The Sneaky Stepson

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A young man lusts for his attractive stepmother.
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Foreword - This story, though of a familiar genre, was inspired by a letter to Dear Abby that contained the line, "My husband's son - I'll call him Duncan - came to visit."

All characters 18 +


"Don't misunderstand me honey, I'm not dismissing your concerns but I believe you're overreacting a little is all..."

"Overreacting? I don't think so Paul. If the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn't feel the same I'm sure," Tara Ferguson replied to her husband. "I'm not saying Duncan is a bad kid but this isn't the first time something's happened either. Remember last year when we were all on vacation?"

"Now hold on a minute Tara; that was totally different. He apologized at the time and truthfully it was understandable under the circumstances. You have no idea what it's like when you're a teenaged boy and your hormones are running wild. At that age I only thought about sex, girls, eating, sports and sex and a lot more about sex and girls," he said fondly reminiscing with a chuckle.

"Okay, okay fine. Even I said at the time it was partially my fault for not being more careful. I'm not used to someone else being around and I was a little careless when changing. But this isn't the same Paul. I know Duncan is your son and I want him to feel that this is his home too, even though he's not here often. But sneaking into our bedroom when no one is here and going through my things isn't acceptable."

"Point taken Tara, I've spoken to him and he promised he won't come in our room again. Duncan told me he wasn't getting a good signal on his iPhone so he wandered the house until he did. There's no excuse for him poking around here just because he's hundreds of miles from his friends with not much to do. He's given me his word Tara and I don't see him often with him living in another state. Do you want me to have him apologize to you in person?"

"No that's not necessary Paul. I don't want him to be uncomfortable here or think I'm against him. As long as he respects the boundaries we've set it should be fine," Tara replied but she wondered and not for the first time why Paul had to make every discussion seem like a negotiation or that he was making a point before a jury. She understood he was a lawyer, for Christ's sake, but she wasn't an opposing attorney but his wife.


Breathing a sigh of relief Duncan tiptoed away from his father's bedroom door where he'd been eavesdropping. It seemed to him that things had worked out as well as could be hoped for. Not only had his father defended him, but for the most part Tara had agreed. He had to be more careful in the future he realized but not only had he gotten away with snooping through her lingerie drawer but they had no idea what he'd really been up to. The thought of that made him smile and he also felt his groin swell with desire.

Duncan slipped into the bathroom and locked it behind him. The first thing he did was pull up an app on his phone and check on the status of his wireless hidden camera. Suddenly he was viewing a real time, crystal clear picture of his father's room. They were still talking but since the camera had no audio component there wasn't any way to know what they were saying. But he now had access to a bird's eye view of the room anytime he wanted. Smiling to himself, Duncan's fingers tapped the screen which changed to a picture of Tara in a short black negligee.

He'd found a disk in the desk of his father's home office labeled Tara and when he opened it he'd been pleasantly surprised to see a number of pictures of her. They must have been from a few years earlier as she had a different hairstyle in them, shorter than she now wore it, and in most of the photos she'd been fully dressed. But there were a few of her in the sheer black nightie and some of her in a blue bikini as well. Those he had copied before returning the disk to where he'd found it. Duncan next pushed his pants down, allowing his rock hard erection to spring free and upwards.

He ran her pictures as a slideshow as he took himself in hand and started to stroke his erection. With Tara's images to inspire him it wasn't long before Duncan's hard, young cock was cumming, sending the thick, white fluid shooting into the sink. With a last stroke to force the last drop from his head Duncan then pulled his pants up and after putting the phone down turned the water on. He washed his hands while the running water carried away the evidence of his onanism.

They had a pleasant enough dinner that evening. Everyone did their best to put on a happy face and nothing was mentioned about Duncan's indiscretion. After dinner Paul went into his office so he could put the finishing touches on his preparation for the next day's case. Tara watched some vapid movie on cable as she again wondered if she'd done the right thing in agreeing to move to the suburbs.

