The Making of an Ass Man


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He also had a nice, big package in his pants and, when she finally let him show it to her, he proved that he knew damn good and well how to use it, to provide his woman with all the pleasure she could stand, and then some!

Luckily, he loved her as much as she loved him, and they moved from being 'an item' to becoming terribly serious about each other very quickly. It was with an enormous sense of relief that she could finally welcome a man back into her bed and her famished pussy.

Steve never pushed for anything beyond vaginal sex, from her, in the bedroom. He adored Jeannie, loved spending time with her, and their sex life was the best he had ever had. He'd never met a woman who seemed to treat sex as an Olympic event, a competition from which both contestants were supposed to come away with gold medals. Jeannie hadn't even had the chance to show him what she could do to a man, with her amazing throat and eager asshole, when Steve proposed to her.

Sarah was overjoyed for her friend and roommate, and she was honored to stand at Jeannie's side at her wedding. Only a few months later, both women jumped at the chance when two positions opened up in the hospital's coma ward. They had only worked occasionally, before that point, but now they could work together all the time.

As soon as they started their new positions, they became aware of a bit of a "situation" in the coma ward. It all swirled around a young patient named Joshua Thompson. The senior nurse who took charge of them was a very friendly woman named Gretchen. At the start of their very first day on the ward, Gretchen took Jeannie and Sarah aside, handing them Joshua's thick medical history folder. In a roundabout way, she informed them that both of them would need to be very careful around this particular patient.

The medical file of Joshua Thompson did not immediately give away the reason for this caution. Shortly after starting his junior year of high school, he had contracted bacterial meningitis. He had not sought medical attention for the condition, thinking – as so many teens did, when they contracted the illness – that it was merely a mild case of the flu. A few days, he thought, and the ailment would have run its course. His parents were terrified when he collapsed at home. By the time he had been rushed to the hospital, he was in critical condition with swelling in his spinal fluid. He was treated and stabilized, but he had been in a coma, at that point in time, for seven months. The bacterial infection was long out of his system by the time Jeannie and Sarah came to the ward, but it was uncertain if – or when – he would ever awaken from his coma.

"So, Gretchen," Jeannie said, mystified, when she'd finished reading the file, "What's the deal, with this particular patient? Why do we need to be any more careful with him, than we'd already be, with any other patient? I can't see anything, in his file, that would indicate such a need."

"That's because the reason isn't in his file, Jeannie," the head nurse told her, with a soft smile.

Gretchen took the two young nurses to the young man's bedside and pulled the privacy curtain around his bed. She pulled his sheet aside and lifted the hospital gown. Both women gasped. Rising from his groin was an enormous, completely erect penis. It was the largest such appendage either woman had ever seen – and, given the veritable 'Sears catalog' of cocks Jeannie had seen, in her days at college at Hopkins, that was saying something, indeed! After covering Joshua back up, Gretchen quietly explained.

"Joshua had all sorts of weird growth spurts – side-effects of the various medications the attending doctors ordered, to combat the swelling along his spinal column and in his brain," she explained to them. "For several months, both his hands and his penis were disproportionately large.

"Now, I will be the first to admit that his penis – his cock, if you will – is the sort that just about any woman would love her boyfriend or husband to have," she told them with a soft smile – and in a very hushed voice. "You may have noted the absence of pubic hair at the base of his penis. We keep our patients shaved clean, in their genital region, since it makes it much easier to clean them when they soil themselves. Joshua tends to become erect quite often, and he's been known to discharge while some nurse had hold of the appendage to shave around its base.

"I will admit to having voiced some somewhat envious joking comments regarding the appendage nature and genetics have given Joshua. If that boy ever wakes up, and is able to eventually resume something closely resembling a normal life, he's going to make some lucky woman very happy, indeed. However, I've kept my comments restricted to being made in the staff lounge, which is soundproofed so that patients' family members can't overhear us discussing a patient's prognosis or treatment regimens.

