The Party's Over

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It was just supposed to be a little fun.
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I want to thank those who have been requesting new stories. Your loyalty is humbling. I also want to thank Mostera1 for his help. He always makes my stories better.


"Hey Lees,"...

Alicia looked up from her computer screen. Sylvia, one of her co-workers, had a big grin on her face indicating she was definitely excited about something. "What's up?" Alicia asked with a smile.

"Wendy's wedding is coming up in a few weeks and some of the girls are talking about giving her a bachelorette party. Vanessa's husband is going out of town next week so she volunteered to have the party at her place. Her parents are going to watch the kids. It would be a week from Saturday; are you in?"

"Ah, well..."

"Oh come on," nagged Sylvia, "don't be a stick-in-the-mud."

Even though Alicia Samuelson was relatively new to the firm she was the oldest of all the secretaries, but only by a few years. Still...somehow she seemed to have developed a reputation for being an old fuddy-duddy. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy having a good time, she just didn't have that much in common with the others. Still, the group always seemed to have so much fun when they were together. It would be nice to be invited out for lunch once in a while. Suddenly she realized that this was an opportunity to show them that she could party as hard as they could.

"I was just going to check with my husband to make sure we weren't already booked but I can't think of anything off-hand; yeah, count me in," she replied enthusiastically.

"Great," Sylvia responded with a hidden agenda. Earlier, the girls had decided to hire a male stripper. It was going to cost a hundred and seventy-five bucks. The more girls they got to pitch in, the cheaper the cost per-person. She was hoping Alicia wouldn't back out when she told her she'd have to come up with some cash.

"Now, Wendy knows about the party but what she doesn't know is we're hiring a male stripper. She already had a wedding shower with her bridesmaids and her personal friends but this is going to be a private affair...just us girls, so It's going to cost each of us thirty bucks. I have to give them a credit card number to insure payment but I can't let them charge my card. My husband would see that and have ten conniption fits. I just talked to the agency and we're going to pay the stripper in cash when he gets there. We'll get a receipt of course but that way the charge won't show up on my card. I'd kind of like to have the cash by the end of the week. That way nobody has to worry about forgetting it the night of the party. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure, no problem," Alicia responded, determined not be a wet blanket.

"Great. Oh, and you should bring a little extra to stick in his G-string, too. You know what I mean?" Sylvia asked with an evil grin.

Playing along, Alicia responded with a naughty sounding, "Ah ha," and her own devilish smile.

"Oh...Vanessa volunteered to make the snacks but it's BYOB as far as the booze is considered," Sylvia added as an afterthought.

"No problem."

As Sylvia walked away, Alicia couldn't help but be a little excited. She knew dang well that the only reason she was even asked was so she could contribute to the entertainment but still... As long as she'd worked there she was never able to penetrate the clique of the other secretaries. She was sure that would change after the party. Hell, she was as friendly and fun-loving as anyone.

Later Alicia was surprised to see her husband's SUV in the drive as she pulled in. He owned a photography studio and was rarely home before seven or seven-thirty...but it was Wednesday. She was sure that was the day he had a big location shoot somewhere out of state. He had been preparing for it for days. He left the house around three in the morning and she wasn't expecting him home until late that night.

Dexter was just going through the mail as she walked in.

"Hi, honey," she said putting her arms around his neck and kissing his smiling face. "How come you're home so early? Don't tell me something went wrong at the shoot?" she asked, now looking into his blue eyes.

"Nope. In fact everything went like clockwork. Cindy did a great job getting things organized. I can't thank you enough for recommending her as my new assistant. She was the one who suggested we shoot in Michigan. At first I didn't want to drive that far but she convinced me it would be worth it. She was right, too. It's sure a lot easier to work there than in than Illinois. We had a good portion of the beach blocked off and we didn't even need any permits. Then we were just starting to set up and the cops showed up. At first I thought damn, I knew things were going too smoothly, but unlike Chicago's finest, they didn't come over to hassle us or ogle the models; these guys said they heard we would be in the area and wanted to know if there was anything they could do to help."

"Really," replied a surprised Alicia. She couldn't count the number of times she had to calm down an irate hubby because of bureaucratic BS he'd run into on a job.

