The Proposal Pt. 03

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Couple continues to explorer their sexuality.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/11/2021
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I called Jack's office and said, "I'm Jason Alexander, one of Jack's clients. I'd like to talk with him please."

"I know who you are," a woman replied. "He's in the field today. He'll give you a call or I can set an appointment."

"How about both? There are some papers I want him to read that are critical in my case."

"Does tomorrow at one work for you?"

"Yes, perfect."

"Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Alexander... I'm fully aware you hired Denny, and I also know you're going through some tough times in your marriage. If you lay one finger on my daughter-in-law, I'll come over there and cut your balls off."

I thought about telling her to piss off, but decided the prudent thing to say was, "Yes, Ma'am. Understood."

When I entered the gym, Denise was having a heated discussion with one of my long-term members. As soon as she saw me, she rushed toward me with a look of anger on her face.

"That guy's a suffering ass."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, he asked for help on the abs-machine, but he really didn't need any help. When he asked me for a date, I walked away. Then... he slapped my ass, and I punched his nose."

I wanted to say good for you but instead I replied with, ''You can't go around hitting our members... that's my job."

I walked over to the guy in question and said, "You touch my employee again, I'll tear your arm off and beat you to death with it—plus, I'll tell your wife."

He said nothing and nodded in the affirmative. I felt guilty for misinterpreting Denise's enthusiasm for qualifications. When I evaluated new members, I was always brutally honest about where they are and what they need to do to improve. I shouldn't have done anything different with Denise. I guess with my marriage on the rocks, combined with the increased business and lack of help, I was grasping at straws.

When I was back in the office, I found Denise sulking.

"Don't stress," I said, shutting the door. "I straightened him out. That's quite a punch you have there, Missy. Remind me not to piss you off."

"You better not, buster." She half smiled. "I'll kick your musclebound ass."

We both laughed.

"I appreciate all your effort, Denise, but if things get to be too much for you, tell me. I've been a bit overwhelmed myself lately. Just be careful to not overtax yourself, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm not ignorant to those creeps."

"May I make a suggestion?"

"Sure, boss."

"You know you're an extremely attractive young woman. If you don't want the attention, you might want to wear sweats instead of skintight spandex."

"Says the musclebound guy in the tight tank top." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I'm a man—and men look. Women don't think the same way men do."

"Why, Mr. Alexander! Are you saying you're looking at me?" She grinned.

"Last time I checked I was still male and had a pulse."

"Don't worry I can handle myself—but thanks for the advice. I've gotta go. My spin class starts soon," Denise said, walking away. "By the way..." She abruptly stopped and added, "You're wrong. Women look, too."

I chuckled as she wiggled her butt. The brief exchange with Denise provided some much need relief from my troubled mind.


That night had been yet another sleepless one for me. I still couldn't bring myself to sleep in the master bedroom without Allie. I staggered around like a zombie trying to get dressed and make it to my 8am appointment with Jack.

"You're late!" said Monica, glaring at me as I walked into the office.

I thought about saying something sarcastic but bit my tongue. Instead, I just apologized and sat in a chair.

"Go on in! He doesn't have all day!" she barked out like a drill instructor.

When I walked in, Jack was on the phone. He waved at me to sit. I laid the Manila envelope on the desk and took a seat.

A couple minutes later, he hung up the phone, picked up my paperwork and said, "May I?"

Without waiting for a reply, he immediately started thumbing through the documents. Occasionally, he'd grunt or utter something before he dropped the papers on his desk and said, "This changes everything. Do you have any clue what this is?"

"Exactly what it says: a 'Temporary Separation.'"

"You can't be that naïve." He quirked an eyebrow. "A Temporary Separation is basically a legal hall pass giving her the freedom to see whoever she wants, whenever she wants while you support her. You don't need a private detective; you need an attorney. If you want her to contact you, I suggest your next move should be to cut off all her funds and make her come to you. Don't sign this under any circumstances. Without your signature, the document is worthless."

"Okay, I'll call the bank and see what they say—but all our accounts are linked. Look, Jack, all I really want is to sit down with my wife and talk this out."

"Do you know where she's staying?"

