The Popular Music Show Pt. 03

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The girls meet up in Calis.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/06/2001
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(Copyright 2001. All rights reserved).

All events and characters are fictitious.

* * * * *

Laurie lifted her head from between Taylor's thighs and licked her lips as the truck jolted to a halt.

She could hear Amanda making cumming noises in the front of the cab then the driver moved through the curtains and almost threw her out of the way as he took her place between Taylor's thighs and lowered himself on top of her with his erect cock in his hand. Taylor cried out as he thrust into her then remained silent as he moved in and out of her pussy.

Laurie found her clothes and climbed over the drivers thrusting hips and into the front compartment.

Amanda was sitting back in the passenger's seat smoking a cigarette with her legs wide open and her jeans unfastened.

With multiple contortions of her body Laurie managed to dress in the gap between the seats, pushing away Amanda's hand as She reached out to feel her.

"He says." Amanda nodded towards the rear compartment where the sounds of grunting from the driver could be heard. "That the best place to pick up a lift is where the train unloads."

"Where's that?" Laurie asked, zipping up her jeans and taking a cigarette from Amanda's packet. She lit it from Amanda's cigarette and drew deeply upon it.

That was good. She had the taste of the cigarette and the taste of Taylor at the same time.

The cab was rocking a little as the driver increased the speed and power of his thrusts.

"Over that footbridge." Amanda replied, pointing to a glass-covered walkway connecting two large buildings on either side of the Channel Tunnel railway lines.

It sounded as if the driver had finished with Taylor by the sounds of the final explosive grunt that came from the rear. Laurie pulled back the curtains and she and Amanda looked inside. The driver was pulling his cock from Taylor's pussy as they did so. How it glistened. Laurie had to fight the urge to clean it off with her tongue and mouth.

"Come on, Taylor." She urged instead. "You can't lie there being fucked all day. We gotta move it."

Laurie had to sit on Amanda's lap to allow the driver room to get back behind his steering wheel. Amanda's hand was on her ass cheek in seconds.

"Later." She said, kissing her on the cheek and looking into her eyes.

She'd known Amanda casually for years, ever since they'd moved to Texas from California but they had only become really good friends since Laurie had begun fucking her father Keith, the Naval Recruiter, who's office was a couple of doors up from Laurie's mother's dress shop.

Since then they had shared everything, men, women and more. And, an incredible amount of white powder as well. They both loved sex and they both loved that white powder. Taylor, the blue eyed blond, was the daughter of Laurie's sister Michelle's Bi lover, Tammy. Former Bi lover, to be accurate. Her mother had taken over Tammy since Michelle had entered the Navy. She was a good mother and did share her although it was sometimes a bit of a battle to get them to hand over Michelle's big black strap-on.

Turning herself around on Amanda's lap Laurie opened the door and slipped out, first a foot on the wheel then onto the ground. Amanda handed down their backpacks and joined her. They lit another cigarette each and waited.

"No." They heard Taylor shout out, then they heard a slapping sound.

"Fucking no, I said." Taylor screamed over her shoulder as she almost fell from the truck to join them.

"Let's go." She continued, hurrying away.

"What's up?" Laurie asked hurrying to catch up with her.

"He certainly wasn't going to be." Taylor said, breathing deeply. "He wanted to ass fuck me. The Bastard."

It was unlike Taylor to turn down the chance of a bit of anal sex.

"And?" Amanda asked from her other side.

"I'd just had enough. If one of you want to go back there and let him have your ass be my guest."

Laurie considered it, seriously. She hadn't been ass fucked yet on this trip and she did enjoy it.

"Come on." Amanda said taking the lead. "Let's get over the other side and see what we can find."

Laurie and Taylor followed Amanda through the departure terminal building and up the steps to the bridge over the railway lines, both watching her ass cheeks as they moved beneath her jeans. Part way across the bridge they stopped to watch a train emerging from the tunnel in the distance which led to England.

"Will we have time to go over there?" Taylor asked.

"Oh." Laurie replied nonchalantly. "I've already been fucked by an Englishman."

"Not this trip." Amanda reminded her.

"There's bound to be at least one in Amsterdam." Laurie replied. "And Germans and Swede's."

"Do we count Scottish as English?" Taylor asked.

"Well, they are all Brits." Laurie hesitated for a second. "We'll see how many we need to beat Monica before we head back home."

They continued across the bridge and down to the Arrivals terminal. Cars were already driving from the train most were heading to the exit on the far side of the car park by the time they reached the exit to the building.

