The Panty-Chasing T-Mom MILF Ch. 02


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Alina's sucking mouth worked harder. She sucked deeper and made sure her tongue caressed his shaft all over. Full lips gliding up and down his length in unison with the swirling of her tongue, she took his balls into her hand and rubbed them. Luke couldn't help it when he bucked, his butt lifting off the bed. His bucking hips were there to meet Alina everytime her lips slid to the bottom of his shaft, urging her to swallow him even deeper.

He still couldn't believe what she was doing. That this intimidating young t-girl, with all her beauty and all her strength, was sucking his cock. Their eyes locked, her head bobbing in his lap so fast that it was almost a blur. Luke knew he was close. Impossibly, his pleasure intensified. His impending orgasm hit him so hard that it nearly hurt.

"I need to cum," he moaned. "You're amazing," he could have sworn he saw Alina smile around his dick at that. "Fuck! I can't stop it. I need to cum!" his moans became rapturous cries as his orgasm took hold. Alina caved her cheeks in around his prick.

Alina didn't so much as flinch when hot cum exploded from his tip and shot down her throat. She swallowed it all, continuing to suck the whole time. Luke couldn't contain himself. Nearly sitting off the bed, he drove his cock into her heavenly mouth and unloaded every ounce of cum from his body. His cock sputtered out a couple more shots and then cooled down. Alina softened her suction, knowing how sensitive his penis was, but didn't stop. Her tongue stroked his shaft inside her mouth.

His cock shrinking, Luke's upper body dropped back on the bed. Alina soon joined him. She circled her lips with her tongue and then planted them on his. By the time their passionate kiss broke, Alina had a now more characteristic smile on her pretty face.

"It's time we get back downstairs," Alina told him.

Downstairs, Christine took her son's cries very differently than what had occurred. She had no idea they were triggered by the intimidating t-girl she'd sent him up there with sucking his cock. Alina and Luke resumed their act once they got to the top of the stairs. Christine grinned as she watched her son, his head hung low, despairingly walk behind Alina like he was being led by an invisible leash.

Christine welcomed Alina and her son back downstairs, "I do hope this 'training' session was, shall we say... fruitful?"

Alina licked her lips, still tasting a hint of the flavor of Luke's cum. She grabbed Luke by the hair and made him look at her, "It better have been. I won't be disrespected. It gets worse from here. Call me psycho again and I'm going to show you psycho."

"I won't be disrespectful. I won't disobey you," he whimpered.

"I'm going to be a good mom and change my mind. You two can see each other whenever you want," Christine said with a pleased smile. "As long as you make sure he does what I want, too."

"He will." Alina let Luke go, her expression hard and emotionless toward him. She walked out snapping her hips. Both Christine and Luke watched her leave with their eyes glued. "What a woman," Christine remarked. "I told you not to get on her bad side."

Luke wanted to tell her she should have taken her own advice. He bit down on his tongue instead.


That weekend Luke found himself sitting at a table in the food court at the mall. Madison and Alina's friend, Samantha, were eating salads, taking a break from shopping. It was just like Alina had planned. The last couple days went by fast as they prepared. Luke's webcam, set to stream and record straight to his laptop, sat in his mom's closet with a perfect angle of her king size bed. He knew she always liked to fuck in her bed. That's where she'd take Madison.

He stole glances at the girls, careful not to get caught doing so. Madison was your typical pretty, skinny blonde eighteen-year-old. Popular and girlish, and probably about as dumb as a doornail in Luke's estimation. On the other side of the food court was Alina. She oversaw both tables. Luke's eyes couldn't help but linger. He felt a jolt in his nether regions when he recalled the exotic beauty sucking his cock. He started to wonder why Samantha was doing this. What did she have to gain from it?

Luke still wasn't sure he could go through with this. Sure, he'd picked up girls before. But never with this much at stake. He was taking so long that Alina sent him a text. She demanded he march over there before her friend and Madison finished their lunches. Luke took another look at Alina from across the spacious eating area. None too pleased, she motioned with her hands for him to get his ass over there.

Luke took a deep breath and then headed casually in the girls' direction with his tray. He looked right at them, immediately catching the attention of Samantha, who knew he was coming. "Hey," he said to Madison, "your mom and my mom work together, don't they?"

Madison cocked her head and paused for a moment. She seemed to be searching her brain. "Do they?"

