The Redhead in Apartment 506

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Young wife succumbs to taboo desire.
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The day wasn't even half over and Ty was exhausted. He'd already, swept out the laundry room, unstopped a bathroom sink in 204, fixed a garbage disposal in 402, and replaced a dead light bulb in the lobby. Managing a 35 unit apartment building in North Seattle wasn't the kind of career that his four years in the Navy prepared him for, but at least he was working.

With the last task on his morning to-do list complete, he was more than ready to grab some lunch. He tossed the dead bulbs in the trash can and returned the step ladder to the basement utility closet across from his apartment.

He was thinking about taking a quick nap to recharge his batteries when a shrill shout from the other end of the hall scrambled his thoughts.


Ty turned around to see a short, doughy white guy with short brown hair and a neatly trimmed goatee walking toward him. He didn't recognize him but just assumed it was a tenant he hadn't met yet.

"Just putting some stuff away. My name is Ty Stokes; I'm the new apartment manager," he said and extended a hand.

The stranger looked a little flustered and hesitated before returning a limp, tentative handshake.

"You're the new manager," he replied incredulously.

His voice was a little on the high side, more like a woman or teenage boy than a man. Ty assumed this character didn't have much experience around black people and was a little uncomfortable being so close to one.

"Yeah, I've been on the job for about two weeks now."

"Hey, that's great! You're the man I've been looking for! My name is David Weaver; my wife and I live in 506."

The guy struck Ty as being uptight and a little on the nervous side, so he decided to cut him some slack.

"What can I do for you, David?"

"Nothing much really...we're having some trouble with the fan in our bathroom. It only works occasionally and when it does, it makes this ungodly racket."

"No problem – I'll be up to replace it later this afternoon. Is that cool?"

"Great!" David cheerily replied. "I'll be home until around 1:30; if you could stop by before then, I'd really appreciate it."

With that, David vanished down the hall as quickly as he appeared.

Hoping for a little peace, Ty let himself into his place and grabbed a carton of leftover Chinese food from the fridge. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the blinking red light of the answering machine.

Damn, he thought. I know who that probably is.

His suspicions were confirmed when he hit the playback button.

"Yo baby – where you been hidin'? You ain't been to the club in a while! What's the matter, baby; don't you wanna see me? Call me later, we'll have us some fun! Bye-bye –and don't forget to call me!"

It was Tasha Banks; a girl he'd been seeing off and on for a couple of months. He liked her, but decided to keep his distance when she started getting a little more serious than he liked. If he ignored her, hopefully she'd stop calling.

"Aren't there any women out there who just wanna fuck? Why do they always have to mess everything up by getting' all possessive and shit," he wondered aloud.

Ty finished off the remains of the Chinese food, tossed out the carton and went into the bedroom to crash.

It was 1:45 in the afternoon when he awoke. After splashing some water on his face, he figured he'd take care of the problem in 506 before tackling anything else. He grabbed his toolbox and a new fan from the utility closet and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

Once outside the apartment, he set his toolbox down and knocked on the door.

Expecting to see David, Ty was pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Weaver opened the door. David might have been a fussy, uptight, little fool, but he had certainly done alright for himself in the wife department.

The first thing he noticed about Mrs. Weaver was her face. She had a fair, freckled complexion and vivid green eyes that twinkled when she smiled. She was one of those women that didn't need any make-up in order to look beautiful. A mane of thick red hair, which she wore pulled back into a ponytail, complimented her soft angelic features perfectly.

"Hi! I'm Annika, you must be our new apartment manager - come on in; David told me you might be stopping by."

"Uh – yeah, I'm Ty," he mumbled as she ushered him inside.

As he followed her to the bathroom, Ty got a good look at the whole package; he liked what he saw.

She had a slender athletic build with long, smooth, ivory legs and a tight, round ass under a pair of white tennis shorts. She wasn't as busty as he liked, but he could tell that there was a nice handful under that baggy t-shirt. He estimated her age at around 24 or 25. At 5'5" she was about the same height as her husband.

"So do you think you can fix it," she asked, pointing to the fan vent on the bathroom ceiling.

