The Sleeping Princess Ch. 05

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The kingdom celebrates the end of the curse.
4.6k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/15/2012
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Jamie and Rosella lay quietly in one another's arms. Neither one was sure what to say, so they both resolved to say nothing. Jamie was the first to notice the light tapping on the door. Reluctantly he disengaged himself from his queen's naked body and covered her with the quilt. He yanked his trousers on and pulled the door open, scowling at his servant. Stephen stood in the doorway, an anxious look on his face.

"What is it, Stephen?"

Stephen's eyes flickered to his queen, who was perched in the bed, clutching the quilt to her bosom. They'd all worried when she'd begun to scream at the king, and as the clouds and vines rolled across the castle their fears had grown. When the tower became abruptly silent, the men had all feared the worst. Then things had gone from strange to astonishing when the rising storm suddenly disappeared and every remnant of the spell went up in smoke. It was the sign they had all been waiting for that the curse had finally lifted.

Stephen didn't know what had changed, but he was glad. The curse had been literally hanging over Ilstoria's head for weeks, and many were beginning to doubt Jamie's claim to the throne. Now those doubts would be erased and they could get on with ruling the country.

"Um... My liege..."

Jamie noted the expectant and relief filled face of his trusted servant. He couldn't imagine what had brought it on, but it had to be good. Jamie's brow relaxed and his mouth bent into a smile as he began to suspect the reason for the man's tension. Fights with his queen usually ended with the curse creeping up and then back. This had been a particularly volatile struggle. Jamie dimly remembered claps of thunder and flashes of lightning. No doubt Stephen was simply glad that the two of them hadn't killed one another.

"It's alright, Stephen, the queen and I were just having a discussion."

Stephen cleared his throat in a failed attempt to hide his disbelief. The whole castle had heard her screaming that she hated him, the "discussion" ringing out from the tower windows.

"Of course, your majesty. Uh... have you seen the sky, or the walls, since your... discussion?"

Jamie's chest tightened in concern as he rushed to the window. He wasn't sure what he was looking at. The sky was clear, not a cloud marred the wide expanse of blue. His eyes trailed down the walls of the tower to the base. Since he'd first awoken Rosella the thorny vines had peeked through the soil, constantly threatening to climb the walls again. Nothing but weeds and grass touched the stone now.

Without taking his gaze from the window, King Jamie addressed his servant.

"Stephen, I want you to tell me exactly what you think happened."

Stephen nodded enthusiastically while he spoke, looking at his queen while he did, since Jamie's back was still to him.

"During your... discussion... the curse began to assert itself, far more powerfully than ever before. The vines of thorns even seemed to grow away from the castle and into a forest again, upsetting a few buildings in the village. The sky darkened and began to rumble. A bolt of lightning actually struck the spot where the dragon dust once lay. When the resulting cloud began to swirl into a massive shape, I was sure we were all done for..."

Rosella clutched the quilt tightly as she listened to the man's account. Was this what happened when her parents and subjects were forced to leave the kingdom?

"Then... then it all just stopped! The sky cleared, the vines went up in smoke, and the dragon shaped dust cloud just disappeared! Nothing receded as it usually does. It simply vanished! My lord, I think the curse has finally been lifted!"

Jamie clutched the sill to the narrow window. His finger nails digging into the wooden frame. Was it truly over? He had no idea what brought this change, but he was certainly glad for it.

"Thank you Stephen. Go tell the cook to prepare a feast. Coordinate it with the village. It seems we have something to celebrate tonight."

Stephen was still waiting for Jamie to turn around. When he didn't, Stephen bowed reverently to Queen Rosella as he left.

"Of course, right away, your majesty!"

Once the door closed Jamie sagged against the window, the wooden shutters creaking as his elbow bumped one. From the corner of his eye he saw Rosella climb from the bed. She held the quilt to her naked body as she approached him. Placing a slender hand on his bare shoulder, she pressed gently, encouraging him to turn towards her.

The corners of his mouth were curled into a triumphant grin. She couldn't help but return the smile with one of her own. When he reached beneath the quilt to lift her up in the air she squealed in surprise, wrapping her legs around his torso. Jamie spun in a circle before letting her silken flesh slide down the length of him.

