The Marriage Ch. 04


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"Sir, I fear I can no longer be parted from my wife," I said loudly with a smile, "if it comes to blows, then so be it." The knight smiled, bowed and released Angelica to my care. I stepped into the dance with ease. Angelica's smile was no longer forced. I overheard some bawdy talk about my desires. I pulled Angelica closer than should be proper for the dance.

"We must retire, my Princess," I said. Her eyes held concern, her lips a real smile. She stopped us there, on the dance floor, couples spinning about us. We kissed unmoving, some aunt, some not. Giggles reached our ears as those gathered began to notice. We broke with honest smiles. I pulled her quickly by her hand to the main table where we took our leave from the kings and queens. A bell chimed as we left the hall, signifying to all that the wedding couple had retired.


A suite of rooms had been set up to house our new life. A room we shared in the center, a room to the left for me and one to the right for Angelica. To the right again, a shared room for the ladies Alia and Mylle who were still under Angelica's service. Private doors existed between the rooms to allow us to move between them, unseen from the hall. My parents had seen to it that our strange union would remain private. It was to our shared room that I brought Angelica.

A large bed, soft with pillows, protruded from the far wall. Four well-carved wooden posts rose from the corners and held a roof of thick crimson fabric. A stone hearth burned well, warming the room. A small sitting area housed four chairs and a round table made of the same dark wood as the bed posts. Atop the table rested a carafe of wine, two glasses and a single red rose laid between them. It would have been romantic had I not found myself nervous. I saw the same in my bride.

"A glass of wine?" I offered.

"Please," Angelica answered, too quickly to disguise her desire to stall. I poured two glasses and handed one to her. I started to sit in the chair, but she took my hand and led to toward the bed. She sat on the bed with her legs folded beneath her and patted the mattress directly in front of her. I joined her on the bed, sitting in front of her as she desired.

"All my talk of duty and still I find myself hesitant," Angelica admitted. I let out the breath I was holding.

"I thought it would just be me," I confessed, "I feel like I insult you - thinking about what must be." We took turns sipping our wine while sitting face to face. Our eyes searching while our minds fumbled for words.

"I promise not to think less of you," Angelica offered.

"No matter what happens, I will do the same," I agreed. We sipped more wine.

"Is it always like this, between a man and a women?" Angelica asked. I suppressed a laugh.

"No," I answered, "one thing flows into another. This seems more formal."

"It feels the same to me. It is not like Mylle and me." Angelica sighed. We went back to the wine and silence. I was hoping Angelica would take the lead, and I would follow. It seemed better that way in my mind. My leading felt more like I was lusting and I would have trouble facing Alia after. But this had to be done so I took the first step. I handed Angelica my glass to hold. I stood and undressed. Her eyes followed me, and I strangely felt no shame when she glanced between my legs. She was my wife, and the visage was her right.

When I had first stood, I had visions of then carefully undressing Angelica. The thoughts faded as I stood naked before her, her hands holding two glasses of wine. Something was not quite right, and my manhood knew it. I sat back down and took back my glass.

"I thought it would be bigger," Angelica whispered. She meant nothing by it. My face warmed anyway. Her eyes went wide at my expression. "It was wrong of me to say it." There was panic in her voice. I reached out and caressed her face.

"It gets bigger when needed," I said softly. She leaned into my caress. Mylle was right, she liked soft touching. She handed me her glass and stood. It took her longer to disrobe, stopping at points to allow me to look and increase her nerve. Ugly she was not, her breasts were larger than my hands could cover and stood proudly away from her chest with small nipples that tightened in the air. She was trim of waist with a small backside that was firm to the eye. When she dropped the last of her undergarments, she revealed a small tuft of red hair that softly covered her sex. She reached up and released the bindings in her hair and removed the flowers. Waves of red flowed down her shoulders and back. A funny thought struck me.

"I thought they would be smaller," I said smiling and staring at her breasts. Angelica laughed and jumped back on the bed. A little wine spilled during the jostling, which we both chose to ignore. I handed her her glass. We both sipped some more, a little happier we had taken a step.

"I see it thinks it is needed," Angelica smirked and gestured between my legs with her wine glass. My phallus had awakened, but it had yet to stretch to its fullness.

"Beauty has that effect," I said.

"Just looking at me?" Angelica asked incredulously.