"The two nurses on the ward before you made the mistake of joking about hanging Christmas decorations on the young man's penis. Unfortunately for them, his mother happened to be here, at the time, and she overheard their attempt at humor. Now, don't get me wrong, she's not some heartless ogre, or anything. She could easily have had those nurses fired, but she didn't. She simply suggested – in a very terse manner – that they take steps to get themselves reassigned elsewhere in the hospital. They did. That's why the two of you are here."

Jeannie and Sarah both understood. Later that evening, they met the boy's mother for the first time. Jennifer Thompson took a liking to Sarah and Jeannie, immediately. Even though her son had been in a coma for over half a year, she still came to the hospital at least three times a week. Her husband joined her in those visits, on the weekends.

Both Jennifer and her husband were extremely considerate of the nursing staff. Jennifer was also a real estate broker, with her own agency, and she helped Jeannie and Steve get their first house. A couple months later, she got Sarah and two of her nursing friends a nice three-bedroom rental that suited their needs perfectly. When those girls, Heather and Charlene, replaced Gretchen and Louise a few months later, the four women quickly developed into an exceptional nursing team. They were also all good friends.


Jeannie felt increasingly isolated from the three other nurses. Her workmates all lived together and were single. She was married and, at home, she had hit a major snag with her dreamy husband. As has been mentioned earlier in this story, Jeannie had not had the opportunity to show Steve what she could do, to a man, to bring him exquisite pleasure with her talented mouth and throat, or her eager backdoor, before he proposed marriage to her and she accepted.

Once that happened, Jeannie found herself a bit embarrassed to simply suggest either oral or anal activity to him, especially the latter. She knew that, in the way most modern men seemed to, Steve had intuitively understood that he was not the first man she'd ever been to bed with. He'd met her too late in her life, for that to be even a remote possibility. And, like a great many men, he had no wish to accidentally discover that he came up short in any way, in a comparison with her former lovers, so he had never asked her about her sexual past. He had simply accepted her prowess in the bedroom, and the loving ferocity that she brought to their lovemaking once it began, as the joyful things they were, and was glad of it – regardless of where or how she might have come by those mad skills she displayed as she rode him in wild abandon, night after wondrous night.

She finally managed to figure out a way to suggest to him that she might be open to adding a little 'variation' to the activities they indulged in, in the bedroom (not to mention on the couch, in the shower, on the kitchen table, and in a few other places they'd discovered) but it was by a somewhat convoluted method. Charlene, as it turned out, owned a rather sizeable collection of adult DVD's. She'd inherited them after her parents had both died when their sailboat was caught in a sudden 'white squall' off the California coast. Over a period of a few weeks, Jeannie borrowed videos – starting off with simple 'innocuous' ones involving straight vaginal sex only – from her friend, suggesting that she and Steve watch them over weekends. Doing so – she suggested – might prove to enhance their overall arousal level, as well as potentially suggest some new positions or locations they might experiment with. Steve was quite okay with the idea, and watched the videos avidly, with her.

Then came the fateful weekend when Jeannie brought home a DVD that contained some extremely (to her mind, at least) hot and well-contrived scenes of oral and anal sex. It was after the video ended, and the two of them discussed – as they usually did – what they'd thought about it, that Steve surprised her... and not in a good way.

It turned out that Steve was adamantly opposed to any oral or anal sex. Jeannie had merely thought he was shy about asking for it, early on in their marriage, but now he had made his position clear. He had, in fact, drawn a starkly graphic comparison: the idea of oral or anal sex was, to him, like being forced to eat a cockroach. The suggestion, alone, was enough to make him nauseous.

To a woman with Jeannie's skill set and appetite, this was devastating. However, outside of that peculiarity, Steve was the perfect husband. She didn't feel comfortable talking about any of this with her coworkers. Days stretched into weeks, and weeks became months without the taste of a cock, or sperm, and without the delight of feeling a cock stretch her nether opening and pummel her forcefully. She was fast approaching her wit's end when Jennifer Thompson stepped up in her life, in a huge way.

Jeannie was at work, with Sarah. It was late afternoon, and she was distracted with thoughts of her husband and the plight in which they both found themselves – she, craving anal and oral sex, and he, wanting no part of it, whatsoever. She was performing the mindless, repetitive task of logging medical supplies and patient medications when Jennifer approached her.

