The OF Girl Ch. 431-440


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"Sorry, let me try again," you said and adjusted to a fake announcer voice. "Goooood morning, Becks. The weather is fine today, isn't it?"

That got you eye-rolls from all three of them.

"Any news?" Sabrina asked, turning back to Becks.

"Nothing. Joy hasn't posted on any social media for the whole week," Becks said. "Which probably means her mother cut her off from her devices, otherwise I can't see her being able to hold back. I even checked her friends and none of them have said anything about her either - which, to be fair, might just be an out-of-sight, out-of-mind kind of thing. Vapid bitches are like that."

"They do be like that," Gemma chuckled.

Becks shook her head and smiled. "Other than that? Um, she hasn't tried to get into the building, and neither has her mother. At least that the overnight security knows about. And I haven't gotten any new memos or anything."

The four of you continued to catch up a little bit, and Gemma apologised that you couldn't invite her over for some more fun that weekend - the Mock Trial was going to be taking up most of your time, and you and Sabrina also needed to film a couple of quick 'milder' scenes to get into the release queue. Becks understood and offered to film stuff with you thenext weekend, which led to reminding her that that would actually be Gemma's last weekend in the States.

And that started the emotions as all three of them started tearing up, and you couldn't help getting a little sad as well. Two weekends and one and a half weeks before you wouldn't be able to hold her in your arms.

Sabrina changed the subject, inviting Becks over for a 'Post Trial Party' at her place on Wednesday after the trial was supposed to be finished. Becks agreed readily.

With the rest of the coffee run waiting, the three of you ended up needing to head upstairs so you told Becks you'd see her later and then headed for the elevators. Once inside, Gemma sighed. "Now we just need to make sure Tasha is available."

"For what?" you asked.

"The party," Sabrina said. "Obviously."

"Not obvious, but OK," you said. Then you raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "So both of them?"

"You can handle it," Sabrina smirked.

"Yeah, maybe," you said. "But what are you two planning? Becks is only on a 'play' basis with girls even if Tasha might actually consider dating one."

"Don't worry about it, love," Gemma said. "We know what we're doing."

You pursed your lips, clearly unconvinced, and they both chuckled.

You and Gemma handled delivering the coffees on the floor your intern office was on since there were more, while Sabrina went up to the next floor to make those deliveries, and you ended up back in the office together just as Eric was arriving for the day. He still had that same big grin from the day before.

"Same thing keeping a pep in your step," you asked him as he entered the conference room. "Or did something else happen?"

"Oh, I'm still fuckingthrilled about cutting my law school tuition costs massively," Eric said. "But something else did happen." He pulled out his phone as he sat down, opened something up and slid it across the desk to you. You picked it up and then immediately moved it away from your eyesight. "Eric," you said. "What the fuck?"

"She's hot, right?" Eric said. "That's Casey. We decided to 'see' each other and she sent me that."

"You should probably be keeping that private then," you said, sliding his phone back to him. His new not-quite-girlfriend had taken a topless picture for him, showing from her chin to her stomach. He was right, itwas a hot picture - she had warm, brown skin from her mixed heritage and her tits were probably about as large as Becks, but with large, puffy areola and little pebble nipples. She also looked like she was top-heavy with how thin her waist was.

"Nah, she's not the kind of girl who would mind," Eric said.

"Lemme see," Sabrina said, motioning him to slide her the phone across the table.

"Really?" Eric asked, making a questioning face.

"Yeah, why not?" Sabrina said.

"O-OK," Eric said, sending her the phone.

Sabrina picked it up and looked for a lot longer than you did, making a bit of an impressed face as she raised her eyebrows and examined the tits. "Those are pretty big," she said, then looked up at Eric. "They're fake but nice."

"No they aren't," he said. "She specifically told me they were all natural."

Sabrina shrugged. "I mean, maybe. It's not like fake boobs make them any lessboobs anyways. I'm just saying they lookenhanced to me. Maybe not in size so much as in shape." She slid the phone back to Eric. "Either way, they look good."

Eric looked at the picture again, narrowing his eyes as he tried to see what Sabrina was seeing. Sabrina, meanwhile, looked at you with a little smirk and winked.

