The Legend of The Great Pump-Kin


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"That's why our friend recognized me. I've met him before, but your dad and I failed like the rest. He was briefly awake, but when we fertilized him, nothing happened for a few minutes, then he just shriveled back up."

Mom waved her hand disgustedly. "Mary Gibson. If I'd gotten to your father before that skank we could have been the chosen." She smiled and gave Nate, then Zoey a kiss on the cheek.

"But I'm proud that I still delivered, because our children did it," she turned and walked back to the table. "Who knows, maybe Mr. P as Zoey calls him might have a reward for me."

"You haven't been with anyone since Dad passed," Zoey pointed out. "You deserve someone."

"No one could love me like your father," Mom told her. "Or fuck me like him. If you didn't already learn, no one can fuck you like your brother, Zoey."

"The Taboo Zone!" Nate pumped his fist triumphantly. "That's what I feel like I stepped into. Make a good name for a porn site too."

"Glad that's decided." Mom gave him a golf clap. "Now that the past has been revealed, let's talk about the present. Now, these seeds?"

She tapped the bowl. "These are seeds of pure lust. Now, just as the spell says, there has to be a spark, even a small one."

"They had to think of someone in their family in a sexual way, even if it was never an obsession like it was with you, it could just be a one time dream, or quick fantasy or even a thought.

"For instance, a father looks at his daughter and for a moment sees her as a woman and thinks of her in an unfatherly way." Zoey added while going back to the table and resuming stirring the batter.

"That's all it takes. It turns that passing thought that odds are they were immediately ashamed or disturbed by and amplifies it. Makes them want that person," Mom finished letting the last of the goo drip from her hand and picked up a towel to wipe it off. "More than want, they need them.

"The power of the seed will compel them to seek them out and seduce them."

"But what if that person doesn't have that urge like they did? Not everyone thinks of family." Nate countered.

"More do than you think. People think all kinds of things they shouldn't, but what happens in your head stays there in those cases. In this case The Pump-Kin draws it out."

"I still don't think everyone feels that way."

"You thought of your sister," Mom's lips turned into a slight smile. "Ever think of me?"

"Hell no!" he declared.

"Not once? Not even before your sister caught your eye and your heart? Not even a "wow, mom rocks that bikini,' or "Mom's hot for her age?' Nothing?"

"Never, I swear."

"Okay," Mom sighed. "Guess I'm flattering myself. Where were we?"

"You were going to tell Nate the other person doesn't have to have the urge, but just like I passed the influence of the seed to you in a kiss, they can do the same."

"For these it doesn't have to be a kiss. The desire will build to the point that once that person is in the presence of their taboo prey they will emit a powerful pheromone. It will ooze from their pores, only detectable by, and only able to affect, the person they desire."

"Once they get a whiff of Eau De Taboo they will be just as lust crazed as the person who consumed the seed and they are going to go at it like porn stars." Zoey nodded in satisfaction. "Bet it will be the best fuck of their lives."

"If they're both going to get into it, where's the payback? Just that they did what they killed our ancestor for?"

"Partly," Mom agreed. "But more than that, the effect is temporary, it will last a couple hours at most. The two of you were already in love, it just hadn't been fully realized yet, so for you the seed kicked it into motion, then when it faded all was well because you both wanted this."

"But for these people?" Zoey finished stirring and wiped the edge of the spoon on the bowl before going over to the oven to turn it on. "Because its lust inspired by only a brief thought on one side and an unnatural influence on the other, when it wears off?" she whistled. "Shit is going to hit the fan!"

"Oh, that's not cool." Nate complained.

"Honey, I appreciate you're sensitive," Mom told him. "But these are descendants of the people who put the patriarch of our family to death for what you and your sister just did."

"They didn't, that was a long time ago."

"Dish served cold; it is what it is." Zoey remarked while grabbing a baking pan and bringing it to the table. "No one's really going to get hurt, there will just be a lot of drama."

"When the spell wears off," Mom picked up the bowl and carefully poured the mix into the pan. "They won't understand how it happened, but that it did. They'll remember everything. They'll feel shame, remorse, maybe angry at the other person."

"Bet a couple asses get kicked," Zoey giggled.

"Relationships ended," Mom nodded. "So, okay, there'll be some pain, but not what our family went through. No one's father being hung in public, no one will have to flee the state in shame and fear for their lives.

