The Prometheus Invasion Ch. 09

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Can they escape?
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/29/2012
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Prometheus stood up. Athena burst through the door.

"Doctor! It's Aithousa! ..."

Prometheus got up and walked quickly to the lab, followed by Dana and Lance. When they got to the lab, Dana ran out in front of Prometheus and Lance.

Aithousa lay on the lab floor, not moving except for her clearly labored breathing. A yellowish fluid was coming out of one of her nostrils.

Dana knelt down, trying to diagnose what was wrong with Aithousa.

After three breaths, Aithousa stopped breathing. Her open eyes turned from green to black.

Dana paused, then put her head down to the creature's chest. She checked pulse points on her wrists, then her neck. She then put her hand down on a side of her groin.

"It's ... she's dead," said Dana.

Prometheus's face held a look of horror. He knelt down next to Aithousa's body on the opposite side from Dana.

While everyone else's attention was focused on Aithousa, Lance visually surveyed the room, looking for what might start a cascade of computer failures.

Knowing he might only have one chance, he selected a computer bank centered on the wall. If it was connected to the computers on its left and right, making one overload might be enough to make all of them go.

A table on wheels was about six feet away. Lance slowly moved toward it.

He managed to get over to the table without attracting Prometheus' attention. He put his hands on one end.

Suddenly, he started walking with it, then pushed it as hard as he could. The table rolled until it crashed into the computer toward which Lance had aimed it.

A boom, followed by a shower of sparks, was the result.

Prometheus looked up from Aithousa's body. He started running toward the computer banks.

"GET DOWN!" yelled Lance to Dana, jumping on top of Dana and Athena.

Prometheus was a step away when the entire wall of computers exploded. His body took the full blow of the blast. He was knocked clear across the room against the opposite wall.

Lance could feel what he assumed was parts of computers — or maybe parts of the wall — whistle past him. Lance, Dana and Athena all bounced off the floor after an explosion shook the room, followed a few seconds later by another.

The entire wall of computers was now aflame. Smoke quickly filled the room.

Prometheus lay on the floor of the lab. His head and part of his body looked human, but his second set of arms had reappeared. His eyes glowed a sickly green color. There were large black blotches on his skin.

Athena held his head.

"I ... miscalculated," said Prometheus haltingly. "... I thought ... you would ... willing ... perfect ... environment ..."

"To breed a race of conquerors of our own planet?" said Lance coldly. "You didn't study humans very well after all. We've fought for our freedom — we've died for our freedom — for thousands of years. And if your species is coming here, we'll fight them too."

"You ... have doomed ... my species ..."

"Your species may be doomed anyway," said Dana. "Our environment has millions of microorganisms ... bacteria. Life forms on this planet ... humans ... are used to them. Your species is not. That's what killed Aithousa. She died because she got sick. You couldn't filter out the human factors."

Prometheus' eyes changed to black, the same as Aithousa had.

Another explosion rocked the lab.

"If we don't get out of here, we're doomed ourselves," said Lance.

"How are we going to get out of here?" asked Dana.

"That's the part I hadn't gotten to figuring out yet. It's a long swim."

"There's a tunnel underneath the pool," said Athena. "Follow me."

Athena, followed by Lance and Dana, left the lab as another explosion rattled the island.

Dana fell down. Lance stopped, went back, and picked her up in his arms.

Athena shed her clothes as she led them to the pool. She dived in, followed by Lance carrying Dana.

Had it not been for the peril they were in, Lance thought he would have very much enjoyed seeing Athena's ass and genitals right in front of him as they swam downward, Athena's legs opening and closing.

Lance felt Dana's arms around his shoulders.

At the bottom of the end of the pool, there was a dark circle. Athena swam in, followed by Lance and Dana.

The horizontal tunnel ended with a vertical tunnel. Athena swam upward, Lance and Dana following.

The three broke the surface of the water below a ship held in the air above them. They got out onto the walkway around the pool.

Lance actually stopped and stared at the ship. It had a dark gray skin, with sweeping curves from the top of the fuselage flattening where they met the wings. Two pods were mounted on the wings, with small fins on top of them. The wings drooped downward outside of the engines.

