The Ladies Pull It Off

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Four ladies surprise their men.
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All of my writing is fiction, and the stories and characters are products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story that need to be are 18 years of age or older. I hope you enjoy the story! And please take a second to vote and comment.

This story hasn't been located in any particular city since state laws on public nudity vary drastically from state to state in the USA. Thus, I have just ignored that these laws exist and allowed the people in the story to do as they please.


"Who's up?" Connor asked as the foursome walked to the ninth tee.

"Who's always up," Mike quipped.

"Yes, as always, we bow to Andy." Owen put his hands together and bowed his head.

"If you guys took the game a little more seriously, your scores would improve."

"More seriously also means more time and more money," Mike said, shaking his head.

"I have a little net in the backyard that I use for driving practice. Hang a sheet on a clothesline. It works."

"Never thought of that."

"Still takes time."

"Anything worthwhile takes time."

"And there's only so much of it."

"No problem, guys. I enjoy the free beer," Andy said with a chuckle.

"We need to start figuring some handicaps here to make things even," Mike, who almost always had the highest score, suggested.

"When we're through, give me your last four scores, including today, and I'll calculate handicaps for next week," Andy volunteered.

Three nods and Andy stepped onto the tee. With his usual smooth swing, he sent the small white ball sailing down the center of the fairway.

"Shit. Same old, same old. I'll be glad when we have the handicaps," Owen said. He usually had the second-lowest score and thought the handicap might help him compete with Andy.

The other three drove, and all were in the fairway this time, though not nearly as long as Andy's.

"Man, a perfect sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. I'm glad our wives are understanding enough to let us play golf every Saturday morning." Owen was admiring the deep blue color of the springtime sky as he walked.

"Not bad for May, for sure," Andy answered. "There's your ball."

"Got it, thanks. I'll wait here while the others hit." They stood together, watching first Mike hit and then Connor. Both had nice shots, still in the fairway but short of the green.

Owens's second shot was just short of the green, and Andy's, of course, was on the green about thirty feet from the cup.

They finished the hole, all relatively happy with two pars and two bogeys.

"A quick rest before we tackle the back nine?"

All agreed and went to the clubhouse, where they purchased iced teas and sat at a small table.

Owen raised his glass. "Here's to the wives who let us do this every Saturday morning."

"Here, here," they all said and tapped their glasses together.

"It is pretty amazing, isn't it?"

"But, the wives get to do what they want every Saturday morning." Andy was fairly sure he knew what Callie was doing.

"Darla always goes shopping," Connor said. "With both of us being nurses, it's good to relax and have a good time with no responsibility. She usually buys something but just enjoys looking at things and imagining what it might be like to wear them. That's fairly harmless." he laughed and took a long drink of his tea.

"Mike, what's Amber doing?"

"Normally, she'd sleep in, but she has a client who only has Saturday morning free, so she's working. The client likes to work hard, so she gives Amber a nice tip, which she usually spends before the day is over. Sometimes, it's on pizza, so it's not all bad."

That remark got a good laugh from the other three. But it was Mike's turn to ask the question.

"How about Madison, Owen?"

"She'll do her three-mile run, check some paperwork, and then read. When I get home, she'll be snoozing but will swear she wasn't asleep."

He turned to Andy. "Tell us about Callie."

"I think that if you checked our backyard right this minute, you'd find a glass of wine, a pair of sunglasses, and a red bikini covering my wife, who is stretched out on the lounger. Oh, and I forgot the Kindle because she'll be reading something."

"I'm sure the neighbors enjoy that," Connor suggested.

"I've even watched the neighbors enjoying that," he said, chuckling.

"I don't want to be offensive, but damn, she's watchable, Andy."

"No offense at all, Mike. In fact, it's kind of a compliment."

"At least she's wearing a bikini." Connor said it, but his mind was picturing what Callie would look like without the bikini. She was a tall blonde former cheerleader whose thirty-two-year-old figure, a bit top-heavy, still turned heads when she entered a room.

"I've tried to talk her into at least losing the top so the neighbors would really get charged up, but no go."

"Andy, you mean you'd like for the neighbors to ogle Carrie's boobs?" Owen looked very surprised.