"Aye," I answered. Angelica smiled and arched her back, pushing her breasts forward. Her eyes never left my sex; she was playing without touching. She received the results she was seeking as my manhood rose more.

"Fascinating," Angelica said, her eyes returning to mine. I was past the point of embarrassment so I just nodded and took another sip of wine. "May I touch it?" she asked. I almost spit out the wine. We were planning on copulating, and she was issuing formal requests.

"You may," I answered, after swallowing hard. Angelica reached out and gently patted the shaft before she lightly grasped it with two fingers to lift it. The touch encouraged my phallus further, and forced me to breath deeper. Angelica let it go quickly, and looked up at me.

"It is still growing," she said with apprehension, "can you slow it?" I had thought she had spoken to Alia about all of this.

"It acts mostly on its own," I said stupidly.

"I cannot make room for that." Angelica's eyes were wide. She looked between her sex and mine. "Alia must be bigger," she added. I tried not to laugh, but some leaked out on its own. Angelica did not take it well. "I know how it works," she said with rising ire, "I was not expecting it like that - it is not funny in my eyes."

"No, it is not." I forced seriousness to my face. "It will fit though." Angelica's eyes softened again.

"Do you know this to be true?" Angelica asked. She was genuinely seeking the knowledge.

"Babies fit," I answered. It seemed the logical response.

"Oh," Angelica said as she thought on it. I reached out and caressed her face again. She smiled at me so I knew nothing was wrong. "We will go slow with it," she said, "once I am ready." I nodded agreement. We sipped more wine - it had become the shield between us.

"Let us put the wine away," I said. Angelica reluctantly handed me her glass. I rose and placed the glasses on the table, moved to the hearth and added wood to warm the room more. Angelica had not moved and sat waiting for me to return. At least she was not hiding herself.

I pulled back the blankets, shaped the pillows and bade Angelica to lie down. She did, and I joined her. She lay like a board, hands to her sides. Only her head moved to look at me. I think she expected me to begin immediately. I could see her suppressing fear. I moved in close and pulled her to her side, her back to my front and I held her.

"You have gone small again," Angelica said, "do you need to see me?" I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"I will just hold you a moment, my love," I said sweetly, "we will rush into nothing." I felt her stiffness disappear. I ran my hand softly along her body, over her breasts and down her tummy. I caressed her thighs and kissed the side of her neck. She sank deeply into me, allowing my exploration. Her breathing steadied as she relaxed. It felt forced, but I moved my hand to the inside of her thigh. She lifted her leg over mine and tensed a little. I caressed her thigh slowly, toward her sex. It hurt to feel her heartbeat rise when I knew it was not passion she felt. This was scaring her, I could feel it in her body. I did not stop, though it was on my mind. I closed my eyes when my hand found the soft down between her legs. She was shaking when my fingers searched her soft folds. There was no moisture, nothing as I softly trailed my finger along her opening. I tried to tenderly coax my finger deeper to tempt her body. She shuddered, and I realized she was crying. I stopped and rolled her to her back.

"I am useless," Angelica said as tears streamed down the sides of her face. My heart broke to see her in such a state. I kissed her, and she turned away from me and began to sob.

"This does not have to happen tonight," I offered. She broke then, and I could do naught but hold her. She began to push me away. I could do nothing more as her hands covered her face.

"Go," Angelica sobbed, "Alia is a real woman; go to her." Her fears were doing this. I could do nothing but urge them stronger now. I rose from the bed, a thickness in my chest. I donned my trousers and ran quickly through her room and into the next. I found Alia and Mylle sitting stiffly, dreading this night as much a I.

"I have hurt her heart," I said quickly to Mylle, "I did not do it right - she is crying." Mylle stood with dismay on her face. "She does not want to see me again. I fear this was too much." Mylle came to me and took my hand.

"She must," Mylle said, "we will see her together, you and I." I wished to stay, but Alia nodded her head slightly in agreement with Mylle. I followed Mylle through Angelica's room.

"She is upset," I said, "I could not excite her and she blames herself."

"Shh," Mylle said before we entered the bedroom. Angelica was sobbing on the bed, her head buried in a pillow. Mylle moved to her side. I went to the end of the bed, out of the way.

"My sweet," Mylle said softly, "I am here now." Angelica was in her arms quickly.

"I have failed us," Angelica cried, "I am not woman enough." Mylle began kissing her and wiping her eyes. I had never seen them this tender, and felt I was intruding.