Lance estimated it was about 100 feet long, about 50 feet wide from wingtip to wingtip, and about 20 feet from its landing gear to the top of the fins. There didn't seem to be a flat surface on the entire ship.

It was the most incredible ship — plane? Flying thing? — he had ever seen in his life.

Then he knew what it was — a UFO as soon as it took flight. If he could fly it, that is.

"How do you get in?" he said.

Then a door opened on the bottom of the craft.

Another explosion rocked the chamber. Beggars can't be choosers, he thought. He stuck his head in the opening, and got in, followed by Dana and Athena.

The cockpit was one step ahead of the entrance. It had two seats.

"Um ... I guess you'll have to share," he said.

Athena got in the right-side seat first, followed by Dana. Athena opened her legs so Dana could sit between them. Athena's arms wrapped around Dana below her breasts.

In front of the pilot's seat were two cross-shaped controls, with arrows up and down and left and right.

"What I'd give for instructions in English," Lance said.

Instantly the control listings changed from their previous language to English. "PITCH" and "ROLL" were on one control, while "YAW" and "POWER %" were on the other. The green button said "POWER."

"Well, here we go," said Lance, hitting the Power button.

A tremendous roar bellowed from behind him.

On an ordinary airplane, the pilot only has to push the throttle forward to get the plane to take off. This wasn't an ordinary airplane by any earthly dimension, but Lance hoped it worked like one. Of course, since they were in what appeared to be a cavern there seemed to be nowhere for them to go.

He pushed the Power % up arrow. The noise increased, but there was no forward movement.

Then Lance saw a blinking red light. Hoping it was blinking due to some sort of brake being on, he pushed the blinking light.

Suddenly the solid wall in front of them opened to the ocean. The ship started forward slowly. Lance hit the up arrow again.

The ship moved forward faster. Lance held down the arrow again.

The ship moved over the water feet above it from what Lance could see, the water moving faster and faster underneath them.

Lance pushed the Pitch up arrow. Now they saw sky instead of ocean.

Lance adjusted the pitch so they were flying level, as far as he could determine. They also were flying very fast, very high, and in no particular direction.

Lance scanned the instruments and saw what appeared to be the big four — altitude, airspeed (which said 7.02 ... of what?), vertical speed and heading. Vertical airspeed was at zero, indicating level flight. Apparently the aircraft, or whatever it was, was pressurized since according to another gauge they were flying at 70,000 feet, but they didn't seem to be running out of oxygen. (Unless, he thought, this was all a hallucination — flying an alien craft while naked at speed and altitude no other plane had ever flown — and they were all dead.)

He decided to fly east-southeast to fly parallel to the Equator and out of range of the U.S., the Soviet Union, China and Europe and their air forces, while he figured out what to do next. He didn't think they would be able to track anything as high and as fast as what he was flying, but he didn't want to take a chance beyond what they already were doing.

He looked at Dana and Athena. They were looking at him.

"I'm going to, uh, try to figure out somewhere to land," he said, leaving out the more critical part, figuring out how to land.

There were essentially two choices that he was most recently familiar with — Nellis Air Force Base back in Nevada, and Homestead Air Force Base back in Florida. On the one hand, he had no idea how much fuel he had left. On the other hand, he didn't know which, if either, had a long enough runway for a plane currently running at Mach 7.

He decided on Nellis, basically because that was in their general direction of flight. He tried to remember the coordinates he had flown to a few days earlier, but he couldn't.

"What did they call that ... Groom Lake? Area 51?" he said out loud.

Instantly a depiction of a globe appeared in front of him with two dots — one that was moving; that must be them, now over the Indian Ocean, having apparently just crossed Africa — the other a stationary dot in the western U.S., and a line between them.

"I hope one of those is right, because I guess that's where we're going," he said.

Less than three hours later — during which, unbelievably to Lance, Dana and Athena fell asleep — the map indicated they were nearing the U.S. Pacific coastline.

Suddenly the plane started to lose speed and altitude. By the time the map indicated they were crossing the central California coast, they were at 25,000 feet and 500 mph. The plane adjusted its altitude and heading downward as they flew toward southern Nevada.

"I hope this thing has landing gear or something," said Lance.

They were now low enough that they could see mountains below them, then desert. Their speed as measured by the ground going by seemed to increase as their altitude dropped.