His passionate kiss caught her off guard, but she responded eagerly. If she was determined to save him, she would have to shower him with all the love in her heart. She poured every feeling she had into the kiss, meeting the thrust of his tongue with a parry of her own.

Their tongues explored one another, running along every ridge, every tooth, teasing and tasting. Rosella, surprised by her own boldness, reached between them to cup Jamie's cock through his trousers. Instantly he broke their kiss, set her down and stripped off his trousers. He then lifted her again so that she straddled his hips. Pressing her up against the wall, cushioned by the soft fabric of a unicorn tapestry, Jamie wasted little time.

His cock had stirred at the thought of his triumph over the spell, and when she'd touched him, he'd begun to fill rapidly. Now his shaft strained against the soft skin of her labia and ass cheeks, sliding across the moist flesh. He could feel her growing slick with excitement as his lips nuzzled the skin of her neck and breasts.

Unable to wait any longer he slipped his cock between the tight lips of her pussy and thrust deeply, pressing her firmly against the wall. Rosella gripped his forearms, her long golden tresses spilling across her shoulders, bouncing along with her tits at each sharp thrust of his hips.

Jamie gripped her ass cheeks, spreading her wide as he slammed his cock harder and faster into Rosella's pulsing cunt. He watched her eyes as they became a deeper shade of green, like shining emeralds sparkling in the sun. His own gray eyes burned into hers with a smoky intensity that made her shudder.

They held one another's gaze, nose to nose, as Jamie thrust with mounting passion. He watched her lips part as she began to pant, small mewls of delight escaping until finally she lost all control.

"Oh yes, yes! Jamie, my king! Oh!! More, more, please! Yes!"

Jamie's fingers were digging into the tender flesh of her bottom as be began to drive his cock harder up into her molten heat. Her lips curled into a blissful smile as her mewls became a wail of pleasure, her pussy exploding as she gushed her juices onto his cock.

King Jamie struggled to keep his cock thrusting inside of her spasming body, using shorter, fiercer strokes to draw out her orgasm. His grin reflected a fierce possessiveness as Rosella's eyes rolled back in her head at the intensity of her pleasure. When her body had calmed a little he gripped her firmly and carried her, still impaled on his body, to the bed.

He lay down on the mattress, rocking her against his throbbing erection, encouraging her to take control of their lovemaking. The last time she'd ridden him it had been in front of the men. This time they were alone and she felt no guilt as she ground her hips against his, leaning back, her hands lying against his thighs.

Jamie watched her as her luscious breasts swayed with each movement. He placed his thumb against her clit as she bounced up and down on his throbbing cock. The delightful friction on both her clit and her pussy were making her wild, breaking down her inhibitions.

"Yes! Oh yes, I need more, more! Oh... Oh Jamie, my love, my love..."

Jamie didn't know how much longer he could hold back. He pulled his queen and her delicious breasts down and eagerly suckled the pink, puffy tips. His hands continued to caress her ass as he pounded deeply inside of her. His thumb stroked her sensitive ass hole as she ground against him, drawing her pleasure to an even higher peak. When Rosella's body exploded a second time, gripping his cock with milking waves, Jamie couldn't hold back any longer. He filled his beautiful wife with his hot cum.

Rosella collapsed on top of Jamie. Her body felt like it was made of gelatin. Jamie stroked her hair while he attempted to catch his breath. He was amazed, and suddenly quite thankful. He'd appreciated the kingdom, the land, the power, but only now, with the curse lifted, did he begin to feel genuine appreciation for his queen. Oh, he'd been glad she wasn't a hag, but that had been the extent of it. In fact, it had been the crux of his anger at her holing up in the tower. He hadn't really cared how she felt, only that her absence made him look bad. Now, however, as he inhaled her sweet, sex-drenched scent, he knew that he had much more to be pleased with.

His wife was strong, kind and generous. She would be a wonderful mother to his heir, and a loving wife when he needed her. He hadn't really gotten to know her well enough yet, but he suspected there was intelligence there as well, and she would provide interesting insight into ruling the kingdom. However, what he was the most grateful for now, was her forgiveness.