"Yup! Cindy even got both the make-up artist and the hair stylist to show up on time. I couldn't believe it, that never happens. Everything went off without a hitch. After only four hours of shooting the guy from the ad agency said we had more than enough for the campaign he was working on and called it a wrap. Who am I to argue with a client," he joked.

"I'm so glad Cindy is working out. I was a little scared to vouch for her but I figured if she was anything like her mother she'd be conscientious and a good worker. I've known Laura since we were kids. She was always the older sister I never had and when she called and told me her daughter just graduated college and was interested in photography - well you had just lost your other assistant and..."

"And I thank you very much," he said picking up where his wife left off.

"Listen, I came straight home. I didn't even drop my equipment off at the studio. It's still in the car so we'll have to lock it up in the garage and take yours," he informed his confused wife.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought I'd take you out tonight so I made reservations at Plato's.

It was turning out to be quite a day for Alicia. First she gets invited to a party with her co-workers, then her husband surprises her by coming home early, and now they're going out to her favorite restaurant. No doubt there will also be some nooky at bedtime. Damn, she thought, it doesn't get much better than this.

A big smile stretched across her lovely face just before thanking her wonderful husband with a passionate kiss.

"Oh," she said quickly pulling their lips apart. "What time are the reservations?"

"Seven," he informed her.

"I've got to hurry and get in the shower," she said, pulling from his embrace.

"Me too," replied Dex. "I'll scrub your back if you'll scrub mine."

Now his smile was even wider than hers. They used to have a lot of fun in the shower together all the time but lately their schedules had been so far apart they hadn't done their duty to conserve water in ages.

"Last one in is a rotten egg," Alicia yelled as she took off, developing a good lead.

Once upstairs, Alicia made a beeline straight for shower and got the water running. While waiting for it to heat up she poked her head out of the bathroom door to see if Dexter was there yet...she didn't see him. Paying little attention to her surroundings, she strolled into the bedroom while unbuttoning her blouse. She had it almost undone when two hands reached around her from behind and gently started to remove the garment at the same time a pair of lips tenderly kissed her bare shoulder.

Alicia closed her eyes and pushed her head back against his shoulder. "Mmmm," she cooed while instinctively reaching behind his head to pull their lips together. She felt his hands reaching into her open blouse and cupping her breasts. "If we don't move this to the shower, we're never going to make dinner," she whispered.

They watched each other undress then stepped under the soothing waters. Dexter reached for her lavender scented body soap and squirted a generous amount in his palm. Gently his hands glided through the hills and valleys of his wife's smooth and slippery flesh.

She moaned and wooed and pressed her body against his, squirming around to work up a lather between them. In kind, Alicia grabbed her husband's body wash. She loved the feel of his muscular torso. She also loved the look of pure ecstasy on his face and how she could make his knees go weak as her deft fingers washed his cock and balls.

Together they worked one another into a sexual frenzy that could only be quelled one way. Alicia reached up and interlocked her fingers around his neck so they wouldn't slip. With a small hop she wrapped her legs around his waist and lowered herself until she felt the tip of his stiff rod poking through her welcoming hot spot.

As the cleansing waters cascaded down, Dexter held her by the hips and helped as she bounced up and down in the throes of passion.

Alicia could tell by the tone of his grunts that her lover was getting was she. She tried to hold back just a few seconds longer but couldn't. Her body tensed and involuntarily she clenched him in a death grip.

The pulsating spasms of her internal walls sent him over the top. He grabbed her around the waist with one arm and stuck the other out to use the wall for support. His cries of ecstasy synchronized with those of his loving wife's.


"Honey, we don't have anything planned for a week from Saturday, do we?" Alicia asked as Dex was cutting into his steak.

"Next Saturday," he repeated while trying to think. "I don't think so, why? What'd you have in mind?"

"Well, the girls at the office are having a bachelorette party for Wendy and I'd like to go."

"Sure. I can't think of anything we have planned. See - weren't you telling me not long ago that you didn't think the girls in the office liked you? I doubt they would have invited you to a party if they didn't like you," he encouraged.