Some of her friends had warned her that it could get mighty dull 'out there' for a city girl but Paul wanted a house with some property and there were a couple of country clubs with championship quality golf courses nearby. So she went along with him and there were many times she'd regretted it since. When she wasn't an 'office widow' due to the long hours he worked and his lengthy commute she'd also found herself a 'golf widow' on the weekends.

That was why she'd gotten a job at a local law office even if it was only three days a week. It helped her from becoming too bored as well as allowing her to use her own skills. Tara was a para-legal, in fact that was how she'd met Paul. Her employer at the time had opposed Paul in a case and even before it had concluded he'd set his sights on the pretty young woman almost twenty years his junior. She of course had been flattered, especially as he had just been made a partner in his firm, one of the oldest and most prestigious in Manhattan.

They had a whirlwind courtship and within a year she had become Mrs. Paul Ferguson. He'd insisted on her quitting her job and she had acquiesced, but since moving to the suburbs she'd become bored. Because he wanted no more children at this stage of his life and the social set in their tony town almost exclusively revolved around stay at home mothers she didn't quite fit in. Plus with her being younger and more attractive than most wives it didn't endear her to many, so she found it to be a lonely existence.

She'd been at the point of climbing her well decorated walls when she saw an ad in the local paper looking for someone with legal office skills. Tara applied and easily got the job. It gave her something to do and she'd become friendly with some of the women there, including her new boss. But it didn't help at night when there was nothing much to do.

Duncan was in the living room like most nights but as usual his face was buried in his smartphone. She wondered if the younger generation would soon be able to have a real conversation or they'd wind up communicating solely through text and instant messages. This thought despite being closer in age to her eighteen year old stepson than to her own husband.

When the movie came to its utterly predictable conclusion Tara turned off the TV and stood. Saying good night to Duncan, who pulled his head up just long enough to mumble a reply, she headed to the second floor. Not really feeling sleepy Tara decided to take a nice hot bath. She slipped out of her clothes before pulling on a luxurious robe and going to the master bath where she turned the water on to the whirlpool tub.

Little did she realize that Duncan had observed her disrobing due to the hidden camera located in the HVAC ductwork of her bedroom. Even though he'd intended on being more careful after being caught the sight of her nude body sent his hormones into a frenzy. After first checking to make sure his father was still ensconced in his office Duncan crept upstairs and quietly approached the master bedroom. Dropping to his knees he crawled into the room where he observed the open door to the bath but he didn't press his luck by trying to peer inside.

Instead he worked his way to the laundry hamper which he opened. It took but a few seconds to pluck her recently worn black silk panties from the interior. Duncan brought them to his face and he inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his stepmother. Slipping them in his pocket he snuck from the room and not a minute too soon for at that moment he heard his father coming toward the stairs. He was safely in his own room before his father reached the second floor and headed to his bedroom.

The next morning both Paul and Tara had headed to work leaving the house to Duncan. He had lazed by the pool for a while until the heat of midday had driven him inside. Using both Tara's pictures and her dirty panties, which he wrapped around his fat cock, he came twice thinking about what he'd like to do to her. Each time he spewed his seed it was onto her worn panties.

Later that afternoon he received a text from his father. He'd be home late that evening because the other side in his case was hoping to hammer out a settlement. Tara arrived shortly after six thirty and became upset on hearing the news. After checking her own phone she saw that Paul had left a similar message for her.

When she asked Duncan if he minded having pizza for dinner he readily agreed. Feeling a little down she opened a bottle of wine to have with dinner. Tara allowed Duncan one glass but she actually drank the rest of the bottle herself which was unusual for her. Two glasses was usually her limit but she wanted a pick me up that night. After dinner the two of them stayed in the living room but as usual he paid most of his attention to his device as she read a book. On a few occasions she looked up to see him staring at her but he would quickly turn his attention back to his phone.

By the time Paul came home she was in bed though still awake with just a bedside lamp on. When he got into bed after visiting the bathroom Tara snuggled up against him. He put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her and to his surprise she returned his kiss hard. Wine always made her a little hornier than usual and it had been some time since they'd been intimate. As they kissed, her hand worked inside the fly of his pajamas and took hold of his soft cock.

