The Pizza Girl Delivers

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Hot blooded coed meets an uninhibitedly fun-loving couple.
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I was just another poor starving student, delivering pizza over summer break. Sure, you see a lot of bizarre shit delivering pizza, even in boring old Palm Springs. But, trust me, no one's going to top this story. It was still early, maybe 5:30, and because I had a dumb wedding rehearsal to get to, I was making my last delivery. And, to answer your silly question; hell no, I was only one of the dumb bride's maids! Anyway, there I was ringing the doorbell at a condo, in this upscale resort. OK, so the door swings open, and oh wow, I'm standing there staring at this bare naked chick!

Well if you ignore the fact that she was babbling away, I'd have said she was little Ms Cool! Or I would have, except for the fact that she was just fucking absolutely smoking hot! And maybe she wasn't truly beautiful; let's say, more like sensationally exotic, and definitely drop dead sexy! Anyway, I'm still standing there gawking, and she says "Oh boy pizza!" And in the non sequitur to end all non sequiturs, she added "Hey, don't mind me; I've just had one of the best orgasms ever!" Then she spun around, gave me this little wave, and told me "Bring it in darling!"

OK, so she leads me in, and I'm thinking, what, she's expecting me to follow? Shit, I mean really, I was probably lucky not to have tripped over my jaw! Jealous, who me? Believe it, my ass gets rave reviews, yeah and justifiably; but oh my God, that chick's ass was to die for! Honestly, if I'd been a guy, I'd have been all over it. Little did I know then, oh my sweet God!

Anyway, I followed her in to the kitchen. Right, and there was this guy sitting at the table. He grinned, gave me a wave, and a friendly sounding "Hi!" OK, I figured, fine, at least he's wearing shorts and a T shirt. Sure, but that crazy bare ass naked chick just kept on babbling!

I stood there flabbergasted, listening to her explain "Hey, don't mind us; we're right in the middle of this absolutely wicked sexual fantasy weekend!" And then, she paused! Fine, but she stood there, hands on her hips, and well, she grinned at me! And I really did try to look in to her sexy, almost Asian looking eyes, while she went right on explaining "We've been having a ball, for sure! See, I lost this dumb bet; so, I get to be Murphy's little sex slave for this entire weekend. And, believe me, that man's imagination is almost as creatively wicked as mine! And gosh, he's practically as horny as me too!" Wow, I was just fucking stunned!

Flashing me a sweet smile and a wink, the guy pulled the pizza box from my numb hands. That chick's smile was just devastating. Seriously, it left me weak in the knees! Yeah, but I figured it probably had the opposite effect on guy's cocks. Anyway, she asked me my name, and not wanting to seam like too big a dork, I told her my name was Ann.

She said "Well, Hi Ann, I'm Judi and that guy is my friend Murphy. And, when he's real lucky and real good, he gets to be my lover too!" I expected her to stop; no way, she was off on another roll. Well she was, right after she danced away from the swat Murphy aimed at her bare ass. "You won't believe it, " she said! "But, a couple of hours ago, Murphy called down to room service and Asked for Edgar. Edgar's kind of cute, and he'd been bringing us orders all day. So anyway, the last time he'd been here I'd given him a killer blow job out by the pool. Believe me, that guy's not ever going to forget that tip! Anyway, later, after I won my own little fantasy, I ordered Murphy to call room service and invite Edgar to come over and fuck me. It was delicious! I mean, you can't even imagine the thrill of listening to your lover inviting another man to come over and fuck your lights out! What a total fucking turn-on, it's a great story!"

Well yeah, it was a great story alright; and hey, she had me believing every word of it too. And, I really liked that she wasn't the least bit embarrassed, and that she was so obviously having fun! Still, I sure wasn't prepared for her to reach out and take my hands. She held them, looked at me with her head cocked to one side, licked her lips, and sent a flutter racing through my stomach with nothing more then one of her sensationally wicked little grins. And then, she told me "Ann you're really hot! Damn girl, you've got one incredible pair of tits too! Umm yes, oh I'd like seeing them bare alright!"

So, there I was telling myself not to leave my mouth hanging open, only she wasn't quite through blowing my mind. Looking straight in to my eyes, she gave me this cock eyed grin, and asked "So, Ann have you ever been with a girl?"

