The Perfect Drug


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"What are you doing in my dream?" I asked.

"Well, hello to you, too," she didn't look up.

"What are you looking at?"

"You have some weird preferences, you know that?"

I walked closer, and saw that she was looking through the contents of a box marked "Porn."

"Don't look in that," I frowned, "That's not for your eyes."

"What, you think I've never seen porn before? What's your thing with feet?"

"Just a curiosity, I guess," I shrugged, flushing a little. I wasn't used to anyone being able to see things about me like this.

She tossed the stuff back into the box and closed the lid, "You're kinda weird. I suppose you could be into worse stuff than feet, though, like poop."

She walked along, looking at labels on boxes, "There's a lot of stuff in here. I didn't think there could be so much stuff in your head."

"Yeah, neither did I. What are you doing here in my dream?"

"Looking around, duh! Who's Stacy Worthington?" she opened a box, and actually blushed when she saw the contents, "Oh, a girlfriend... You naughty boy, weren't you kinda young to be doing stuff like that?"

"That's private!" I closed the lid, putting myself between her and that particular box, "I was a curious kid."

"That's for sure! Well, this little tour is quite revealing, isn't it?"

"You're not supposed to be here, this is all my private stuff."

"Well, this is your dream, so obviously you wanted me to be here, or else I wouldn't be."

"Why would I want you to be here?"

"There you go, being mean again," she pouted, "It's like you enjoy hurting my feelings."

"I'm sorry, okay?" I touched her shoulder, turning her around, "I'm not trying to be mean."

She jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly, "That's better!"

I felt a little uncomfortable, because you're not supposed to be able to feel a hallucination, are you? That, and her body was pressed against mine, and she was only nineteen, eight years younger than me... sort of...

"What's the matter?" she looked at me, still hugging me, "You're not hugging back."

"You're only nineteen, and I'm way older than you... and I don't want you to get the wrong impression."

She backed up, took my hand, and pressed it against her breast, which felt firm and nice... but... I pulled my hand back.

"What did you do that for?" I asked.

"What, did you not like it?" she planted her hands on her hips angrily, "Was it all messed up, or something?"

"No..." I stumbled verbally, "It's not that... it felt nice... but that's... you shouldn't have done that."

"Well, who is gonna see us? We're standing inside your head, and it's just us two, isn't it? Besides, what are you all skittish about? I've seen the stuff in that box, and you've done way more than just grab a girl's boob, haven't you?"

I lowered my eyes, embarrassed, "I was a kid. And you're only nineteen."

"I'm not really, if you think about it. I'm not even really here, after all."

She took my hand and placed it on her breast again, and I didn't pull away this time. She did have a point, after all, and I was dreaming. So I squeezed a little, feeling her nipple poking against the fabric of her shirt.

She suddenly slapped my hand away, crying angrily, "You pervert! What do you think you're doing touching a nineteen-year-old girl like that?"

I backed up, shocked, guilty, my face burning, shaking my head.

She laughed, doubled over with her hands on her thighs, "You should've seen the look... oh my god, that was the funniest... Ever!!"

"Dammit!" I turned and started walking away, but she followed, still giggling hysterically, "I'm sorry... it was... just too tempting... please, just... stop a minute... gotta catch my breath!"

I almost kept walking, I was so pissed off, but she grabbed the back of my shirt.

"Seriously... I'm sorry," she gasped out, stifling bursts of giggles, "I was just... joking with you... you're so adorable... with your morals... whew!"

"Well don't," I warned, "Or I'll really start being mean."

"Okay, geez," she replied, annoyed, "I didn't realize you had no sense of humor. I'm sorry, okay? Come on, turn around."

I sighed, a little calmer now, and turned around to face her. She jumped up into my arms again, hugging me once more.

"There, now isn't that better?" she asked, "Too bad it's time to wake up."