"You are my woman, my strength and my love," Mylle continued, "I am here now. We will do it together." Shock traveled through me at the thought. "You were so beautiful today. It was hard not to stare or rush to your side. I would have given anything to undress you this night." They kissed then, like Alia and I. There was nothing forced, nothing unseemly as I had expected. It was as if they had always belonged together. It was enchanting.

"Your husband is here, love" Mylle said. Angelica looked up at me. She tried to say something then stopped. There was still fear there. "I am staying," Mylle said, "I will hold you, and we will be strong together." Angelica looked up at me.

"You will not think less of us, my husband?" Angelica asked. Her voice was stronger.

"Never," I answered. I stood there as Angelica slowly undressed Mylle. It was a passionate thing she did, kissing skin as it was exposed. Mylle turned naked into her and they kissed again, breasts touching breasts. I would need no encouragement that night. The sheer beauty of them together brought heat to my loins.

Mylle pushed Angelica onto the bed and climbed atop her. Mylle kissed down Angelica's neck and upon her breast, her tongue stalling at the nipple. Angelica moaned under her lover's hands. She arched her back and giggled when Mylle found some special spot known only to her. Mylle's hand moved down and circled Angelica's tummy which brought a shudder to her legs. Mylle's fingers combed into the red tuft of hair and she surprisingly pulled the hair slightly, causing a small moan from Angelica. Mylle's hand dropped between Angelica's legs, and they kissed again. I could see Angelica squirming under Mylle's hand. She was forcing her hips higher, into Mylle's hand as they kissed deeply.

"I am ready, my love," Angelica whispered to Mylle. Mylle looked back at me. I moved to the other side of the bed, dropped my trousers and climbed onto the bed. I felt an intruder more than a husband. They saw it in my face. Angelica pulled me close and kissed me, followed closely by a kiss from Mylle. Neither felt anything like an aunt.

"I am sorry for this, my husband," Angelica said. I looked between her and Mylle and smiled.

"'Tis strange, but I am not sorry," I said, "it is better than tears."

Mylle's eyes widened. "You will go slow with that," Mylle instructed. Her concerned eyes were between my legs. I was not used to women discussing my parts. It was a night of strange experiences. I maneuvered between Angelica's legs with Mylle sideways next to her. I could see a small fear in Angelica. Mylle reached across Angelica, just below her breasts and held her, Mylle's lips kissed her cheek. I positioned myself and found Angelica's entrance warm and very moist. The angle was not right, but I greatly feared moving her.

Angelica looked at me and lifted her leg slightly. She reached between us, closed her eyes and guided me into her. I found her resistance as she sucked in a breath. I heard Mylle whisper love into Angelica's ear as I broke through. Angelica gasped softly.

"Stop a moment," Angelica said. I did, seeing a tear in Mylle's eye. Angelica's passage gripped me tightly, more so than I had ever felt. Mayhap Alia was bigger. I stayed, held up on my arms, watching Angelica's face as she became used to me. She smiled at me, "It is better now." I moved into her slowly, watching her face to make sure I was not too quick. When I was fully in, I stopped and let her again conform to my shape.

"Are you done?" Mylle asked me anxiously. I was not, but it reminded me to not prolong. Pleasure was not paramount, an heir was the goal. I shook my head and looked to Angelica.

"It is fine now," Angelica encouraged. I withdrew part way and slowly entered again. I felt her heat stir mine; it would not be long. There were small contractions in Angelica's face as I moved forward. I slowed until she put her hand on my backside and pulled me into her. I let her control the rhythm of my thrusts. Her tightness and warmth were urging me on, and I did not try to stall it. Angelica could see it in me.

"I am ready, my husband," Angelica whispered as she pulled me into her. My body stiffened and the grand feeling rushed between my legs. I emptied into her as she held me tight to her. I closed my eyes and groaned as the waves rushed through me. It was over quickly, but I lay between her legs learning to breath again. When I opened my eyes, Angelica was smiling. It caught me by surprise and warmed my heart. There were lips on my cheek before I realized Mylle meant to kiss me.

I pulled out of my wife slowly and rolled myself off to the side. My breath was still trying to return to its normal pace.

"Will you still love me when I am fat with child?" Angelica asked cheerfully. It was not directed to me.

