The Popular Music Show Pt. 11

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Nearly a close shave for Natasha.
2.8k words

Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/06/2001
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(Copyright 2001. All rights reserved).

All events and characters are fictitious.

* * * * *

Natasha looked with apprehension at the knife in Frederick's hand as he knelt beside her. She tried to roll onto her side away from him but he held her in place with a heavy hand between her breasts.

"What are you going to do?" Nat asked nervously. "I've done everything you've wanted. Why don't you let me go now?"

"I do not think we can do that." Frederick replied running the flat side of the blade across her nipples in turn.

Nat had to look. Amazingly her nipples were hardening, standing erect. She closed her thighs together, tightly as Frederick moved the blade to her tight stomach.

"Don't!" She pleaded.

She could feel it against her pubic hairs. Sawing back and forth. She felt him place the knife on her stomach and pull at her pubic mound for a second before letting fall a number of her short, dark, curly pubic hairs onto her breasts.

"The Americans who buy my films like their women without hairs down there. They say it makes the woman look like a little girl again. Do you want to look like a little girl again?"

"Leave me alone. Please."

"No." Frederick said moving to a position where he had full view of her ass cheeks and pussy. "You are mine, now. We will have some fun. You will be a famous movie star. Unfortunately the film will not be on general release but those who see it will really appreciate you. As I intend to."

His hand moved to the zip on his trousers and Nat watched as he released his cock and stroked it to full hardness. She felt his fingers between her legs, easing open her thighs. She knew what he was going to do and yet was unable to do anything to stop him. His fingers were on the lips of her pussy, massaging them, pulling them apart. He moved foreward, looming above her. He was looking down into her eyes with a face filled with lust.

"Time to get them both dressed," the man in the suit called from the front of the bus. "We are nearly at the studio flat."

Frederick looked back over his shoulder.

"You will have time for that later." The man said as the bus came to a halt.

Frederick cut through the tape securing her feet to her ankles and indicated her clothes.

"Get dressed." He smiled and ran a hand over her ass cheeks as she climbed stiffly to her feet and reached for them.

Hans was helping Geordie into his own clothes.

"I'm sorry Nat," Geordie said. "I wished you hadn't followed me.

Nat had already thought that. If she hadn't come then what would have happened. Geordie would have been supplied with more drugs and nobody would have been the wiser. If only she'd stayed out of it. She heard the driver and the man in the suit discussing meeting in a village in Germany. It was the one part of Germany she knew at all well having stayed there once with her parents when her father had decided they should see all the dams the RAF Dambusters had blown up during the second World War after watching the film on the TV again.

Natasha put on her panties and bra first then her blouse and finally pulled on her white jeans. She slipped on her sandals and lifted her head to see the man in the suit standing before her.

"Now Miss Wagstaffe." He said, threateningly. "You will do exactly as you are told. When we leave the bus you will walk with me to the large silver Mercedes. You will smile nicely as if you are enjoying our company. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Nat confirmed. "I need the toilet."

The man in the suit looked down at her.

"Very well," he said. "You can use the one on the bus. Frederick, you go with her."

Nat led the way down the three steps to the small cubical. The little light still worked. It had been one of their first purchases as a group. A base for travelling around the country. There were four bunk beds at the rear. This small toilet and wash hand-basin left over from it's days as a touring coach. A sofa to one side behind the driver's position and two sets of double seats with a light brown table between them. Even now they took it with them everywhere they went. Something familiar and something to remind them of their beginnings, Dave had said. And, of course, it was somewhere to have their women. And there had been a lot of women.

Turning with her back to the toilet seat she reached for the button on her jeans. Frederick was still standing with his head inside the doorway watching her.

"Go away." She said loudly.

"Come away, Frederick," she heard the man in the suit say in German. "Later, she is yours."

Frederick moved away and she heard him climb the three steps to the main body of the bus. Natasha thought for a moment of bolting the door and making them burst in to get her. But what would be the point. They could do that in seconds.