"Jeannie, you are one distracted woman," Jennifer said in a low voice, "What's on your mind?"

Jeannie looked up at the sympathetic face, from where she crouched, inventorying the stock in a lower cabinet. She thought carefully before answering. "Jennifer, it's really personal – not the kind of thing I can talk about at work, with anybody."

"Oh, I can understand that. There are some things that I've gone through, these last few really have to have a good friend you can trust, to get through that." Jennifer searched Jeannie's eyes for a bit before continuing. "You're off tomorrow, right? Let me take you out for coffee. Maybe I can be that friend, for you."

Jeannie hoped she didn't sound desperate as she said, "That sounds great."

When Jeannie got off shift, the next morning, Jennifer was there at the hospital. They walked down to the hospital cafeteria together and sat down with coffee to chat. Jennifer made a face after the first sip from her cup of the steaming concoction.

"Yuck! This is awful. Please tell me you girls have better coffee, on your ward, than this."

"It's a little more bitter, here – I think the machine, here, is on its last legs – but this is the same coffee we have everywhere in the hospital. Sorry."

As the owner of her own real estate brokerage – and one who hadn't stopped being actively involved in both obtaining and showing listings, despite the fact that she had employees who could handle those tasks with ease, Jennifer practically lived on coffee, during her workdays. If these four women – she'd come to know all of them quite well, over the last several months – were going to be caring for her son, they deserved to have something far better than the 'bargain basement' swill provided by the hospital for all its coffee machines, even if she had to supply it, herself! It wasn't like she couldn't afford it – not with what she earned on her own, and with her split of the commissions earned by her sales staff! Meanwhile...

Jennifer took one more sip and then set the coffee down. "I know a great coffee shop, only a couple blocks from here. Come on; it'll be my treat."

Jeannie was a little nervous, but followed Jennifer to her car. They drove to the coffee shop, got cups of a fragrant and delicious brew, and just talked for an hour. The coffee was much better, Jeannie had to admit. And Jennifer's soft, reassuring presence made for excellent company. She felt relaxed for the first time in a week. She was just not relaxed enough to talk about her deeply personal marital issues. Still, it was really nice, and she felt close to Jennifer. They were able to talk about other facets of married life, and that was so refreshing.

When Jennifer dropped her off at her pickup truck, in the hospital's employee parking lot, Jeannie gave her a hug and a sincere, "Thank you so much. I really needed that."

"You know, Jeannie, so did I," Jennifer replied, smiling. "We need to do this, again, very soon."

"I agree," Jeannie nodded.

"Well, catch me any time I'm in, visiting, and let me know – if you're in the mood to go somewhere and be just two women letting our hair down, to each other!"

Later that evening, Jeannie got a text from Jennifer, with an image attached. The photo was of the coffee station in the coma ward's nurses lounge – only it now boasted a brand new 'Bunn' restaurant-grade coffee maker with three pots and a warming plate, plumbed into the water line permanently, and a variety of really good coffees. The caption read, "Looking forward to sharing coffee with my friends, here."

Over the next three weeks, the women shared more and more personal stories over coffee. Then, one morning, Jennifer invited Jeannie for coffee at her house, and that became a regular thing. It was a safe place, a place where strangers couldn't overhear their exchange of problems and sympathies – a place where they could talk about anything at all.

Surprisingly, Jennifer was the first to really open up about her problems.

"You know, there's only one thing I really miss, these days," she sighed. "I hope you don't think badly of me, but I used to enjoy good anal sex, back when I was in college. Unfortunately, my husband just has no interest in it, at all."

Jeannie couldn't help but gasp out loud when she heard that. Jennifer started to blush, so Jeannie hastily blurted out, "Oh! Forgive me, Jen! That gasp wasn't over what you just told me. It's just my surprise – and my shock, too, I suppose – because I thought it was only me! That is exactly what's been killing me! I love the taste of a man's seed, and I'd love to feel Steve's cock stretching me, back there, but the very thought of either thing seems to turn him right the hell off, for some reason or other – something he either can't, or won't, tell me."

