The Other Side

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A sex-hungry superhero gets turned into the other gender.
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I always kind of liked a certain character in the DCverse. You know, protege of a certain crime-fighting cowled superhero in Gotham City. Well-connected, gets all (well maybe not all, most) of the girls. He's quite the manslut isn't he?

So one day my muse gets horny and asks me what would happen if he got a taste of his own medicine. Aha, you all know where this is going, right?

Gonna have to change names so as to not let lawyers come after me. But you know who he is.


Nightclaw dropped down the building, prey in his sights. It was Dr. Nano on the loose again. Why couldn't it be Freezoid - that guy was easy to take down, just bring anything hot and he would stop in his tracks just like this name. Or the Toxic Slime...he had never seen anyone so afraid of cleaning fluid in his entire crime-fighting career. But no, it was Dr. Nano, self-professed scientist extraordinaire and genius turned bad.

He should really get backup instead. Call in Armsman, or maybe even Sky Crusader. But he was feeling confident tonight, powerful and strong. He had a date lined up with Hexgirl later that he was looking forwards to and really...what could go wrong? He had taken in Dr. Nano before. He knew how he worked. Chemical flasks for the offense, some nerve gas to soften things up, and the some darts to finish it all off. All he had to do was evade the first, put on a mask for the second and jump over the third. He'd done it before. It was going to be easy.

Pride comes before a fall.

So when Nightclaw rushed at the doctor's retreating back, intending to go for a swift takedown, the first thing he got for his pains was a syringe shot into his chest. He stared at it disbelievingly as the doctor cackled ahead. This wasn't how it was supposed to work. Not at all.

"Surprised, my boy? I've changed things up a lot since the last time you saw me."

"This isn't going to faze me one bit, Nano. I'm going to throw you into the clinker faster than you can say uncle." Nightclaw blustered. But truth to tell, he was feeling a little unsteady on his feet. Whatever was in that syringe must have been powerful stuff. His best bet was to just rush the doctor, maybe crack him over the head and then...well, he'd work it out.

He took a step forwards, ready to begin a run...but instead a powerful wave of nausea hit him. He fell back, clutching his head. Damn, what was IN that syringe? He'd have to get Patchwork to look at it later, find out what to do, but for now...further thought was soon rendered impossible as his vision started swimming.

"Not so confident now, I see. Just give it a while. The fun is just getting started."

Nightclaw staggered backwards, trying not to collapse. If this was Dr. Nano's idea of fun, he didn't want to know what work looked like. A wave of burning heat swept through him, and the superhero felt his body start to change.

The first thing to happen was that his chest began to swell. Twin pinpricks of heat started from his nipples and soon spread to the rest of his upper torso, becoming quickly so unbearable that he ripped apart the kelvar coating of his armor to look down unbelieving at his himself. Instead of the chiseled abs that he expected to see, there were two unmistakably perky female tits.

"How do you like them apples?" cackled the doctor.

"Why you..." Nightclaw took another step forwards, but once again nausea assailed him and he fell backwards on legs that were quite a bit slimmer than he remembered. He looked down to see his formerly muscled thighs shrink into slimmer ones - still with sheen of sinew on them, but definitely not the same.

He was turning into a woman. The goddamn syringe was turning him into a woman. Nightclaw could only watch helplessly as the rest of his body started to change as well.

His buttocks were next, turning from firm to shapely in a manner of seconds. He looked on in horror as his arms thinned in much the way his legs did. He could feel but not see his hair lengthening to the small of his back, and when he let out a shriek of surprise, it was a full two octaves than what he expected to hear.

The heat blossoming through his body finally made its way down to his crotch, and Nightclaw didn't need to be a bio geneticist to know what was happening there. He was not about to tear his trousers off in front of a villain, but with a final wave of heat, he felt his privates remodel themselves into that of another gender.

The superhero - now superheroine - didn't know what to make of this new situation at all. It was just all too weird. But his training reasserted himself and he focused on one single point of reality...there was someone in front of him he had to take in. Hoping that the gender change hadn't affected any of his musculature TOO much, he - or she - prepared herself to sprint forwards once more.

