The Nude Gun Ch. 07


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Joe used the opportunity to shower quickly and make his escape, the women would keep Cassie busy for another hour at least. It was late, but he still had to check on Angela and since he knew that Cassie would be about an hour behind him, he could use that.

As he drove across town he thought about what Keira had said. He was indeed in a relationship, which there didn't seem to be any way of getting out. They would have to negotiate, but what did Cassie want? Her species was very loyal and many mated for life. He sighed heavily. As he reviewed the data on her people. He had no one to blame but himself, but it would have been nice to have gotten a warning.

A mile away he dialed Angela's number. She picked up on the third ring. "Joe? Where have you been? I thought you had left the planet," she joked. "Your timing is good if you are calling to come by, my husband is out of town for the remainder of the week. I've missed you."

"I'll see you in three minutes," Joe said and hung up.

Parking on the street jogged up the huge front lawn that was in the beginning stages being transformed into a desert landscape. Even after the rains from El Nino California was still in a drought, five years now and the conversion made sense, particularly with the state was issuing tax breaks. He reached for the doorbell, but Angela opened the door before he could. She was naked. He smiled and she let him in. He pulled her into his arms and they kissed passionately until she almost swooned.

She felt him growing large and hard, "Looks like you're happy to see me?" She said breathlessly. "Come on up to my bedroom." The bed was turned back, like she was about to turn in for the night. Joe looked around.

"By yourself tonight?" he said, expecting her assistant to be there.

"Oh you mean my fucking assistant? She has the day off. At least she's gotten better at her job," Angela sighed, "but all the little bitch wants to do is fuck and suck. Frankly, she's wearing me out. Thank God for a man to fuck." She paused looking Joe over, he was slightly larger than when she saw him last.

"What did you do to her? She wasn't a lesbian before she met you. Now she can't seem to keep her hands off any of the staff, the little slut."

Joe smiled but didn't answer. He figured he had about forty-five minutes remaining if his calculations were correct and began undressing.

Angela was excited that she wasn't going to have to share him. When he was completely naked she pulled him by his cock into her bed and tried to suck his entire cock into her mouth. After ten minutes, of licking and playing with his balls she gave up. Climbing on the mast of flesh she impaled herself slowly finding she bottomed out half way down. She carefully bounced up and down, as Joe held on to her hands. After a while she fell forward letting him fuck her slowly as she laid on top. She came quickly, and then came two more time before Joe finally came.

They laid together panting. She had never been so thoroughly fucked before and she loved it telling him as much.

Joe was curious about her relationship with her husband. Did he know that she was fucking other men and women when he wasn't around? How did they handle that? She did say that they went to swing parties where they had sex with different people. So, he rationalized that they were both okay with their having sex with others, but where did they draw the line. He needed to know. Maybe it would work for him and Cassie?

Angela looked down on the man boy in her bed and lightly brushed a strand of hair from his face. She wanted to see him again. Something on a regular basis would really suit her needs. She sighed and kissed his lips, he'd never go for it, if she suggested it. There must be a way, she thought to get him to come around to her way of thinking. He was just a kid after all.

"Joe," Keira said, "she's here."

There was a loud noise downstairs startling Angela. Joe looked relaxed. "There's someone down there," Angela said, sitting upright, her glorious breasts poking out from her chest, she was genuinely frightened.

"Not for long," Joe responded.

Angela turned and looked at him not understanding what he was getting at until she looked again and Cassie was standing at the foot of the bed, she wasn't smiling this time. She dropped her pack she was dressed for combat and looked threateningly at Angela.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Angela asked looking into the menacing green eyes of the large blonde woman.

"That," Joe said, "is my wife."

Cassie relaxed slightly. Joe had acknowledged their relationship. That was a big step. Perhaps she wouldn't have to kill this one after all.

"Wait a minute, you're married? When did this happen?" Angela said looking at him and then back at the silent blonde.