Well, I'm standing there with my hands in hers, and right then anyway, all I can think about is the tiny crop top I'm wearing. Oh sure, so when I glance down, of course, my nipples are hard as rocks, and poking right the fuck out. Just fucking fine, I told myself, well at least your skirt covers your ass! Oh sure, its leather, it's fucking short and girl, it barely covers your ass! Anyway, I stood there momentarily tongue tied, before finally managing to stammer out an answer. And then, I got as far as "Well yeah, sure I've kissed girls, like at parties," before I felt the rising heat of a furious blush. So I did what I always do when I catch myself blushing like an idiot. I stamped my foot, and blurted out the first crazy thing that popped in to my addled mind. Knowing I was doing it, but unable to stop, I stuck that troublesome foot in my mouth, and listened to myself telling her "Oh sure, girls are fun to kiss, and I liked it fine!" Oops, and the look in her exotic eyes told me what was coming!

Well gee, its not as if I expected her to bother asking permission, not before she'd kissed me anyway! Un-huh, and the fact that she asked "Ann darling, can I kiss you," sure didn't mean she actually waited for me to answer. Nope, Judi just reeled me in, and kissed me. Her lips were soft, and the kiss was sweet; OK, at least it started out sweet! Yeah well, Judi's hands had already slid down my back, and grabbed hold of my ass, almost before she'd slipped her tongue in to my mouth. And OK, I kind of liked how she pulled back, and smiled, waiting for me to kiss her back.

Fuck it, I figured, go for it girl! So, heart pounding, I stepped in and kissed her right back. Only, right away the hands holding my ass pulled me up tight against her, and I could feel this ferocious heat radiating from her body. I liked the feel of her soft mouth on mine! And oh God, the delicious feel of her insistent tongue rampaging around in my mouth was, well just divine! Judi's hands slid up under my skirt; and I swear, my whole body tingled, when she sensuously caressed my practically bare ass. Kissing Judi was an absolute dream! Her mouth was on fire, and that wicked tongue of hers never stopped moving inside my mouth. That devilish tongue darted and danced, while her soft lips lavished tingling kisses all along my jaw, and clear around to my ear. And after the wicked tip of that nastily dancing tongue had flicked and licked, damn near raping my ear, she huskily purred "Beautiful Ann, your ass is spectacular! It feels; well, just so good in my hands!" And giggling or not, Judi's "I'm going to like it even better when I get it out of that little skirt," sounded positively, and well, inevitable! Then reminding me that we weren't alone, she said "Murphy's going to like that too! The darling man is a devoted ass man you know!"

Honestly, I at least wanted to tell her, thanks! OK though, what I really wanted was to tell her that I thought her own ass was, absolute erotic perfection! But I couldn't talk, my poor bedazzled brain was caught in one of those horrid blonde moments! Maybe it was just instinct; whatever, I finally got around to wrapping my arms around her. And then, once again just going for it, I started that next kiss. Wham bam, and I mean with out having decided to do it, there I was with her gorgeous, and very bare ass cupped in my hands. Oh my God, it was just so firm, and curvy, and silky smooth, and just incredibly sexy! And shit, she'd called mine spectacular; what, was she kidding?

For a delicious time, all I knew was the sweet ecstasy of her mouth! I melted, reveling in the fire storm of sensations her feverish kisses ignited and sent sweeping through me! When Judi finally leaned back, her hands were holding tight to my shoulders. Yup, and mine were holding tight to that beautiful ass of hers. And she might have been smiling sweetly alright; but damn, her eyes had me thinking, ravish, plunder, and pillage! Who knows, maybe that barely restrained heat I'd seen flaring in her exotic eyes had mellowed some; sure , but not enough to prevent her, with a lick of her lips and a shake of her head from nailing me with the question I'd just knew was coming! First she innocently told me "Wow girl, you're a real good kisser too!" Then, there it was, the big one, her sweetly purred "Now, please tell me you can stay for a while! Ann darling, I really want to make love to you!" Yup, and what is it you boys say? Its gut check time, right?

My mind was in free fall; hell, I didn't know what to think, right, even if I could have! Sure I was lots more then just curious about doing it with another chick! Hey, but remember up until about five minutes earlier I'd never even seriously kissed another girl. Come on now, I said, seriously kissed! So, this scared half to death blonde bitch explained, "OK sure, I'd love to stick around! But I can only stay for an hour or so, before I have to split. There's this stupid wedding rehearsal that I've just got to go too!"

And as if getting that out hadn't been tough enough, oh no, I wasn't through, not hardly! Now don't get me wrong I like guys?! Gosh, I mean what's more fun then getting your brains fucked out by a cute boy with a nice hard , and preferably big cock? Right! But right then, it felt like Judi was more then enough for a poor innocent girl like me to deal with. Huh, yeah me! Whatever, nothing to do but blush, and get it said! So, sucking it up, I asked "Ah well, would it be OK if I was only with you Judi,?" Then practically tripping over my tongue, I hurriedly got out "Murphy seems nice enough; but, right now anyway, it would be too much!"