I groaned, my face pressed to the cushion, and pushed myself grudgingly to a sitting position. My hair was in disarray, all mussed up on one side, and I had the fabric pattern of the couch indented on the left side of my face. And, I saw as I looked down, I had an erection. Great... I got up, went to the bathroom to pee, and that helped take care of that problem, though, as any guy knows, it's difficult to aim when you gotta pee with an erection. I brushed my teeth, and then used some mouthwash, because my mouth tasted like stale beer and cat turds. I turned on the shower, adjusted the water temperature, and undressed, waiting for it to heat up, which took about a minute.

"Woo!" a voice spoke from behind me, "Nice ass!"

I jumped into the shower, startled, trying to hide myself, and let out a yelp as cold water hit me. I peered angrily around the curtain to see Virginia standing there, grinning brightly.

"Morning, sleepy-head!"

"That was not funny," I frowned.

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy-pants," she growled, mimicking me with a frown of her own, "Lighten up, will ya'?"

The water got warmer, and I started soaping up, "You know, it's not very nice to spy on a guy when he's not dressed."

"Yeah, well, you did grab my boob, you big pervert."

I sputtered, "I was dreaming... and you put my hand on your boob, remember?"

"Yeah, but you left it there."

I cursed, ducking my head under the spray.

"Anyway, I was just having a little peek, nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Well, yeah, if I don't give you permission, there is something wrong with that."

"If I had to ask your permission, I'd never get a peek."

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes, "That's kinda the point."

I scrubbed some shampoo into my hair, lathering up, irritated at Virginia, who had insinuated herself into my life with a tenacity unmatched by any previous hallucination, including the hilarious Dr. Suttelmyre.

"You know, for a crazy guy, you sure don't take advantage of your craziness, do you?" she asked. I peeked around the curtain, and she was sitting atop the counter next to the sink.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, if I was hallucinating stuff, I would hallucinate all kinds of cool things."

"It's not like I can control it. After all, you're here."

"Mean!" she reminded me.

"Sorry, but you see what I mean, don't you?"

"It's still mean. You know, I may joke around with you and stuff like that, but at least I don't say hurtful things to people who just wanna be my friend."

I looked at her again, and saw that she was crying, staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry, you're right," I assured her, "I didn't mean anything by it."

"Yeah, right," she swiped at the tears as they trailed down her cheeks.

"Really, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

She looked up at me, still wiping her eyes, "Why are you always so mean to me? Are you angry at me because I'm here, and you don't want me to be?"

"I'm just a little annoyed, that's all. All of this is still a little difficult to get used to, and I'm struggling a little bit. Really, you're welcome to stay as long as you want. Just take it easy on me, okay?"

"Do you mean it?" she asked, sniffling.

"Yeah," I promised, "I mean it. Give me a smile."

She stuck her tongue out at me.

"I'll take it. All right, let me finish showering, okay?"

I rinsed the shampoo out, and then the soap, and, when I opened my eyes, she was directly in front of me, in the shower with me, completely nude. I started, jumping back and almost falling down.

"Fuck!" I cried out, "Dammit!"

"Easy on the language, there's a lady present," she grinned.

"I thought I asked you to let me finish showering. You scared the shit out of me!"

"I thought I'd help," she said.

"You thought you'd help yourself to another peek," I corrected.

"Well, maybe that too..."

I got out of the shower, and she followed, watching as I wrapped a towel around me.

"What are you being modest for?" she asked, "Got something to hide?"

"No," I retorted, and then she giggled.

"Looks like it to me," she pointed down, and I looked, dismayed to find that I had popped another erection.

I turned, stalking out of the bathroom.

"You should dry off," she suggested, "You're getting water all over the floor."

I choked back my reply, trying not to hurt the feelings of someone who wasn't there... shit, I was completely around the bend, wasn't I? I dried off quickly, and pulled on a pair of boxers.

"Ah, a boxers kind of guy, huh?"

I sighed, and then gasped as she reached around me and grabbed right onto my erection.

"What are you doing?" I tried to pull free.

"This," she squeezed me, and my legs almost gave out from under me, "Now quit squirming and relax."

"This isn't right," I insisted, "You shouldn't be doing this."

"I'm not," she shot right back, "I'm just a hallucination, aren't I? I'm not even here, so it's almost like you're playing with yourself."