"I, uh, don't know how this thing is going to land," Lance said to the women. Or if, he thought to himself.

The aircraft began to slow. Then it stopped, though it was still in the air. Then it dropped slowly. They felt the plane stop on the ground. And then the engines shut off.

"I guess we're here," said Lance.

He looked behind him. "How do you get out?" he asked, suspecting what would happen next.

As he thought, the door opened.

Before they could get out, though, someone came in. They were two soldiers, carrying rifles pointed at them.

"Uh, hello," said Lance. "You don't have any spare clothing on you, do you?"

An hour and one hurried physical later, Lance and Dana were sitting in an office in the base, in front of General Grover, who was alternatively angry and mystified at the impossible story Lance and Dana were telling him — a secret island no one could find in the Bermuda Triangle, a space alien, and a UFO. They were wearing gray Air Force jumpsuits and boots.

"What kind of drugs are you on?" said Grover.

"You sent us there," said Lance.

"I what?"

"You sent us there to investigate. A base that was sometimes there and sometimes wasn't. Metal that disappears."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Blood that changes appearance," said Dana. "That's why you sent for me."

"I have no idea what either of you are talking about," said Grover. "Do you have any idea how fast you were flying that ... thing?"

"No, I didn't have time to look at the airspeed." That sounded more believable than repeating that number that started with a 7. "I was too busy figuring out how to fly the thing."

"According to our estimates, you were flying at Mach 7. About 5,400 miles an hour. Congratulations. You're the world speed record holder. And, for that matter, you were flying at 70,000 feet, so that's a world record too. And no one will ever know."

"You dragged me here in the middle of the night to look at a chunk of metal that washed up on the Florida coastline — visible in the dark, but not visible under direct light," said Lance. "You dragged her here to see this blood sample that changed appearance. You had us fly to Homestead, and then you had us check out the island in an Albatross."

"Just the two of you?" snapped Grover.

"Yes, General, why did you send just the two of us out?" asked Dana, who crossed her legs to try to ignore the fact that what she really wanted to do is push Grover out the door and fuck Lance right there.

The only reason Grover believed Manville and Lindstrom was because he knew Manville and that he wasn't prone to making up stories, and their stories were the same. The evidence of where they'd been didn't exist anymore, with one exception.

"We've taken aerial recon shots, and the Navy sent a sub there," said Grover. "Whatever was there is gone completely. You sure you have the right location?"

"You gave us the location yourself," said Lance. "The only thing is that he had some kind of beam that scrambled the Albatross' instruments, so maybe we weren't precisely at that spot. But we couldn't have gone that far."

"Well, I don't know how I'm going to get anyone in Washington to believe this," said Grover. "Or what's sitting outside. That is more advanced than any aircraft in this world, and any aircraft on anybody's drawing boards."

"Then perhaps you'd like to explain where we've been for the past week," said Lance. "Or how we got here. And that metal sample and that biological sample is still sitting in Nevada, isn't it?"

"You know I can't explain any of this," said Grover. "Or that."

"Prometheus described his species as similar to humans," said Dana. "He said their planet is dying, so he was sent to find a suitable planet. Which Earth apparently is."

"But only him?" asked Grover.

"He didn't know," said Lance. "He said he lost contact once his ship left his solar system. He sent a signal back to his planet, but he hadn't gotten any response back. Given what he claimed were the distances involved, that's not implausible."

"If you buy any of this," said Grover.

"I didn't get a chance for microscopic examination, but his technology was certainly advanced well beyond ours," said Lance. "I'd say the plane proves that."

"And he claimed he had ... spies in our government?"

"He suggested that that's how we got there — that he had you — the Air Force, that is — send us there," said Lance.

"And we have no proof of that either."

"Nor are you going to," said Dana. "He claimed that the spies were undetectable."

"How could you do that?"

Dana thought. "It could be some sort of implanted device. If it was biological in nature, it could be absorbed in the body. Similar to a capsule. After a certain time, it disappears."

"You sent me orders to fly to Nevada," said Lance. "And you sent us to an uncharted island in the Bermuda Triangle in an Albatross from Homestead. You got your orders from somewhere, right? At least we have a paper trail."

