The Proposal


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"So, what are we going to do today since it's raining again, O' Master Woodsman?"

"Well, despite the..."

"I vote for sending the day in the tent and messing around all day."

"Nice as that sounds, Eva, and I will say that last night was wonderful and I'm glad it was raining. You are both so beautiful and a joy to be with." They both came forward, kissed a cheek and thanked him.

"You're not too shabby yourself, Sir."

"Anyway, what I was about to say is that there is a river that changes from rushing across stones to a deep pool about a tenth of a mile that way. I'm headed that way to, uh, freshen up a bit. Any takers?"

Kate immediately answered, "Sounds like fun. My hair is already soaked and needs to be combed out sometime. What about you, Eva?"

She looked at one and then the other, "No, I'm going to stay here and just use a bit of our drinking water. Most of me still smells like a rose and there's only, uh, one certain area that needs some rinsing. And I'm not up for spending the day with soggy hair. You two go. I'll read my book."

"Well, OK. If you're sure. Not sure I agree with the rose thing though."

"Thanks, Kate. Now you'll have me sniffing myself all the time. Go! Get out of here."

It was raining hard. They were soaked when they got to the river. "This looks great, Nate. What a wonderful spot. And as cold as the air is, the water feels warm." He stripped to his underwear, took a few steps into the water and dove in.

What the heck. She took everything off and walked in. The water felt so good. Relaxing. She dunked her head and ran her fingers through her hair then started working on her dirty parts. She went under water and was going to swim to Nate and surprise him. She misjudged the distance and ran face first into his junk.

She came up laughing and coughing. "Well, that didn't go as expected. I...I thought you had underwear on." He pulled her close and kissed her. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. Then reached down and took hold of his already enlarging cock. She pulled her face away, looked him in the eyes, and held his face in her hands. "Nate, oh, Nate. What have you done to me?"

They kissed again, "Kate, things get pretty, uh, squeaky if we do it in the water. Let's go a little shallower." He led her by the hand, and when he reached a level where the water was thigh high, he turned, lifted her and slowly settled her down onto his cock.

"Errrr, Nate. It feels so good to have you inside me again. If I cut off your dick while it's in me will it stay hard?"

He snorted with laughter. "I don't think so, but don't think I want to find out." He started lifting and dropping her onto his cock and she assisted by pulling herself up some. They continued to kiss. All they could hear was the river, the breeze, the birds. She thought it was wonderful.

He started bouncing her harder, faster, and then she could feel him cum inside. She picked up her pace as he slowed and pounded herself harder, faster, and her orgasm followed right on the heels of his. They continued to kiss.

"Damn, Nate. That was wonderful. That was like the most romantic thing...I would have never, even in my dreams thought of doing it here."

"Yup, nothing like a good fuck in the river." She looked at him somewhat aghast, then burst out laughing when he smiled at her.

"You ass! Way to spoil the moment. No more romance for you. Let me just reclean things a little now that you've soiled me again and then let's head back before you tell me there's a herd of cattle just upstream pooping in the river, or snapping turtles, or some other awful thing about this place.

"Besides, I just realized I'm freezing." He reached out and tweaked her erect nipple on her contracted areola. "Now don't go starting...." He kissed her and he carried her to the grass at the side of the river. He laid down and pulled her on top. "Better, hang on, Cowboy. We're going for a ride."

It started to rain so they packed up and headed for home. Clothes off, all three climbed into Kate's walk in shower. Eva started making moves on Nate, so Kate got out, dried off, got dressed and went to the kitchen for some coffee. She thought about watching, but could feel pangs of jealousy.

No. I refuse to feel that. We have an agreement. An understanding....But, dammit! I do feel that way.

An hour later they came out of Kate's room. She'd made some lunch. "Seems you two were working up an appetite." Both smiled. Eva went towards her room to get dressed. "Kate, would you come her for a moment?"

"Sure, what's up? No, wait. First, I'm sorry I felt your boob while you and Nate were....I don't know why I did it. I..."

"So what did you think?"

"It was just like mine, I guess, but since it wasn't a hunk of my own flesh it was real different. It was soft, cuddly, ripply. I can see why they call them sweater puppies." They laughed.

"Did you ever think of, I don't know, like messing around with a girl?"

"No, never crossed my mind. But laying next to someone having sex never crossed my mind either. What about you?"