For a hallucination, her hands sure as hell felt solid to me as she grasped my dick, rubbing it through my boxers.

"Still," I grit my teeth, biting back a groan, "I don't think-"

"Good, why don't you try that and relax a little, will you? Have a little fun for a change."

She fished it out through the slot on the front, and laughed, "Well, your cock is enjoying this, isn't it?"

I gasped, "Watch your language, I'm told there's a lady present."

She giggled, "Shut up."

She grasped it and began stroking it, her hands slightly cool against the heat of my flesh. She suddenly moved around to face my front.

"There, that's not so bad, is it?"

"I..." I began, and then relented, "No, it's not."

"That's better. When a girl grabs ahold of you, it's usually time to listen and do what she says."

I sat down on my bed, and she knelt in front of me, "You think I can take the whole thing?"

"Wait, what?"

She leaned forward and took the head of my dick into her mouth, took a deep breath, and then began easing it in, her tongue slathering it along the way, until she had about half of my seven inches nestled in her mouth. Then she got the next half inch, but gagged before she could get any more. She backed out.

"I guess not," she pouted, and then slipped me back into her mouth, which, for a hallucination, was extremely hot and wet.

I leaned back onto my elbows while she sucked on me, her limpid green eyes on mine, her hands on my thighs. For another few minutes, there was just her, in a manner of speaking, and me, and an act that still boggles my mind too much to explain.

Then she backed off, my dick coated with her saliva.

"What, you think you're the only one who should be feeling good right now, just because you're a real boy? Listen up, Pinocchio, there better be some pleasure coming my way, too, or you're gonna feel some teeth."

She crawled up on top of me, straddling me, moving upward so that her cunt, which looked amazing, considering the facts, a thatch of blonde hair, trimmed neatly, perched above it. Immersed into my own world of hallucinations, I might as well be smelling things that weren't there, too , right, which I was, because the scent of her was so inviting that I felt a little dizzy from it. I dove right in, so to speak. Her moans vibrated throughout her body, which writhed on my face, her thighs pressing tightly against the sides of my head as she ground herself against my mouth. She clutched my hair in her hands, almost painfully, and I licked faster, catching the unbelievably copious amounts of juices that flowed from her in my mouth.

"Ah, shit!" she whimpered a few moments later, "Shit, that feels good! Oh, shit, I'm gonna cum! Oh shit-oh-shit-oh...HAAAAAHHH!"

I held on for dear life as she bucked and writhed, trying not to drown as her cum drenched my mouth and got in my nose. Finally, she slowed, and then stopped, climbing off of me, gasping for breath, her body still shuddering and jerking, and she lay on her side, her eyes closed, her breaths exploding from her lips.

"Oh, shit," she laughed weakly, "That was so intense! I've never been able to make myself cum that much."

I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed my towel, still damp from my shower, and wiped my mouth and nose, and my chin and neck. Then I held it out to her, but she shook her head.

"Oh, don't go thinking we're done here. There's still that to tend to," she indicated my dick, which throbbed for attention.

She got up and straddled my hips, looking down between her legs as she guided me, parting her inner labia with her other hand, and then she pushed me into the tight, drenched, and hot territory of her cunt.

She sighed, and then winced, as I sank deeper into her, and then giggled once I was fully buried in her.

"Wow, that's deep!" she looked down, "Fill 'er up!"

She began moving her hips, her hands now on my waist, going slowly at first as she adjusted, and then faster.

"Fuck not, lest ye be fucked," she grinned at me, "so it says in the good book."

"I'm pretty... unh... sure it doesn't say that," I laughed.

"I didn't say which good book," she winked.

She rode me, and bounced, and then gyrated, moaning, keening, gasping, and it was all I could do just to keep up with her pace, so frenzied was she.

"Easy," I grunted, "I'm getting close... don't wanna end too quickly, do you?"

She climbed off, pulling me with her until I was atop her, "Don't worry, I'll bet I can go all night. How about you?"

I entered her again, and she cried out, "Geez, you big perv, don't hold back on my account!"