"Well," Joe confessed, "technically it wasn't a wedding and I didn't consent, but the results are the same. Angela meet Cassie, Cassie this is Angela."

The two stared at one another for several heart beats. Then Cassie spoke, "Joe are you fucking everyone on this tiny blue planet?"

"Not yet," Joe replied smugly a faint smile crossing his lips, then he decided it wouldn't be a good thing to upset his amazon bride.

"It wasn't nice to ditch me leaving me with those women. All they wanted to do was fuck me and ask me silly questions. Although I did enjoy your mother, she was very accommodating," a smile appeared on her lips as she remembered their time together. "So, Joe am I going to have to chase after you all over this tiny hamlet?" Cassie asked finally relaxing and looking less fierce, allowing Angela to take in a deep sigh of relief.

"What is it you want?" Joe asked.

"You're my husband. I just want to be with you. I thought you'd be happy to see me." She looked sad. "We haven't even been alone since I arrived. You haven't asked me how I have been. How can we protect this planet if we don't even talk?"

"Joe, what is she talking about, protecting this tiny blue planet? Are you from outer space?" Angela asked interrupting the beginning of their conversation, that was a mistake.

There was a tight yellow beam of energy emitted from Cassie's watch engulfing Angela, it soon faded leaving her stunned and minus the tuff of hair over her dripping pussy.

"Shut up and play with yourself while the adults talk. You're not going to remember any of this conversation." Cassie said.

Angela blinked and laid back on the bed spread her legs open and began to rub her pussy with her right hand, moaning quietly as she pulled on her nipples with the left.

Through his connection with his computer or Keira as he called it, Joe was able to process information twice as fast as before. He realized that Cassie was right. Although he didn't want to be married and in a relationship, he was taking it out on her and not being fair. If this was going to work, he owed it to himself to be opened minded.

"You're right," Joe said, "I haven't given you a chance. I'm sorry."

Cassie's face brightened lighting up the entire room. In an instance she shed her clothes and joined him in the large bed next to the masturbating Angela, who instinctively made room for her. Joe opened his arms and Cassie fit perfectly conforming to him as if they had been made together and then separated. Joe knew it was the genetic coding his body had been subjected to but he didn't care. As if they'd been a part for years and then reunited for both their happiness was complete.

Joe flexed his hard huge cock, Cassie raised up slightly and lowered herself onto him. Again the feeling was like nothing he'd ever experienced. He didn't know what it was at first, then the AI database told him it was the feeling of bonded Cassiopeians, with no one else in the galaxy would he feel this sensation.

"Wait a minute," Joe thought to himself, "I'm not Cassiopeian."

Keira interrupted his thoughts, "Technically no, but there is a strand of Cassiopeian now attached to your DNA. Would you like me to reveal the other additions?"

"No," Joe said. It was all starting to make sense now, he had been manipulated. He'd have a talk with Matt when he saw him. But in the meantime, Cassie began to move. He didn't know how, she wasn't moving her body off of him, but she was definitely moving on his cock from within. It felt as if her pussy was a giant mouth complete with a tongue licking and caressing him. For the first time since he'd grown to his new size did he feel like he couldn't control his ejaculation. He was going to cum soon and hard.

Cassie found his mouth with hers and they kissed passionately. As he came, so did Cassie and they gasped and moaned loudly. Loud enough that Angela stopped fingering herself, and watched as the two enjoyed an epic mutual orgasm.

Angela sighed and resumed playing with her pussy it was starting to get sore, she'd already come twice and was she was getting frantic as she was picking up steam heading for another. Recovering from his own orgasm, Joe told her that she could stop after she came again. She came loudly knowing that she was being watched and that maybe she'd be able to get some of her questions answered.

When Angela finally came down from her euphoric high, she was surprised to see both Joe and Cassie looking at her in a peculiar manner.

"Gee Angela," Joe said. "That must have been some party. You were telling us about how you and your husband deal with all the sex and different partners and yet stay together. You were describing this party and then you seemed to have needed to scratch an itch."