Nightclaw was right on one count, wrong on the other. She hadn't lost any of her body's abilities. But her new center of gravity necessitated some getting used to, and so what was supposed to be an agile sprint forwards instead turned into an ungainly stride that sent her careening way off the mark and almost into a nearby wall. Nightclaw got up again seconds later, cheeks reddening at the Doctor's laughter.

"This has all been very fun, but I have places to be and things to do. I'll let you get acquainted with yourself now, hmmm? Perhaps you'll be a little more understanding of all the chicks you pick up now that you are one yourself." And so saying, Dr. Nano threw a vial of stained glass onto the ground and disappeared, leaving Nightclaw coughing.

Chicks he picked up? He was just trying to show them a good time...what was this, even Dr. Nano? Nightclaw was used to the more conservative members of the superhero community giving him grief about his...nocturnal activities. Paragon, he expected. Titanos, that was a given. But a supervillain? What was everyone's problem?

But looking down at his - her - transformed body, Nightclaw knew that she had bigger fish to fry.


Back at HQ, Patchwork - the resident doctor - ran every test he could think of and then some. No dice. Even with the assistant of two supercomputers, they were unable to find out what Dr. Nano had done or how to reverse it. It seemed Nightclaw was stuck like this.

"You have two options." said Patchwork in his high, wheedling voice. "Track down Nano and get him to reverse it...or learn to live with your condition. I hate to say it but the latter seems much more likely."

Nightclaw had to agree. They had no idea where the mad doctor might strike next, and even if they would they compel him to reverse what he had done? They didn't have any mind-controllers on their team - controlling minds was generally a villain thing. He would just have to make do. Maybe he'd get one of his old flames to help out. Firebird - she would know what to do. Or maybe even Keshara...unless she was doing the whole between planes thing again.

But first a shower and a good long rest. Nightclaw's pride was hurt, but there was no use strategizing on a lack of sleep. He'd call someone first thing in the morning.

Her body, though, had other ideas.


When Nightclaw woke in the morning, he realized two things. The first was that there was a reason why Dr. Nano had remained uncaptured for so long...he did good work. The serum was slow acting, it seemed, and it had taken a while to really take effect.

The erstwhile superhero stared unbelievingly at twin mountains of flesh that now jutted out from her chest. When she went to bed she had small, perky breasts, the tits of a teenager. Now her chest was dominated by the melons of a porn star. They were big...easily D-cups or more. They hung high and full with no hint of sag, capped with dark nipples that protruded a full two inches from their resting place on her titanic tits.

That wasn't the worst of it either. Nightclaw walked to the mirror in her room, dreading what she would see. Her worst fears were confirmed as her reflection came into view. Her ass had plumped out as well, becoming twin cushions that jiggled as she walked. Her legs had lengthened a full foot, seeming to go on forever. And her waist had cinched in slightly, combining with her widened hips to become the envy of any top model.

Dr. Nano didn't seem content to stop with just her top and bottom halves...this time her lips had blossomed into a full pout and turned a bright red besides, as if she had permanent lipstick on. Eyelashes had lengthened and her eyes even looked like someone had dusted them with eyeliner. Nightclaw tried saying her name and wasn't at all surprised to hear it come out a slow, sexy drawl.

She hightailed it back to the lab as soon as was superhumanly possible - which was for Nightclaw pretty damn fast indeed. Patchwork took one look at her and motioned her to the bed of scanners at the right of the room. But a battery of tests later (including full MRI and blood) and they knew nothing that they hadn't already.

So they were back at square one. Square zero, actually, since her new body meant that there were a lot of things to get used to. The way her hips swiveled in a thoroughly enticing manner. The long hair that kept getting in the way so she had to pin it back. Her new boobs were so big that Nightclaw couldn't throw a straight punch anymore, and had to resort to other means of assault - luckily, her longer legs gave her another option. All in all it took a week or so off regular patrols just so she could acclimatize fully.

But some things don't change. And one of those was his libido. Or her libido, rather.