"If only you hadn't let him fuck you we could have been over there." Amanda complained, heading in the direction of the exit.

"Why didn't you blow him when you were in the front with him then he wouldn't have wanted to fuck me." Taylor attacked.

"Come on." Laurie said, stepping between them. "We might still get a lift."

"I wouldn't mind a lift in that." Amanda said, pointing to a pale blue BMW convertible that had just pulled up."

"I wouldn't mind a ride with her either." Laurie agreed watching the tall, stylishly dressed young woman wearing a pale blue blouse and white trousers and white sandals climbing out of the front seat. She carried a white bag by its strap over one shoulder.

A second girl was climbing out of the passenger seat. She was younger and taller. Almost thin enough to be called gawky with small tits that hardly disturbed the front of her 'T-shirt.'

"Either would do." Amanda commented.

"I'll ring my brother to tell him we're on our way." The driver of the car said as they passed the three girls in the entrance to the Terminal. "You get off to the lou."

As the taller girl headed off in the directions of the toilets the driver fished in her bag and took out a mobile phone. As she was dialling a number a young man in his late teens or early twenties walked up to her. Suddenly, without warning, he lunged into her with his shoulder knocking her off balance and, snatching her bag by the strap, yanked it from her shoulder. As she fell to the floor he turned and ran towards the three girls standing in the exit.

"You fucking cunt." Laurie said and without thinking threw her back-pack at his legs.

The young man stumbled and fell to one knee.

As he struggled to his feet Amanda snatched the bag from his shoulder. The man stood up, holding Laurie's backpack by a shoulder strap and swung it at the girls. Automatically they backed away leaving him a clear run through the exit. He took it and ran, still carrying Laurie's backpack, out into the car park and into an old Fiat which headed towards the exit.

"The fucking Bastard." Laurie ran out through the doors and swore at the departing vehicle. "He's got my fucking bag."

"I'm sorry." The driver of the car said approaching them and taking her shoulder bag from Amanda. "If you hadn't helped me that wouldn't have happened. Did anyone get his number?"

The three girls looked at each other and all shook their heads.

"I'll tell the police and security but I can't see them doing much. They're out on the main road already."

The woman pressed some buttons on her mobile phone and spoke to somebody in French. Two men in French Police uniforms ran up to them and when she had finished her telephone conversation she spoke to them as well.

"They wish to take some details from you. They'll pass them on. Was their anything of value in the bag."

"Our travellers cheques, passports, flight tickets." Laurie said glumly. "Nothing much. The Bastard."

"There must be something I can do to help. My name is Natasha, by the way, Natasha Wagstaffe and this is my friend Francine. We're on our way to the pop concert in Amsterdam."

"So were we." Taylor said dejectedly.

"Don't tell me your tickets were in the bag as well."

"We don't have any." Amanda admitted. "We thought we could get some when we got there."

"It was sold out within forty-eight hours of being announced. I don't think you have much hope there."

The nearest Policeman 'humphed.'

"I think they want you to go with them. Francine. Your French is just about passable. Will you go with her?"

"Yes. Of course." Francine replied. "But what happened."

"You'll find out. I must make some phone calls. Go with." Natasha looked at Laurie and smiled. "I'm afraid I don't know your name."

"I'm Laurie and this is Amanda and Taylor." Laurie said by way of introductions.

As Laurie and Francine went with the Policemen Taylor opened a side pocket in her Backpack and took out a pocket diary.

"I have the telephone number of our Embassy in Paris." She said.

"There's a public phone." Natasha pointed. "Give them a ring and tell them what happened. They are bound to have an office in a major Port like Amsterdam and they may well be able to arrange for you to pick up temporary travel documents there."

Whilst they made their phone call Natasha walked outside the building and rang her brother's mobile phone number.

By the time she had finished the others had joined her.

"Well?" Natasha asked.

"The Policemen and the security guards were very nice." Francine replied. "From Laurie's description they seemed to know who it was. They rang the police station and gave the details to them."

"Our Embassy in Paris want's us to go there and give them details of about everything." Amanda said. "Only then can they give us temporary travel documents as we intend travelling to another country. They have to verify we are who we say we are."

"Well, I'm going to Amsterdam." Laurie said, defiantly. "We've come all this way to see this concert. I'm not going home without seeing it."

"Well it's only eleven." Natasha thought furiously. "If we leave straight away and you give them as many details as they require on my mobile they may have time to arrange something by the time we get to Paris. Even if they take an hour or so we can still make it in time for the concert."