"Yeah, I was a little surprised to tell you the truth." She thought it was probably better to not tell her loving husband the real reason behind her invitation - they wanted her money for the stripper. "Unofficially we've been invited to the wedding too. Wendy said we should get the invitation sometime this week."

"Okay, sure," Dexter agreed. "When is that?"

"The last Saturday in June; I already marked it on the calendar at home. I hope we can make it."

Dexter savored the juicy flavor of his T-bone while he quickly thought of his upcoming agenda. "I'm sure I have nothing scheduled that weekend, honey. Remind me and I'll block it out on my work calendar as soon as we get home."

Alicia smiled; she had something else in mind as soon as they got home. Their little romp in the shower was just enough to wet her appetite for a night of some serious love making.

"Would it be okay if I reminded you tomorrow morning?" she asked with coy, little grin.

He picked up on her meaning immediately. That's why he was so confused later that night when they got home.

Alicia had reached up to help him off with his sport coat. "Honey, would you mind if we didn't make love tonight?"

She had been hinting about it all night. Hearing that she'd changed her mine was disappointed to say the least-until she followed up with—"Tonight I want you to fuck me...I want to be, 'taken,'" she said with a big grin.

"I can do that," he exclaimed.

Alicia squealed when her knight in shining armor swooped her up in his arms. She giggled as she threw her arms around his neck and cuddled into his chest. Once in the bedroom he set her down but told her not to move. A shiver of anticipation went up her spine and she made a tiny "Ooo," sound as he removed his tie and used it as a blindfold. They hadn't done anything like that in a long time. Her panties were now soaked with eagerness.

It only took seconds for Dexter to expose his wife's naked flesh from head to toe. He tossed her on the bed and a moment later, joined her wearing only a smile. Of course she couldn't see it.

Careful not to hurt her, he climbed on top and straddled her head. "Stick out your tongue," he commanded.

She obeyed and felt the tight skin of his rock hard cock slapping and rubbing against her taste buds. She inhaled the familiar musky aroma of her man as his love tool touched her throat. Her magic tongue performed overtime as Dexter worked his shaft in and out.

Knowing he couldn't hold out too long under his wife's oral assault, he moved southward. He was glad to return the favor with some oral stimuli but one look at her glistening pussy told him she was ready and waiting.

"Oh, God, yes," she cried as he pushed himself inside. He felt so damn good. Unconsciously her hips rose to meet his thrusts. She felt his hands pressing into the mattress at the sides of her head and instinctively reached up to wrap him in her building carnal delights.

She could feel his quickened pace and knew that he too was going to erupt into an intense coming together of soul and physical pleasures.

In unison, they bodies stiffened; their toes curled; and the house was filled with calls almost unworldly in nature. Alicia's nails dug deep into her spent husband's back as he collapsed on top her as gently as he could.

He tried to roll off of her but she kept him pressed to her body. "Honey," he said, still breathing hard. "Come on, hon, let me get off of you. I'm too heavy."

Reluctantly she loosened her grip and he rolled to one side.

"That was a great start," Alicia was able to choke out between gasps. "Give me just a minute and I'll start getting you ready for round number two."

And she did...and round number three. They finally drifted off to sleep about three a.m.

Both still had wide grins the following morning at breakfast.

"Honey, I'm supposed to remind you to block out time for Wendy's wedding."

"It's already done," he replied. "I also sent a text to Cindy to make sure she doesn't book anything before I get in to the office. It's all set, babe."

"Thanks, honey."

As she walked across the kitchen to give him a grateful kiss, it occurred to her what a wonderful husband he was. She was deliriously happy with their life together. She made sure he understood that when her little kiss of appreciation turned into a fervid, full-fledged, battle of the tongues, passionate expression of her undying love.

Her demonstration wasn't lost on him, either. As their lips finally parted he held her in his arms. "I love you, babe," he told her.

"I love you back," she replied.

On her way into work, Alicia stopped at an ATM. She wasn't worried about thirty-five dollars. Dex would never question such an insignificant amount so she had no problem using her debit card. She got her chance to pay up when she saw Sylvia in the break room with a couple of the other girls. She checked to make sure Wendy wasn't around before speaking.