Except that now it wasn't women he lusted after. It was men. Their hard, chiseled abs, the marbled tissue of their pectoral muscles, even their musky scent. And of course, the lovely centerpiece swinging between their legs. Being in the headquarters of the biggest superhero team in town meant that there was no shortage of superhero hunks for him to drool over. Nightclaw had never really been the most conservative of superheroes, and his gender change hadn't changed that in the least.

He tried. He really did. But in the end it was no use. He had hit on Lazerator the very evening of his first change, and tumbled into bed with him not half an hour after. The next day was Flamestrike, and after that Vindicator. The combination of his out of control sex drive and the banging body that Dr. Nano had given him ensured a steady stream of lovers heading to her bed. After all, when a sexy superheroine with breasts the size of your head comes on to you, what superhero would refuse?

None did. So the newly minted Nightshade (she chose a new name...Nightshade sounded more feminine!) got fucked in all the positions he could think of...and some he couldn't. There was of course good old missionary, and when that got boring, doggy style. Cowgirl was fun (because her partner could then play with her boobs) and reverse cowgirl good for a chance of pace. It took some getting used to be on the receiving end rather than the giving, but her lust drowned out any inhibitions that she might have...not that she started with many to begin with.

The sex was mind-blowingly good. She loved how her new body made her lovers' eyes light up to the point that they couldn't restrain themselves. Her longer legs were just the right length to wrap around a broad back as they fucked, her plush behind quivered enticingly whenever it was spanked (something she had never tried when a guy but did a lot of as a girl) and of course her big boobs got a lot of attention in the sack. But her favorite moment was when her warm tunnel convulsed around each invading shaft, waiting for the moment where she would be spunked good and proper. She swore that she came twice as hard as her many lovers, and more often too.

Her new body was also agile in all sorts of different ways. Where previously she had trouble maneuvering during the act itself, now she could place both legs above his head easily - which made it easier for any of her lovers to gain full entry to her. The feeling of fullness when he took a thick shaft six inches deep had her almost drooling in pleasure.

Nightshade was nothing if not experimental, and she took her legs for all kinds of test drives - hooking it around a head while standing up, wrapping them around her lovers' waists as she was picked up to slide onto a hard shaft. The nice thing about fucking superheroes? Strength and stamina were rarely problems.

Nightshade had always secretly wanted one of his girlfriends to titfuck him, but none had been busty enough. But this time he could fulfill his fantasy from the other side. He had no trouble at all getting any of his dates to slip their hard shaft between her huge melons and fuck them good and proper. And when they saw her lick up all their cum from them with a sultry smile after they had busted a nut they often got so hard that they went for another round. Nightshade had always thought that men would enjoy titfucking more, but the sensation of a hard oiled shaft between his giant boobs, thrusting between them in heated need until it went rigid and spewed its load onto her chest...she didn't know which she loved more, the sensation of utter control she had (breasts really did make men stupid! she knew all about that!) or the heat that radiated from the hard cock all the way down to her sopping cootch.

His activities didn't go unnoticed, of course. Not when half the male population of HQ were walking around with shit-eating grins on their faces, and the other half were kept up by the sounds of heated sex going on all night. He was brought up by a Paragon for a warning and an admonition to not do any of this again. Which just made Nightshade get creative and text his lovers to go at it outside. After all, what was the point of banging superheroes if you couldn't make use of their powers? Sex in the mid-air was great. So too was sex while climbing a wall, or even underwater. As long as they didn't involve innocent civilians, anything was fair game. Hey, a girl had needs!


As the weeks wore on into months, Nightshade got used to the new state of affairs. Wake up, do some rounds in the training room, read the news, check her mail, do her nails (hey, she liked doing her nails!) and then find some hunk to fuck her senseless. That was essentially her routine for most days as she wasn't deemed ready to resume active duty yet.

Of course, being female wasn't all fun and games. First off, there were the periods. Oh my God the periods. Being stuck in a toilet for hours groaning in pain was NOT her idea of fun...but yet it happened once every month without fail. At least she had had the good sense to get fitted with an IUD so pregnancy wasn't an issue.