"The first time our family came back here to seek the Pump-Kin they had to use a fake name because people may have still remembered John."

"And end of the day?" She put the bowl down and picked up the spoon, using it to evenly spread the mix in the pan. "A couple of them might realize it wasn't so bad, a new special relationship could be forged."

"Then that wouldn't be revenge," Zoey frowned.

"No, but our friend does exist to spread family love so he'll be even happier with that result."

"Maybe a lot of them would feel that way?" Nate asked hopefully. "They'd be like me and Zoe?"

"Sure," Mom nodded. "That could happen, we'll have to wait and see."

"So how do we know who to give these to? Do you know the families?"

"Our friend will tell us." Mom put the top back on the Pump-Kin.

"Remember I told you, that stupid town square Halloween thing will be a lot wilder than you think?" Zoey asked.


"We're going to walk around to pass these out, but only to people the Pump-Kin tells us too."

"It's going to tell us?" Nate put his hand to his head. "How's it going to do that...what the hell!" he exclaimed when with a belching sound, a small piece of orange slime squirted from the Pump-Kin's mouth and hit him in the right cheek.

"Don't question him," Mom shook her head. "As you can see, he's quite aware of things. He'll let you know."

"Fine," Nate plucked a napkin from the table and wiped his face.

"I'm going to my room for a little while. I have to make some calls to the office. Can't survive a few days without me," Mom told them. "Zoey, get the brownies in the oven, and set a timer, you over cook them the seeds will be ruined."

"Got it, Mom."

"Its very important, I'm trusting you." Mom said with a series look on her face.

"You can count on me, Mom. Just like getting Mr. P, I won't let you down."

"You never do, baby girl." Mom said softly. "Going to be a great night for this family tonight," she put one hand on the Pump-Kin and took Zoey's hand briefly in her other. "A very special night."

She released Zoey and coming over to Nate, gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Never thought of me, huh?" she asked with a smile.

"Not once, promise," he replied, wondering why she'd brought it up again.

"Your story and you're sticking to it? Okay, fair enough."

Mom spun on her absurdly high heel, and as she left the kitchen called out, "Zoey, don't forget the frosting!"

"Trust me, I won't!" Zoey laughed.

"What time is the fair?" Nate asked.

"Starts at five when it gets dark, goes until nine cause its lame. We'll get there around six and wander around and pass these out. Seed can take a couple of hours to kick in so by the time the fair closes they'll be ready to go when they get back home.."

"Four now, how long will the brownies take?"

"Twenty minutes. We have plenty of time."

Nate went to grab the pan to put it in the oven, but she caught his wrist.

"What's the matter?"

"Wanna fuck me?"

"What?" Nate blinked. "Now?"

"Why not?" Zoey grabbed his cock though his shorts. "You were getting hard just kissing me. Let's do it."


"Mom's upstairs," Zoey gave him a wicked smile. "I always wanted to get fucked on a kitchen table." She popped his shorts open and yanked his zipper down. She deftly worked his rapidly hardening cock out of the slit in his shorts and stroked it. "Come on, baby, fuck your favorite girl!"

He went to kiss her, but with a laugh she backed away from him and unzipping her shorts, pushed them and her thong down, shimmying her way our of them. She kicked them away, slipped her sneakers off and hopped backwards onto the table.

She opened her legs, showing off her pussy just over the edge of the table.

"Come over here sexy, your sister needs that big dick in her needy cunt."

"You know," Nate stepped up between her legs, and with his shorts still up, just his cock out, he easily slipped inside her warm wet pussy. "This I can get used to."

"Fuck yeah!" Zoey gasped as she drew her legs up so her feet were on the table, her knees spread wide. "Every day, baby. Every night, anytime and anyway you want me!"

Nate put his hands on her knees and fucked her harder, causing the table to rock beneath her from the force of his thrusts. Zoey leaned back so she was propped up on her elbows, watching Nate's long cock plunder her pink slit.

"Just like that, still dressed, just your dick out, fucking your nasty sister right here on the table. Just taking me," she raised her eyes to his. "Why are you just taking me?"

"Because you're mine," he whispered.

"You got it, baby!" she laughed, then groaned when he put his right hand between her legs, his thumb finding her swollen clit. "Hmm, look at you taking care of me!"

"I want you to come on my cock," he said, the confidence that had manifested itself earlier, coming back as he continued to pound her.