"Well, they're nice, believe me. And seeing them isn't like, well, other things you could do with them. But I can't even get her to unfasten the top when she's lying on her stomach. So, if she wears a backless gown, I have to rub on makeup to cover the white stripe."

They all laughed, and Owen continued.

"I know what you mean. Madison and I were at the ocean a few years ago, and it was after the season, so there weren't many people on the beach. It was high tide, and we were in shoulder-deep water -- there was no one within fifty yards of us, and I challenged her to hand me her top and swim around a little. I gave her my trunks, but no go for her."

"Yeah, but you get to see it all every day, Owen."

"Anytime you need an assistant for your exams, I volunteer," Mike said, struggling to contain a laugh.

Owen was a gynecologist and often had guys volunteer to assist him.

"And I get to see Madison's mammaries occasionally, too."

"I tried to get Darla to go topless when she'd take out the trash at midnight. No luck on that," Connor said, frowning.

"Amber wouldn't have sex with me under the weeping willow, either." Mike's turn to complain.

"There's a back nine waiting, guys," Andy said as he stood and drained his glass of tea.

"Are we all weird, wanting our wives to display their goods?" Mike asked as he pulled the sock off his driver.

"Number ten is a par three, Mike."

"Shit. I've got bare tits on my mind, I guess."

"Well, all our wives have bodies that would look good bare, so that's not an issue. And, considering their ages, that's something to say." Andrew was holding a six iron.

"Amber's only twenty-three," Mike said as he bagged his driver and grabbed a two iron. There was a five percent chance he'd do everything correctly and hit long, but that was the least of his worries.

They finished the back nine and adjourned to the nineteenth hole, Andy getting the free beer, as always.

"Don't you feel guilty, always getting the free beer?"

"Hey, I've worked hard on my golf game. That's my reward." Andy always tried to defend his enjoyment of free beer from the other three.

All four relaxed for a moment, tired after trekking seven thousand yards of the golf course. Of course, that was the length of the holes. The way they played, except Andy, the trek was much longer. They'd always walked rather than wimping out for carts.

"Back to our previous conversation," Connor began. "One of the guys at the hospital talks about a group he and his wife hang out with that do all their get-togethers naked. He's always talking about all the differences between women when they aren't covered up with clothing."

"That's sure true," Owen agreed, chuckling.

"So, we're all in agreement, then, that we'd all like our wives to be a little more daring?"

"Something to think about," Connor tossed out. "The guy at the hospital says that his wife really enjoys exposing herself, and she tells him every once in a while about running to the mailbox topless or not wearing a bra or panties when they go out to dinner. I'm not sure our ladies fit that model."

"That sure doesn't fit Callie. She's very careful about being covered, even though it's tough sometimes with the hooters she has," Andy contributed.

"I even volunteered to be naked with Darla," Connor volunteered. "Didn't work."

"Do you think if we get one to do it, the others would be competitive enough to do it too?"

"Madison might, for sure. How about Amber?" Owen asked.

"She might," Mike suggested. "She responds to challenges sometimes."

"Since our beer is gone, let's do this," Andy suggested. "Make it a challenge for us and the wives. Let's see if anyone can get a topless trip to the trash."

All agreed and headed home, excited about the possibilities.


"Darla, where'd you get that recipe?"

"It actually came from Martha's cousin, who's from South America."

"I'm not used to having cinnamon in the main course."

"And Basmati rice along with beef and chicken. A little Allspice, too."

"It sure was good. And thanks for doing it so late."

"Extra shifts suck, but we weren't too busy. I miss the time with you, though."

"Me too. We'll have tomorrow morning." Connor stood and stretched. "I'll help you clean up, and then we can head to bed."

"I can't go to bed so soon after eating."

"I have a creative way to fill some time," Connor said, winking at Darla.

"I'm not surprised, pervert." Darla was finishing cleaning off the dishes and handing them to Connor, who was loading the dishwasher. When she bent over to pick up a dropped napkin, Connor's hand went up the leg of her shorts.

Darla squealed and jumped, but Connor's finger was hooked into the crotch of her panties, and she couldn't escape. She squealed again as his finger caressed her.

"Connor, stop," she said, knowing it was probably useless. Another pair of caresses, and she moaned. "Please stop," she pleaded, not really wanting him to stop.