She was yanking his chain.

Chapter 438

"Sabrina," Garrison said, knocking quickly and sticking his head in the door to the conference room. All four of you looked up even if he'd only called her. "Come with me," he said.

Sabrina frowned and glanced at you and Gemma, clearly unsure of what was going on, but got up and followed after Garrison, only hesitating to reach back to Gemma and brush fingertips as the blonde reached out to her.

"Thoughts?" Gemma asked.

"He looks grimmer than usual," you said.

"I swear I didn't report her for sexual harassment," Eric said.

That had you and Gemma looking at him in confusion.

"For her making comments about my- person I'm seeing," Eric said, stumbling over not saying 'girlfriend.'

"Eric, in that whole situation, do you think thatyou had the biggest case for a sexual harassment claim?" Gemma asked.

"Well, I mean, Sabrina asked to see the picture," Eric said.

"But I didn't, dude," you said.

"Yeah, but you're a guy," Eric said. Then he realised his reasoning and exhaled. "Yeah, OK," he said.

"Eric, you're great, but you think with your balls too much," Gemma said, shaking her head and smirking.

"So we know it wasn't Eric," you said. "Any other ideas?"

Eric and Gemma both shook their heads. The issue was that you and Gemma both could probably think of a couple of reasons why Sabrina would get called out of the office by Garrison - not the least of which was doing sexual stuff in the office, being in an unreported relationship, saying inappropriate things to Becks if someone overheard her. Then there was the incident with Becks and the sushi up here in the conference room. And the whole OnlyFans side-career.

Sabrina was gone for almost forty-five minutes and it was getting close to lunch when she came back. She looked ashen-faced and was chewing on the inside of her lip nervously as she came back.

"What happened?" Gemma asked, immediately standing up and closing the door behind Sabrina to get privacy. You got up as well, circling around the table.

Sabrina sat down in her seat, Gemma immediately moving to hug her. You ended up perching on the edge of the table and taking her hand in yours.

"Um," Sabrina said, then shook her head lightly. "I got served."

"Fucking bitch," Gemma grunted, clearly not directed at Sabrina.

"Joy?" you asked.

Sabrina nodded. "Civil lawsuit. The process server was downstairs asking for me, and Becks had a hunch so she called Garrison instead of me. There was no real point in trying to dodge it, so Garrison acted as my lawyer and witnessed the serving. Then we went up to his office so he could look it over. It's- Garrison says it's all ridiculous and won't fly, but we have to go through the motions."

"Are you OK?" you asked softly.

Sabrina swallowed and took a breath before nodding. "I think so?" she said. "I mean, it's fucking bullshit that they think she's the victim after all the crap she pulled. And this is going to last into the school year unless they can convince Bellagamba to drop it, which he doesn't think will happen until it gets in front of a judge at least."

"Is he going to represent you?" Eric asked.

"No," Sabrina said. "He can't since he'll be a material witness if it comes down to it. He couldn'tsee what happened, but he heard it on the phone and is aware of everything else Joy was doing at the firm. He said the firm is going to engage one of the civil attorneys on my behalf at the firm we're doing the Mock Trial against, so I'll meet them then."

"Fucking hell," you sighed, holding her hand tight.

"OK, this sucks," Gemma said. "But now that the shock is wearing off, tell me this. Was it worth seeing Joy wailing with a busted nose?"

Sabrina scrunched up her face, then snorted and relaxed a bit as she chuckled. "Yes," she said. "God, she looked like such a fucking little bitch. And the way she just said 'I t'ink you broke by nobe' was so fucking good."'

Gemma made space for you to hug Sabrina, and Eric even came over and hugged her as well.

"I'm going to get you some water," you said. "Is there anything else you need?"

She looked at you and smirked just a little, and you knew what she was thinking and you laughed and shook your head. "Water would be good," she agreed. "Thanks, baby."

"You're welcome," you said, and after exchanging a glance with Gemma you slipped out of the conference room, leaving the door open again like it was supposed to be. You headed down the corridor through the building but bypassed the staff kitchen area and went down towards the partner offices, knocking on Garrison's door. He looked up and saw you, motioning you in.

"Is she going to be OK?" you asked him bluntly.