"Ditto. Tell you what. Why don't we try those steps from the class and see what happens? We can have a long lip kiss, if that's OK, then some tongue, then breasts and, well, by that time we'll kinda know I think. One way or the other. Thoughts?"

"Should I take off my clothes since you have yours off?"

"I guess." Kate shed her clothes, sat next to Eva on the bed and they reached out, hugged each other and kissed. Almost immediately their tongues started exploring and they reached out and cupped each other's breasts. Massaging, moving, playing with the nipple. They were doing the mechanics, without the lust or need that usually comes at this point. Doing it the way they themselves liked to have it done. Eva's hand started to move down Kate's belly....Then stopped.

Eva pulled back. "So, what'd you think?"

"Uh, well, you're beautiful. You kiss great. Your boobs feel incredible. You skin is so soft and smooth. It was..."

"Soft, neat, wasn't a man."

"Right! What you were doing felt great, but I wasn't getting all hot and bothered. I wanted someone big, muscles, hair, beard..."

"And the odds are, even if we had sex with each other, and did everything we could think of, we'd still be dragging Nate in here to put his dick in us to finish things up, right? So, in summary, it didn't turn you off, but it didn't turn you on."

"Professor, I'd say correct. You're probably just no good at it." They both laughed.

"Ass! So if we double teamed dear Nate, it would increase his pleasure, but not necessarily ours?"

"Yea. I think not. Weird, right? Somehow you just didn't feel right or smell right or something."

"I need me a big ol' hairy, smelly man!" Both burst out laughing, hugged and gave each other a kiss on the lips. "You are so much fun, Kate. I don't ever want to mess up our friendship."

They dressed and joined Nate in the living room. "I assume all that laughter in there was at my expense?"

"Of, course hairy boy." And they laughed again. He smiled and shook his head.

For almost a year, they worked, played, made love. No fights, jealousy, financial issues. Each tried to give more than they got. Sometimes Nate spent the night with Kate. Sometimes with Eva. Sometimes one and then the other.

"How the hell does he do it, Eva? He never says no. Never too tired or worn out. Always gives 100% in sex...."

"I don't know. He's a friggin' machine or something. But I'm a little worried. I can't tell whether he WANTS to do it that much or whether he just WANTS to make us happy. Damn, if there were just one of us, he'd probably screw us to death."

"But not a bad way to go." And they laughed again.

On Sunday, Kate returned to the apartment around noon. She walked over, gave Eva a hug. "Where's Nate?"

"In the bedroom."

"Oh, I'll say hi."

"Not sure I'd do that right now. I thought you were at your mom's?"


"She called me this morning and asked if she could talk to you because she hadn't heard from you for a while. Nate was standing next to me and heard. He's pretty upset."

"NO! DAMMIT, NO! Get your ass dressed, we're going for a drive." Storming into Nate's room, "What the hell, Nate?"

"I trusted you..."

"Yea, what about trust? I told you I would never do anything to hurt you. I told you I loved you. I....Damn, sometimes you really piss me off. Get your keys. We're going for a ride now. I'm driving and you're going to shut up and not say another word." He nodded.

They climbed into his truck and she pulled the seat all the way forward so she could drive it. "Uh, Kate?" Eva said in a small voice. I don't think this is going to work." Kate looked over and both Eva and Nate were squashed against the dash.

"Shit. This fucking truck. OK. Into my car. And neither of you try to talk to me until I tell you to." They drove an hour and then. "Eva, use this shirt to blindfold this dumbass and you keep your mouth closed. She drove a few more minutes and pulled down a gravel drive. They made the last bend. The car stopped.

"Holy shit, Kate!"

"OK, take the blindfold off and now you both may talk."

Nate looked and blinked a couple of times. "What the....?"

"This is where I was this weekend. No! I wasn't cheating on you. On either of you. Yes I lied, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I was trying to finish it up inside so we could stay there next weekend." She started crying. "Dammit, I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I"

They both grabbed hold of her in the car. "Kate, I am so sorry I didn't trust you or had doubts. It's just...It's just."

"It's because you're a dumbass, just like me."

"Sorry, Kate. Can we get out and you take us on a tour? How the hell did you do all this?"

"I help manage a construction business, remember? And called in a lot of favors. Got a lot of discounts. I'm planning on a well and water tank. With a tank they won't have to drill as deeply and the pump can be smaller. I....well, I was having a cash flow problem. So let me give you the tour.