Samantha cut in, "You're Luke Dawson, right? You play for the Bulldogs?" right on cue.

Madison smirked, "Dawson. Yeah, I know that name from my mom's work!"

Samantha finished up her part, "Well, I told you I can't stay, Madison. My dad's gonna kill me if I'm not home to clean out the garage. See you later."

"Mind if I sit down then?" Luke asked Madison, using his most charming smile.

"Sure," the young blonde girl crinkled her nose.

He noticed Madison's salad container was nearly empty. Even worse, he couldn't think of a thing to say to this girl once he sat down. His mind had been consumed by thoughts of Alina. Every beautiful inch of her chiseled body right down to her wonderful cock. Madison couldn't compete with any of that. Luke knew he had to dig deep. He had to remember this was his way out from under his mom's thumb.

Alina unknowingly made his job a lot easier when she went back up to the food counter. The distractingly tall t-girl caught Madison's eye. "Oh my god," she whispered to Luke. "Look but don't look at that girl at the counter." Luke knew before he looked that she was talking about Alina. She had that effect on people. Things took a turn when Madison said, "I don't even see dudes that tall. And she's got crazy muscle. It's so wrong when a girl bulks up like that," she giggled a nasty, gossipy giggle.

"Oh, uhh, yeah... I guess." Luke had been caught off-guard, not knowing what to say and not wanting to break character. He didn't hit girls, but what he wanted to do was punch her in the face.

"What?" Madison gave him a dubious look. "You find that attractive?"

Luke quickly denied her implication, "No, no." He didn't want to go on, but Alina had told him to play this part. He couldn't lose sight of why he was doing this and what it meant. "What guy could?" he whispered. "Even her biceps have biceps. I bet she hits the gym every night she doesn't have a date."

Madison giggled, just quietly enough that they couldn't be heard. Luke saw his opportunity. "There are some unsavory people at this mall as you can see. Want to go back to my house?" Madison checked the time on her phone. She hesitated long enough for Luke to add, "It's totally cool. I mean my mom's home and everything." She agreed.


Luke had butterflies in his stomach the entire car ride. He made nervous conversation with the young girl. She asked him about football and about his mom. He was allowed to breathe finally when she put the radio on.

Then panic hit him, when he got back to his house and saw Mrs. Lewis' car in the driveway. He wished he could confer with Alina. She'd know what to do. Instead, he had to wing it. Inside the house, his mom wasn't downstairs. They were flipping through television channels when Christine rounded the stairs.

"Luke, I didn't even hear you get home." Christine peered around the couch and spotted the pretty young girl. "And who's your friend?" she grinned.

"I'm Madison, Miss Dawson," the girl replied.

"Oh! Madison. Mrs. Reed's daughter! You've grown up quite a bit since the photo on your mom's desk was taken," Christine smiled. "What are you two doing?"

"We're just hanging out," Luke replied, waiting for Alina's call. He could tell by the glint in his mom's eyes that Madison was having the desired effect on her. Christine was obviously enamored with the young girl. "Is Mrs. Lewis here?" Luke questioned.

"Oh, right," Christine replied as if she'd forgotten. "She's upstairs. We were just, uh, going through clothes." Christine looked back to Madison, "Where did you get your outfit?" she asked. "It's so cute."

Luke's cell rung. "Get over here now," Alina told him sternly, staying in character in case anyone else was listening. She hung up after that.

"Mom, can I talk to you?"

"Sure, honey."

They left Madison by the television. In the kitchen, Luke told his mom, "That was Alina. I've got to get over there now."

"Go ahead," Christine told her son with a smug smile.

"I can just go? I really do have to leave now. Alina will kill me," he told his mom.

"Don't disappoint her. I'll look after Madison," Christine licked her lips.

"You'll take her home?" he asked.

"Of course. Don't worry about her. You have to worry about Alina and what she'll do if you aren't on your way right now," she laughed.

"All right." He stood there a few seconds longer, trying to convey his suspicion. All part of the act. "I'll be back, I don't when." He told her and then ran out. "Something's come up," he told Madison. "My mom will drive you home."

Christine left the kitchen and eyed the present her son had inadvertently left her. She wondered if the girl's pussy would be as sweet as Vicky's.


Luke got in his car and drove, but he didn't go to Alina's hotel room. Because Alina wasn't there. He ditched the car and then ran back home. Alina was parked in the alley behind his house just as they'd discussed. She pushed the passenger side door open for him and passed him his laptop.