"That paper trail will be classified if it isn't already," said Grover. "If this story you're telling me is true, this is the biggest threat the world has ever faced. Potentially."

"And if there are other ships coming from Prometheus' planet ... we won't know when they might arrive," said Lance.

"If they exist," said Grover.

"They may not ... anymore," said Dana. "It's possible that Prometheus' ... planet, or his species, died out before they were able to get here. It's also possible that they get here but they can't survive the bacteria we don't even notice."

"How do you know this?" asked Grover.

"Let's say ... we've seen evidence," said Lance. "There is one incontrovertible fact besides how we got here. The girl."

"Her name is Athena," said Dana. "She was Prometheus' assistant. She seems to have scientific abilities. I think she could be helpful for us."

"Do you know where she came from? She claims to not remember anything before this island of yours. We fingerprinted her, and the FBI tells us they have no record of her in their files."

"Prometheus never told us," said Lance.

"I'm not sure she knows," said Dana.

Grover put his head in one hand and scratched one of his eyebrows.

"The doctor says you two check out fine," he said. "Are you two all right?"

Lance was looking between Dana's crossed legs. He then looked at Dana, embarrassed, to catch Dana looking away after she had been looking at the bulge in Lance's pants.

"Fine," they said simultaneously.

"I have literally no way to explain anything of this," said Grover. "This all sounds like a ... science fiction story. And not a very good one either."

Lance and Dana looked at each other, then shrugged.

"Obviously all of this is classified," said Grover. "Probably forever."

"What are you going to do with our UFO?" asked Lance.

"That's classified," said Grover.

"Of course," said Dana.

"We're done here," said Grover. "For now."

Grover, Manville and Lindstrom walked from Grover's office through a maze of corridors to a room.

"These are your quarters, Dr. Lindstrom," said Grover. "Dr. Manville, your room is down here."

Dana looked into Lance's eyes.

"Uh, General, you go ahead," said Manville. "I have some ... observations I need to discuss with Dr. Lindstrom. I want to get them out before I forget them."

Grover raised an eyebrow but said nothing beyond "Very well. You're in room 351, Dr. Manville. Dr. Lindstrom, good night."

"By the way, General," said Dana. "What was Lance's dissertation about?"

Grover said after a pause "That's classified."

"See?" said Lance.

Dana went into her room, with Lance following her. Lance shut the door and locked it.

For three seconds the two looked into each other's eyes but said nothing.

And then Dana lunged into Lance's arms. The two kissed hungrily. They began taking off each other's clothes, then finished taking off their own clothes.

Lance picked up Dana and laid her upon the bed. He opened her legs and moved her head to her heat, licking inside her. Dana orgasmed in seconds, her screams of passion making Lance's penis harden and began to leak pre-ejaculate.

Dana lay back on the bed and opened her legs to show him what she wanted him to do to her, as if he needed any direction.

Lance pushed her legs back and entered her. Their lips found each other again. Dana's vagina tightened around Lance's penis. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he began thrusting, the pressure growing in his genitals. Dana's body arched on the bed as she had her second orgasm in as many minutes.

Lance didn't even attempt to slow down but continued thrusting until he erupted. Dana's fingernails clawed into Lance's back, leaving long scratches, as his orgasm pushed her into her third orgasm.

Lance lay his head on Dana's chest, and then began playing with and sucking on her breasts. Though he had climaxed, he was still hard, and though she had climaxed three times, her vagina still tightly held Lance's penis.

They said nothing to each other. The only sounds in the room were from their bodies making each other achieve release.

Dana's hair shot forth in every direction. Her body was covered in a sheen of perspiration, her face red, the rest of her skin blotched in red. Her breasts rose and fell every time she breathed, and she breathed both rapidly and hard. Lance thought he had never seen anyone more beautiful in his entire life.

Lance was covered in sweat as well, his hair shorter but also askew. Dana's hands were on Lance's ass as he held himself inside her. His chest was taut with exertion, as red as Lance's face.

Their complete and total focus was on each other. World War III could have started outside their room and they would have noticed nothing. Despite their climaxes, their lust drove each other to more sex to make each other climax.

It wasn't just about sexual release. It was their expression of their love for each other.