"Oh my God," Angela said embarrassingly, "Was it the Baker's party? It had to be the Baker's party, that was a wild one!" She fanned herself with both hands. "I'm getting hot just thinking about it again. Did I answer your question about how we stay together?"

"No," Cassie said picking up on where Joe was leading her. "You never did say."

"Well it really is easy," she said as she spun around on the bed sitting cross legged as Cassie laid across Joe and he propped some pillow under his head. "Sex is just sex! You two obviously love one another, and nothing can change that. So, what's the harm in just having a little sex with another couple or man or woman if that's your thing. It's just sex. It's important that you agree on this."

Cassie was impressed with this earth woman's logic, she really seemed to know what she was talking about. She looked at Joe and he nodded. They agreed that this may be advice worth trying. "Joe," Cassie called to Joe within the confines of their private channel, "I think that this woman, Angela deserves a reward shall we have sex with her together, leaving her with some pleasant memories of our visit?"

"Are you okay with that?" Joe replied surprised by this side of the jealous alien.

"I am as long as we can have some alone time, just the two of us, husband and wife." Cassie said.

Joe was beginning to like the sound of that. There would be a lot of getting used to, but it could work. He believed.

"She loves to have her pussy eaten," Joe told Cassie. "Do you think that you are up to it?"

Cassie replied, "I have eaten several today, I am sure that I can eat one more. When were done here, perhaps you can tell me why it is referred to by the same term used to describe a domesticated animal."

Joe laughed out loud and agreed.

Angela had been watching the two as they simply gazed lovingly into one another's eyes. Knowing that some communication was going on between the two, but couldn't know the truth.

"Angela," Cassie said as she turned away from Joe and looked at their naked hostess. "You've been so kind to share your bed with us, perhaps we could have one more round, for the road?"

Angela's eyes lit up. She didn't remember how or when Cassie had joined them, but she was definitely interested in sampling the young woman's charms.

"That would be delightful," she said and taking the initiative she reached forward and pulled Cassie in for a passionate kiss.

Joe moved around the large bed giving the women an opportunity to spread out. After a minute of the hottest kiss two lustful women could muster, they took turns lapping at each other's breasts then curled into a sixty-nine. Angela was no stranger to the taste pussy, but found Cassie's particularly sweet and exotic. While a bit new to this form of sex and having recently eaten several pussies, Cassie was beginning to understand the attraction. Once both women had cum from each other ministrations twice, Joe join in.

He fucked one and then the other reveling in the difference of their tightness and feel, and appreciating Cassie all the more. Then he spent time licking and sucking on Angela, bringing her off again while Cassie licked and swallowed his hard cock until he couldn't take it any longer and erupted in her mouth. Cassie generously shared with Angela as they finished Joe off by sharing his cock, licking it like a melting ice cream cone.

It was early in the morning when their marathon ended and the three fell asleep only to be awaken a short time later by Angela's 5AM alarm clock. She had an early morning meeting planned and slipped off to the bathroom to shower.

While she went through her morning hygiene exercises, Joe and Cassie discussed their relationship. They would have to find a place to live, they couldn't stay at Nancy's it was too small and would be even smaller once Nikki arrived.

Money wasn't an issue, but they needed to decide between a house, condo or apartment. Since privacy was the biggest issue, they decided a house would be best.

Angela came out of the bathroom naked, her hair wet with a confused look on her face and asked. "Was my pussy bald last night? I don't remember getting a wax? That's strange, because I always thought that it looked silly naked and bald."

Cassie answered smiling at Joe and then turning to Angela, "Don't you remember dear, I asked you to let me shave you, your hair was tickling my nose. You liked it so much you said that you'd keep it bald for a while. You said it make you feel naughty."

Angela smiled and agreed. "I guess with all the sex, I forgot. Are you two heading off already?"

Still gloriously naked the young couple were gathering their things. They thanked Angela again as she extended an invitation to repeat their session again and perhaps meet her husband for a foursome. Joe and Cassie didn't commit but said they'd get together again.