"Fat or skinny, I will love you always," Mylle answered, "you will be such a good mother." Mylle and Angelica embraced. I had been forgotten and it saddened me. It should not have; I had Alia. Still, I was jealous of their love, not liking being left out. I rubbed my eyes to try to break my mood. I was not used to being alone after making love.

Amidst whispering, the bed lightened, and I heard scampering feet. I opened my eyes to Angelica's smile, her head propped on her arm as she looked at me. Mylle had left the room.

"You are wonderful to tolerate me," Angelica said. Her happiness was radiating. "I did not think it would happen and now I pray it will take." She reached out and stroked my face. "I made it difficult, my husband," She said softly, "I was born broken, but you did not fail me." I smiled back.

"You are not broken, my wife," I said, "you love differently, but you love well." She rolled, smiling, onto her back.

"A baby," Angelica called out, "think on it. It will be the most lovely thing." The problems we had began to dissipate. I would remember her happiness.

The door opened and Mylle, still naked, came in pulling Alia behind her. I suddenly felt my own nakedness.

"Alia," Angelica called brightly, "it has happened." Alia did not seem aware she was the only one with clothes. Mylle went to a basin and wet a cloth.

"Mylle told me," Alia said as she approached the bed, "I am happy it is behind us." I was concerned Alia was less enthused than she let on. She wore a smile, but her eyes did not find mine. Mylle came back with the cloth.

"There is some blood, my love," Mylle said as she wiped Angelica's leg.

"Yes," Angelica responded cheerfully, "a woman's blood. It is natural."

"I said you were no different," Alia laughed. Mylle looked over to me when she was done.

"There is some on you, my Lord," Mylle said meekly. She started to hand the cloth across the bed, but it was intercepted my Alia. They exchanged a look that made Mylle blush. Alia moved around the bed to my side.

"Your manhood looks asleep, my love," Alia said smiling, "did it have an exhausting day." Angelica and Mylle had trouble containing themselves. I felt even more naked than before.

"Mayhap we should change rooms," I offered as she neared. Alia smiled sweetly.

"It is your wedding night, you will sleep with your wife," Alia said. She approached me and knelt next to my head. Her lips neared my ear and she whispered things to me. Things I could never repeat, but brought a grand smile to my heart. Mylle gasped and Angelica giggled. My manhood had woken up.

"'Tis easier to clean this way," Angelica laughed. The ladies had great fun discussing how my parts worked. It seemed to amaze Mylle, and Angelica talked as an expert. I felt outnumbered, but strangely loved.

I was about to again insist we change rooms. Angelica was my wife in ceremony only. I loved her, but I missed being with Alia. Alia was returning to the bed after losing the cloth she had cleaned me with. I had my arguments ready and opened my mouth to speak when Alia dropped her dress on the ground. She, without thinking, crawled into bed next to me. Mylle moved in next to Angelica.

Angelica turned to me and gave me a happy kiss. Then she rolled toward Mylle and settled into her. It was not what I expected, to share the bed with all. I rolled toward Alia who was wearing a sly grin. I kissed her well.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Up to this stage it's Mills and Boon with a kinky twist. When will the real twist come? Mayhaps with Uri?

Hungry_VaginHungry_Vagin10 months ago

Loving the story! You write like none other my friend. I'm terrified Uri will kill off his Pop in order to make trouble for quadruple. It's rough waiting for the other shoe to drop. Best wishes! Please let us know if you're writing elsewhere. I would gladly pay to read your stories. Much love and appreciation.!

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519about 1 year ago

In an actual royal bedding it would have been even more awkward than that which was described. There would have a room full of people to watch and make sure that the duty had been fulfilled. Scribes would have recorded the event. How many times he took her. How much passion there was. People would have been coming and going. Conversations about the proceedings and critiques of the consummation. I can only imagine how bad it would have been. Everything I have read about royal beddings tell me it would have been a nightmare. This was mild in comparison. Just the four of them would have never been allowed. The kingdom demanded it. I would have hated being a royal.

striker24striker24over 1 year ago

That was way too awkward, weird and uncomfortable. Their 2nd time has to be better than this or I may have to stop reading this series. Surely things will get less weird and uncomfortable right? I mean, having your wife call you small and feeling like a fifth wheel in your own marital bed...fuuuck. Cringy.

This guy has a big tolerance for being humiliated by women....

EZ8ltEZ8ltabout 2 years ago

This was the least romantic sexual scene I ever read.

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