The Paralegal Ch. 01

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A young man who is paralegal gets involved with older boss.
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Ever since Eric was a little boy, people have told him that he should become a lawyer. Like the time when he was six and he argued with his parents that his best friend Cara should be able to sleep over because, "it would save her parents the trip all the way from the other side of town, and it was already half passed seven already." Or when he was sixteen and managed to convince the cop that was going to give him a parking ticket that the "No Parking" sign was not open and obvious. Eric is the type of person who lives completely in his mind. Applying logic and only logic to make decisions in his life. Thus far it's worked out quite well for him. Just like gut emotions can tell people things about certain situations and people that are otherwise unsaid, so can a strong mind that is able to pick up and interpret the thousands of small and unnoticeable signs and signals that may only last a millisecond but can say a thousands words about something, or someone.

When the time came for Eric to choose a path to go down after he graduated high school it only made sense that he register as a pre-law major at the university he attended thereafter. Those four years flew by and although Eric made good grades and could get into any law school that he wanted something was holding him back, and it was starting to get on his mother's nerves that her brilliant son was doing nothing more than lying around the house and sleeping until two in the afternoon everyday before he went to his job waiting tables. It reminded her of Eric's father, who left them when Eric was about ten years old.

When he wasn't waiting tables Eric would spend most of his free time thumbing through the multiple apps on his phone that aided men in finding other men for sex. Sex was Eric's favorite pass time. If on questionnaires where they ask a person what their hobbies and interests are, Eric would write down sex and everything to do with sex if he could. One of the best things about being a "millenial" as they call Eric's generation is that sex has always been a click away. Coming home after school and running to the computer to rub a quick one out to before his mom got home was something of a daily ritual from the time he was young til now, but nowadays there's nothing small about Eric's penis, balls, or the amount of cum that erupts out of it on almost a daily basis. In fact the only time Eric isn't thinking about, looking to have sex, or pleasuring himself to a collage of bouncing ballsacs and assholes on his computer screen is when he has to go to work, which he dreads. To Eric being a waiter is like having to go without an orgasm for a long weekend when he visits his grandparents where the walls are too thin to jack off and there's no way to sneak out to get the only thing that can quell the unrelenting fire in his groin. Lately, however, Eric has been looking forward to going to work because he has the nagging feeling that, Rick, the head chef of the relatively small restaurant where Eric works has been giving him the eye lately...

"What do you mean the eye?" Cara asks Eric over the phone that sits on the dresser next to the mirror that Eric is looking at himself in as he gets ready to go to work.

"I mean THE eye. You know the I want to fuck you eye," Eric says as he scoops a glob of hair gel to mold his dark brown hair into that perfect little faux hawk that has probably gotten him laid more times than a straight up naked picture of his ass has.

"Oh my god, even if he was and you weren't completely deluded, please tell me you wouldn't actually do it, Eric," Cara's voice says through the phone. "He's married."

Eric throws on the black polo shirt that he is required to wear night after night over his thin but toned frame, the stale stench of sweat and body odor hits his nostrils letting him know that it's overdue for a wash.

"No I woudn't. I mean, I don't think I would." Eric says as he pulls the black pants over his naked lower half, the waistband gliding out and over the small but supple mounds of flesh that come together to make up Eric's smooth, round butt. Eric rarely, if ever, wears underwear. He is careful not to pinch the soft spongy skin of his flaccid penis cap as he zips his fly. "Plus he always does that thing straight guys do when they are around another guy they could potentially live out their gay fantasies with. He gets all quiet and a little nervous around me, but most telling of all is that he constantly checks me out through side eye. He thinks I don't notice, but I totally do." Even just talking about how Rick wants him sexually causes Eric's cock to twitch.

"Okay first of all," Cara's voice says, the tone of her voice becoming more stern in an effort to bring her friend back down to earth, "he's straight. Second of all, he's M-A-R-R-I-E-D, third of all , you could have like any guy you want, and fourth of all, he's like forty-five, c'mon Eric, like gross."

But Rick wasn't "like" forty-five, Rick was forty-five making him twenty-two years older than Eric, but that only excited Eric more. He had never been with an older man before, and the fact that Rick was old enough to be Eric's father made Eric's dick hard.