Jamie had never been known for his gentleness. Growing up among scheming brothers, fighting in tournaments for his right to more than a few scraps of meat at a time, he'd grown up hard. It was the reason that women never appealed to him for more than a night. Their softness made him feel weak next to them. Rosella, though, she was different. Her softness gave her power, and surrounded an inner strength that he could only envy. He'd not made it easy on her, and she hadn't let him get away with it, yet in spite of his unkindness she hadn't allowed it to break her. Nor had she used it to break him.

He knew that she could do it, too. She could walk down those steps, rally the men and everyone to her, and take the throne from him. His claim was entirely based on the fantasy of the knight errant, the daring rescuer, which he knew was all a lie. He was not noble. He was not righteous. He was a leader, but he had never lead through any means but deception and force. Those things were not going to build his new kingdom. He would have to learn from his bride, her gentleness, if he expected people to follow him as a king, instead of as some mythical Heracles.

Rousing himself from his thoughts, Jamie felt yet another twinge of gratefulness as he remembered his wife's pregnancy. He would have an heir. Finally, a child whom he could give everything his own family had denied him.

King Jamie rolled Rosella from his body, kissing her gently before rising from the bed. She watched him through half hooded lids as he went to his wardrobe and chose a bright, kingly outfit. She knew this meant he would be sitting on the throne to hear grievances from the people. It was something she had often assisted her father with, and had looked forward to in helping her husband. She tried hard to keep the hopeful expression from her face, but when he saw her, she knew she'd failed.

Jamie smirked. Rosella was stiff as a board as she watched him dress. He'd ordered her not to stay locked away in the tower, but he knew that such a heavy-handed approach was no longer necessary. However, there was such an expectant gleam in her emerald eyes, he knew she was waiting for something from him nonetheless.

"Ella, darling, would you accompany me to the great hall to hear grievances? I would appreciate your support and insight."

He'd always been an adept liar. He had a talent for knowing exactly what people wanted to hear. This time, however, he felt a certain amount of satisfaction knowing that it was what he wanted too. He watched with appreciation as his queen's face broke into a radiant smile. She flew off the bed and into his arms, a laugh on her lips as she held him tightly. He returned the embrace, then held her from him so that he could meet her eyes.

"From now on, we will rule together. I will do my best to be less heavy handed, and you must promise that you will tell me if I fail. I can be rather obtuse when it comes to my own faults."

Jamie almost winced at the small lie. He knew his faults, he'd just never cared enough before to address them. Ella didn't need to know that, however. She nodded in agreement and the bounce in her step as she walked to her own wardrobe to dress for the morning was enough to satisfy him that it was the right thing to say.

Ella picked a simple purple gown that was trimmed with ermine fur. The long flowing skirt and sleeves would be regal enough for sitting in the throne room. She decided that she would wear something more elaborate for the feast tonight.

Jamie watched his wife struggle with her gown, and then quickly helped to lace the back to her slender frame, grumbling with annoyance.

"I haven't gotten you a lady's maid yet?"

"Your majesty hasn't been very concerned with much beyond my wardrobe and language skills."

Jamie coughed to cover his embarrassment. It was true. She had always seemed impeccably dressed, so he hadn't cared much how it happened.

When she was adorned with her tiara and slippers he took his queen's hand and led her down the tower and into the great hall. There were murmurs of surprise and delight as the royal couple ascended the dais and King Jamie nodded to Stephen to begin. Rosella was surprised to see how Jamie had arranged the old Ilstorian heirlooms from the treasure room, tapestries and silver and gold plates, to adorn the hall in splendor.

It was quite different from the way her mother had decorated the room, and not exactly how she would have either, but it was tasteful and elegant. It was an interesting insight into her husband's personality. With all his posturing and dedication to appearances she had expected something more ostentatious. She was glad it wasn't.

Listening to grievances wasn't as exciting as she'd hoped, but she was glad to be there anyhow. Several times Jamie turned to her for her opinion, and the people always seemed to view her advice with admiration. Jamie, too, was gaining a growing appreciation for the wit and compassion of Ilstoria's queen. Stephen was merely happy to see his liege looking more relaxed and content than at any time in the 6 years he'd served him.

As the day wore on, the royal couple moved from the great hall to ride together in a tour of the kingdom. It was reassuring for everyone to see that not only had the curse finally been lifted from the country, but that the king and queen were finally in accord with one another.