"Yes sir!" she giggled, then lay back on the table, lifting her legs and placing her feet on his shoulders.

Her head was inches from the Pump-Kin which had been facing straight ahead, but when she looked over, it had turned so its gaze was fixed on the end of the table where Nate was fucking her and working her clit in hard circles with his thumb.

"Someone likes to watch," she smiled in its direction, and small pieces at the corner of its jagged fang tooth grin peeled away as the corners of its mouth lifted, returning her smile.

"Creepy," Nate said softly, but it didn't deter him from fucking her or slow his thumb between her legs.

"Baby, that feels so good!" Zoey whimpered, wiggling her hips to grind her clit into his thumb. "Like fucking your big sis with mom upstairs?"

"I...she really doesn't care, does she?"

"I think it turns her on." Zoey said softly as she yanked her tank top up over her braless tits, and gripped her nipples between her fingers.

"No, she's just happy we're together." Nate slowed his fucking.

"I think she loved it," she repeated. "Stop screwing with my dirty talk."

"Yes, ma'am," he shifted from using his thumb to his middle and ring finger, shaking them side to side roughly on her aching nub. "You were saying."

"Fucking your sister where we had breakfast a few hours ago. Giving it to the horny little slut because she needs it and needs it now!" she gasped, and arched her back, thrusting her pussy into his cock, while twisting her nipples.

"I am yours. Your sister is your own personal cock whore."

"Damn, that's dirty," he moaned as he fucked her faster and his fingers blurred over her clit.

"Its what I am. Your cock whore, your cum slut, your bitchy big sister begging for your dick in her cunt, in her mouth, maybe in her ass when I'm ready for it."

The way Nate's hips jerked and the force of his next thrust told her how much he liked that last thought.

"Ohh, someone wants that. You want to fuck your sister's ass?" She stared up at him, breathing hard, her tits bouncing and her pussy quivering around his amazing cock as her thighs tensed and her orgasm stirred deep within her.

"Never done that before. You can be the first and only man to fuck me there. Take my anal cherry!"

"Yes," Nate moaned, his pumps now shorter and more desperate.

"And my little ass is so tight and that cock's so big I'll be squealing and begging you to go easy, but I'll really be loving it when you just take it. Pay me back for being bitchy to you, for fucking other boys while you had to wait, for cock teasing you the last few months. I...ohhhh!"

Zoey released a wail of pleasure she was positive her mother would hear through the thin ceiling. That thought only heightened the power of her climax as waves of pleasure crashed through her.

Her legs straightened, her feet going up over Nate's head, and pointing forward, her toes curling. She pinched her nipples and bucked her hips as hard as she could while laid out on the able.

Nate's fucked her faster, and the look on his now sweaty face accompanied by the now desperate movement of his hips told her he was close.

"Hold off for me!" she moaned as he pussy convulsed around his plunging dick.

"I want to cum inside you," he pleaded.

"Next time," she managed to reply through sharp yips of pleasure as his fingers continued to play her clit while she contracted repeatedly around his cock. " time will be special."

He didn't reply, just breathed harder and she could see him straining to hold back as his cock twitched inside her at the end of each frantic thrust. She pumped her hips, a move that wasn't helping his cause, but coming on her brother's cock felt so good she couldn't hold back.

Nate's free hand gripped her leg just below the knee and pulling her leg from over his shoulder, he brought her foot to his face and began sucking her toes.

"Freak," she moaned, but his tongue sliding between her toes and the way his eyes rolled back as he sucked them caused a fresh jolt of pleasure to shoot through her writhing body.

"I...close," he moaned around her toes, then lifting her foot, licked the bottom of it from heel to toe, making her giggle and moan at the same time.

As the last tremors of pleasure shook her, Zoey forced herself to move. She pulled her leg from his grip, dropping her feet down, then sat up and grabbed his cock at the base, squeezing it hard to hold him back.

She eased him from inside her still quivering twat and reached out with her free hand.

"Not the Pump-Kin again," he protested as he grimaced from the death grip she had on his cock.

"Nope," Instead, she pulled over the brownie pan and hopping off the table, released him.

Nate gasped as a long thick spurt erupted from his cock. It shot across the length of the pan leaving a thick white stripe across the mix. Zoey jerked him off, stroking him hard while rubbing his balls with her free hand.