"I'll make a deal with you," Connor said, giving her pussy one more rub.

"What?" Darla asked, now backed against the refrigerator and unable to get away.

"You're tired, right?"

She nodded, expecting another rub to that now more sensitive nub.

"Get rid of your shirt and bra and take the trash out."

"I guess you might as well keep rubbing because that isn't going to happen."

"Are you sure? That would be an easy way to get right to bed and sleep."

She was quiet for a moment, and Connor was hopeful.

"Keep rubbing," she finally said. "I can come in the kitchen as well as in the bedroom."

A little disappointed, Connor wasn't about to miss this opportunity. He used his other hand to loosen her shorts. She didn't protest when he slid them and her panties off. In fact, she spread her legs, causing him to smile. Once her sexual motor was turned on, it didn't take long to reach full speed.

"Shit, Connor, that feels so good," Darla moaned, her hips moving in time with his hand. As the hand moved faster and fast, she said, "Oh, fuck," and he knew she was about to come.

Her ass banged the refrigerator in time with her orgasmic spasms, her moans filling the kitchen.

Connor's pants were off almost before Darla's moans ceased. He put an arm around her, lifted her leg, and entered her carefully shaved pussy. Now, the kitchen was filled with sloshing and slapping sounds, along with Connor's grunts. In moments, he was filling her with stream after stream of hot liquid.

He quickly lowered her leg.

"Wasn't that better than watching me walk topless to the trash can?" Darla panted.

"It might have been even hotter if I'd seen those beautiful tits bare and headed toward the trash can."

Darla lifted her shirt and unfastened her front closure bra. "There, my beautiful tits are bare."

Connor was amazed at how shapely Darla's over-30 tits remained. He never tired of looking at them. But they hadn't made a trip to the trash can bare. He hoped one of the others would have better luck.


A week had passed, and it was another sunny Saturday, the men off to play golf and the women gathering for breakfast at a Cracker Barrel restaurant. Callie had recently been to Las Vegas, and that was thoroughly discussed.

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?" Amber said with a giggle.

"Thank goodness," Callie answered, winking at the others.

"How tall was he?" Madison asked.

"It's not how tall he was that counted," Callie said, holding her hands in front of her about a foot apart."

"Wow, almost as big as Connor, huh?" Darla quipped, and all four laughed loudly.

"I wish," Callie said, her cheeks pink now. "And how do you know how big he is, Darla?"

"He was a football player, and they're all big, aren't they?" Amber's turn to question.

They had to stifle that subject as their server came to take orders.

"So, what's everyone doing this afternoon?"

"Probably some cleaning since I have a client this evening," Amber began.

"Yeah, a rich lady who pays well and tips well too. Saturday is unusual."

"I'm just going to get a little sun since Andy is gone," Callie said, shaking her head.

"Why the head shake?"

"Every time I wear my bikini out back, Andy's after me to go topless."

"Wait, are you kidding? The other night, Connor promised to let me skip late-night sex if I'd take the trash out topless."

The other two spoke at once.

"Go ahead, Amber."

"A couple of days ago, on sex night," she giggled, "Mike tried to talk me into doing it in the backyard, in the darkest part, of course."

"Owen offered to cook dinner if I'd walk topless from the garage to the house. Does all of this seem weird to any of you?"

"Well, it's not the first time Andy's been after me to sunbathe topless. It's just that all four of them doing it the same week, right?"

"Maybe their weirdness is in sync. Still, I wonder if they're up to something?"

"So, Darla, even though you didn't go topless to the trash, did Connor let you off the hook?" Amber asked, a sly smile on her face.

Pink cheeks for Darla as she replied, "I respectfully take the fifth."

"So, wait. Do each of your husbands dare you to be naked or partly so out in public on a regular basis?"

"Depends on what you mean by regular," Callie continued. "How often for each of us?"

"Maybe once every month," Amber answered.

"Yeah, not even that often," the other two replied, "but it's been going on for years," they both agreed.

"It does seem funny then that all four choose this week."

"I wonder," Madison said, "If they're trying to get one of us to do it and then shame the others so they'll do it too?"

"I wouldn't put it past them."