"We still need time to get hold of some tickets." Laurie pointed out.

"Don't worry about that." Natasha said. "Go to the car and I'll tell security where we are going and leave them the number of my mobile. They can contact us if anything happens."

Natasha pointed her car keys at the BMW and pressed a button. The car winked and the clicking sounds from the locks could be heard.

Francine opened the boot and Taylor and Amanda placed their Backpacks inside with Natasha's suitcase and Francine's grip.

"Where in England do you live." Laurie asked, as the three companions climbed into the back of the car and Francine sat in the front passenger seat.

"A county called Somerset. It's in the west." Francine replied. "We stayed in Nat's parents flat in London last night."

"I know some people from Somerset." Laurie said.

Just then Natasha returned and sat behind the steering wheel.

"What did you say your name was again?" Laurie asked as the engine started.

"Natasha." Came the reply. "Natasha Wagstaffe."

"Wow. I know who you are!" Laurie exclaimed. "You're Paul and Jenny's kid. Wow. This is just too fucking cool."

"How do you know my parents?" Natasha asked, astounded as they reached the exit to the car park and waited for the lights to change to allow them out onto the main road to Paris.

"I met them in Dallas with my sister Mishy. That's Michelle to you."

The lights changed and Natasha pulled away.

She remembered her parents telling her about meeting Laurie and Michelle. They had been in trouble and Laurie had called the police. Later her mother had meet Michelle at a fitness centre that her father was thinking of obtaining the franchise of in England. There had been something about hearing Mary Belle singing in a nightclub but that was all she could remember.

"I remember them mentioning you. Said you had been very helpful." Natasha replied.

I was more than helpful. Laurie thought. That Paul. He did like his anal. She smiled to herself as she remembered the first time with him. He'd come back from a lunchtime business meeting with a drink or two too many inside him and she'd got him to fuck her. Up her ass as she knelt on the bed. She's enjoyed that. And the second time when she'd joined her sister Michelle in bed with him on a different visit. He'd fucked her up the ass again then. She hadn't had a chance to try out Jenny yet. Unlike her sister and Taylor's mother, Tammy, had.

She could feel herself becoming wet and crossed her legs.

Yes, she liked Paul.

She sat back in the chair and let the wind stream through her hair, listening to the music on the CD player. They were on. Strangled Roses.

"How are you going to get us tickets?" She suddenly leaned forward and asked.

"My brother. He's the guitarist." Natasha replied.

And the piano player on their records and the writer of most of their songs, she could have added.

"I knew the name. I just didn't realise." Laurie said, a note of wonder in her voice. "Will we meet him?"

"If you want to?" Natasha sounded bored. Why did everybody want to meet her brother? "I have some back stage passes and can get him to have some more sent around to my hotel. There's normally a section cordoned off for celeb guests we can watch from."

"You know all the group?"

"Yes I know them." Natasha confirmed.

Too well in one case. She thought back to that summer three years before she went up to study music in London. Her father had pulled a few strings and got them a test in a recording studio hoping it would cure David of his hopes to be a big pop star. They had gone up to London, did their set in the studio and the recording company had loved them.

Mike, the bass guitarist. The quiet one. The one she could trust. She probably could have with most things but not with her virginity. Her parents had been out of the country. They seemed to spend a lot of school holidays out of the country and David had brought the band down to use the music room to rehearse in. Five men, two groupies they'd brought with them and her. After a lot of persuading she'd tried cannabis, Jack Daniels and Coke.

Everything had seemed to be so much clearer. It was as if she had been standing outside of her body looking on. When Mike had taken her by the hand and led her to the walled garden it had seemed so right. And when he'd lain her naked body on the grass and thrust his cock inside her that had seemed so right as well. She could feel him now. The head of his cock at the opening to her pussy. The feeling of being stretched and filled. Strangely there had been no pain. Very little pleasure either if she told the truth. Just this feeling of being stretched and filled.

Then he came. She could still feel him jerking inside her. Hear him groan.

He'd pulled out of her and sat back on his heels looking down on her wide-open thighs. She'd looked down at his cock. It was the first time she had seen it. He held it in his hand, glistening in its coating of blood and vaginal secretions. Then he'd used a handkerchief to clean it before putting it away inside his jeans and standing up.

It was then that she had cried.

Francine was saying something but she didn't catch what it was. She was too busy with her own thoughts and drove on in silence.

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