When Eric gets to work, he finds Rick standing behind the counter where the food is placed ready to be taken to the tables. As he watches Rick start to do prep work on the food for the night he thinks how incredibly sexy Rick is for his age. Rick is the type of man who will forever have a youthful look and charm to him no matter how old he is. He's wearing his typical garb tonight, a Henley with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, showing off his toned forearms that have a dusting of light brown fur on them that is so fair it almost appears to have no color at all. His collar is always unbuttoned exposing the top part of the patch of fur that covers his strong but slender torso, the same color as that on his forearms. He's tall, Eric estimates around six foot one, but the pants he always wears with the black and white vertical stripes on them make him seem taller. Of course he's wearing his signature baseball cap that he always wears while cooking covering his buzzed head. Eric watches him now as he jokes around with one of the bus boys. Eric observes Rick's body, watching him standing there with one arm crossed while the other fingers the tooth pick in his mouth, taking note of his dominant stance- he's standing up straight with his legs apart and his groin ever so slightly pushed forward. Eric loves when guys stand like this because by thrusting out their penis ever so slightly while standing in such a domineering way is the males' way of letting those around him know that this cock is in charge and will thrust the brains out of anything it wants to.

The bus boy and Rick are laughing and jabbering about something like sports that doesn't interest Eric in the least. Eric decides to walk over and say hi to the object of his lust. As he approaches the smile fades from Ricks mouth, and he begins to look around the room. Eric infers that he must be nervous.

"What's up, Rick?" Eric asks.

"Nothin much," Rick replies sheepishly before adding, "how was your weekend?"

It endlessly amuses Eric when Rick asks him little questions like that.

"It was good."

"Good," is all Rick says as he retreats from the scene.

Eric turns to watch Rick's round firm butt bounce as he walks away, but is interrupted by what sounds to him like crows screeching while they are being chopped up in a blender.


It's Rick's wife Lorrie, who works as the manager at the restaurant they own together. "Why did I just get a complaint from Mr. Stevenson that you forgot to tell Rick to take the mushrooms off his steak last night?"

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot, it's hard when you don't let us write anything down. I know it's a fancy place, but it would help-"

"If you weren't such an idiot?" Lorrie cuts in, her words sending Eric's blood to a boil, but he remains calm and collected.

"Fuck you." Eric whispers as she walks away.

At the end of tonight's shift everyone is gone except for Rick and Eric. Lorrie went home so she kid pick their young son up from the babysitter they drop him at every night when they are working the restaurant. The rest of the staff went home. Eric volunteered to stay behind and help clean up from the busy night.

Eric and Rick are both in the kitchen now. Eric is mopping the floor admiring the top of Ricks hairy ass crack as it pokes out the top of his pants while he is crouched down putting pots and pans away in the cabinets beneath the counter. The ever present tension between them prompts Eric to say something.

"Busy night, huh?"

"Huh?" Rick answers sticking his head up to look at Eric, "oh-oh yea a killer tonight," he adds as he looks back down at his hands arranging the pots and pans.

Another moment of silence before Rick surprises Eric by speaking first.

"That blonde at table four tonight-what a rack, right?"

"I guess," Eric begins before taking a moment to pause and think before he decides to take a leap of faith and say, "if your into that kind of thing."

At first Eric isn't sure that Rick understands what he means, but when Rick gets up and walks out, he becomes certain.


Later that night when Eric gets home he hops into bed and opens Man4Man his favorite app to find guys to fuck. It's nearly two in the morning, and there aren't a lot of guys signed on at this hour, but Eric is so horny from watching Rick all night he is determined to stay on and try to find someone. Before long a profile with no picture or information messages him. Normally Eric would ignore such a profile, but tonight he's too horny to pass up any potential opportunity.

"Hey man" it says.

"Hey what's up?" Eric responds.

"Nothin much, just kind of..horny"

"Me too man, you have any pics?"

"I do, but I'm nervous to show you..."


"Because you know me."

Now this blank profile has Eric's full attention.

"It's okay I won't tell..." Eric replies.

"Do you swear...?"

"I swear, I swear"

The user behind the blank profile sends a pic. It's Rick.

"Hey Rick" Eric replies promptly.

"Ha, hey Eric, I figured I might find you on here..."



The conversation stalls out. Eric has been fully hard since Rick sent his picture and is getting impatient. So he writes back.

"Lets get naked"

After a small pause that seems like an eternity, Rick finally answers.


When Eric pulls up to the restaurant his heart is beating fast, but not from nerves. Eric never gets nervous before a sexual encounter, but from the sheer excitement that this was finally happening with Rick. Eric notices that Rick's car is already parked in the small lot adjacent to the restaurant where they agreed to meet. When Eric walks into the restaurant he sees in the dimmed light Rick standing against the bar that runs along the wall to the left of the main entrance, still wearing the same clothes he wore to work, baseball cap and all. Next to him are two glasses of whiskey. Eric walks over.