They dressed and left Angela to complete her morning routine. Arriving at Joe's car he remotely popped the trunk and Cassie dropped her pack in. It was then that Joe noticed that her attire looked completely different from what she'd worn last night, but she didn't seem to have brought a change of clothing.

"Do you like it?" She asked, as she twirled in her jeans and tank top, which was straining to hold in her oversized bosom. "Now watch closely," she stopped and was now clothed in a summer dress and sandals. "There's a long technical name to it, but in keeping with my new assignment, I call it "smart clothes". I have one for you, too!"

Joe accessed the database and learned that the garment was linked to the wearers' computer allowing its owner to change attire at will depending on the occasion or mood. No undergarments were necessary, it provide support, armor, padding and personal hygienic needs and it never needed washing. Removing it was simple, it was sucked off the body into the computer/watch on the user's wrist. Transformation was almost instantaneous.

Cassie reached into her pack and pulled out a black shiny single piece of clothing that looked like a 'wet suite" with feet but smaller and stretchy. "Put it on," Cassie told him.

They were standing in the street behind his parked car. It was early and the street was empty in this upscale residential neighborhood, but already light out. Joe shrugged and went to the passenger side and opened the door, Cassie followed him understanding the need for modesty. He would use the car door and Cassie to hide while he changed. He got out of his jeans and tank top easily enough, but just then a carload of teenage girls drove by honking and yelling as they drove by causing Joe to blush. As he pulled on the suit he felt it connect with his CPU and he was once again clothed in jeans and a tank top. Then it transformed into a navy blue business suit with a white shirt and red tie and dress shoes. Joe was impressed.

"Now imagine you are going into battle," Cassie told him. Joe did and it changed into the combat uniform similar to the ones he wore in boot camp.

"Awesome," Joe said as he felt the suit which already fit like a second skin harden around the more vulnerable areas of his body. Then it changed into khaki and a tight polo shirt and loafers. "This definitely solves a major problem I was having. Thanks honey," Joe said and pulled her close for a quick kiss but passionate kiss. Cassie broke the kiss and climbed into the car, a moment later Joe was behind the wheel.

"Where to," he asked Cassie. It was too early to go back to his parent's home, Nancy would be just getting home, but he didn't really want to see her. Before he could decide, his AI interrupted his thoughts. "You have a priority one call from Master Sergeant Strong, an image of his superior appeared in his mind, Matt was standing in his office, the seal of the Galactic Space Marines in the background.

"This is a priority one alert," Matt said, his face serious and grim "You both need to get your asses over to the local hospital. There is a disturbance that you are uniquely qualified to handle. Lethal force is authorized if necessary. Your AI's will fill you in on the details as we know them. Good luck, I look forward to your report." Then the image faded.

"That would be El Camino Hospital," Joe said to his wife and started the Nissan Z racing away from the curb.

(To be continued...)

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blackknight314blackknight31411 months ago

Great job, thanks for sharing your work.

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Cassie is a problem...

falcon72falcon72almost 4 years ago

I hope you have a fix because that chapter ruined what had been a great story. I wasn't going to continue the story until I saw the author's comments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I like where it's going

I like that Joe and Cassy are together, although I am a bit sad that he didn't get with that Cindy girl. Also I have a few questions, how will Joe explain the changes to all the people he's been fucking at school, how will he explain Cassy to them, will Cassy allow Joe to perhaps keep a small harem and What on earth is going on at the hospital? You should really update more often.

Sincerely, A fan of the story.

AbsolutelywickedthoughtsAbsolutelywickedthoughtsabout 8 years agoAuthor
"Oh Yea of Little Faith!"

Sorry life's gotten in the way of writing the next chapter. For those who think I have ruined the story, I still have plenty to add; my outline hasn't yet been exhausted. I might have a small shock coming for you.

Nevertheless, I hope to have the next chapter up before the end of the month.

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