"Supposedly with her folks, which doesn't bode well for me because her dad has never liked me."

"It will be costly to set up surveillance on your wife. I suggest the most cost-effective way to handle this is to confront her yourself."

"I just need to find a way to do that. My purpose is to save my marriage, not end it, which might happen if I deal with this poorly. I work twelve hours a day, and that's problematic. My last resort would be to take your suggestion about the bank accounts and cards. Knowing Allie, that would trigger her fight or flight mode."

He stood and said, "I'm sorry I didn't have better news, Jason, but I'd be happy to investigate this further if you need us... which I hope is not needed."

As I left, Monica said, "Don't forget what I said about Denny."

"Yes, Ma'am, got it."


It was a welcome distraction to be back at work, but no matter how much I tried, my mind could not release the thoughts of Allie with another man, which is what triggered this whole mess. What used to be my fantasy became my nightmare. It was ironic that my business was doing so well while my marriage was in turmoil. I knew Allie was a huge part of the businesses success and it didn't seem right without her.

The assurance adjuster came by and gave me the proposal on our new package, including the pool and racquetball courts that were yet to be constructed. He was the most grossly obese person I had ever seen. I thought how he'd be perfect for Allie's health and nutrition program.

Looking at the time, I was due for my new members orientation class. As I scanned the group, I noticed they were almost all men, with just two women in attendance; I recognized one of them: Karen, Martin's girlfriend.

After class, I approached her and said, "Hi, I'm Jason. Aren't you a friend of Martin's?"

"I was, but that's ancient history." She ran her hand over my chest and flashed a wry grin before she made me an overt proposal. "You wouldn't consider taking his place, would you?"

I opened the top of my waistband, looked inside, and said, "I really don't think I could replace him."

Karen giggled. "Sadly, you're right. No one can," she sighed. "Is that what happened with your wife? Did Martin finally get to her?"

I considered giving her the same rehearsed line I told everyone about Allie taking a break from work, but she already knew Martin was involved.

"You might say that," I replied. "Now she's temporarily living with her folks."

"If I were you, I'd go get her. I know from experience that once you've gone to the dark side, it's hard to come back. My husband and I have been in the lifestyle for over ten years, but I still remember how difficult it was in the beginning. It takes time to find your rhythm as a couple. Let me ask you this: how far are you willing to go to get her back?"

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Well, from what I observed about your wife, she wanted what Martin had to offer, and she wanted it bad."

"How do you know?"

"Well, he told me all about you guys." Karen grinned. "The question is, are you willing to let her cuckold you if that's what it takes to get her back?"

I couldn't believe I was discussing my personal life with a total stranger, but I guess I was desperate for answers. At this point, I was at my wits end.

I promptly ended the conversation by saying, "Thanks for the input. I have a lot to think about."

As I walked away, she added, "Don't wait too long... she's prime meat."


Allie was still ignoring my calls. It didn't matter if I called her cell or her folk's landline, she was determined not to speak to me. I couldn't help but think her parents were part of this in some way. I decided to go seek her out, but I wasn't sure if Denise could manage the gym while I was gone. This was a huge responsibility for such a young and inexperienced girl. I called her into the office on the intercom and waited for her arrival.

After several minutes, she came in breathing hard from her spin class.

"What's up, boss?"

"I'm going to have to leave for a few days, Denise. Do you think you could handle the place all by yourself?"

A pearly white smile spread across her face as she said, "Hell yes! Piece of cake."

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, but I'm just a call away if problems arise. I'm going to clean the pool and jacuzzi before I go, so you won't need to deal with that. Just tell my classes that we'll resume next week. Also, since you already do my daily balance, use my signature stamp for anything important that needs to be signed."

"Okey dokey, will do. Don't worry, boss. I've got this."


I wasn't sure how or where to confront Allie. I didn't want it to be her at her parents' place. I had her class schedule, so I decided to park by the hospital where I could observe the entrance. I had no real plan and I didn't want to cause a public scene. It was a good thing I had taken snacks with me because the hours monotonously drug by. I could see her car parked in the student area.