Thank God, Murphy jumped right in, and took me off the hook. Giving me a reassuring smile , and my ass a playful swat, he told me "Hey, its cool! Really, we were hoping to luck in to a girl for Judi! Anyway, you bet I'll collect mine later! Besides, I'll sure as Hell love watching the show you two put on! So Hell yes, go for it girl!" And hey, just because I bent over and kissed him, and yeah on the mouth, that doesn't make me some sort of a prick tease! I mean seriously, Murphy was being such a sweetheart! And well, guess who was already having second thoughts about excluding the poor guy?

Intending to remind Judi about that horrid wedding rehearsal thing, I spun around to face her. Sure, and I got as far as "OK then, but," before pow, she was pulling my top off over my head. I'm sure not conceited, but unless I'm standing next to Judi, I'm pretty damn smug about the effect my ass has on the boys! OK, and Judi's tits are terrific, really; but in that department at least, I've got her beat! No doubt about it, I've definitely got great tits; and Hell yes, you bet I know it too! I mean, their really seriously firm, and their a full round pair of 36C's. Damn straight, you bet their 100% natural! Yup, and I really like the sprightly upward tilt of my pretty pink nipples too! And that's even if the traitorous, overly sensitive things do sometimes go and get all hard and pointy at the most embarrassing times! Anyway, Judi hadn't touched them, not yet anyway! And if her kisses hadn't already done it, well her wide eyed lip licking stare, sure would have had those puppies popped right out! Un-huh, and it was real obvious she liked what she saw too!

I watched her reaching for me, well for my tits I mean. Sending a shiver through me, her finger tips lightly caressed over the tops of my breasts. Finger tips tracing sensuous circles, she teased them around until she held my tits cupped in her open palms. Feeling surprisingly daring, I set my hands on my hips, arched my back, and thrust my tits out. Then I watched, while Judi used her thumbs to rubbed tight circles around my areola. Fuck, A few hard flicks, and my nipples felt like if they got any harder they'd just fucking pop or something! OK, and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but when I saw her head dip, I groaned out loud. Yeah, and I was still groaning as she flicked the pointy tip of her tongue around one nipple, and then the other. And, I sure didn't stop when she sucked one of the jutting things in to her mouth. But hey, I didn't start moaning until she started sucking, or was that when she gave it a sharp little nip? Whatever, I did eventually stop those embarrassing moans and groans though! Yup, I stopped when she clamped a thumb and finger around the nipple, the one not already being so delightfully entertained in the warmth of her softly sucking mouth. OK, so what if that was only so I could plead "More, yes, do that...oh god, I love it!" Answering my pleas, Judi moved from one deliciously tantalized nipple to the other, alternating her fiery mouth's wicked sucking, with the sweet torture her fingers were dishing out!

I'm not sure when it happened, but somewhere along about then I discovered myself clinging to Judi's shoulders. Maybe, it was when she straightened up with a pair of throbbing nipples pinched between thumb and forefinger. Yeah, that would be a good guess! Gosh, did I say pinched? Well hey, who knew, but Judi played lead guitar in an all girl rock n' roll band. So yeah, her fingers clamped like a fucking vice, a vice that knew how to rotate and twist. And in case you're thinking that maybe I'm complaining; well, not even! As far as my tits are concerned, soft and sweet is nice, but what they really go for it rough and nasty! Call me shameless, but I let go of her shoulders, and leaned back against the kitchen's counter. Arms outstretched, I held tight to the counters edge; arched my back, and once again wordlessly offered her my tits. Giving me one of her cockeyed grins, Judi arched a questioning eyebrow. Hey, it was Murphy who yelped "Ouch!" I was much too busy sucking in a gasp, because she'd just gave my nipples a twisting tug that yanked me right back off that counter. And for a delirious moment, before my scrambling hands found there way back to that counter top, those poor nipples were practically supporting my entire weight. Not that it mattered much, by then, if you don't count that nasty pins and needles thing, they were numb! After one more wickedly vicious twist, she released her vice like grip, and freed my tortured nipples. And oh my God, back in rushed the blood, bringing a delicious wave of sweet pain along with it. Oops, but delicious as it was, that rush of sensation buckled my knees!

Clapping her hands, Judi danced in a circle and giggled like a fiend. Really, she did, and not for the last time either! And then while I panted, glad to have that handy counter behind me, she leaned in , and gave each throbbing nipple a feathery soft kiss. Oh no, her throatily growled "You liked that," was most definitely not a question! And just what do you suppose the smart-ass young blonde bitch thrusting her tits out got for that bit of foolishness? Well, I got my pulsing hyper sensitive nipples savagely flicked by a pair of marauding fingers, that's what! And then, while I bit my lip to keep from whimpering , I watched Judi reach out and push my tits together. Right, and I caught her lecherous grin, before she leaned in and sucked both rock hard nipples in to her mouth.