"She will," Garrison said. "It's not a frivolous suit, but it's close enough considering everything else. I can't see any judge ruling against her. If it goes anywhere you'll end up being a witness most likely though."

"That's fine," you said. "Um... I probably shouldn't actually talk to you about details though, should I?"

"Not on this one, John," Garrison said. "I know all I need to know about it. Anything else you should tell her lawyer - I'm pretty sure I know who it will end up being, andshe is very, very good. We just need to make sure she's available and sign the documents to make it official."

"Thank you, sir," you said. "For everything, but especially for this."

"I told you four yesterday, you're more trouble than youshould be worth. But you also saved this firm from potentially a lot worse if Joy hadn't gotten caught. This isn't out of the goodness of our hearts, this is fair compensation for good work."

'Thank you," you repeated.

"You're welcome. Now, back to work. You've got a trial on Monday and didn't need this distraction," he said. "Actually, why don't you all refocus on that for the rest of the day? It'll do Sabrina some good to be able to work with you three directly."

"Will do, sir," you agreed. "Thank you again."

"Thank me one more time and I'll think I'm getting soft, John," he said. "You can go."

You managed not to say it again before leaving.

Chapter 439

Sabrina was, understandably, a little distracted during the next few hours. That didn't stop you, Gemma and Eric from encouraging her to take charge to try and help her out. Sabrina ended up assigning you the finalisation of the witness lists, while Gemma was directed to start taking the various notes that had been made for the opening statements and forming them into a cohesive speech. That left space for Eric to double-check the motions that needed to be filed to attempt to quash various elements of evidence or specific witnesses that would hurt the case and to challenge the validity of several of the initial case filings from the main package. Sabrina took on the brunt of forming the meat of the case you would be making, organising your defensive and offensive question lists for the witnesses and laying out which evidence you would bring in for each potential witness.

You noticed, about halfway through the afternoon, that none of the Associates or Junior Partners had dropped any interning work for you all - usually, Fridays were a 'dump day' when they were getting their work for the week finished and dropped off stuff for you all to work on. Instead, it seemed like word had gotten around about the mock trial and that you were to be left alone, which was definitely helpful.

"OK," Eric sighed, rubbing at his face as he leaned back from his laptop. "All I've got left is the motion to suppress on the character witnesses, and then finalising the motion to dismiss."

"Did you remember to include the citations I found for the motion to suppress on the traffic cam footage from earlier in the day?" Sabrina asked.

"Umm, yeah," Eric nodded, clicking through his open tabs. "I got them."

"OK," Sabrina nodded, then turned to you. "How are you doing, John?"

"Good," you said. "Unless we find something else over the weekend I think the list should be done. The last detail is whether we can come up with a way to mitigate the fact that the broker was the brother-in-law of the victim or not."

"Mm," Sabrina hummed and started flipping through papers. "I actually found something for that. I'll try to find it."

"I'm only about halfway through the opening statements," Gemma said. "Honestly, my natural inclination is to be a little more...fiery than we decided to go. I'm going to need some help."

"I'll help," you offered.

The four of you got back to work, and you slid your chair over to sit next to Gemma as you both murmured quietly and wordsmithed the opening statements. What she'd written wasgood, but after the advice from Garrison and witnessing his own case, you'd all decided to follow his methodology of methodical, passionless facts for whoever the judge ended up being. The two of you ended up doing a quick secondary rewrite of what she'd already gotten done, toning things down a little more, before piecing together the second half of the speech.

What you managed to put together was a comprehensive defence of your Insurance Company client's decisions and actions regarding the decision not to pay out several of the claims made by the plaintiff. You had already done a round of 'What if we were the plaintiff?' earlier on in the process and had tried to head off as many of the avenues they had as possible upfront.

If you could get everything else ready, you would do that again over the weekend as you all went through every spec of information that came in the massive resource file now that you were immersed in it, looking for any last tidbits that would help either side.

The end of the work day passed without any of you noticing, and you were surprised when the conference room phone rang and the security guard asked someone to come down to pick up your dinner order. You ended up going with Gemma, wanting a quick break from the final paragraph of the opening statement and found out that the 'mystery delivery' was from the Taco truck that you and Gemma had gotten food from before. The reminder of your first date made you chuckle, and when you were in the elevator you set down the big paper bag you were holding and you took your girlfriend's face in both your hands and kissed her.