"Syl, here's my money for the stripper," she said, approaching her co-worker with cash in hand.

"Thanks," said Sylvia, taking the money.

"Hey, Lees, you coming to Wendy's party?" asked Vicky, another secretary.

"Yeah, it sounds like fun," Alicia responded.

"Good, the more the merrier," chuckled another one of the girls.

For the next week, just the knowledge that she was going to the party seemed to ingratiate Alicia into the circle. Suddenly she had company on her coffee breaks. For the most part, Alicia thought the conversations were kind of silly but it was still nice mingling with members of the same sex.

The Thursday before the party she was asked to join the whole crew for lunch. She followed along as they all walked two blocks from the office and turned into one of the nicer restaurants.

"One more than usual," Sylvia told the hostess as they entered. The waiter found a seventh chair and immediately brought it to their table.

Vanessa instantly picked the topic of conversation as soon as they were all seated. "So, Wendy, tell us about your dress. Are you wearing white?"

"Of course," she responded with a giggle.

As everyone enjoyed a chuckle at the prospective bride's expense, Wendy went on to describe her dress, veil, shoes, and lingerie in detail. Honeymoon plans came next. There were plenty of oohs and aahs as everyone listened with their own degree of jealousy as Wendy described their two week fantasy in Hawaii.

As Wendy's soliloquy was coming to an end, Meredith directed the conversation toward the newcomer. "So, Alicia, I understand your husband is a photographer. What does he photograph - like weddings and things?"

Alicia was more than happy to pick up the slack, especially when it meant she could go into bragging mode. She was proud of Dexter and the work he did.

"No, Dex hates shooting weddings. He's done it for a couple of friends but he'd never do it for a living. Has anyone seen that big billboard on ninety-four at the Mannheim exit? The one of the girl's arm with that diamond studded watch?"

A couple of the girls indicated that had seen it.

"That's one of Dexter's shots, he's a commercial photographer. He works with advertising agencies, mostly. He has his own studio downtown but he also goes out to different locations a lot. Just last week he had to go to Michigan and shoot pictures for a women's clothing company."

"Oh, one of those kinds of photographers," sneered Meredith.

Everyone around the table looked questioningly at her as she went on.

"Don't you get jealous?"

"Jealous?" queried Alicia. "Oh, you mean because he works with models?"

"Well yeah; I know all about those guys. I had a friend in college who did some modeling. She said they were all a bunch of sex fiends and if she didn't put out she didn't get the job. She had to sleep with every photographer that hired her."

Suddenly the table fell silent. Everybody inwardly gasped at their friend's rudeness.

Alicia could feel her blood coming to a boil. All she wanted to do was stand up and bitch-slap the smug cunt, but that would surely get her excommunicated from the group for good. She tried to calm herself down and spoke almost in a monotone.

"Dexter is a very successful commercial photographer. The ad agencies are usually the ones that hire the models, and even when he does hire them, he is a loving and faithful husband. I trust him completely. He also treats his occupation with integrity and would NEVER," she raised her voice to emphasize that word, "dishonor his name, his reputation, or his profession like that."

"Yeah, Meredith, that college friend of yours was just simply a slut, that's all," Sylvia intervened, trying to lessen the tension.

Everyone nervously chuckled at Sylvia's remark. Everyone except Meredith, that is; she didn't think it was so funny but she let it go when she looked around the table and saw everyone's face. It wasn't hard to guess they didn't appreciate her catty remarks either.

As they all paid their bills and were getting ready to leave, Alicia was still angry over the dig at her husband. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to be left out of the group, she told herself as they all walked back to the office.

Later that afternoon, Sylvia and Vicki, another of the secretaries that was at lunch, came up to her desk.

"Lees, try not to take offense to what Meredith said today, please. She doesn't have any proof but she thinks Dave, her husband, is running around on her and...well, I guess she's just kind of down on all men right now," Sylvia said trying to apologize for her colleague.

"Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, no offense taken," she responded.

Not long after that, Meredith herself came over to say she was sorry. Alicia wasn't really sure if she did it on her own or if she was pressured by the other girls but she sounded sincere so by the time she left that night, all was forgiven.