"Sure, no problem; It'll only take a minute or two."

Careful to conceal the bulge in his pants, Ty turned away from her as he climbed up on the bathroom counter with a screwdriver.

From the corner of his eye, he checked her out discretely s he unscrewed the cover from the vent.

Annika perched on the edge of the tub and crossed her long, white legs as she watched him go about his business.

"So Ty, what did you do before you decided to become our apartment manager?"

Normally Ty couldn't stand small talk with the tenants, but in Annika's case he was more than happy to make an exception.

"Well, I just got out the Navy about two months ago. I got this gig by answering an ad in the Weekly."

"Really," she gushed. "The Navy -that must have been exciting! I'll bet you've seen quite a bit of the world?"

The only thing Ty saw quite a bit of was the engine room of the destroyer he served on; however, he did do his fair share of traveling.

"Yeah, that was one thing the Navy was good for; I've been to Japan, the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, and a few other places."

"Jeepers, I so envy you; I've never even been outside of the United States."

Ty smiled. He didn't mention the fact that the only thing he cared about when he got off the ship was looking for pussy.

"Um -Annika, would you do me favor and hand me the new fan?"

"Sure," she said and dutifully handed it up to him.

During the handoff, he snuck a quick peek at her chest. The erect nipples poking at her shirt provided quite a treat. They were nice and pointy and looked hard enough to cut glass

He wasn't normally the type of black man that chased after white women. The only white chick he'd ever slept with was some fat, sloppy trailer-trash type he picked up one night after having a little too much to drink. But Annika was in an entirely different league – a lean, well-scrubbed, little country girl who almost certainly hadn't fucked anybody other than that dumpy little husband of hers.

How he would love to bend that little whitebread ass over the sink and fuck her so hard she wouldn't even remember her own name.

With such a tasty little piece so close, it wasn't easy to stay focused on his work. The fact that she was in a talkative mood, didn't help things either. Patiently, he listened while he imagined what she looked like naked.

He learned quite a bit about her as she prattled on in the background. Apparently, she and David had only been married for eight months; they met while she was an undergrad at the University of Utah and he was in Medical School. They were new to Seattle and moved up here when David was offered a residency at a local hospital.

From the way she talked, he sensed she was bored and maybe more than a little homesick. Although, she worked part-time as a receptionist at a downtown law firm, she spent a lot of time alone since David worked such long hours.

"Okay, it looks like I'm done. Why don't you throw the switch and we'll see if it works."

She threw the switch and the brand new fan whirred to life.

"Thank you Ty! No we won't have a stuffy bathroom anymore!"

"No problem! Unless you have anything that needs fixin', I guess I'll be on my way."

"No, everything else is fine. At least let me fix you a glass of lemonade - I think you've earned it!"

Ty was not a big fan of lemonade, but he wasn't going to object. He would probably drink motor oil as long as Annika was around to provide the eye candy.

"You know...a glass of lemonade would be real nice right now."

She led him back out to the living room and asked him to make himself at home while she busied herself in the kitchen.

Their place was a one bedroom unit, identical to almost every other apartment in the building. The furniture was nice but nothing too expensive, kind of what you might expect in the home of a newly married couple.

Ty lingered near the stereo and looked over their CD collection. There was an wide assortment of classical, country, Christian contemporary, and some soft rock. In short, nothing he'd ever listen to in a million years.

Moments later Annika bounded into the living room and presented him with a tall glass of lemonade.

"Here's your reward," she chirped.

Not exactly the kind of reward I was thinking of, Ty thought.

Annika took a seat on the couch and crossed her legs. Not wanting to run the risk of appearing too bold, Ty sat on the easy chair across from her.

"So, how do you like Seattle so far," Ty asked.

Annika grimaced. "'s not what I expected, but it's a very nice city and I'm sure I'll get used to the place eventually."

"Do you miss home?"

"No...not really. It's just that I'm kind of bored. We did meet some nice people through our church, but I don't see them very often during the week. I'd like to go back to school and finish my degree, but money is kind of tight for us right now, so that will have to wait until David starts his own Practice."

