The Realtor

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Laura has a passionate encounter while house hunting.
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As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don't know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something.

I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier...and today wouldn't have happened. Although I haven't yet figured out if that is good or bad.

Danny wanted to use one of his friends to be our realtor but the guy hasn't passed all his tests yet and I didn't like the idea of using him anyway. The friend he had in mind is not a responsible person and doesn't pay attention to details. Instead, I did what you suggested and I asked a few coworkers who they would recommended. I received ten different names and I called them all.

My sixth call was to a very interesting agent who had an amazing French accent. Danny spoke to him as well and didn't really like him. I did some research on all ten and the man who spoke French was the highest rated and had the most successful out of all of them so I insisted on using him.

Danny and I met with him at his office that same weekend, which is now almost three months ago. His name is Julien and he is from was from Belgium. I just assumed that he would be from France, but what do I know? I've never even left the state I was born in.

Julien is the same height and build as Danny but he has dark brown hair and very beautiful blue eyes. He obviously loves an art-deco, retro style. I think all of his office furniture could have come from my grandparents attic. He always wears a suit, but it is the 50's style suits, and when it is cool outside he always wears a fedora. No, not the hipster kind of fedora, the really nice fedora you see on I Love Lucy and other shows of that era.

I don't know if it is his European features or just his personality, but the look really fits Julien. It definitely makes him look sexy.

Of course, Danny did nothing but laugh and mock Julien's style once we left his office. I know he was just trying to cover the fact that he was jealous. His attitude completely changed when I complimented Julien on his decor. Considering everything that has happened between us, I'm amazed Danny would even bother. He stopped sleeping in our bed about a year ago, which I find a bit ironic since I had been begging for him to be more intimate.

I love Dan but I'm just...unfulfilled. Our lives have just become so boring and dull. We go to work, we get home, we eat dinner silently, and then he either plays video games or works for a few hours. I go to bed and wait for him but he never joins me. He falls asleep on the couch or in the spare bed. He says he doesn't want to wake me, but I think it is more than that.

I'm just so bored and ignored that I want to scratch my own eyes out! Unfortunately, Dan thinks we have a great relationship and he thinks things are "amazing" when we are intimate.

Amazing? He will only have sex in two positions. Missionary or not at all.

That's. It.

Unfortunately, I only get that three or four times a year. You know me better than anyone and you know how much I love sex! Some days it is all I can think about! Right now I'm going through so many D batteries that I've actually had to start going out of my way to buy them at different stores. The cashiers at the grocery store were starting to give me strange looks when I was buying batteries every other week.

It is so frustrating! On the one hand, Dan is so enjoyable to be around. He loves many of the same things I do. We both love art and history and you know how intelligent he is. Last month he took a class about political science online just because he wanted to. He went to the local college and talked them into letting him take the final. He just wanted to see how well he would do. Of course, he aced it after watching one online course and reading one book. (He didn't get credit for the class, he just wanted to see if he could do it.) He is very dedicated at work and makes a good living. He is always a gentleman. Sometimes he is too much of a gentleman.

Last month we had an amazing day. We decided to go to the arm museum. We just wondered around the museum, having the most wonderful conversations about the art and life and what our goals were. We then we had an amazing dinner that he had made from scratch. He would only let me chop the vegetables while I drank wine. By the time dinner was over I was so aroused that I wanted to throw him down on the table and just go wild on him. Instead, when we got into the bedroom, he stripped down naked, and got under the covers. When I got under the covers he didn't rip off my clothes, but instead asked me to undress. I took off my clothes, he kissed me once, climbed up on top of me, shoved his thing in me, and sixty seconds later it was all over. It was the most awful, anti-climatic ending to such a wonderful day. I laid in the dark and cried because I was so...disappointed.

Anyway, Dan and I met with Julien and we explained to him what we were looking for. Julien has done a fantastic job. He has driven us all over the area and tried to help us see the potential in many of the houses we have looked at. We've been looking at five to seven houses, every week, for the past three months. Dan and I just can't seem to agree on what we want. Thankfully, Julien has been very, very helpful and patient with us.

Julien frequently reminds me, "Laura, your a princess and I know we'll find your castle."

The process has become quite exhausting. I've seriously thought about giving up and just staying in our little apartment, but Julien has put so much time and effort into this, that I feel like it wouldn't be fair to him. He definitely deserves the commission.

Quite frankly, Julien is the only reason why I continue to go through this. It is rather refreshing to be around a man that is fun and sophisticated. I know he is trying to sell me something, but I love the way he makes me feel.

For example, there was one house I absolutely adored when I found it online. Julien went with us to look at it. He walked me through the entire house and showed me all the structural damage that the house had. Once I realized we would need to spend another $20,000-30,000 just to make the house safe, I decided we should pass on it.

Julien could have easily suggested we purchase the house to make his commission...but he didn't. It's nice to have someone around that actually cares and didn't want to just make money off of me. I mean, making money off us.

I always enjoy Julien's company and I really like the way he looks out for my best interests. It doesn't hurt that he is quite enjoyable to look at and he always smells delicious. Always.