Then, about 4pm, I saw her leaving the hospital with a short young guy. She went to her car and he helped her get in. They talked through her window a while before he went to his own car. When he drove away, she followed closely behind him. I tagged along behind them at a distance.

A short time later, they both pulled into a little Italian restaurant and I parked across the street. As they entered the restaurant, they seemed involved in a deep conversation. I was relieved to not witness anything remotely intimate between them. As I patiently waited, I kept reviewing all the events that led me to where I was now: sitting in a car, spying on my wife having dinner with another man.

An hour later, they exited the restaurant and went to their respective cars. Allie pulled away and he drove in the opposite direction. I tried to follow her car at a distance but lost her in traffic. I was an utter novice at being my own private investigator. This area seemed to be one large continuous condominium complex where all the buildings looked identical. I guessed this was housing for the hospital's staff and students.

I was about to give up after driving around a maze of indistinguishable streets when I finally caught a break. I spotted the guy's car... the same guy who had dinner with my wife earlier. He turned into the housing complex. I followed him down an alleyway until he pulled into a carport next to Allie's BMW.

I drove past him and parked in the guest area within sight of his car. When he got out, he was carrying what looked like a bottle of wine and a grocery bag. I looked him over. He certainly wasn't much in the looks department. He couldn't have been any taller than five-six and wore thick brown glasses. His head appeared orange with the setting sun reflecting off his balding scalp. This seemed to be a double insult.

How could she replace me with this toad?

Martin I could understand, but this guy? I couldn't even imagine her with him. I wondered how long it would be before Allie would leave to go to her folks' place. Trying to keep my cool, I settled down in my car and reclined my seat, waiting patiently. It was an unusually warm evening, so I rolled down my window and opened a water bottle. About then, I heard the meowing of a cat. When I looked down, there was this orange tabby cat rubbing against my door. Feeling sorry for him, I poured some water into my peanut jar lid and placed it on the ground outside my door. It wasn't long before the fuzzy beggar started up again. I looked around at my snacks and discovered that I still had the chicken wing left from my KFC lunch—not something I cared for, but it was a feast for a cat. It wasn't long after the furry little guy hopped through my window into my lap, purring contentedly.

As I sat there, I searched my feelings, reconstructing this whole situation that led up to where we were today. I couldn't deny my own culpability. I wasn't sure about her wanting to be with another man until we talked. However, I was conflicted as to what I wanted, and now I was facing the consequences.


Sometime during the night, I fell asleep and was awakened at dawn by my new feline friend, licking my arm. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was almost 7am. Allie's car was still there. I was pissed, realizing that my wife had spent the night with that dork. I couldn't sit back and watch my marriage die without doing something. I must have looked like a homeless bum with my unshaven face and disheveled clothing as I approached the condo. After ringing the door chime repeatedly, I added several hard fist pounds on the door.

A muffled voice said, "Who is it?"

"Open up and let me talk to my wife or I'll kick down this fucking door!"

There was a pause before I heard some hushed conversation. The door suddenly opened a crack, latched on a security chain.

"G-go away!" said a quivering voice. "She says she doesn't want to talk to you! Leave or I'll... I'll c-call the cops!"

Irritated with this pathetic excuse for a man, I ignored his threat and pushed the door open with little effort. The ridiculous security chain snapped like a wet noodle. Standing before me was a frightened little guy with a rutty complexion. I easily outweighed him by a hundred pounds. He had more guts than sense, as he made a token effort to block my entrance.

I brushed him aside before I shifted my focus on Allie who was rushing toward me clutching her robe.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she screamed. "Leave him alone, you bully!" Her hand cracked across my cheek with a loud pop.

"What am I doing?" I scoffed. "What the fuck are you doing shacked up here with this... weasel?"

She looked at the guy who was cowering behind the couch before meeting my gaze.

"This is exactly why I filed for a separation, Jason! I knew you would never give me any space!"

Despite my red-hot rage, I iced my tone and said, "Well, here's what I think about that, sweetheart..." I pulled out the document from my back pocket and ripped it into pieces, gloating outwardly.

