The Secret World Ch. 05

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Templars take action, Branford's interrogation carries on.
6.2k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/24/2016
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Chapter 5 - Reboot

Hello, you know me. My name is Mister O and some of you guys might be thinking, "What the fuck?" I know, the first four chapters were in third person narration and now we're in first. Now, I'm also sure you're thinking why it took me forever to finish Chapter 5, well, it was the holidays and we had a bit of a Krampus problem, but it's over now at least until next year.

I'm sure most of all, you all are probably disappointed that I'm telling the story. I know most of the ladies probably wanted Beau with his alluring Cajun accent, the vampire fangs, but instead you're all stuck with me and probably find me to be somewhat of an asshole. Well, you wouldn't be wrong if you did think I was an asshole. Now, to answer your question as to why the first person narration. In order for me to answer that question, I would need to quote my boss, Kirsten Geary. When I asked her what to tell you, the readers, she simply said, "Because we're the Illuminati and fuck you, that's why."

If you didn't know by now, the Illuminati controls everything. So, you might be reading this on literotica, FetLife, Facebook, f-list, CreepyPasta, or even in one of the cabal forums on enjin for The Secret World video game. Yeah, I said it, a fucking video game. Well, it's all under the Illuminati control, I mean how the fuck else do you think we find aspiring recruits?

Anyways, back to the story. As you may know where we left off, Doc and I are in the room with Robert Branford who's possessed by a little puppy demon. Big Papi went out of the room to check on Beau and Penny. But, before we get into that we need to talk about London. Yes, London, and before you ask about how I know about what's going in London, let me answer it for you. I'm in the Illuminati, that's why. We know everything.

In London, Templar soldiers begin to surround a warehouse in the docks. They were in black uniforms unlike the battle dress uniforms worn by military forces around world, instead they fit snuggly on their bodies out of synthetic fabric. Black tactical vests with red patches with a white cross was worn by them all. Their helmets were black with a red stripe, attached to the helmet were also visors covering the eyes along with a faceguard. Trust me, they look like a bunch of Power Rangers.

Very similar to their helmets, their shoulder armor, elbow and knee pads also contained a verticle red stripe. Their vests weren't like the nylon MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) style pouches military forces or even the Illuminati strike team members wore. Confused? Go google MOLLE or go play Call of Duty if youre still confused.

Anyways, moving on. Instead, their vests were hardened plate armor customized for modern day combat with a cross body sling with ammo pouches. They each were armed with P90 submachine guns and a desert eagle .50 caliber pistol. If I didn't know any better, Beau must've had a hand in designing their outfits because if you ask me, their load out doesn't seem comfortable nor practical. All show with no go.

"Raid teams, report in," Rumah instructed. She and Ulf stood by in a building nearby with other Templar guards in a command center. Randolph Davis, Penny's coworker from Cloverton University was also present in the command center monitoring the team's video footage.

"Raid One, watching the south entrance reporting in," one team reported

"Raid Two, on the roof across the way. We have eyes inside the warehouse and snipers ready," another team reported.

"Raid Three, watching north entrance reporting in," the last team reported.

"Good, all teams stand by," Rumah further instructed, "All yours, sir," acknowledging another person as he entered the command center.

In charge of the overall operation was a British man of African descent in a sharply worn pinstripe suit with a maroon colored necktie held down with a pin bearing the symbol of the Templars. He was clean cut with perfect posture and held himself in a very formal and professional way, basically the polar opposite of K.G. (Kirsten Geary). But, if I had a dollar for every time he tried to get me to crossover to join the Templars, I'd probably be a rich man. "Take a stroll through London, breathe in the tradition," he would always say. Yeah, okay, whatever.

He picked up one of the head pieces and put it on, "Greetings, this is Richard Sonnec. I do apologize for the short notice and mobilization of this operation, but these are dire times. It has been confirmed that the attack on Cloverton University was indeed by the Phoenicians. What we do know is that the Phoenicians are meeting with an occult group regarding relics that had been excavated recently. The nature of these relics as well as the occult are unknown at this time. Be careful, be ready, and Godspeed!"

