The Power of Higher Learning Ch. 03

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Matthew learns his place in Jessica's world.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/12/2015
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Chapter 3 – Learning My Place

Thanks for reading chapter 3. I value feedback so please provide me with your thoughts. Enjoy the story and maybe tell me how Jessica and Matthew's lives together could evolve. If I like it I will pick it and run it in chapter 4.


I closed the door as Jessica took off. I looked over and felt like a little kid sitting beside his big sister as she pulled out onto Bloor St.

"So you like this don't you?" she enquired as she turned onto another street.

"Like what?"

"Being controlled. Being dominated by a woman."

I sat quietly not knowing how, what, or even whether I should answer. I had to admit that her domineering presence was driving me nuts. I had a permanent hard on and I thought about her all the time. I loved it and I revelled being with her. At the same time, she scared the crap out of me.

I heard her snicker as she pulled my chin to face her, "You're at a loss for words aren't you?"

"I'm sorry," I answered, "I just don't know how to answer but, yes." I finished.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I like it."

A grin grew across her face and she ran her long red nails through my hair, "I could tell the second I found you ogling me from my door that I could wrap you around my little finger," she laughed confidently, "I'm going to enjoy you."

I admitted to her that I was awestruck by her and had never met anyone like her. I conceded that I liked how she made me feel. When she asked what that was, I responded, "Like I was made for you."

After pulling up to a meter she got out and started towards Yonge St while pointing at the meter, "Take care of that," she instructed and continued walking. As quickly as I could, I found enough change to fill the meter.

Jessica was already well ahead of me as ran to catch up. When she strode past a couple of guys, I noticed them check her swaggering ass out and instantly felt a hint of pride that I was with her tonight.

When I finally caught up to her, I found myself having to walk an extra fast pace just to keep up with her massive strides. I must have looked ridiculous as I scurried beside her but I was in heaven. Jessica didn't let me walk alongside her for very long when she snapped her fingers and pointed behind her right hip, "You follow. That's the last time you walk beside me," as she crossed the street.

I fell in behind and lowered my head in embarrassment, "Ok."

Jessica stepped onto the curb in front of the restaurant and turned to look at me, "And that's the last time you speak to me as if we're equals. We're not. Is that clear?"

I looked up at Jessica but quickly lowered my eyes as her haughty stare was intimidating as hell, "Yes."

Her fingernail caught the underside of my chin to pull my face up to hers as she bent over me, "Yes what Matthew?"

I stood there in silence for what felt like forever before finally coming up with the first of many emasculations that would be dictated by her, "Yes Ma'am."

Jessica stood up and slapped my face firmly with her hand, "Good boy! Now let's have some dinner."

I followed Jessica into an old building and up an elevator into the most elegant dining lounge I had ever seen. It was called, The Chase, and it had an incredible view of the city on the top floor of this old Toronto building. It was moderately lit with candles at each table and we were immediately led to a quiet corner of the restaurant where she sat with her back against the glass in a very luxurious lounge chair looking out across the room. I was starting to get an idea of what she expected from me and stood by my seat until she gave me permission to sit.

"You're hard again Matthew," she smiled, "you need to learn to control that little thing?" she remarked as the hostess looked on in astonishment.

I could feel myself blushing but she was right and my cock was out of control hard. I had no idea one woman could make me feel so incredibly vulnerable yet horny at the same time. I loved how she took every ounce of my own destiny away from me, "Yes, yes Ma'am."

Jessica studied me for a moment, "Good, I'm glad," she declared before turning to the hostess, "Just one menu please." She then signalled that I could sit.

The hostess laughed gently as she placed the menu in down in front of her, "Of course. Your waitress will be with you shortly."

Jessica smirked with satisfaction as the hostess walked away. I sat down and focused on the surface of the table in front of me. "So I guess I should outline my rules for you," she announced as her shoe slid up and down my shin.

"Yes Ma'am," I answered without raising my head.

"Recognize that from this point forward, you belong to me. I do with you as I please and everything you do, is done for me. I expect to be worshipped unconditionally and you will do precisely as I command whenever and wherever we are. Every moment of your day will be focussed on pleasing me and my needs take precedent no matter what. Are we good so far Matty?"