Allie shook her head in disappointment and folded her arms into her chest. "Really? Grow up!" She glanced at the loser by the couch and said, "Brad, do you mind giving us some privacy so I can try and talk to this Neanderthal?"

He tightened his robe belt and gave me a nasty defiant look before he retreated into his room in silence. Allie's eyes were back on me, as she seemed to struggle to find her words. She ran her fingers through her messy hair before finally saying, "I don't think I can have this conversation without some coffee. Would you like a cup?"

I certainly didn't expect that, but I nodded and followed her into the kitchen. I could see she was trying to defuse things, which I appreciated.

"You know how I like it," I said, watching her take some mugs from a cabinet.

"I do, but I don't have any of your fufu creamer."

Sitting across the table from my wife for the first time in weeks made my heart swell. I missed her so much and I wanted her back. I wanted us back. Allie had no idea of the misery I'd been through as she sipped her coffee silently, waiting for me to say something. Despite her disheveled appearance, she was still drop dead gorgeous. The tension seemed to drop from "DEFCON 3" as we stared at each other.

Finally, I bluntly asked, "Do you still love me?"

I didn't care for her pause before she finally said, "Jason, of course I do... but the question should be: do you trust me? Or... can I trust you?"

"What are you doing shacked up with this guy? What's he got that I haven't?"

"Oh my God!" She laughed out loud. "You think I'm involved with Brad? That's hilarious. I rent a room from him, that's all. Besides, he's gay."

Boy, did I feel stupid.

"You told me you were going to stay with your folks," I added.

"I was, but my dad said I could come home only if I divorced you. He had me talk with his lawyer. I opted to go with the temporary separation in an attempt to appease my dad. I'm glad you didn't sign it. If you did, it would probably have ended us."

"There is something I have to ask that's been bothering me, Allie."


"I know you didn't really fuck Martin, so why did you tell me that you did?"

"Actually, I was as guilty of cheating when I threw myself at him. In truth, I believe infidelity begins with intent. The only reason nothing happened was because Martin said he needed to talk to you first. That's when I started to put things together and realized you were part of this whole debacle in some way, but it made no sense. Then, when you confirmed you were complicit, I felt used and betrayed by the one person in my life that should have been my protector."

"You're right. I have no excuses. I still don't know why I agreed to it, but it doesn't matter now. I want you home. I miss you."

"I miss you, too, but there are things we need to work out," she said, pouring more coffee for both of us.

When she reached out with the carafe, her robe suddenly opened, exposing enough breast to ignite my already flaming libido. I wanted her more than ever, after over a month of celibacy. Allie smiled at my reaction but did nothing to cover up. I wasn't sure how she'd react if I pressed her for more, but before I could say anything else, she said, "I've got to get ready for class. You should leave."

She stood and walked toward her room, saying nothing more. All my fading hope rushed back when she paused, turned around and smiled at me. I wasn't sure if that was an invitation, but I followed her into the bedroom like a puppy looking for a treat. Once inside, she dropped her terry cloth robe and walked to the shower. As soon as her robe hit the floor, I was completely transfixed by her shapely figure. It took my breath away and reminded me of when we first met at church camp.

God help me, I thought.

This woman owned me, body and soul. Within seconds, I found myself standing at the shower door, fully nude, watching the steamy figure of the woman I love, soaping her magnificent breasts. Unable to contain myself, I opened the door and stepped inside, took the bar of soap from her with no protest and lathered her back.

"I don't remember giving you permission," Allie said while I ran my hands over her, watching the soap bubbles cascade down her tanned body.

"May I?" I asked, pulling her hair aside and kissing her neck.

She replied with a pleasurable hum and faced me. Our lips sought each other like magnets. Whatever differences we had seemed to melt away like yesterday's grime. She finally was back in my arms where she belonged. Our mutual desires didn't allow us the few seconds it would take to make it to the bed. We reunited our marital bliss on the bathroom floor upon a hastily dropped towel. My manhood seemed to find its way home without assistance, as Allie climbed on top. She moaned loudly, rocking her hips into me. It was a new experience, lying on the hard tile floor without the spring of a mattress. Her tits bounced almost violently with each thrust. I was mesmerized.