Oh God, I wanted to scream, but I showed tons of restraint and only pleaded "Yes, yes, oh my God do that some more!" OK, I whimpered; and then, I, well sort of screamed, when she nipped both my nipples with her shark like teeth. Honestly, I thought I might just cum right then.

Judi was playing me; yeah, and guess who was loving it? Hey, did Jimmy Hendrix's guitar complain when he played it? But hey, she didn't need to laugh so nastily, when she went back to using the fingers of both hands to roll, pinch, twist, and tug my poor, OK ecstatic, nipples! I know my eyes were squeezed shut, because I remember them popping open; and, for sure I was panting, when she stopped that delicious torture. OK but why did she have to let go? What, just so she could say "Ann darling, I could fall in love with your tits! Their absolutely fucking awesome!" Terrific, I mean how sweet; but then, she went and put me on the spot! "So, come on tell me, " She coaxed! "Do you like mine"?

OK, so an enthusiastic nod, or maybe even a whimpered yes, would have answered that silly question. But it was her "I know you want to Ann; so please, I want you to touch them," that landed me on that damn spot!

I've already made it crystal clear that Judi has an absolutely smoking hot body! Still, at least compared to me, she sure doesn't have big tits. Whatever, their more then a handful; and besides, their terrifically sexy! And, to digress, would you believe that one time I actually had to smack some fool guy, because he insisted "If you can't get it in your mouth it's a waste!" Asshole, I thought, that's only true for cocks! God what an idiot! Anyway, I think Judi's tits are just awesome. Their full, their firm, their perkily upturned, and I think their an absolutely perfect fit for her body! And right then, her deliciously dark rose colored Nipples were so erect they seemed to be straining, and threatening to pop right off her crinkly areola. Oh my God, and I just couldn't wait to run my tongue over them!

Proud of my restraint, I peppered both Judi's pretty tits with soft kisses, before I allowed my almost virginal tongue its first taste of another woman's nipples. OK, almost virginal, because I can, and have, on occasion, licked and even sucked my own nipples. Really, it's just a tease, but oh my God does it ever drives the boys wild! Well just then I was busy; so oh Hell yes, I intentionally held that sweet little trick back! But wow, seriously, I shivered at just the thought of Judie's reaction to that nasty little stunt! Anyway, while I danced my tongue over puckered areola, and teasingly flicked it over a pair of suddenly seriously jutting nipples, I kept checking, looking up to check out Judi's reaction. So yippee, was I ever a happy girl when her eyes closed and she threw her head back!

Wondering just what the fuck I'd been waiting for anyway, I closed my lips around one rigidly erect nipple, and sucked it in to my mouth. Unexpectedly caught up in a surge of red hot passion suddenly thundering through me, OK , yeah it startled me! And that's when I discovered just how wrong that silly boy had actually been! I had my mouth delightfully full of warm, silkily smooth tit. And oh fuck yes, I wanted , seriously wanted to cram the rest of that beautiful thing in to my mouth; which yeah, is how I get around a lovely bit of hard cock! Reluctantly backing off, I settled for sucking on one pulsating nipple, OK, but with a wild, frenzied intensity. Oh my God, and hearing her throaty growls, and then having her tangle her hands in my hair, well it sent that surge of red hot passion rebounding to slam right through my vagina! And who cared if those hands yanked my head over, depositing my mouth where it could introduce itself to another delightfully responsive nipple. Hey, I would have gotten around too it, come on now, its not like I'd forgotten she owned two of them!

Oops, and so what if my mouth was going places my hands hadn't visited first? I mean, hey its not like it was the first time my big mouth beat my hands to the party! Gosh, ask any of my boyfriends, and they'll tell you just how quick I am to pop some jutting bit of their anatomy in to my mouth. Oral fetish, who me! Anyway I was happily bouncing back and forth licking, kissing, and sucking one pointy rock hard bit of nipple and then the other, and well, who needed hands? Well apparently I did, and a very insistent sounding Judi told me so too. Yup, and she sounded delightfully breathy ordering, "Pinch them! Pleas Ann , pinch my nipples; come on, like I did yours!" I knew what to do alright; come on now, I'd certainly been playing with mine, well gosh, for at least as long as I've owned them anyway. Sure, and just in case I was in need of a refresher course, well there had been Judi's little knee buckling demonstration hadn't there?