Today though, was a litte different. For the first time I went with Julien to look at houses alone. Danny and I had an appointment to look at several houses but he wanted to go watch football with his friends instead. Whatever, he doesn't even like football but quite frankly I was happy to go look at the houses by myself for a change. At least I wouldn't have to deal with all the bickering.

I still wanted Danny to have a good time so I woke up early, made some of my famous chili, made sure his football jersey was clean, went and bought beer, and packed it all up and sent him on his way.

He didn't even kiss me goodbye. I decided right then and there that today would be different.

In the past, I have always dressed very casual when we looked at houses. I usually wore jeans and a t-shirt or workout clothes. Half the time I didn't even wear makeup, but today I wanted to look pretty. I wanted to match Julien's style so I rummaged through my closet looking for an outfit that would be classy and somewhat retro. I was pretty proud of myself.

I wore a black pencil skirt with this really pretty cream colored tank top that always reveals my cleavage nicely, and then I put on a sheer top over that. I wore my sexiest bra because it makes my cleavage look phenomenal. I found one of my grandmothers old hats and her pearl necklace. I really, really wanted to wear some of her gloves but after searching for an hour I just couldn't find them.

I looked up some images of how women in the 50's did their hair and makeup and it turned out pretty close! My outfit looked fairly modern until I put on the hat and necklace and then I was suddenly transplanted to another era. While it wasn't perfect, it would definitely work for today. The hat was the perfect shade of blue. It brought out the blue in my eyes and looked really nice with my auburn hair.

Julien and I met at the first house and he was surprised to see me both alone and "all dolled up".

"No Danny today?" he asked as he removed his keys from his pocket to unlock the door. He fumbled with the keys for a while as his eyes kept looking at my outfit.

"No, not today. He's too busy watching football."

"That violent. I prefer the football of my country. The men just run around and play with their balls."

I giggled at his faux pas. Thankfully Julien giggled along with me. While his English is very good, he still gets confused once in a while.

As Julien jiggled the keys in the lock, I began to notice things I had not noticed when Danny was with me. I noticed how well his suit fit him, and how tight his coat fit around his shoulders when he reached forward. It wasn't because the suit was too small, you could clear see that his shoulders were muscular. As the door swung open, it caused the air at the doorstep to swirl and I was once again wrapped in Julien's delicious scent. I have no idea what type of cologne he wears, but it make me want to dip him in Ovaltine and devour him.

Upon entering the home there was a note to please remove our shoes. Julien removed his shoes at the door and arranged them neatly. I removed my shoes and placed them on a small antique bench that was in the foyer, obviously arranged to be a place for a visitor to sit while they removed and put on their shoes.

We toured the house slower than usual. Julien really took his time and explained details he never discussed before. Not only was he thorough, but I really started to see his passion for his work. He loved the way a house flowed. He loved minute details that hardly anyone would notice. He loved the way a house felt.

I also noticed he always made sure I entered the room first. He always let me speak first and finish my questions. He made sure all of my questions were answered and he didn't make me feel stupid when he answered them. I realized how Danny did all those things and it was starting to make me frustrated.

While the house was nice, it still was not quite what I was looking for. The kitchen was too small and there little character in the house. I started to reach down for my shoes when Julien grabbed them, knelt down, and waited for me to sit on the bench.

"Can you show me another, Julien?" I asked. My tone was full of frustration that was unrelated to the house.

"Of course, my dear. Let's get your shoes on and we will go. We will go find your castle."

He carefully placed the shoes on my feet, and then stood up and quickly reached for the doorknob. He looked down and stepped into his shoes as he spoke.

"Laura, I...have a confession," he said slowly. "I know I shouldn't be saying this because you're a client, but I...I don't know if I will have the courage to ever say this again."

I rose slowly from the bench. I had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"You're-" His voice cracked. He turned and smiled and cleared his throat, and then took a deep breath and blurted out, "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and if you were not with Danny, I would do everything...everything in my power to go out on just one date with you. Even if you decided you never wanted to see me again, it would be my honor to sit with such an amazing and beautiful woman in a restaurant for just one night."

My face was on fire. I have never blushed so much in all my life.

He continued, "I was happy to see you alone today but now...I worry. I want to hold you and kiss you and touch you and...and I shut up now. I said too much already. I just..."

He grabbed the doorknob quickly and flung the door wide open. He stopped looking at me and stared outside. He then continued, speaking softly.

"I'm sorry, I just had to say it out loud. I've thought it many, many times over the past few months and I just had to get it out. I know you are with someone and I should have just kept my mouth shut. I totally understand if you want another agent. I'll sign whatever you like to release your contract with me, and I will recommend someone else. There is someone in my office who is very good. I'll give her your file this afternoon."

He stepped outside and waited for me to exit.

I stood there, unable to move. It was the most sincere, sweetest compliment I had every received, and at the same time it made me feel so conflicted. Deep down inside I desperately wanted to hear those words, and now that it was out in the open, I was terrified. What if Danny found out? What if I started to have feelings for Julien? What if I found a house I liked and I never saw Julien again?