"Honey it's late and I'm beat, plus Duncan is still awake," he whispered to his wife.

"Stop being a killjoy Paul," she slurred in reply as she threw the covers off revealing that she was wearing just a short, red, baby doll.

Paul groaned with desire when he saw how she was dressed and in a moment she was kneeling on the bed between his legs. She had now worked his hardening erection from his fly and after first catching his eye Tara ran her tongue the length of it, beginning at the base. When she reached the head she wrapped her tongue around it first before taking it inside her warm mouth. She savored the feeling of his hard flesh between her lips as she started to bob her head up and down.

His fingers ran through her raven locks as she fellated him expertly, taking almost all of his average sized cock deep before sliding her lips up until just the head remained. Tara then took him deep again, wriggling her tongue against his swollen shaft as her head moved downward. His free hand slid the strap past her white shoulder allowing his hand to fondle her breast. She wasn't large up top but her medium size breasts were perfectly shaped and her pink nipples were extremely sensitive. When Paul pinched one between his thumb and forefinger it made Tara moan around his cock and sent waves of pleasure to her wet, little pussy.

The more turned on Tara became spurred her to increase the speed and intensity of her actions. Tara took him even deeper with his head actually slipping into her throat. Giving in to the feeling Paul thrust his hips upward as his hand pushed her down until her nose was pressed to his wiry pubic hair. With a loud groan he swelled up and a second later he started to discharge his cum into her throat. After four shots no more came and he immediately started to soften even as Tara continued to lavish oral attention on him. Finally he pulled her off him and tucked his shrinking member back into his pajamas.

"Wow thanks honey, that was great," he said as his eyes closed sleepily, "I owe you one."

Without another word he rolled onto his side leaving her kneeling next to him feeling high and dry. Within a couple of minutes she heard his soft breathing as he peacefully slept. For a long time Tara remained awake and unsatisfied as she contemplated where life had taken her. Finally she turned off the lamp but it still took time before she was able to nod off.

Little did she realize that Duncan had watched the whole scene on his iPhone from his room. As he watched his stepmother position herself between his father's legs Duncan had started to stroke his own hard on. He sniffed Tara's purloined panties as he did so and he came hard even before his father. However it hadn't slowed him down any. In fact he was well on his way to another orgasm when he watched in disbelief as his father rolled over and went to sleep.

He couldn't believe his father hadn't fucked Tara or at the least returned the favor. He pictured himself in the same situation pushing Tara onto her back before giving it to her hard. That caused another powerful orgasm for Duncan and he then used her panties to clean up the sticky mess. He realized that he'd have to wash them as they were now saturated with his teen secretions though he hoped to obtain another pair to replace them.

Watching Tara lie there with an unhappy expression caused Duncan to contemplate his intentions towards her. He'd been undecided before, having mixed emotions due to the family dynamic. But seeing her like that combined with his emerging feelings and a healthy dose of teen lust was enough to help him make up his mind. Duncan went to sleep soon after with his plan fully formulated.

He woke up early the next morning and was there to wish his father a good morning as he headed out for his long commute. Duncan then tossed some of his clothes into the wash along with Tara's panties before having breakfast. Knowing that she had no work that day he brewed some extra coffee so when she came down wearing a robe and a sleepy eyed expression he told her to sit as he poured her a cup of joe.

"Why thank you Duncan," she told him as she sat at the kitchen table.

"No problem Tara, I made eggs for myself. Would you like me to make you some?"

"That's sweet but no thanks. I usually just have some cereal with fruit."

"Well stay there and I'll get it for you," he told her as he removed a bowl from the cupboard.

"You're spoiling me Duncan but I guess I could get used to it," Tara told him as he put the milk and cereal on the table.

"Is a banana okay?" he asked holding a large one up in his hand.

"That's fine," she answered, "but it's too big for me to have it all by myself."

"Really? I figured you could handle it," Duncan told her as he looked into her gray eyes.