Instead she closed it and, after dropping her jeans and panties, sat on the toilet seat. She hadn't lied when she had said she needed to go. She reached forward and opened the cupboard under the sink. It was still there. Or the forth or fifth one. She took out the note-pad with its Biro attached by a piece of string to its wire hoops. They had been keeping a notebook in the toilet from the very beginning. The only place they would all be sure to visit every day. They would leave messages for each other, write song lyrics or just draw silly pictures of 'H'. She quickly turned to the last page and wrote down the name of the village that she'd heard mentioned. On the wall by the side of where she was sitting she wrote NB, NAT, 07/01. She quickly replaced the notebook and quietly closed the cupboard then, making rather more noise than was necessary, she wiped herself and pulled up her jeans and panties just as the door opened and Frederick's head appeared.

Turning away from him she flushed the toilet then made to leave. He blocked her way.

"You should be nice to me." He said pulling her towards him.

Almost without thinking she brought her knee up into his balls. He staggered backwards with a cry then cracked her across the side of the face with the back of his hand.

Nat was knocked backwards by the force of the bowl, tears filling her eyes. Frederick moved towards her with one-hand holding his balls and a look of lust and anger on his face.

* * * * *

Dave kept the Automatic selection lever of his fathers BMW in third gear as he drove from Amsterdam towards the German border. They must have had at least three hours start and he was by no means certain which route they would have taken.

He forced himself to keep looking in the rear view mirror and slowing occasionally to let Howie Wilkinson keep up in his Hotels large black Mercedes. He looked at the dashboard clock. Seven fifteen the numbers read. His eyes followed along the dash and onto Marianne's thighs. They looked nice. He resisted the temptation to feel them. After catching Laurie riding his cock he wasn't sure what her reaction would be, but he could guess.

Still, it had been her suggestion that the three American girls travel with Howie and Harvey leaving them to travel alone. It must mean something. He rested his hand on the gear selection lever between them. He looked again at the road ahead and checked his rear view mirror. They were dropping behind again. He eased his foot off the accelerator.

"They're not as fast as us, are they?" Marianne asked.

It was the first words either had spoken in fifteen minutes.

"Nowhere near. It's about time my father got a decent car. He usually buys British. Solid and sensible."

"He's nothing like you then?"

"I don't know. They used to get into all sorts of trouble when they were young. Not only when they were young. Only last year in Dallas they were mugged and if Laurie hadn't called the police they could have been killed or worse."

"So this Laurie's an old friend then?"

"I'd never meet her before tonight. Nat told me about her. Seems my father was hoping to buy the European concession for a Gym chain her sister worked for but I think its fallen through. I don't really know, I don't keep in touch."

"That's sad. An Aunt brought me up. She had a succession of boyfriends. She was only too glad when I left home at sixteen. I think I was cramping her style."

"My parents were nothing like that." Dave said, moving his had to operate the indicator lever then replacing it on the selector lever.

He glanced across at Marianne's face then down at his hand. He knew her eyes had followed his.

"About Laurie." He started.

"Yes." He could sense Marianne bristle at her name. "I suppose there have been a lot of girls. Especially after concerts."

"Yes. You know the score." He suddenly felt annoyed with her.

He was about to offer some kind of explanation and she was brining up that.

"I know."

He knew she knew. She'd been around a bit before the lesbians had gotten hold of her. Mike said he'd had her. But then Mike said he had everyone, even Nat.

He looked across at her again. She was staring out of the window. There were tears in her eyes.

"Hey. What's wrong. Don't cry."

He moved his hand onto one of hers and squeezed it gently. She sniffed then caught it between both of hers as he pulled it away.

"I'm sorry. I know the score. I just hoped something would be different this time."

"It is."

"But Laurie."

"I was asleep. Dreaming of you. Suddenly the dream was real and then you were standing there and it was Laurie and not you."

Another sniff. He looked at her face again. There were tears running down her cheeks but she was smiling.

Suddenly she stiffened.

"Is this your bus ahead?"

Dave dragged his eyes from her face. He caught site of a brightly coloured bus pulling in front of a truck about a quarter of a mile ahead. He immediately took his foot from the accelerator and pulled his hand from between Marianne's with an 'excuse me' to control the car as he applied the breaks. He looked in his rear view mirror. The black Mercedes was gaining rapidly then dropping back. He pulled in behind the truck behind the bus and took his mobile phone from his shirt breast pocket.

"It started ringing before he could search for Howie's number.

