbands didn't work there, so Diane was no threat to them unless they were jealous that she was free of her ball and chain. I don't think Deborah was happy with Charlie either because he had hired her.

Deborah's first explosion was when Diane took her uniforms home and shortened the skirts. Rather than be just below the knee, she hemmed them well above the knee. The first day she wore them, we were in the break room fifteen minutes before our shift was to begin.

Charlie made us clock in fifteen minutes before our shift to guarantee we would be on time. Well, Charlie did that until the union found out and reported him to the state labor board, and he had to go back and pay us back for the time.

It was a typical break room, tiny, messy, and with two couches facing each other. Diane sat on one side of the room, and I sat on the other. We chatted because there wasn't much of anything else to do, and the other register girl had clocked in and gone shopping for something. I immediately noticed Diane's skirt was much shorter than the other women's, and when she sat, it rode up scandalously high. I mean hippies wore shorter, but truthfully, I had only seen miniskirts on college girls.

She sat with her legs crossed at the knee, and I noticed she didn't have stockings on. In those days, nylons were expensive. Pantyhose was only recently becoming popular, and thigh highs with garters were becoming popular again. Stockings and garter belts were still around but losing popularity. I thought nothing of it until she uncrossed her legs and sat with her legs spread just the tiniest bit. They weren't spread wide or anything obscene, just a little, and I saw a small white triangle at the back. Even this backwoods hick virgin realized I was getting my first up-skirt view of a woman. Ok, I had a few up-skirt sightings in school, but they were girls. This was an up-skirt view of a young, beautiful, and very fuckable adult woman.

My cock realized this, and it wasn't long before he sprang to life. In those days he had a mind of his own and would spring to life whenever he wanted. I winced because my cock, trapped in the corner of my briefs, had nowhere to expand.

"Are you ok," she said, frowning.

"Yeah, fine," I squeaked, shifting in hopes my cock would find a way to escape, which it didn't.

Worse yet, she leaned and slid a bit forward to get closer. This pulled her skirt up more and caused her to spread her legs for leverage to rise. Now it wasn't a sliver of a triangle but an unobstructed view of the crotch of her panties. This caused my cock to go bananas, trying to become one. Again I winced and finally just stood up. This relieved my cock, which now found a safe passage, but in doing so, became very visible in front because by standing, I put the impressive bulge right at her eye level.

She grinned and said, "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah," I croaked, turning three shades of red and wanting the floor to swallow me up.

"I guess it's time to go to work," she giggled.

Charlie and Deborah took turns dropping in once, for a short visit, during the evenings. They didn't stay and help work or do anything productive they just came in to check on and harass the workers, to make sure we were working, or sometimes to go into the office and grab some money. We never knew who or when, and it didn't stop the ones who used their five-finger discount to sneak cases of beer and cigarettes out to their cars. This evening Deborah came in. Because Diane and the other cashier stood behind the conveyor belts of their stations checking people out, Deborah didn't notice Diane's skirt. Later I found out that, at one point, Diane stepped out to do something, and Deborah got an eyeful, and all hell broke loose.

I was finishing up with a customer in the Deli, located way in the back of the store, and heard the commotion. I knew Deborah was in the house, and loud commotions weren't uncommon when either came in. I was glad it wasn't me on the receiving end. Although I was about to take my break, it was not a good time when Charlie or Deborah was in the house. I swear they would have put chains on us if they could have. In playing around with a strategically placed cart of stuff for replenishing, I noticed Deborah stomping out the front door. Now was the time to take my break.

As I put my card in the time clock, yes, he made us clock out for our breaks, I heard what sounded like sobbing coming from the closed door of the break room. This was unusual because the break room door was never closed. I opened it gingerly and saw Diane curled up in the corner of the couch, sobbing. Of course, my pervy teenage eyes focused on her skirt pulled so far up I could make out the crease between her thighs and where her bum started tantalizingly outlined in white panty.