"At least you have each other," Ty said.

Instead of cheering her up, his remark seemed to have the opposite effect. Annika stared at the floor and took a long pause before answering.

"Yes...that's true, but they work David so hard. Sometimes he'll be at the hospital for 18 – 20 hours straight, and on his days off, he's too tired to do anything but sleep."

"Ah – don't worry, it ain't gonna be like that forever. Once he's a doctor, you'll have lots more time to be together – not to mention a lot more money!"

She laughed and gave him a kindly smile.

"You're right, Ty. Don't mind me, I woke up with a stiff neck and it's been kind of getting to me," she said and reflexively rubbed the back of her neck.

"I'm sorry to hear that, is there anything I could do for ya?"

"Ty, you're such a gentleman. You've already done enough by fixing that fan! Here, let me get you some more lemonade," she said and got up from the couch.

Ty handed her the glass and she trotted back into the kitchen.

There were a million other things he needed to do, but none of them were anywhere near as interesting as having this little, red-haired kitten dote on him.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass from the kitchen rudely jolted him back to reality.


Ty bolted up and ran to the kitchen. There he saw Annika leaning over the sink rubbing her neck, the pitcher lying in shards on the floor by the fridge.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I think so...I was just reaching for the pitcher of lemonade when I felt a sharp twinge in my neck. It's alright, nothing serious; David told me, I should be better in a day or so."

"Are you sure? I might be able to help you, my father was a chiropractor – he taught me a few tricks." Ty was totally bullshitting, his father was a bus driver, but he figured he'd given enough massages to girlfriends over the years that he could probably fake his way through.

"No...that's alright. It's really not that bad."

Annika was clearly uncomfortable with Ty's offer, but he was persistent.

"Please...I really hate to see you like this. All I wanna do is help" Ty said in the most sincere tone he could muster.

"Well...okay...I guess it couldn't hurt," Annika relented.

There was an apprehensive look in her eyes as she slowly turned her back to him. Ty was practically salivating when she gently moved her pony tail out of the way, and offered him the back of her neck.

"Just relax," he whispered as he gently kneaded her fair, white flesh with his fingertips. Annika was quite stiff for the first couple of seconds, but she ultimately relaxed under his soft caring touch.

Oh my...that feels so should really think about a career as a massage therapist."

Annika was too blissed out to notice the hand making its way under her shirt. Ty's cock hardened as his fingers traced up along the taut flesh of her belly. He halted when he reached the soft, cotton fabric of her sports bra.

"You like that baby," he purred.

"Mmm...yes...I feel so much better."

Feeling confident that he had her just where he wanted, he moved his hand upward and gently cupped her breast. At that instant, her body stiffened and tensed up all over again.

"Ty! What are you doing," Annika huffed.

"Just makin' you feel good, baby," he whispered.

"Ty, that isn't right. I'm a married woman!"

Despite her protest, she made no effort to wriggle free of him as he continued kneading the supple flesh of her breast. Unless he heard the word 'NO,' he was going to go as far as he could.


"Don't worry, baby; it's just you and me here."


"Please Ty! I'm not comfortable with this!"

"Then let me help you get more comfortable."

Annika gasped as he pulled her t-shirt up over her head and tossed it aside. Panicked, she spun around and tried to wriggle free. Her efforts were in vain as Ty pinned her against the counter with his pelvis. The shock in her moistening eyes didn't deter him from planting a deep hard kiss on her quivering lips.

"Ty please!" She recoiled and turned her head away.

"C'mon baby, ain't nobody gonna know about this," Ty said while playfully fiddling with her ponytail.

"I'm a married woman – this isn't right!"

Her mouth said one thing, but her body language was giving him a different message. Although she wouldn't look him in the eye, she offered no resistance as he pulled her sports bra up off her head, just as he did with her t-shirt. He knew she wanted him, even though she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"What are you going to do with me," she whined.

"Make you feel good, baby," he purred.

With a sigh, her body went limp and he kissed her again - this time harder. To his delight, she reciprocated and her tongue met his. In a matter of seconds, the frightened, little lamb in his arms had become a willing participant in his fantasy.