"What's up?" He heard the loud American voice in his ear.

"They are in front of this truck." He replied.

"Now what?"

Indeed. Now what?

They had decided that they were not going to call the police. Not at this stage.

In hindsight that might have been a mistake.

Howie had seemed all for not calling them. He'd said his life was too quiet when he wasn't around Dave's parents. He also said he owed them a few.

A sign said there was a service station ten kilometres ahead. Dave glanced down at the petrol gage. It read three parts empty. He would have to pull in and fill up especially if they were going to follow the bus all the way to Munich.

He told Howie what he planned to do.

"Okay." Came the reply. "We'll keep her in sight until you catch up."

Dave replaced the mobile in his pocket and smiled at Marianne before reaching across for her hand. He missed and his fingers touched her thigh. He let them linger for a second expecting to feel Marianne's hand on his pulling it away. It didn't happen. Instead her thighs opened and he could feel the soft warm skin on the insides. He moved his hand up, under her short skirt and heard her gasp as his little finger came into contact with the gusset of her panties. They felt damp. He pushed against them with the edge of his finger. Marianne gave a little sigh and opened her thighs even more.

He traced along the outline of her pussy. Pushing against her lips and feeling them give beneath his touch. Marianne's hands were gripping his arm. Squeezing it tightly not pushing it away.

He moved his finger to the top of her pussy and felt gently for the bud of her clit. Her moan of pleasure told him he had found it. She groaned again as he rubbed it. Then gasped. The sign read five kilometres to go. He moved his hand and rubbed fast with his middle finger. Marianne's moans had changed to sighs then to little noises at the back of her throat. She was lifting herself from the seat. Pushing her pussy against his finger. Breathing heavily then panting.

He felt her thighs tighten around his hand as she came.

"Oh Dave." She sighed, still holding his arm then lifting his hand from her pussy and kissing it.

He squeezed her fingers then pulled his hand away to place it on the steering wheel. The one kilometre sign passed then they were at the countdown markers. Dave slowed even more then indicated to turn off. The truck in front kept going to reveal the bus turning into the slip road ahead of them. The Mercedes passed them still on the main road. They can't have seen the bus leave the road. It was too late to attract their attention now. He needed both hands on the steering wheel to negotiate the twists and turns that led to the car parks. The bus pulled up between two others as Dave drew to a halt. They watched as two men left the bus, looked around then walked to the shops and restaurant.

Dave drove the car to the far side of one of the buses and they both climbed out. Taking Marianne's hand he led the way to the front entrance to the bus and tried the handle. It was locked. Taking his bunch of keys from his pocket he selected one and unlocked the door.

He pushed in the centre of the door and the two halves opened. Leaving Marianne to watch the shops and restaurant he climb quickly inside. A quick look told him there was nobody else present.

He walked quickly to the rear of the bus and looked in each bunk in turn. They were all empty. He remembered Howie and quickly phoned him to let him know what was happening. Replacing his phone he began to make his way back to the entrance. He could do with a visit to the toilet. It always happened after he had been sitting down for any length of time.

He made his way into the cubical and taking out his cock directed his flow of piss into the bowl. So many initials had been written on the walls. Some were of famous rock stars others of girls they'd used. There was one from Nat.

He finished pissing and was still stuffing his cock away as he reached into the cupboard under the sink for the notebook.

He had to think for a moment but it came back to him. His father's whim to visit the sights of the Dambuster raids. He wouldn't admit it to his father but it had been fun.

"Dave." Her heard Marianne call. "They're coming back."

With notebook in hand he left the bus pulling the doors closed behind him and slipped around the rear of the vehicle with Marianne as the two men came around the front.

"Do you think she will still be alive when we get there?" The tall blond man asked the other in German as he turned the key in the lock.

Dave pricked up his ears. He had only a school boys knowledge but it was enough to let him understand what was being said.

"Why?" The other replied. "Are you starting to like women now?"

"She was nice. But I don't think I'll change."

The rest of the conversation was lost as the doors closed behind them.

"We must be quick." Dave said almost dragging Marianne to the car.

"What's wrong?" She asked rubbing her wrist when he released it as she climbed into the car. "What were they saying?"

"They are going to kill Nat."

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