"Yes Ma'am," I answered submissively as the waitress approached.

"Good evening. My name is Mandy," she introduced, "Can I get you started with anything?"

Jessica piped up as I continued to sit quietly. "Yes, I'll take a bottle of your 2012 Arietta, while my little boy friend here enjoys a Shirley Temple. Matthew why don't you ask the waitress for one?" she smirked.

I could feel the temperature of my face peak as I turned to look up at the waitress, "Shirley Temple please," I asked. She was grinning down at me as she accepted the order and headed towards the bar.

"Now where were we? Oh yes. Obviously you will be responsible for all daily chores. You will do my laundry, make my bed, polish my shoes etcetera. At no time will you dare defy me. I will punish you Matty and I will tell you right now little man, you will not enjoy being near me when I'm cross with you. Are you getting this so far?"

"I understand Ma'am," I responded as I continued to stare at the table. My cock wanted to explode. Never in my wildest dreams did I realize that I could be so attracted to a woman who clearly planned to dominate my very existence.

"So the foundation of our relationship shall be the following. I am your superior. You belong to me. You obey me unconditionally. My needs are second to none. You shall never defy my authority. And finally, I will correct your behaviour and punish you at will," she reiterated as her high heeled shoe rested on the chair between my legs. "Can you do that Matty?"

As I looked back up at Jessica her heel suddenly pressed into the base of my cock, "I didn't give you permission to look at me," she declared with the most devious grin. My body flinched to avoid the pain from her heel and I immediately lowered my eyes to the table. "Now answer me."

With my head bowed I whispered just loud enough for her to hear, "Yes Mistress Jessica."

"Very well then," she announced and pulled her foot from between my legs, "you may look at me."

I gazed up at her and smiled as she scanned the room. I had no idea what I was in for at that point but all I could think about was that I wanted to fuck this Amazon Goddess that planned to control every moment of my life. She was the sexiest woman I had ever met and without any effort at all she consumed my thoughts and dreams.

"Some appreciation would be a smart move little boy."

"Yes, thank you Mistress Jessica," I thought that might be a nice touch, "I will try very hard to please you."

Jessica laughed out loud as the waitress returned with our drinks, "For your sake, you better do more than just try."

"Are you ready to order yet?" asked the waitress as she returned with our drinks.

My Mistress shook her head, "Not yet, I haven't even looked yet. Give me a few more minutes."

It was then when I noticed that our waitress never even looked at me. It was as if I wasn't even there. The waitress knew I was no longer significant and that no attention towards me was necessary. After acknowledging that she would come back in another few minutes I sat quietly as she studied the menu. She asked me whether I might enjoy oysters and I advised her that I had an intense disdain for them after which she cocked her head to one side and smiled.

When the waitress finally returned for her order I realized Jessica was already testing me as she ordered shrimp scampi for herself and pasta with extra oysters for me. She then grinned at me and remarked I would eat every bit of the meal.

"May I ask you some questions Mistress?" I asked after the waitress left our table.

"I haven't answered many of yours so far have I?" she replied as she drank her wine. "Go ahead, and I'll answer."

"What got you into residence early?"

"Swimming scholarship. I'll be swimming for the Blues. I've got a couple of national best times," she replied, "I'm studying business now then maybe law. I don't know though."

I realized instantly, that with her height and with her physique she would have been a very strong swimmer.

"Have your boyfriends always let you be in control?" I continued.

Jessica leaned forward and put her hands over mine. They were massive and easily enveloped my own. "Oh sweetheart. Now understand this very clearly," she announced as she squeezed my hands and pulled them across the table towards her, "no man lets me dominate. I dominate them because I can. I dominate because I enjoy being the Queen and get wet when I see a man grovel for me." She let go of my hands and sat back, "So yes, everyone of my little men has been my little bitch and I've loved every second of them."

I just about wanted to explode right there. I had no idea that the feeling of being completely overpowered by a woman could be so tantalizing. "What kinds of things did they do for you?" I continued.