He broke the embrace, stepped back and tore off his shirt. The thrill of forbidden desire was in her eyes as she gazed at his broad muscled chest and hard, ripped belly.

"Why don't you help me off with my pants," he said wryly.

Annika didn't say a word as she tentatively reached for his fly; her hands shook nervously as she undid the button of his jeans. Meekly she backed off and looked down at the floor.

Ty couldn't help but smile as he pushed his jeans down around his knees. With his 8 inch prick standing high and hard, Annika's eyes widened, but then quickly looked away.

The sight of this slim, innocent girl, her full white breasts heaving with fear and desire, was too much. There wasn't going to be any tender lovemaking here – it was a time for only one thing – wild, nasty, down and dirty fuckin'!

She let out a short, sharp scream as he grabbed her by the waist, then spun her around and bent her over the sink. He ripped down her shorts and delighted at the sight of the creamy white moons of her trembling ass. Ty paused; he could smell the sweet, funky aroma of wet pussy hanging in the air.

"Here it comes, baby," he growled as he worked his cock between her legs.

"OOOOOOOOO," she exclaimed as he plunged in and plunged in hard.

Ty winced - her tightness surprised him. Her pussy might have been juiced and wet but it was as tight as a virgin's. He grabbed her even tighter and thrust himself into her with the full force of his body.


Annika moaned like a banshee with every pump - her red hair whipped in the air as her head jerked from side to side.

The sight of Annika twitching and wrenching with every stroke and the tightness of her snatch was too much and Ty feared he was going to cum to soon. Not wanting to blow before she got her rocks off, he drove his cock as deep inside her as it would go and held it there.

She continued her ecstatic twitching while he paused. Even while he rested, his size and thickness was too much for the poor girl.

"WHOA GIRL," he commanded while grabbing her hair as if it were the reigns of a horse.


Her moans softened as her pussy tightened around his throbbing cock like a vise.


"GIDDY –UP," he barked, slapped her ass and commenced pumping – even faster and harder than before.

The soft moans turned to loud, desparate grunts as Ty rode his little white pony to the finish line.


"YEAH BABY – HERE I COME," he shouted as he pumped away like a machine.

Ty's knees weakened and he erupted with the force of a fire hose. Annika's grunts turned into a blissfully contented whimper as he pulled out and decorated her back with ribbons of thick, gooey spooge.

Dizzy, he staggered back a few paces and steadied himself against the fridge. He watched as a weak and exhausted Annika stood upright, turned around and staggered toward him. Dazed and glassy-eyed, she felt into his arms.

"Damn baby! You just gave me the best piece of pussy I ever had!"

"Please...I wish you wouldn't talk that way," she begged in a little girl's voice.

Ty smiled. He thought it was funny that this woman who had just wildly fucked a complete stranger was acting all offended by his blunt language. He figured she was just switching back into good-girl mode.

"I'm sorry, baby," he whispered. "But I wasn't lyin'"

They snuggled in silence for several minutes, before she spoke up.

"This was wrong Ty...this should never have happened. I love my husband and he must never know," she said, looking up at him with moist, watery eyes.

"Sure baby...I'm cool....don't worry."

On that note, she gave him a chaste peck on the cheek and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Ty took the cue, got back into his clothes and left to finish the rest of his chores.


Ty couldn't believe he would do something as stupid as put his job in jeopardy over a piece of ass; It wasn't like jobs were easy to come by in this economy. He had had his fun and avowed to keep things with Annika, and any other female tenant, on a purely professional level from here on in.

A week later, while he was putting some WD-40 on the squeaky door in the lobby, David and Annika got off the elevator. He tensed up; he hadn't seen her since their wild freaky fuck session and he wasn't sure how she would react to him. They held hands as they approached him.

"Hey Ty – how's it going," David said, his high voice full of phony enthusiasm.

"Oh, same as it always is," Ty answered. He stole a glance at Annika who smiled innocently. Her face gave no impression of nervousness. She was doing an excellent job of acting as if nothing had ever happened between them.