And then there were the other assorted female problems. Hot flashes now and then, cramps in the morning, and...high heels. She didn't NEED to wear them, but somehow the same chemicals that made her have a constant hunger for new manflesh also brought with them a burning desire to wear the tallest heels she could find. Which were hard to fight in, but that just meant that she would have to work that much harder. The heels were worth it...the taller the better!

This all gave him a newfound appreciation for the problems that his former conquests had suffered. Never again would she dismiss a migraine or a spoiled wardrobe out of hand - she now knew they were serious business. Nightshade felt sincere regret for how he had behaved more than once in the past...but no one could turn back time (well, except Paradox, and he was what, on Mars now?) and so there was nothing else to do but have lots of great sex and forget everything that happened. At least that was how she dealt with it.

But with great pain also came great pleasure. Being female now also meant that she was multi-orgasmic. The first time she had one twice in a row his eyes bugged out, and when he got to four? She would have gotten to her knees and said a few Hail Marys if a fifth one at the hands of Elasticman hadn't been quick to follow. Turns out having all her holes plugged at once made her cum twice as fast and four times as hard.

No one told him that sex as a woman would be so darn GOOD! It wasn't just the multiple orgasms. She loved every aspect of it, from how a big, strong superhero (there were lots of those) could turn her into putty in his hands, to how she could turn the tables and become the aggressor in an instant, smothering her lovers with her expansive chest and devouring their dicks with her hungry pussy. As a man, Nightclaw had always been the one on top, but now it was just so easy to lie back and let her partners run their hands across every inch of her exquisite body until she was quivering in need...and then slip their rigid penises into her sopping muff, fucking her into orgasm after wonderful orgasm.

Eventually Nightshade had gotten accustomed to her new body enough to resume her superheroinely activities. She discovered that what she had lost in upper body strength, she more than gained in sex appeal - criminals were generally too busy staring at her tits to notice her fists come crashing down on their heads. Plus the agility that her new body gave her enabled a wider range of movement - useful not just in sex but in crime-busting as well. The tabloids were full of news of the sexy new crimefighter who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and Nightshade simply smiled whenever she read any of them. If only they knew.


It had been more than a year with no lead on Dr. Nano anywhere. Either he had vanished off the face of the Earth (a distinct possibility with villains of the supervillain persuasion) or he had been employed by another organization, or had gotten his hands on some state-of-the-art stealth technology or...there was no telling with these mad doctors. So Nightshade trooped on back to Patchwork's office, hopeful but resigned.

After they did another assortment of tests, the doctor gave her the bad news.

"So there's no chance of a cure?"

"No. Not presently, that is. Dr. Nano does good work, very hard to replicate, almost impossible to counter." Was it just him or did he detect a trace of professional jealousy in Patchwork's voice? "You're stuck the way you are now for the immediate future. Not that you seem to mind."

Nightshade had the good sense to blush. Word of his - oops, her - escapades hadn't taken long to get around Freedom City. She wasn't doing it in HQ anymore, but word gets around, especially when one orgasmed as often and as loudly and vocally as she did. She was grateful that she didn't have sonic amplification abilities. She would be shattering windowpanes from here to the next town.

"Alright then. Thanks for your time."


Duty called, and so the evening found Nightshade rappelling from rooftop to rooftop, digesting the news that she had so recently received.

So, no cure then. Truth be told the news didn't affect her as badly as she thought. It wasn't as if she was burned or lasered or turned into a toad...she was still human, and still in possession of all her faculties. Not to mention having dates lined up from now to next week. Some of her exes had even come back to speak to her now and then. They were a lot more solicitous now that she was the same gender as them - some even offered to share their wardrobe. He turned down those offers gently, but not the invitations to coffee. Those sounded fun - he would really like to see some of them again. And he'd recently started to find women attractive again...

Maybe life was really better as a girl. Now he didn't need to chase anyone - they all came after her. She was having the best sex of her life and loving every minute of it. In comparison to that, having to put in some extra hours in the training room was nothing at all.