Is the lightbulb flashing above your head? Now you see why I wanted to talk about London because I'm sure some of you guys reading are wondering what the fuck happened to Blackthorn and the research staff that got abducted. I'm also sure the Literotica and FetLife readers are wondering, "Where's all the sex?" Relax, I kept out some of the extreme stuff in the previous chapters because, well, not everyone is ready to hear about the sex and breeding with monsters, vampires, demons, Uncle Chet, werewolves, or even using unicorn horns as a vibrating dildo.

But, if I get enough likes and comments on this chapter, I'll tell you more about some of my Illuminati corporate parties. And, yes, it involved a lot of sex, debauchery, and well, tentacles. Deal? But, I promise you my life is like watching a movie crossover between the X-Files and Fifty Shades of Grey. So, help me out and I'll help you fap to your heart's content with stories of the many misfortunes of my life and the lives around me for you dark twisted erotica lovers.

But, back to our lovely Templar fairytale. Sonnec then stood by while Rumah took over control, "Raid Two, what do you see?" she asked.

"There's only a few Phoenician guards, nothing else," one of the Raid Two members reported in. "Wait! There's something happening, there's a boat incoming from the harbor."

The team on the roof watched as the boat pulled into a barge connecting to a pier. One man exited the boat, and then two more followed behind. Contrary to the video game (The Secret World), the two Phoenician guards were in black uniforms with purple stripes and insignias rather than a full purple uniform. They were armed with Ak-47 assault rifles and Russian scorpian machine pistols. The guards then opened the central door for the three guests to enter shutting the door behind them.

Using long ranged listening devices, Raid Two members were able to pick up any conversations being held, "Professor Hidalgo the great archeologist, we are grateful you could finally grace us with your presence," one man spoke.

"Blackthorn, you fool! You damn well know I can't risk the university incident coming back to me," another man responded.

"It's been two weeks, professor, I was beginning to think you no longer wanted your toys," said Blackthorn.

Hidalgo responded, "I hired you and your dogs for a simple job to steal the relics and kidnap everyone that was part of the research, not set the building on fire and shoot the place up! The police were all over the university, and then the damn Templars!"

"Then perhaps you should've done your homework, professor," replied Blackthorn.

"What do you mean?" asked Hidalgo. "I vetted every member of the of the research team, of course it wasn't research I needed of them. No, they have a more vital role in this. Is something funny?"

Blackthorn laughed, "Ah, my revered professor, when I said that you should've done your homework, I meant of all the universities, you chose the one that contained Illuminati agents."

"How was I supposed to know?" Hidalgo asked in a flustered tone.

"If it involves the occult, the Illuminati are sure to have sleeper agents who studied under the tutelage of Hayden Montage and placed in key positions among the board," Blackthorn explained.

"Is that name suppose to mean anything to me?" Hidalgo asked with a more inpatient tone.

"It means, Cloverton was closely under the watchful eye of the Illuminati. Even most of the staff never knew who backed their unlimited funding for research, which also gave the Illuminati a foot in the door near London to watch the Templars," Blackthorn further explained.

"Then no wonder the Templars would want to investigate as soon as a reported incident occurred at the university," Hidalgo responded.

"Finally, the professor learns," taunted Blackthorn, "You and your team of archeologist got approval by Cloverton for funding your expedition at which point the relics were brought back to the university for research. But, you see, professor, since it was no ordinary university, you basically handed the relics to the Illuminati."

"Everything has gone to shit!" Hidalgo complained, "The plan was for the research team open the box, release Baphomet's essence into the room and seduce those inside, especially the virgin. Then take them all for the awakening, their eagerness to learn the relics would open their mind and souls to the dark watcher."

"About that," Blackthorn responded, "as I said, we came in knowing the Illuminati would bring opposition and since I know the men are not important, but the lead researcher had gotten away with the Illuminati."

"You fool! We need Penelope Godfrey, I handpicked her for the awakening!" yelled Hidalgo.

"Relax, professor," said Blackthorn, "we had to deal with two of the Illuminati's best agents."

"Only two?" Hidalgo responded Ina confused tone.

"Well, as you know there are those that were called the chosen ones. They who were blessed by bees giving them the power to wield anima. Their agent, Mister O is one of those chosen ones. He caught the attention of all the cabals and secret societies during the Solomon Island disaster."

"So?" Hidalgo responded.