"So, it's easy for us, now that we know what's up, to just keep saying no," Madison said, nodding to the other three.

Darla laughed. "I'll tell you something: the other night, when I was really, really tired, and Connor offered to skip sex if I would take off my shirt and bra and take out the trash, I was so tempted to do it. I thought that it was unlikely that anyone would see me, and what if they did?"

"Would depend on whether it was a man or a woman, "Madison said with a giggle. In secret, it might be cool to see my next-door neighbor naked. If the guy next door saw your boobs, so what?"

Darla thought for a moment. "Unless I saw him watching me, no big deal."

"And if you did see him watching?"

"A little embarrassed, I suppose, but I guess I'd survive."

"It's funny," Callie began, "I just laugh and say no automatically, but when I think about it, I can imagine how excited Andy would be if I did it."

"I understand that. When Mike talks about sex in the backyard, there's a lump in his pants almost instantaneously, and sometimes, it's hard to make it to the bedroom."

"I can't believe we're sitting in this restaurant and talking about this," Darla said, glancing around to make sure no one else could hear them.

"You look like you're thinking about something, Darla."

"Yeah, but it's too weird."

"This whole day has been weird, so go ahead."

"I'll pick on Callie, but it applies to all of us. What would happen if you handed Andy your bikini top before you went outside and told him you were going out to get a little sun."

"He'd be so friggin' surprised and excited he wouldn't know what to do.? He'd be taking pictures out the window for sure."

"And Amber?"

"The same. Mike would go nuts. No pictures, though."

That brought a round of laughter.

"So, Darla, are you suggesting we all agree to what our husbands want, being naked somehow in public, or at least outside?"

"Sort of, only I'm wondering how brave and tough we are?"

"Darla, tough is not a word that's ever been associated with me," Callie said.

" I could probably qualify as tough some days. Although they usually call me bitch instead of tough," Amber, the personal trainer, answered.

Madison was just shaking her head, wondering where Darla was headed.

"I can hardly say this, but what if we did some of the things they're talking about, only we do it without them knowing about it, and we video each other and then give them the video?"

"What have you been smoking, Darla?" Callie rolled her eyes.

"I'm supposed to go out in public and have sex with a stranger while one of you videos it?" Amber's brow was wrinkled as she eyed Darla.

"Come on, you guys. You know what I'm talking about. It's easy for us to say no to the perverted husbands we have, but it's harder to say no if we're challenging each other."

"Challenging each other? Why would we challenge each other to do that stuff?"

"It's like we said before, if one of us agreed to do it and the other three guys keep telling us, hey, so-and-so did it so you can't let her get ahead of you we might be tempted."

"You really think so?"

"Just guessing. Madison was an athlete, and she might be competitive enough to be tempted." Darla gave Madison a questioning look.

Madison raised her eyebrows. "I dunno. Are you guys game to try it."

Six eyes stared at Madison.

"You'd do it? Really?" Callie said, a disbelieving tone to her voice.

"I will if you guys will. Let's see how tough we all are. I mean, we've been married for a lot of years, so we should be ready to do something like this."

"Speak for yourselves. I've only been married for two years," Amber corrected.

"Are we all at least thinking about it?"

There were three nods.

Darla decided to push a little harder. She knew Callie would be the toughest sell.

"So, Madison and I are in. Amber, how about you?"

"Amber sighed. "I may be sorry, but I'm in."

"How about our interior designer? Callie?"

She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I suppose. I hope I don't get into trouble over this."

"The worst trouble will be that someone may get to see your boobs."

"If we're going to video it, of course, someone will see my boobs and all of you guy's boobs too."

A lot of jabbering as the four thought about what they had just agreed to do. Except, they had just agreed and didn't know what they'd be doing."

"Let's make this fun," Madison said. "Let's write out a challenge specific to each of us. We'll all write out three of them, so there will be three challenges for each of us. Use a three-by-five card, and we'll draw next Saturday when we get together again. Okay?"

With a big smile, Amber spoke up. "Let's make it really exciting. We'll have a little drawing to pick one of us to do something that's a little racier than the rest."

"Now, wait a minute," Callie said. "I just agreed to do this, and now you're trying to add to it."

"Okay, we can leave Callie out of that drawing, then," Amber continued.