He sent several more impressive squirts over the contents of the pan before the rest dribbled down his cock, and over her hand to puddle in the corner of it. When he seemed to have none left, she squeezed his balls, and gripped his cock just beneath his tip, twisted her wrist, wringing a few more drops from him.

He grabbed her hand and groaned. "Okay, stop."

Zoey released his cock and after shaking her hand over the pan, sprinkling more cum over it, she picked up her shorts and pulled them back up as casually if she were just getting dressed for the day.

"That the last ingredient?" Nate asked in between his deep breaths while tucking his cock back into his boxers. "That's why mom left, isn't it?"

"Yup, to both. Once again, you're the secret sauce baby!"

"Lucky me," Nate grimaced while watching her mix his load into the batter.

Chapter Five

"Come on, Mr. P," Zoey implored as they wandered around the town square, circling the small festival for the third time. "We haven't given away one of these yet."

"Sure this thing's on?" Nate shook the Pump-Kin cradled against his stomach. "I don't hear any of those weird noises and its barely glowing."

"Maybe no one's here," Zoey said worriedly. "Then what do we do? Go door to door and see if he recognizes anyone?"

"Maybe this part is wrong. Mom said this thing exists to spread happy stuff, that's not what we're doing, and...whoa!"

"What is it?" Zoey turned to look at him.

"It just jumped in my arms."

"It's getting brighter too!" she pointed to where its face had lit up from within.

"It's pushing against my left arm." Nate turned in that direction. "This whole day just keeps getting crazier."

Zoey followed him, switching the plastic pumpkin she had full of the brownies to her other hand. They weren't wrapped, but according to Mom that pheromone she was talking about was now baked into them and if she could get one close to the person's face they would feel compelled to eat it.

"I hope this thing's GPS is working, we just came from that way." Nate muttered but headed in that direction.

Mom had gotten them simple costumes, Nate, a pair of doctor's scrubs splattered in blood stains including the surgical mask covering the lower part of his face. The plastic hack saw that came with it dangled from his hand where it cradled the Pump-Kin.

Zoey matched him with a bloody nurse's outfit. In her case the one piece white dress had some sexy to it, only being thigh length, it showed off her white stocking clad legs. The stockings were also torn and blood spattered, as were her white sneakers mom had doused with more fake blood.

The top did feature a plunging neckline, showing off her breasts and giving her a place to tuck the oversized plastic needle she was supposed to be carrying. Her long blonde hair was gathered in a ponytail and pulled through the back of the nurse's cap she wore, which bore a red cross on it.

"Pulling harder," Nate told her as he angled off to the left again.

Zoey looked around at the crowd, but didn't know why she was bothering, not like she knew anyone.

"Damn thing is shaking," he said to her. "But it stopped pulling."


"Wow, that's a big pumpkin," a redhead who looked to be in her late teens who'd been walking by them stopped. "Must be heavy."

"It is." Nate agreed.

"Its really bright, how many batteries it take?"

"Four I think," Nate shifted his grip on it, and blinked at Zoey, telling her he thought this was who they'd been looking for.

The girl was pretty with long auburn hair currently pulled into pigtails, and deep green eyes. She wore a white blouse tied in the middle, showing off her flat tummy, and calling attention to her smallish breasts.

Her denim cutoffs displayed long slender legs and when she had turned to talk to Nate, Zoey noticed she had a cute little ass in the painted on shorts. There were fake freckles dotted on her face, and she wondered who she was supposed to be.

"I'm the Wendy's girl." She said. "I could tell you were wondering. You guys just move here? I've never seen you before."

"Just visiting family." Zoey told her. "I'm Zoey and that's Nate."

"Staying long?" she flashed a big smile at Nate and looked up at him through her lashes. "I'm Mindy, and hey, Nate, if you smoke, I was just heading off behind the coffee shop."

"He's with me," Zoey said, and wanted to smack herself for sounding jealous, especially when Nate grinned at her, picking up on it.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." She shrugged, and Zoey saw her tits jiggle beneath the shirt, and knew Nate saw it too. She was a sexy little thing that was for sure.

The seed was probably still affecting her. Over the years, Zoey had some thoughts about girls. She'd never been with one, wasn't sure she wanted to be, but at times found herself appreciating the female form and wondering what it would be like to kiss one, to touch another girl's breasts, what they'd taste like.