For some reason Tara blushed and looked away which made him smile slightly at her discomfort.

"I think I'm going to hang by the pool a while before it gets too hot," he told her before leaving the kitchen.

While he passed by her Duncan could have sworn that she seemed to discreetly check him out for he was just wearing his swimsuit and flip flops. Once he was by the pool he arranged a chaise lounge to his liking and sprawled onto it. He'd been sunning for a little while when he noticed some movement from a second story window which he knew was his father and Tara's room. Unable to help himself he used his phone to see what was happening in the room.

Duncan gasped when he saw that Tara was standing peering through the blinds while dressed in the baby doll he'd seen her wearing the previous night. As he watched she closed the blind and pulled the lingerie over her head leaving her gloriously nude before walking to her dresser. She opened a drawer and removed a one piece bathing suit which she slipped on. Tara stood in front of her mirror and studied her reflection from different angles before removing it and again burrowing into her drawer. This time she pulled out a skimpy two piece that once she put on hardly covered any of her sexy body. Seemingly satisfied with her appearance she left the room.

Within a couple of minutes Tara appeared poolside carrying a towel and wearing sunglasses which hid her eyes from him. Duncan thought she looked incredible with the bottom barely covering her puffy mound and leaving much of her big round ass bare. The top covered just over half of her succulent breasts while still displaying a good amount of cleavage. It was obvious that she didn't get much sun as her fair skin was as pale as a ghost but it provided a startling contrast to her jet black hair.

She placed her towel and glasses on a chaise before approaching the pool's edge. Carefully she dipped her toe into the water before abruptly pulling it back. For his part Duncan stared at his stepmother's back and he felt his cock stirring as he focused on her sexy butt. Suddenly struck by inspiration he stood up and crept behind her and with a quick push he sent Tara into the pool. She shrieked right before her body and the water met with a splash.

He stood there laughing as she sputtered in the pool when she turned and sent a wave of water which drenched him in retaliation. Now it was Tara's turn to laugh as Duncan stood there dripping with a startled look on his face. That didn't last long though as quick as a flash he leaped into the pool himself. The cool water caused a moments shock but Duncan's body quickly adapted. Tara had been further drenched when he hit the water and as she stood there he swam next to her underwater before he rose like the phoenix. She turned but before she could move he lifted her bodily and tossed her into the water.

Duncan then cornered her by the edge of the pool as she stood and for a moment their eyes met. Still conflicted by the situation Duncan fought his urges and without warning he turned and launched his toned body under the water and away from temptation. For her part Tara was also unsure of what to do. Her body ached for release and satisfaction but her mind rebelled at the thought of achieving it with her handsome stepson.

He surfaced at the far end of the pool and without pausing pulled himself from the pool. He was rock hard in his trunks and he doubted that he'd be able to control himself. Without looking back he headed to the house and went inside dripping as he went. For a moment Tara gazed longingly at his departing buff figure as she battled the conflicting feelings. Until this time she'd never seriously considered committing adultery and the fact that she was considering having sex with her stepson shocked her.

Tara had never considered herself an overly sexual person, which was the reason she hadn't foreseen a problem when she'd married someone old enough to be her father. But as their sex life had dwindled she'd come to the conclusion that perhaps she'd miscalculated when accepting Paul's marriage proposal. How else could she explain the fact that at that moment she was seriously thinking about sleeping with Duncan?

Tara got out of the pool and slowly dried her body as she thought about where things stood. Obviously she couldn't follow through with her forbidden desire she realized. Even if ultimately things didn't work out with her marriage it would be wrong to sleep with her stepson. No matter how attractive she found him or how much she desired to get her bell rung at the moment. Feeling better that she'd settled on a course of action Tara headed into the house.

Something to eat would settle her down Tara thought but she really should see if Duncan wanted anything as well. Without considering any negative consequences Tara went upstairs and approached his room. She knocked first and then opened the door but was totally unprepared for what she saw. There lying on the bed before her was Duncan and not only was he naked but he was stroking his big, hard cock. She stood there a moment; shocked and unable to move.