She heard the door open and looked up. What she did next startled the hell out of me. She leaped up, threw her arms around me, and buried her face in my neck sobbing. I put my arms around her waist and held her, not saying anything because I had no idea what to say or think. She wept and wept, wetting my collar. Her sobbing, convulsive motions caused her to rub her luscious body on me erotically. Those luscious breasts massaged my chest as she sobbed, and her pelvis pressed tightly to mine. My cock responded, and the more she wept, the more she rubbed my cock. I had been on the receiving end of Charlie's and Deborah's tantrums many times before. More than once, I had almost told them to go fuck themselves, and I felt sorry for Diane.

Finally, her sobs subsided, and she just held onto me. The fragrance of her perfume, some flower, filled my nose and touched some erotic brain cell that made me want to throw her on one of the couches and fuck her senseless. Parental programming thankfully prevailed, and I refrained.

"I don't think they are too high. Do you?" she sniffled, still clutching me.

The only problem was I had not been present at the kerfuffle and had no idea what she meant.

"What's too high?" I croaked.

"That bitch Deborah said my skirts were too high, and I had to lower them again, or she would fire me. You don't think they are too high, do you?" she pleaded, stepping back.

The problem was when she jumped up Diane's dress got pushed up over her bum to her waist. In stepping back, she was on display. She quickly realized this and pulled her skirt down, blushing deeply.

"No, I don't think they're too high," I croaked, taking far too long to look away.

She stepped up to me and looked up into my eyes, those luscious full lips just inches from mine.

"Thank you," she breathed her minty-scented breath erotically right into my open mouth.

I almost popped a nut right there. My cock was rock hard, and that erotic brain cell awoke again. I was a virgin and had never experienced this amount of erotic stimulation from any female. Oh, I had gotten aroused by girls in school, sure. This was different. This was a woman, a beautiful woman, an experienced woman.

My breaths were shallow, and I muttered, "You're welcome."

Regaining her confidence, Diane spat out, "Well, I can't change out of my uniform because I have no other clothes, and I can't lower the hem now because I don't have a seam ripper, so she will just have to live with it."

Diane stomped out of the room, her butt swaying deliciously back and forth. I then checked my watch and realized I had to clock back in off break quickly, or I would get docked.

Diane lowered her hems again, and Deborah was satisfied, except Diane didn't lower her hems. She found something new called Velcro. It was all the rage because of the astronauts. So, using the Velcro, she could put the hem up, and if Deborah or Charlie were skulking around, she could lower it.

"Look," Diane said, catching me alone in the back of the warehouse. "I can raise my hem or take it down whenever I want to," she tittered, happy as a lark.

I watched as Diane lifted her skirt scandalously high, folded her hem under, and it stayed. In doing this, she showed me even more of her leg, almost to her crotch. Sweat rolled off me as this exquisite sight unfolded before me.

"Isn't it wonderful?" she giggled, doing a little dance.

Diane didn't realize, or maybe she did, that her little jig pulled her skirt up, giving me a complete view of her panties. These were not white granny panties like before. They were lacy, sheer, and sexy as hell, plus her jig made her tits jiggle wildly. Pre cum wet my briefs, and I was in agony. My breathing was ragged, and I wanted to cum so badly. All I could do was nod as her little show continued. Mercifully she eventually stopped.

Giving me a chaste peck on the cheek, she whispered, "You are such a nice guy. Thank you for being my friend."

Diane now began to seek me out. Since there were only three on at night and Charlie's rule was we were not to take our breaks together, she would seek me out and be with me during her break. When I took mine, Diane would make an excuse with the other cashier to go to the deli warehouse next to the break room, and as a naïve virgin, I wasn't sure what was going on. She was so beautiful I didn't care what was going on. I guess I started to follow her around too. I would make excuses to bag more groceries. Usually, in those days, the cashier would pack the groceries as she rang them up. If the store got crowded and their lines got backed up, they would call over the loudspeaker, and a stock boy would come and pack for them until the crowd thinned out and then go back to stocking shelves and whatever else we were up to. I was up there a whole lot more helping out. Finally, when the customers thinned out, we went about the tasks involved with closing, she would wander back to the warehouse, and we would sit on some stock and talk.