"New roof, windows, doors. Repainted outside. I gutted the inside, the other times I wasn't at home. New electric and plumbing, foam insulation to keep it cozy and the damn mice out. Hell, you should have seen them all in there. Three bedrooms with beds, fridge, generator, some portable heating and I've ordered AC unit's."

Nate hugged her too him. "Kate! This is too much. Way too much. Why did you do it? You didn't have to."

"Because you both have added so much happiness to my life. I thought if we could come here on the weekends, or even vacations sometimes...we could all enjoy it. Even if...well, I don't even want to think about that.

"Come on, let's go home. Here's a key for each of you...I assuming it's alright for us to have keys, Nate?

"Sure. Of course."

As they pulled into the parking lot of the apartment, the 'even if' happened. Alex was standing at the door. Kate put her head down and started to cry. Eva's eyes filled with water. "Uh, I need to talk to her. I guess I'll go somewhere and talk so you two can go inside."

He got out and walked towards her like a condemned man. "NATE! NATE! I just had to see you. We have so much to discuss." Completely ignoring the girls. "Let's go in our car and talk. Please!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car. Took keys out of her pocket and handed them to him. "We can go to the Black Angus and discuss our future over a steak.

"And remember, we're still married. It takes a while, and, well, you never signed the papers. Neither did I. Thank goodness, for that. Right?" And just like that Nate was gone.

The girls entered the apartment, turned on the lights. Kate ran to her room and started sobbing. Eva joined her and they hugged. Hanging onto each other. "Eva? Eva, I thought... I thought he loved me. Loved us. How could he just leave like that? Not even a word. What am I going to do without him? It hurts too much to even think about it."

"He's just going to talk, Kate. She hurt him so badly, surely he won't go back to her."

But he didn't come back. When they got home the next day his clothes were gone and a short note said that he was sorry and loved the time they'd spent together. He had to be sure. They both cried again. "OK, so, Kate. I'm probably going to make the situation worse..."

"You're moving out?"

"No! No way. We're roomies. But I've met this guy at work. We've had lunch together, but haven't gone out or anything, but I'd like to. I wanted to tell you before I did anything. You know, the whole open and honest thing. Is that OK? I know it's a bad time, but..."

"Of course it's OK. I guess we all knew this couldn't go on. I'm the fool. I hope it works out for you. Tell me about him."

"Well, he works in accounting and he seems all nerdy and stuff, but he's not. He's tall and handsome and makes me laugh all the time."

"Sounds wonderful. You should take him to the cabin. Nate won't be using it. All my savings. A construction loan. Damn, Eva. How could I have been so stupid?"

"You weren't stupid, Kate. He does love you. Hell you could see it in his eyes. I...I don't know why he left. It makes no sense. What can I do to help you? I guess sex with you is out?" They both gave a weak laugh.

"Yes. The sex with you is out until you make that clit of yours the size of a dick." They hugged. "Now go call that guy and ask him out. Maybe you can go somewhere tonight. I'll just lay here and think about how stupid I am and make empty promises to myself about never doing this again."

Kate stumbled around in a daze for a few nights, but then decided it was worse being at home alone. Eva was going out almost every night. On Thursday, Kate decided to try the country bar. Maybe being around people having fun...

"Kate! Damn, girl it's good to see you. Where's Nate?"

"Hey, Jake. He went back with Alex."

"What the hell? Damn! You're ten times the girl she is, Kate." He pulled her up to the bar. "George, that dumbass Nate just dumped Kate and went back with Alex. Would you provide her with whatever she wants on me."

"No way, Jake. The drinks are on the house, Kate. When did he do it?"

"Sunday. Out of the blue. We came home and she was standing in front of the door. And without a word, he just left! I don't get it."

"Big mistake. Well, have a drink. The line dancing'll be starting soon. And then...Karaoke! We need to hear you sing, Kate. That'll perk you up."

"I haven't done any singing in quite a while, Jake. We'll see. I'll need more than one of these to stand up there in front of everyone."

"Well, at least dance. You always seemed to enjoy it so much. It made me happy just watching you."

"Thanks, Jake."

The dancing started and she lined up. Slow at first, but then she got into it and her spirits started to lift. She started kicking up her heels and having some fun. The girl next to her stumbled and they almost went down, but both started laughing like crazy. "I'm so sorry. I..."