I stood there for what seemed like an eternity. There were so many thoughts rushing through my head that I was paralyzed. I finally took a very deep breath and then stared at him until he looked at me. When I looked into his big blue eyes, I knew what my answer would be.

Smiling, I asked, "Can you please show me the next house, Julien?"

I walked confidently through the front door and walked straight to the passenger side of Julien's car. In the past few months of looking for houses, I realized we had never driven in the same care together. After such a wonderful compliment, it would be rude to drive in different cars, right?

Julien locked the door as quickly as he could. I waited patiently by the car and almost giggled as he nearly ran to unlock my door. When I reached for the handle, his hand was already there, and he opened my car door, waited until I sat in the car, and closed it for me. I again realized Danny had never, ever done that for me.

I may have let my pencil skirt slide up my thigh as I sat down in the car. Accidentally on purpose of course. I never pulled it down the entire drive, even though every bump would cause it to slowly slide higher and higher up my tanned thighs.

The conversation in the car was fantastic. We talked about his home town in Belgium, how he came to be a real estate agent, and what he likes to do when he isn't working. I couldn't stop smiling when I found out where he attended college. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. We were discussing some of our favorite pieces of art as we pulled up into the driveway of the next house.

When we arrived, I realized Julien had taken the long, long way to get to the house. Either he was too distracted from the wonderful conversation we were having, or he was enjoying the view. The view inside the car. I caught him glancing at my legs more than a few times.

We walked into the second house and even though it was vacant, it still felt so warm and inviting. For some reason when I stood in the foyer, it felt like I was standing in my home. It just felt...right. I knew if I felt like this in the rest of the house, I would definitely consider putting in an offer.

As we walked into the living room, I noticed some furniture was left behind. Julien explained the previous family had purchased another home out of state and they were unable to take all of the furniture so the person that purchased the house would be allowed to keep anything that had been. The previous homeowners would pay for any removal if the furniture was not wanted.

Julien walked through the foyer and said over his shoulder, "If you come this way, you can see the beautiful kitchen."

When I walked into the kitchen I was stopped in my tracks. The kitchen was...stunning. It was warm, but modern and had beautiful fixtures. I stood next to the island, and looked around in amazement at all the beautiful details. The wishbone pattern on the backsplash was perfect, and the countertops had the exact color and pattern of granite that I have always wanted.

"And the best part is right here," Julien said as he stared out of the window that was over the sink. He moved to his left so I could stand next to him to enjoy the view.

I decided to walk around the island and stand behind him and look over his right shoulder. At first he was a little startled and started to move the left assuming he was in my way. I reached out and put my hands on his shoulders, holding him still.

"Wow. That is an amazing view," I said as I leaned forward and slowly pressed my breasts into his back, accidentally on purpose. I took my hands off of his shoulders and slowly moved my breasts across his back to the left until I could see over his left shoulder. "That side of the yard is gorgeous as well."

"Yes. Gorgeous," is all he could say.

After a long pause I put my lips next to his ear asked softly, "Can we see the dining room?"

"Of course," he replied.

I stepped back and walked back around the island and into the dining room. Each step caused a booming echo in the empty house as my high heels walked along the wood floors. Still, I clearly heard Julien exhale before I heard his footsteps finally follow me.

The dining room was long, but not too narrow. It could easily host the largest of families at a holiday dinner. The previous family had left their rustic dining room table behind, yet oddly enough, they took the chairs. The table was so grand that I couldn't imagine anyone just leaving it behind and I developed a contempt for the previous owners. They clearly did not value precious things.

The table could easily sit twelve or even fourteen. The table had the look of being hand made by a craftsman. There were perfect imperfections all over it. I could easily imagine my entire family seated around the table while it was piled high with food.

"Isn't this table amazing?" Julien said as he entered the room. He stood off the corner of the head of the table so he could view the entire room and yet stay out of my view.

"Exquisite," I replied.

"Imagine everyone in the family all gathered around, talking and laughing."

"I already have. I think it's perfect for big holiday dinners."

"And the rest of the room is also-"

"Do you know what else this table would be good for?" I interrupted as I casually walked toward his side of the table while keeping my eyes on the table."

Julien paused and finally said, "Personally, I think this would be a great room for a romantic dinner for two."

"That is exactly what I was thinking," I said softly as I stopped at the opposite corner of the table from Julien.

We were now both looking down the length of the table from our respective corners. I slowly moved toward him, still ignoring him with my eyes, but gravitating toward him with my body.

"A beautiful candelabra with candles of various heights, illuminating the room in a warm glow." I placed my hand softly at the head of the table. "The man I crave sitting here, telling me about his day." I sidestepped to the left, in between Julien and the table, violating his personal space. "Me sitting to his left, intently listening to every word. We would share our stories of the day..." I inched back as I raised my arm, "the walls full of amazing art." I knew he was right behind me, so close that I could feel his warmth. "We would eat wonderful meals that I prepared, and then..." I arched my back slightly and pressed my ass against his crotch, "we would enjoy a delicious desert." I moved my ass every so slightly, turned my head, and softly spoke over my shoulder. "Nibbling...sucking...and slurping on delicious morsels." I could feel a bulge quickly growing in Julien's pants.