Both women's eyes lit up, and soft smiles suffused their lips, as they realized the odd kinship that bound them together. Morning coffee that day went on for five hours, that day, as they were able to truly open up about this peculiar demon that had been plaguing both women's marriages.

Jennifer was perhaps more fortunate than Jeannie, as her husband engaged in at least a little bit of oral sex, with her, both giving and receiving, but it was always perfunctory – "a lick and a promise," Jennifer grinned wryly – a tiny bit of foreplay before he moved into position to fuck her.

"Don't get me wrong," Jennifer went on, "He does a fantastic job of satisfying my pussy with that thick cock of his. I just wish sometimes he'd let me enjoy it more, in my mouth. I think he's afraid that – at his age – he's more of a one-shot man than he really is. He's worried that, if he cums in my mouth, he won't manage to get hard again, to give my pussy a good fucking. I can't seem to get him to understand that it's possible for a woman to achieve an orgasm just from the feel and taste of a man erupting in her mouth – and that I'm one of those women who can do exactly that!

"As far as anal sex is concerned, he really can't get into that, at all. One time, I thought I could get him to consider it. I picked out a porno for us to watch together, one with a really well-done anal scene. I was stroking his rock hard cock...and then the anal scene started and he went limp in my hand." A sad look flitted across her face as she dredged the memory from the recesses of her mind.

"You're lucky, believe it or not," Jeannie consoled her friend, a grim expression on her face. "Steve looked physically ill, whenever I brought up the idea of either oral or anal. I don't even bring it up, anymore."

"And, with the body that Mother Nature gave you, I bet you get eyed-up and maybe even propositioned by men, practically everywhere you go," Jennifer suggested.

"I do," Jeannie admitted, sighing. "I can't seem to take a trip to the grocery store or the damned Walmart, without some guy or other flirting with me. And every fucking time it happens – excuse my French – I have to fight the temptation to give in and go with the guy, if he's at all good looking and has a nice bulge in his trousers, just to have one more time where I can indulge those other little passions I have!"

"It's a pity that Steve works days, all the time, and that you can't somehow subtly arrange for him to follow along behind you, at a distance, on a mid-morning trek through the grocery store. It'd do him good, to watch the men who try to pick you up for a romp in the sack," Jennifer commiserated with her. "Maybe, then, he'd at least break down and tell you why he's so adamantly opposed to experimenting with those other sexual pleasures..."

* * *

Of course, Steve was not unaware of his wife's desires. What she didn't know, however, was that he was had become quite sympathetic to her plight over the months they'd dated and the year that they had been married, thus far. He'd heard enough 'locker room' talk, in his high school and college years, and over drinks after eighteen holes at the golf course, to know and understand that there were both men and women in the world who thoroughly enjoyed both anal and oral sex. He realized that his wife was one of them, and that his own problem was depriving her of something that she truly loved and craved. And, truth be known, he felt absolutely miserable, knowing that he constantly failed her, in that regard.

This was a problem on more than one level, he realized. In his wedding vows, he had promised her to be all that she needed or wanted in a life-companion and, in this one area, he had been sadly lacking. Too, he'd heard enough tales of woe and misery from the few men he knew who'd ignored their wives' needs and desires in the bedroom, only to have them seek solace in the arms – and bed – of another. One of his co-workers – a fellow named George, at the Cleveland office of the company, whom he'd worked with quite often – had just been plunged into a divorce by his wife, Marcy. He, too – as it turned out – had been less than enthused by the notion of anal sex. He'd come home from a road trip, a day early, to find his wife sharing their marital bed with a man who obviously had no qualms about fucking a woman in her ass.

The talk he'd heard and overheard had been sufficient to convince him that there were plenty of single – and married – horn-dogs in the world, men who wouldn't think twice about taking a tumble in bed with an otherwise-married woman who had the sort of 'mad' oral skills and anal cravings his wife had hinted at possessing. And he had no desire to see his marriage to Jeannie end the way George and Marcy's had.