"I love you, Gemma," you said.

"I know," she smiled back. "And I love you too. What made you want to say it like that, though?"

"Everything," you sighed, picking the bag of food back up. "Just everything."

"Just," she smirked. Then she sighed. "I'm going to miss you so much, but I'm going to miss this, too."


"Working with you and Sabrina every day. And Eric, even. Feeling like we'redoing things and not just spinning my wheels in class," she said. "I won't miss the intern salary rate. But everything else has just been... My life changed this summer for the better, and you and Sabrina are like 85% of that. Becks, Tasha, Becca and Charlotte are maybe 5%. This job, working with you, getting mentored by Garrison, that's the last 10%."

"We'll survive," you said. "We'll be together next summer, andlive together at whatever school we go to."

"We need to talk about that more," Gemma sighed. "And I know. Three years of Law School together will be amazing. But after that, we might not allwork together. Hell, more likely than not we won't. We'll be together, but it won't be like this again. I'm just trying to really enjoy all of this, even the chaotic and hard parts."

"Me too," you said softly, leaning into her slightly. "Me too."

Chapter 440

You and Gemma wrapped up the Opening Statement over dinner and moved on to helping Eric finish up his motions with final checks. Other than a few word changes here or there they were actually fairly well written and you were surprised that Eric had it in him to write legalese that way.

That freed you all up to tackle the last of Sabrina's checklists, helping her triple-check all of the information she'd outlined to make sure no decimal point had been accidentally shifted and every legal reference was solid.

You called it a night at almost 11 PM, the latest you'd ever worked at the office. It had been a productive day even with the bomb of Joy's lawsuit hitting Sabrina, and you ended up ordering an Uber for you and the girls to take you back to your place. Mosche and the potential awkwardness be damned - Sabrina needed an evening to just relax before you got back to work Saturday morning again.

When you got to the apartment you performed the knocking ritual - there was no longer a risk of walking in on Mosche and Tasha in a compromising position, thankfully, but it was still Mosche living there and he could have been doing something alone. There wasn't an answer though, and after waiting about twenty seconds you glanced at the girls and shrugged. "Guess he's out," you said.

He wasn't out. As soon as you opened the door the sounds of sex drifted towards you. Thankfully Moschewasn't in the living area or the kitchen. It sounded like it was coming from the direction of his bedroom. Gemma and Sabrina were both surprised as you silently entered the apartment and shut the door behind you with a loud slam.

No hesitation in the sounds.

"Is he watching porn?" Gemma guessed.

The sounds coming out of his room were definitely pornographic in that fake sort of 'Oh yeah baby, sooo big' way. You gestured unknowingly, and Sabrina crept a little further into the apartment and looked around the corner towards Mosche's bedroom, then came back. "The door is cracked open," she said. "Should I go peak?"

"No," you said at the same time Gemma said, "Yes."

"No," you repeated yourself, grabbing Sabrina by the arm and pulling her into a hug. "If it's porn, you'd just be seeing Mosche wanking it or passed out with it still running. If it's not porn then you'd be invading Iris's privacy and she's definitelynot as 'outgoing' as Tasha was with getting caught."

"Fine," Sabrina sighed. "But if that's the case, you better take me to your room, baby. Cause I don't want to be the girl in this apartmentnot getting sexed up."

Gemma snorted and smacked Sabrina's butt. "What's that make me then?"

"The girlfriend who rides my face?" Sabrina offered with a grin.

The girls headed for your room as you quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed some water bottles from the fridge and then followed them, the noises thankfully getting dimmer as you moved further away and dying out completely once you shut your bedroom door. Sabrina and Gemma were already getting changed, blouses and business skirts getting shed, and you stopped for a moment with a grin to watch. Gemma noticed you first as she was unhooking her bra and she gave you a chest wiggle as she stuck out her tongue at you playfully, and that got Sabrina to notice and she bent over at the waist as she pulled down her panties, giving you a great view of her ass getting revealed.