"Don't call me that," I warned, "It's bad enough you're only nineteen. I don't need a reminder."

"Oh, come on," she pouted, "If you were really so worried about it, you wouldn't have that cock buried so deep in me, would you?"

"Seriously," I thrust, "Cut it out or I'll stop right where I am."

"Fine, you big spoilsport, but you better not stop, or I'm gonna haunt you like a poltergeist."

Her firm, smooth legs wrapped around my waist, her ankles locked, just in case I even considered stopping, pulling me deeper, her hands clutching my forearms. Her moans increased in volume, and then pitch, and then became breathless shrieks. Her tightness was tighter now, and wetter, as she came, and, though I was hoping for a personal endurance record, it was more than I could bear. I groaned as my balls tightened up, and then I came deep inside her, shuddering with each blast, even as she soaked me in her own juices. I tried to back up and withdraw, but her legs tightened, her fingernails finding purchase on my back as she dug in, preventing me from pulling out. So I lay on her, using my elbows to keep most of my weight off of her, and she whimpered as my dick, still hard for the moment, pushed into her a little as a result.

For almost five minutes, until my erection was all used up, she refused to let me go. I kissed her cheek, and then her lips, and then we were kissing deeply, and I was continuously amazed at the realness of her, which defied any logic I could throw at it. Then her legs relaxed, and I slid over onto the bed. I lay on my side, and she put an around me, holding me close. She rested one thigh on my side, and I caressed it, as I looked at her. She looked back at me, her eyes glittering, her lips curled up in a smile.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Oh, nothing," the smile remained.

"What? You gotta joke you're trying to hold in?"

"I'm holding something in, all right, but it's no joke."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, go ahead and say it. I'm a perv, right?"

"I think that's obvious already. No, I was just thinking that maybe, when you've... recovered, we could try some of that stuff I saw in the porn box in your head."

I sighed, "Well, after what we've done, they'll be coming any minute now with the nets, ready to strap me into the huggy-coat."

"You sure do know how to make a girl feel good, don't you?" she replied sardonically.

I winced, "Damn, me and my mouth. Sorry. On the other hand, I think you kinda enjoyed my mouth a little earlier, didn't you?"

She glared for a moment, and then broke out in a giggle, "You big ol' pervert. Of course I enjoyed your mouth, I came all over it didn't I?"

"You almost drowned me," I smiled back, "It was almost biblical."

"Be glad you didn't keep going. I almost completely lost control of myself. I might've suffocated you, you know?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

"I'll be back a little later, I think," she got up, walked out of the bedroom, and I didn't bother getting up to see if she'd vanished. There was no point trying to make sense in any of this, I decided, it was better just to go with it, even with Virginia teasing me along the way. I finally got up, started to clean myself off... really no point in that, I saw as I looked down, as there was no clean-up necessary, not even a wet spot on the front of my boxers, not even my own spend.

I got dressed, still reeling a little, and walked into the living room. I was famished, I realized, so I cooked a cheese omelet, my mouth watering... and still tasting of Virginia. How could that be? I had no idea, and no logic to draw upon that made a dent. I turned off the burner, slid the omelet out of the pan onto a plate, and dug in right there at the counter. Why not? I'm a bachelor, and I could, right? I finished the omelet, washed the plate, fork, and pan, and left them on the counter, well, for the same reason I'd eaten at the counter. I had a thought, as I replayed this morning's events in my mind, that maybe this wasn't all bad. After all, I had just gotten laid by a hallucination, so how bad could it be?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I too would love to see where this goes..

If you're still writing this is definitely worth a continue, I love these what-is-reality pieces.

bdsmfagbdsmfagover 9 years ago

I badly want to see more of this plot. I can't decide whether I want the hallucinations to be some otherworldly visions actually based on some paranormal connection or for our poor protagonist to just be utterly off his gourd. The whole mystery of real/not real lends itself to a particularly engrossing page turner.

SKHPSKHPalmost 11 years ago
This needs a continuation

Fantastic, weird story. Thanks for sharing, keep on writing.

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