"How did it go?" Alina asked.

"She took the bait," he answered.

Alina drummed her fingernails on the steering wheel impatiently as Luke fumbled around on his laptop. A couple minutes passed before she asked him, "What's taking so long?"

Furiously tapping the touchpad, he told her, "It's not finding my wireless network. I think I need to restart then do a search."

"I thought you said this would work," she told him unhappily.

"It will. It will." Luke knew that each second he wasted was another second his mom got closer to spreading Madison's legs. However nasty the girl might have been, he still had to stop his mom.

Alina tied her long blonde locks up and then leaned back in her seat. "Get it to work."

Luke let his laptop reboot. He thought back to what had happened at the food court. His questions about how Alina got Samantha to cooperate came back to him. "It needs another minute." Luke took the opportunity to glance over at Alina. He asked her carefully, "How did you convince your friend to help us?"

Alina gave Luke a reserved look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." he stopped picking his words carefully, "what did you have on her? She did kind of sell out her friend."

Luke didn't know how to process what his words seemed to do to Alina. She looked genuinely hurt. "I didn't have anything on her. I'm not like your mom," she spit out the last sentence.

"I didn't meant it like that," he tried to acquit himself. "I just thought... oh, forget it." Luke chastised himself for bringing any of this up.

"If you must know," she took a deep breath, "Samantha had an abusive boyfriend. After they broke up, the bastard stalked her everywhere. I got him off her back. That's why she did me this favor no questions asked. It turns out my biceps' biceps do have a few good uses," she said with a grimace.

"You heard that?" he asked softly.

Alina didn't answer him. He didn't know how to make her feel better. Luke actually wished she was mad at him. He wanted her to tell him if he ever made a joke at her expense again, she'd clobber him. This was much worse. He knew he didn't want to make her feel this way ever again.

Luke didn't get a chance to apologize. His laptop connected and the stream started. They could see Luke's mom on her bed. Madison was there, and Mrs. Lewis too. Luke quickly diverted his eyes. His mother sat naked from the waist down in the video. Vicky's mom had her head between the cheeks of Christine's thick ass.

The audio Luke's webcam picked up was grainy, but just good enough to tell who was talking and roughly what they were saying. "She'll do anything as long as she gets fucked," Christine said to a very engaged Madison.

"That's so cool," Madison giggled.

Back in the car, Alina asked Luke, "Are you watching this?"

"No way. That's my mom's butt!" Luke was relieved to see Alina's face break into a smile. He'd cursed himself out so badly for making her feel bad.

"I'll get her to lick your ass too if you do something for me," Christine offered.

"What?" Madison asked, her eyes on Christine's throbbing womanhood.

Christine scooted across the bed, Mrs. Lewis' tongue following her ass. She reached for the girl and stroked her full lips. "Use these pretty lips on my cock."

Luke wasn't watching, but he could still hear. "That's it," he said. "We've got enough. Let's stop them." He started to get out of the car when Alina pulled him back.

She held him against the car seat with her elbow against his chest. "No. Let's keep it going a while longer."

Luke knew she had him locked in place pretty good. "What? What do you mean 'keep it going?' It shouldn't go any further."

"Let your mom screw her. Madison's asking for it. That little ditz deserves it," Alina told him in a chilly tone. "After that I'm going to put your mom through one of those training sessions she keeps talking about," she gritted her teeth. "Then we'll send this footage to her boss. Your mom's finished."

"We, we can't do that," Luke stammered. "She's still my mom," he said weakly.

"Your mom sent you up a river without a paddle just so she could get some pussy. Great parenting there," Alina sarcastically added.

"Well," he picked at his fingers, "I know she couldn't have known what it would mean, but in doing that, she led me straight to you."

"Bastard," Alina grunted. "Fine. Do it your way," she relented, then she kissed him. Luke figured another minute wouldn't hurt. He kissed her back, opening his mouth to her tongue.

Luke ran back to his house and opened the door. He flew up the stairs and pushed the door to his mother's bedroom open. He intended to catch her in the act, hoping doing so would allow them to avoid a messy confrontation. Sure enough, there was his mom in the center of the bed with both women attending to her body. Mrs. Lewis was so deep into the crevice of his mom's ass that all he could see of her head was the hair on it. And Madison had her lips wrapped around his mother's prick.