"As they're told," she quipped, "just as you will learn." She laughed and continued, "they still dash to my feet when I call for them."

After a few minutes of asking questions about what being with her would be like I finally asked the question I wanted to know the most about, her father.

Jessica took a sip of her wine, "Very early on my sister and I knew that if we wanted anything, we shouldn't bother going to Walter. My Mom kept her true relationship with my father hidden from us until we turned 16 but there were things that would happen everyday that told us, Mom was the boss. Dad made the meals, made our school lunches, did the laundry and whatever else Mom demanded of him. She controlled every aspect of his life and ordered him about at will without ever saying please or thank you." She laughed gently as she continued, "One thing she always expected of him was that he was to attend to her feet at the snap of her fingers. Regardless of where he was in the house, Walter came running when he heard the snap. And if he didn't hear it for whatever reason, she would scold him right in front of us for not paying attention." She turned serious again, "What really showed us that she ruled our family, though, was how she would deliberately overrule him whenever possible. If he wanted us to clean our rooms, Mom would step in and make him to clean our rooms. If he said we could have a treat, she would snap her fingers and tell him we couldn't. From the perspective of a kid, it doesn't take long to recognize which parent holds the balance power and which parent doesn't. It got to the point where we just never asked him for anything and got our permissions directly from Mom."

As intrigued as I was by the idea of being with a woman who could dominate me in every way imaginable, I felt uneasy about being absolutely powerless in every facet of my life. Still my cock couldn't mislead me, I wanted to be with her. "So what happened when you turned 16?"

Jessica laughed gently, "It was a Friday and my Mom had just brought me back from getting my beginners licence. As we walked into the house my dad was scrubbing the kitchen floor. Mom walked across his wet floor and told him to follow us to her office. She leaned up against her desk and stared silently at him as he stood quietly with his head bowed until she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor. Instantly, he dropped to his knees and placed his hands behind his back as he continued to bow his head. I'll never forget what she told me next. She said, "Jessica, meet my little slave boy, your father, Walter. Mom went on to explain how she and Walter had lived within a female lead marriage since before I was born. She told me how within their marriage, she was the sole voice of wisdom, authority, and his entire focus in life. Apparently they felt that the bulk of their relationship should be hidden from my sister and I until we turned an age where we might understand better and Mom had decided 16 was the right time for me to know the truth in order to start living within it. On that, she advised Walter that he would obey me as he obeyed her and told me to use him as I saw fit to make my life easier. In the days and weeks that followed I learned how to make Walter do whatever I wanted and I learned how to make men beg."

Jessica continued to tell me how she made Walter her personal slave and forced him work for her just as much as her mother had. She would often take him away from his daily chores and made him do other chores that hadn't been assigned that day or simply use him as a footstool for a few hours as she watched TV then laughed as her Mother punished him for not getting his work done. She told me that the two of them had planned to put him in these situations to ensure he understood his even lower status in the house. She bragged that the two of them would gang up on him and work him so hard he'd almost collapse in exhaustion at bedtime.

When her sister turned 16 the next year, the same lesson was given and Walter found himself at the mercy of three.

As our food arrived Jessica continued, "My sister, however, relishes the power she was suddenly given and loves to torment him endlessly," she laughed as she took a sip of her wine, "Mom and I now threaten him that we'll get Megan to punish him if he doesn't meet our expectations. He's terrified of her as she loves to absolutely crush him."

I sat there suddenly questioning whether this was a lifestyle for me. This man was at the mercy of three women who were clearly had little regard for his comfort and worked him to the bone. I didn't know if that's what I wanted. As excited as I was, Walter's life sounded like torture and I was questioning my own desires.

"May I ask you another question?"

Jessica grinned, "Go ahead."

I hesitated for a moment wondering if I would make her mad but decided that I needed to know before I got too deep into this world, "Does he like ...." I stopped, too panicked to ask.

"Does Walter like living like that?" she asked for me.

"Yes," I exhaled out of relief that the question was on the table and that I hadn't asked it.