"It's fine. That's how you learn. I'm Kate."


"Well, Trish. Let's get too it." She danced. Many of the men asked her to dance and she would share one or two with each and then excuse herself.

"It's that time folks! And what time is that?"


"Exactly. And to start off the night, we have a special guest. Many of you know her, but none of us has ever heard her. Give a big hand for, KATE!"

The chant went up, "KATE! KATE! KATE!" She shook her head, but Trish grabbed her hand and pulled her to the stage. "Come on, Kate. Just give it a try. Like line dancing...." And laughed.

She picked out a song she liked, pulled her Blue Ridge Building hat off freeing her long blonde pony tail and reversed it, started the machine and began to sing. Hesitant at first, stumbling on the words a little. Then she took a deep breath, ignored the writing. She knew the song. And started singing it from the heart. Singing it like it was meant to be sung.

The crowd went silent. Every head turned towards her. When she finished and the music stopped, the crowd cheered and clapped. "KATE! KATE! KATE!..."

"Damn! What do you think, folks. Pretty damn good, don't you think? Kate! Where the hell have you been hiding that voice? I think we need another one. What do you say, folks. Do you want to hear another one from our friend Kate?" The crowd cheered and stomped their feet.

"Kate? You've heard our songs a bunch of times since you've been coming here. We have the words of some of them on the machine. What if we run one of those, but we'll play the music. What d'ya say? Give it a try?"

"Jake, I don't know, I..."

"Come on, Kate. We'll pick an upbeat one."

"What about karaoke night?"

"They'd rather hear you, I reckon."

"OK." One of their songs about a truck came up, she got tears in her eyes and shook her head no. Then one about growing up. She nodded.

"Alright, Kate, we'll have a little intro then you start. If we need to we can redo the intro." She nodded. The band started, but Kate started right where she should have. She knew this song. She added her own phraseology and mixed things up a bit. The crowd stared for a bit, then started dancing. They loved it.

She did another. Then another. Most of the songs they usually played, but would not sing any of Nate's songs. When they finished the set the members all came over and congratulated her. "I have to go, Jake. I have to go to work early. This was a lot of fun and helped me forget. Thanks."

"Are we going to see you back here soon, Kate?"

"Yup. You can count on it."


"Thank you for inviting us for the weekend, Kate." Eva stepped forward and hugged her, but her belly was so large her hands ended on the side of her breasts.

"Now don't you go pawing these puppies of mine just to know what a regular breast feels like." The two of them laughed. Allen just stared.

"And that's one of the reasons I had to come. I feel so fat and ugly....and you always make me laugh."

"Honey? You're beautiful. You look better than ever."

"Thanks for saying that, Allen, but you're married to me. You have to or I'll cut you off," and she winked at Kate.

"No, he's right, Eva." Cupping her cheeks, "Ladies and gentleman, please notice the tired, worn out look. The delightfully puffy face with just the cutest double chin.

"The billowing tent sized top trying in vain to cover these huge, bulging breasts spilling over the top of her bra." Kate cupped the sides of her breasts then ran her hands on her pregnancy bulge. "And trying in vain to hide this massive, swollen belly with skin that is crying out and working on a new set of stretch marks and permanent looseness.

"Please also note the over stretched stretch pants praying for delivery and the mystery granny panties underneath in some drab color. Topped off by her swollen ankles, fairly swollen, shapeless legs and pink flip flops.

"I think you will all agree that all she needs to do is cut her beautiful hair to a practical mid length that's a pain in the ass to take care of all the time and will make her hate herself every time she looks in the mirror."

Tearing up and having a difficult time speaking, "The overall package, ladies and gentleman, the overall package, is just so fucking beautiful! And I love her so much. And I'm, just so fucking jealous..." Eva now had tears and they shared a long hug.

"You are such an ass sometimes. It'll happen, Kate. Give me another hug so I can feel those boobs. Allen, close your mouth you're scaring Hailey. In fact, why don't you find her and have her help you unload the car."

"She's only two.."

"Time for her to start pulling her own weight around here. Give her something light. She'll think it's fun.

"It always amazes me what you've done with this place, Kate. Warm and cozy. Electricity. Internet. And a washing machine? Holy crap, Kate! A washing machine?"