"Mom!" he cried.

Both Mrs. Lewis and Madison stopped what they were doing, but stayed where they were. "What are you doing home?!" Christine shouted at him.

"Uh, Alina sent me back for some things. Wait, what are you doing with Madison!" he tried to sound convincing.

Madison looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but she hadn't dropped Christine's throbbing dick from her lips. Mrs. Lewis, on the other hand, had already gone back to licking the t-milf's ass. "What are you just standing there for?" Christine asked. "Leave and close the door behind you."

Luke knew he'd have to go through with this. He recalled the lofty language his mom had used when she'd successfully schemed to get him out of the house. Steering clear of that, he told her point blank, "I'm not going anywhere because we have this on video. We'll send it to Mrs. Reed if we have to. You don't want her to found out one of her employees seduced her daughter."

Christine's cock fell from Madison's lips. "Please don't tell my mom!" she begged.

"You set me up?" Christine snarled. Mrs. Lewis even withdrew her face from Christine's ass.

"I saved you. Alina wanted to send this video to your boss no matter what. Then, umm... dish out her own brand of justice... on you."

"You think I'm afraid of her. Tell that bitch to bring it on," his mom told him angrily, like a threatened school girl.

Luke wanted to be the more mature one. "I don't care who's afraid of who anymore! We won't show the video to your boss as long as you don't try to get Alina's mom fired. That's the deal."

"You mean, you won't tell my mom?" Madison asked.

"It's up to my mom, but I think not," he answered.

"Cool," Madison giggled. She sucked Christine's cock back into her mouth.

"I hope you don't think you're staying here tonight, or any other night for that matter," Christine told her son.

"No," Luke shuffled his feet, "I guess not." Next he told Vicky's mom, "Mrs. Lewis? You can go home if that's what you want."

She didn't answer, her tongue jammed up his mom's asshole Luke left the room and the sounds of lewd slurping and his mother's moaning behind. He looked in on his room. His eyes wandered around and lingered over the house which had been his childhood home. He was starting to feel a little low, then he got outside and spotted Alina's car. She'd parked out front while he was inside. The passenger door open for him and the engine still running, Luke sat next to the muscular t-girl. He could cheer himself up just looking at her.

She closed his laptop and started to drive. "We're going back to my hotel," she told him.


Alina and Luke knew just how to celebrate his newfound freedom from him mom. They kissed, mouths on the attack, on her bed. Alina's stiff cock pressed between his thighs. Clothes came off. Luke felt her hard nipples poke into his chest as she aligned the tip of her enormous prick with the tiny opening of his asshole.

"You're so hard," he murmured.

"And you're so tight," she cooed, her womanhood entering him.

Luke groaned as he felt the full size of her organ. It would have seemed absolutely insane a week ago, but he could think of no better way to celebrate their victory than this. Having her pulsing cock fucking a place so deep inside him, with her beautiful body pressed into him; her soft lips kissing his burning hot skin. A thrust of Alina's hips brought Luke back from his reverie. His back arched and his face twisted as her rod pulsed within him.

Their bodies moved together. Luke's legs wrapped around Alina's shapely ass. His insides clung to her thick shaft like they'd never let her go. Alina used long thrusts, pushing her entire length into him each time. As the muscular t-girl fucked him deep, he found himself at the perfect angle to take her breasts into his hands and her nipples into his mouth. She pounded him harder as he squeezed and sucked on her tits. Her cock massaged his prostate.

"I'm going to fuck this ass all night!" she told him.

"Please... you've earned it," Luke whimpered, beginning to feel a greater stirring inside him. He thrust his little ass back at her. The strength she put behind each thrust increased. Luke bit down on her swollen nipple so that it wouldn't whip out of his mouth. Her soft breasts battered his face. "Mmmmhhmm, ohh fuck!" he cried.

"Harder?" she huffed. Her womanhood pummeled his tender asshole. She worked herself into a heavy perspiration. Alina managed to find his lips without stalling her rhythmic motion into his hole. They kissed, the muscular t-girl's massive meat filling his little hole.

Their fucking became more savage. He clawed at her back. She crushed her mouth onto his. Nothing put the muscles on Alina's powerful body to work as thoroughly and completely as fucking. Luke grasped every inch of her cock with his muscles. His eyes closed. Moans escaped his lips in immediate succession. "Yes, harder!" he dared her. "Fuck me. Fill me!"