"So, even before he was chosen, he was still a decorated soldier. Special operations, counter terrorism, unconventional warfare with multiple tours overseas. His partner, a vampire named Beau LaCroix. Despite over a century and a half of being persued by the Scarlet Disciple, he not only manages to survive, but stands victorious over those who hunt him. He's had over a hundred and fifty years to master swordsmanship of different arts of the most prominent styles," Blackthorn responded.

"Still, a soldier is only a pawn," Hidalgo responded, "A vampire who plays with knives, but they are still only two men."

"Those two are not to be underestimated," Blackthorn continued, "I, of course had to utilize the art of diversion, otherwise I'd have to deal with those two and a full Illuminati strike team. It was successful, the diversion tactic I used kept their strike teams overly occupied."

"What do you mean?" Hidalgo asked.

"We are currently being watched and surrounded by the Templars as we speak in the north and south entrance as well as the roof on the adjacent building," said Blackthorn.

"What?! You fool, we've been sitting in a trap the whole time?" Hidalgo asked frantically.

Blackthorn was heard laughing, "Relax, professor. What the Templars doesn't realize, since they've been concentrating on you and I, the teams on the roof and south entrance are standing near hellrifts that my men have stabilized and opened the moment you arrived."

"What of the north entrance?" Hidalgo asked.

There was silence for a brief second inside the building, then the sound of Blackthorn clapping his hands twice, "Humberto!"

Then a ball of flame bursted through the north door. It was the tall and skinny burning man from the university that Penny had seen. His clothing still black, bandages around his head, but he now had on a gas mask. Each breath he took was deep and loud, his bulging menacing eyes pierced through the eye lenses of the gasmask.

Just like any elementalist, he had dolls that served as a catalyst, a contdtuit for his anima to manipulate the elements to his favor. These idols were often referred to as an elemental focus. There is a science behind how these dolls serve as a catalyst to help an elementalist manipulate fire, but I can't explain it. Not my expertise, so I'll just summarize it as PFM (Pure Fucking Magic). However, this time the elemental focus dolls he had on his belt, were of dolls in red clothing with a white cross on the chest and pins impaling them to his belt.

The Raid One team had no chance against him as he approached with a blaze of flame swirling around him as he approached. Humberto, the burning man with the bandages around his head raised his arms causing the flames to rise in the air and then shower down like brimstone and hellfire on the Raid One team members.

"Rakshasas! We got rakshasas swarming in!" A member of the Raid Three team reporting in the radio.

"We have them here on roofs as well!" Raid Two also reported in the radio.

"Rumah, Ulf, go assist the raid teams!" Sonnec ordered. Both Rumah and Ulf looked at each other and nodded as they exited the command center.

"Rakshasa?" Randolph asked looking to Sonnec.

"Yes, Mr. Davis," Sonnec responded, "The rakshasa are real."

Timeout! Now, you're probably wondering what the hell a rakshasa is. Let's start with how they look, well are you familiar with the Marvel comic villain named Venom? Looks kinda like Spiderman on steroids? Yeah, they're that big and they move like him. They climb walls, big fangs and bite hard, devour flesh, they do magic, swipe with razor sharp claws. Their skin can range from red, brown, or even gray.

As far as the Council of Venice archives go, these assholes were actually a peaceful race among the hellspawn. Peaceful hellspawn? I know it sounds batshit crazy, but hey, I didn't make this shit up. Anyhow, the bigger, badder, and more asshole of demons came around and enslaved them.

You'll know a rakshasa when you see them, the leather looking straps around their head and bodies are demonic bindings. A whole race, a civilization destroyed. They are all now mindless puppets of the more malevolent demons to the point that even if you were to remove their bindings, their whole identity and history has been forgotten to them. Now you know what a rakshasa is, so let us return to our scheduled program.

Rumah and Ulf walked hastefully towards the incident, "You want the rifts or Blackthorn?" Rumah asked.

Wielding a large battleaxe Ulf responded with a sound of excitement, "I'll cut down the rakshasas!" He then ran towards the first hellrift to find the Raid team members cornered and firing their guns at the demons as they poured out. While one rakshasa leaped towards Ulf. With one swipe of his battleaxe, the viking of a man tore the demon asunder. How's that for descriptive narration? But, all in all, Ulf is that tough, he can chop these assholes down in one strike.