Jamie delighted in hearing Rosella's tales as she shared with him what the kingdom had once been, what was changed, and ideas for how they could restore and improve Ilstoria to it's former glory. The sun was just beginning to sink towards the tree line as they arrived back in time for the feast. Rosella changed into a shimmering gown of rose satin, the delicate rose embroidery studded with pink seed pearls and emeralds. In her hair, which she coiled into a wide bun, she threaded another string of pearls that complimented her royal tiara to perfection. Jamie wore a simple black doublet that he accented with a ruby amulet and a red codpiece, belt and gloves.

Over a hundred peasants had gathered in the outer bailey and more were setting up space in the village, ready to celebrate the triumph over the evil sorceress Severna.

Two hogs and three deer were roasting in the open pits, wagons of the first crops of vegetables were being thrown into pots to boil, and wine and ale imported from the other kingdoms was already flowing freely. Sir Jamie was impressed with Stephen's quick organization of the feast. Everything seemed exactly as it should be.

A few minor nobility from their neighbor, the kingdom of Galton, showed up, bringing musicians with them. Although Stephen had rounded up the wives of the local knights to display their meager talents for singing and one with a harp, they had yet to find a proper minstrel. When the man from Galton began to strum a lively tune on his lute, Jamie couldn't help himself. His feet were itching and his wife was gorgeous.

"Dance with me."

Rosella stared in surprise. Her husband looked so eager, his gray eyes shining with delight. She decided that this wasn't the time to chastise him for his demanding manner, and instead, took his hand and allowed him to lead her out onto the floor. The whole hall cheered as they watched their king and queen circle one another in a rousing carole. When the music ended, the hall erupted in applause. The applause turned to a roaring cheer as King Jamie pulled Queen Rosella into his arms and kissed her passionately.

Rosella wanted to be embarrassed, she knew she should be, but she was just so happy to finally be a part of her kingdom, and her husband's life. As she saw the joy in his face she knew she was making strides in bringing him closer to realizing the truth of love, and the chance that he might someday love her too. It was only one night, but it felt like so much had changed, it could have been a lifetime.

The revelers were all caught off guard as a crack of thunder broke through their cheers. Screams were heard outside among the peasant crowd, and then the massive door flew open. Most people were too stunned by the sight of six men pulling a massive chariot to realize who the dark skinned woman with the pale platinum hair was. Jamie, of course, would never forget the face of the woman who he'd been forced to humiliate himself to in order to earn the secret to defeating the dragon.

Rosella didn't know how she knew, but there wasn't a doubt in her mind as she saw the woman whipping her human steeds heedlessly through the throng of the hall. The sorceress Lady Severna had come to pay a call.

The woman's pale, mist blue eyes glared out at the crowd of people before settling finally on Jamie and Rosella. One of the human cattle un-harnessed himself and knelt on the floor beside the chariot. The feral gleam in her eyes was reflected in her smile as she descended, her sharp-heeled boots digging into the man's back as she used him as a step before alighting on the newly woven rush mats.

Lady Severna was a master of suspense. She didn't speak a word as she strode boldly towards the royal couple, her eyes appearing to bore a hole in the focus of every man in attendance. Not a single one could meet her gaze. Feet shuffled nervously as everyone turned their focus to King Jamie, who fought against the urge to look away. Rosella was the only one in the room who wasn't struggling with fear. She was far too consumed with anger.

This was the woman who had stolen everything from her, and now she had the gall to appear and intimidate her people, her husband, as if they were all here solely by her leave. She refused to be bullied by this evil enchantress. She hadn't been able to fight back when the witch cursed her parents. She'd be damned if she was going to stand by this time.

Rosella did fight the urge to step forward and slap the smug smile from the woman's face. She had very little to offer in the fight against the sorceress. Rosella hoped that she could maintain the element of surprise. It was likely that the sorceress would underestimate her. If she maintained the appearance of meekness and vulnerability, she could at least throw her off guard when it came time to prove her mettle.

When the sorceress finally spoke her voice was amplified by magic. Although it sounded like a faint whisper, the sound carried easily through the hall and out the door, reaching every man, woman and child who had seen her as she rode through the village and the bailey.