Jessica laughed for a moment, "Oh my god yes. Now he hates to be punished. He's absolutely terrified of being punished but he loves being our little submissive. I've asked him myself. I didn't understand it when everything was revealed to me but absolutely yes. He feels most comfortable grovelling at Mom's feet and he enjoys serving his daughters too. He's told me quite freely he feels that this is his proper place in life and knows he'd be a train wreck if he lived freely."

I looked up at Jessica who was smiling. She was so pretty. Her face shined as she looked down at me and I started realizing that I felt exactly the same way as Walter. "Ok, I was wondering."

"When I introduce you to him, you two can talk. You'll find out he loves who he is and what he's about. But he does hate being punished, by any of us, but in particular my sister." Jessica, canted her head, "Why are you having second thoughts?"

"I don't think so. I glanced down at my raging hard on. I mean I like how you make me feel but I'm just worried about being punished and I guess I'm a little worried about losing my own life. It sounds like I would live just for you, Mistress."

Jessica leaned forward and covered her hand over mine as I continued to look down, "Look at me," she commanded and I instantly looked up at her, "Men are such weaklings. They think with their cocks and aren't really very good at thinkind down there. Most simply don't recognize it but I will ask you this," she paused to take a sip of her wine, "Have you ever noticed how many guys marry women who are complete and utter bitches?"

"I have Mistress yes."

"Well that's because many men, in fact I would say most men, desire direction. They enjoy being controlled. They enjoy not having to create a façade that they have control over their own lives. They enjoy being with a woman who dominates them," she announced as she cupped my chin with her other hand, "I've been with a lot of guys Matty and I'll tell you right now, men love women who take charge of them. Few will admit it but they do."

"Really?" I asked incredulously.

"You will be amazed." She sat back and continued eating, "Now being punished, well you boys need direction and I wouldn't really be the boss if I didn't remind you where your place was now would I?"

That made sense to me when she explained it so bluntly, "I guess not."

"Trust me, you're a sub if I've ever seen one Matthew. You belong at my feet."

From there dinner continued and I stared down at my food wondering how I would eat it. I wasn't about to anger her now though so I ate my food and tried like hell to forget what it was. As I took my first bite, I thought I would throw up though as it was slimy and disgusting. I hated everything about oysters. When I looked up and noticed her lips were pressed firmly together as she glared down at me. I could tell she was already annoyed so I quickly figured out how to swallow the oysters whole without tasting them.

When the bill arrived, the waitress asked who the bill was going to. Jessica told her that I would be paying for the meal but that she wanted to review it first. The waitress handed it to her then spoke up, "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

The waitress hesitated for a moment then opened her mouth, "Do you control him all the time or is this like some sort of bet that he lost?"

Instantly, I went red again as both women looked down at me. Of anything that night, this moment was the most humiliating part of the evening.

"Well, I think that question is best answered by him. Matthew, answer her question."

I stared up at the waitress for a moment and stole glances back at Jessica. 'What should I say?' I wondered. I liked the feeling of being completely enslaved by Jessica and the sexual intensity of it was like nothing I had ever felt before but was this something I wanted?

"Matthew, I told you to answer her question," Jessica smugly directed me.

Before I knew it, it just came out. Almost like my inner thoughts and desires finally overrode my conscious hesitancy. "Mistress Jessica is the boss and I belong to her."

Jessica rested her chin on her fingers as she smiled down at me. I exhaled deeply. I admitted it, this was what I wanted. At least for now, I wanted to be her slave. I said it. It was out there.

The waitress laughed lightly, "Ok, I've got to figure out how to get my boyfriend to do the same. When ever you're ready with the bill I will come back."

"We'll be ready in a minute," she told the waitress as she picked up the pen to write down the tip then handed it to me, "Pay the bill and that's the tip you will give."

"Yes Mistress Jessica," I replied as I took the folder from her hand and looked at it. She must have seen the expression on my face because she quickly cautioned me not to defy her. It came to $345 and Jessica had added $200 to the tip. I quietly pulled out my wallet and put my credit card down. A moment later the waitress came with the Interac machine and I paid the waitress $545 as Jessica smiled down at me.