"Hey" Eric says in barely a whisper not knowing why since no one else is around, but it just comes out that way.

"Hey" Rick replies, his voice cracking from nerves, but he manages to get the full word out, "You want a drink?" he asks with a hint of irony in his voice.

"No thanks" Eric says as his eyes scan the room. Rick is making him nervous which is annoying him, he never gets nervous.

Rick takes a gulp of the whiskey and winces as it burns down his throat. He puts the glass down, and looks at his feet.

Eric can't take it anymore. He reaches over and slips his hand onto Ricks inner thigh running his hand up and down dangerously close to his stiffening rod, but he won't touch it, not yet.

The mere gesture was enough for Rick to take the plunge. He turns to Eric and slams his mouth into his. They make out ferociously, the sounds of their lips smacking cutting through the silence. Rick's kisses are wet and hard, and Eric likes it. The chef old enough to be his dad tastes like alcohol which makes sense to Eric, but then there's something else entirely different that Eric has never experienced before that he can only describe as a natural taste that only comes from a grown man.

Eric eventually breaks free, and tears Rick's shirt off while Rick, like a wild animal finally set free, is ferociously trying to kiss every inch of Eric's head and neck. Eric starts to make his way down Rick's torso licking and sucking every inch of his course skin. It's clear to Eric that Rick didn't bother to shower, but it's completely fine with him. In fact he lifts Rick's arm up and takes a long whiff of his hairy pit.

"You like that?" Rick gruffly whispers.

Eric moans, "yes, yes" in response.

After a few more minutes of Eric licking Rick's dirty pit, Rick instructs, "Suck my nipples."

Eric quickly complies noticing that all of Rick's nerves are gone now. Eric hungrily laps, sucks and bites at Rick's quarter sized nipple.

"You like it when daddy feeds you?" Rick taunts as he begins to pull Eric's shirt over his head, but Eric can't answer, he's drowning in a lust that he's never felt before with any guy his age, and he slips deeper and deeper every time Rick opens his mouth to tell him what to do.

"Now put my cock in your mouth."

Eric slides down Rick's abs licking and sucking then pulls back for the moment he's been dreaming of. Eric grabs the striped black and white pants by the waist and pulls them down. Rick's swollen member comes springing out flicking droplets of precum onto Eric's face as it bounces into position for Eric to take it in his mouth. The scent coming off Rick's untrimmed bush fills Eric's nostrils and intoxicates him like a drug. Before he gets completely lost in Rick's manhood, Eric takes a moment to inspect it with his eyes. Ricks balls are like two large eggs hanging round and low, filled with Rick's sperm. That's where Eric starts, taking each one in his mouth and tenderly rolling it around with his tongue savoring the tangy taste of sweat before moving on to Rick's cock. It's long and hard as a rock, veins protrude from every side, and the mushroom head is slick with precum that is continuously oozing from Rick's slit. Eric places the tip of his tongue there and laps it all up before taking it all into his mouth, licking and sucking on Rick's entire penis. Before long Rick grabs a handful of Eric's hair and begins to thrust in and out of Eric's mouth so fiercely that Eric can't help from gagging.

Eric is lost in nirvana as Rick's huge cock slams the back of throat, and those big balls slap against his chin, all while taking in the scent of Rick's bush that's just inches from his nose each time Rick goes all the way in.

Eric slips his own cock out of his pants. Slick with his own juices, Eric begins to furiously masturbate in unison with Rick's thrusting. Rick is moaning hard now and Eric is sure the inevitable is near.

Sure enough, Rick lets out one last almighty grunt and with that Eric could feel the ropes of sperm begin to shoot against the back of his esophagus.

Just at that same moment, Eric's cock erupts sending his seed all over the floor. Eric is lost in a euphoric daze that only a cock like Rick's could induce, feeling as if he is floating above the ground while the sensation of orgasm still lingers in his loins. But he comes crashing down when he here's a scream that sounds like crows screeching as they are being chopped up in a blender.


On the way home Eric thinks that it's probably time to get a new job.

Whatever, he hated that job anyway.

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63lsmith63lsmithabout 8 years ago

4 stars for this chapter, waiting to see where it goes from hear.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Decent story but tense choice is distracting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Like the twist at the end.

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