Though the raid teams held their own pretty decently up against the rakshasas, the hell rifts were still open which meant the longer they were open, the more likely some of the other hellspawns were sure to come pouring out. Meanwhile, Raid One was getting tore up by Humberto. Being a warehouse in the docks, the best cover most of that team were able to find were wooden crates which just combusted into flames. Many of the team members found themselves engulfed into flames and running towards to harbor.

Rumah on the other hand, well, she's something else. Anima affects us all differently, it enhances our life force. Granted, with enough training and practice, we can accomplish the same abilities, but most tend to use familiar techniques based on personal preference. In Rumah's case, each time Humberto tried to blast her with a stream of flame she would simply evade it. Her anima powers gave her enhanced agility. She was very athletic to begin with, but when she was blessed with anima, it resonated with her physical attributes.

Humberto tried to blast her with his stream of blaze, but she was too fast. Rumah moved like she had been from the Matrix and shit. The more he swung his arm with his flames spraying out, she would outrun it to the point that she was able to run sideways on the wall all the meanwhile returning fire with her dual pistols. Humberto was a mean son of a bitch though. He was kinda like anima on steroids and crack at the same time. For an elementalist, his powers in manipulation of fire was beyond stellar and to top things off, he was very resilient to damage. Meaning, the .50 calibur desert eagle rounds that hit him didn't put him down.

Ironically of all the bullets she plugged him with, it was her running across the wall then springing off of it to deliver a spinining back kick to Humberto's torso that knocked him back. The force of the kick was strong enough to cause Humberto to break through the warehouse wall causing him to tumble backwards. But, as the Templars thought things were looking brighter, it actually went to shit. Rumah saw exactly what the meeting was about, the reason for it, unfortunately the Phoenician guards along with Humberto held suppressive force keeping Rumah and the raid teams from being able to pursue.

"Ulf! I need your help, yeah?" Rumah requested in her radio headpiece.

"I'm coming!" Ulf responded.

"Rumah, what do you see?" Richard Sonnec demanded.

"It's bad, there's a reason the Phoenicians stayed close to the buildings. They're using what looks like stolen Orochi tech," Rumah answered.

"For what purpose?" Sonnec demanded.

"Sir, they're opening a wormhole to...Agartha!" Rumah answered.

Stop! Now you're probably wondering what the hell Agartha is. Well, I'll tell you. It's the hollow earth. Yes, the hollow earth. You see not everyone has access to Agartha except for those that can use anima. However, the Orochi conglomerate, Manticore had been developing technology to manipulate anima in order to open up access to Agartha. And apparently the Phoenicians had stolen it. I guess it's irony if you think about it, one group of assholes create something in such an asshole type of way only for another set of assholes to use it for asshole purposes.

Hidalgo didn't hesitate to go through, but Blackthorn stood and watched with a smile as the Templars tried to push, but only met heavy resistance. Then one by one the Phoenicians backed into the wormhole until it was only Blackthorn and Humberto left. Rumah met a heavy resistance from Humberto as he reigned fired towards her. Ulf caught up and found himself also caught in the firestorm, meanwhile one of the Templar raid members stuck past the flames and tried to attack Blackthorn.

He sprayed his P90 submachine gun, but seemed to miss every shot. As he got close enough to Blackthorn, he pulled out a knife and attempted to attack him with it. Blackthorn simply toyed with him parrying every attack with his bare hands.

"Little boys shouldn't play with such sharp knives," Blackthorn taunted. The Raid member continued to strike at him using what looked as though he were a skilled knife fighter. Yet Blackthorn continued to parry each strike until he caught his striking arm and twisted his wrist strong enough to break it, "My turn!" Blackthorn taunted as he reached for his own blade.

The knife Blackthorn struck at the raid member with was a strange knife. It looked old and rusted. But, as he struck him with it, slashing across the chest the raid member dropped. He writhed in pain as algae began to grow from his wounds. I'll tell you what...spolier alert! I do get cut by this blade in the later down the road, and it's a bitch! Trust me, it hurts like hell.

"Hunybero!" Blackthorn called out as he sheathed his knife, "Vamanos!" he ordered as he entered the wormhole itself as Humberto followed behind. The wormhole shut off just before the Templars could get close enough.