The Keeping of Lena Ch. 02


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With her arms bound and neck bound, and with his cock spearing the lower half of her body, Lena realized that she was entirely defenseless. She couldn't move, resist, or fight, for Renz had taken control over every part of her body. She was limp in his arms, unable to move of her own will, for Renz was manipulating her body to his voracious pleasure.

Lena looked up at Renz fearfully, for there was simply no where else for her to turn with his hand around her neck. She was surprised to find that he was actually staring back at her, his eyes intimidating in their utter ferocity.

He looked more angry with her than he'd ever been, and Lena began to fearfully suspect his fury went far beyond jealousy at her interaction with Dr. Engel. It was as if he was punishing her with his body, and Lena knew without a doubt that he had the potential to destroy her.

His thrusts were savage and brutal, violently pounding against her inner walls, hard enough to bruise. She felt certain that she could feel him all the way in her stomach, her too-full pussy ambushed by his frightening, relentless girth.

Every time she opened her mouth to protest, to beg Renz to spare her, her words would instantly escape her, replaced only by frantic moans and terrified screams. It was as if her humanity had somehow been lost along with his, and she was just as wordless as he was. He was a predator, devouring her, and she wailed and cried like helpless prey.

With a powerful growl, Renz released her, and Lena tumbled onto her stomach on the bed. But mere seconds later, Renz flipped her over onto her back, uncomfortably widening and forcing her legs up above her head, shamefully exposing all of her, until no privacy remained.

He towered over her, powerful and menacing, as he positioned himself within her once more. He frowned fiercely as he angrily thrust forward, jarring her, causing her body to shake and convulse with each advance.

Lena's exhausted eyes continued to weep as Renz thrust on and on, and she eventually lost the will entirely to struggle against him. There was no longer any use, for her struggles only caused her pain. Renz was larger than her, and stronger than her.

And he'd proven time and time and time again that he could take her if he so pleased.

And to her shame, she knew her body would unequivocally submit to his will.

Perhaps she trulyhad been turned into a whore...

Lena closed her eyes in acquiescence, praying that Renz would find his pleasure, and quickly. She felt raw, sensitive, and sore, and her moisture flowed from her body in desperation to ease the pain of his mating.

"Open your eyes, Lena. Don't hide yourself from me," Renz grunted harshly. Too afraid to refuse him, Lena's eyes immediately flew open.

His gaze was equally furious and hurt, but even stronger was the clear visual desperation to find release. He was like an athlete above her, muscular and sweating and exhausted, yet fiercely determined to finish, and triumphantly.

As she gazed at his body, at the hard abdominals that moved on top of her, Lena felt some of the pain in her body begin to fade, replaced by her own impending release.

A part of her wondered how she could be so shameless, willing to orgasm even in the midst of violation.

But a stronger part of her remained uncaring, mindlessly desperate for pleasure and release, and escape from the traumatic pain.

It was like their first night all over again.

Before she realized it, Lena's pitiful whimpers of distress grew into mewls of pleasure, and almost in perfect correlation, Renz's anger began to fade, replaced by excitement.

Lena nervously turned her head away, but Renz brought his hand back down to her throat, forcing her to look at him.

"You're getting close, Lena," Renz murmured teasingly. Lena blinked rapidly and shook her head, fresh tears pooling in her eyes.

"Oh yes you are, love. I know this body. I can feel how wet you're getting, how much tighter you're holding my cock. You're going to come for me, aren't you sweetheart?" Renz muttered, punctuating each taunting word with a harder thrust in emphasis.

He drove into her faster, his eyes more crazed than angered, and Lena pitifully wept before him, her body automatically rising to meet his thrusts.

His cock plunged into her depths with relentless fervor, once more grazing that vulnerable space deep inside of her stretched walls, that same, small area he'd abused with his fingers earlier that night.

The friction was even more painful than before, an overwhelming pressure, but still Lena found herself relinquishing all control to him, widely opening her body for his taking.

She was simply too exhausted to fight him.

And before she could help it, familiar quakes began to rattle her body from deep within, steadily growing in magnitude.

"Come for me, Lena. Give me your orgasm, love," Renz demanded.

Lena closed her eyes and shook her head as much as Renz's grip around her neck would allow, trying her hardest to think of anything other than the rising pleasure in her body.

But she knew she was failing even before she tried. She could feel the warm tingling sensation spreading across her skin, and the way her breasts seemed to swell, nipples painfully hardening. It was harder for her to breathe as Renz advanced in and out of her, stimulating her even with his heavy growls of pleasure.

She balled her fists so hard even her bound arms began to tremble in their own strain, one last plea with her body to resist the urge.

But Renz suddenly lunged forward to the hilt and stilled, touching and stretching her in her most secret depths. And Lena's own body stilled in shock, for she felt so over-filled, she didn't dare breathe.

His hips rolled against hers, tormenting her exposed clit, and Lena's back immediately arched as her fingers and toes instinctively curled. She milked his cock, her body clenching and squeezing around him in reasonless desperation for pleasure, and the deep quakes within her body began to surface, growing to violent rattles.

Lena timidly looked up at Renz, surprised to find that he too seemed on the precipice of losing control. Gone were the scowls of anger and hurt, for his brow was furrowed only in fierce desperation for release.

Renz was entirely, sinful lust.

"I need you to come for me, Lena. Come now," Renz said hoarsely.

Something about his voice, a strange cross between a demand and a plea, struck her even deeper than his body. He slowly thrust no more than a breath forward, and in an instant, the last semblances of Lena's control were immediately torn away from her desperate grasp.

She screamed, nearly howled, and she screamed and screamed again as the cascades of pleasure blared through her body in waves so powerful, she felt as if she were suffocating in the sensation. No part of her body remained still as the orgasm struck and seized every facet of her being, rolling over every inch of her skin until even the luxurious sheets were too stimulating against her flesh.

Renz shouted above her, gripping her body ever harder, as he found his own release, erupting deep inside of her with heavy pulses. His climax seemed to possess him, drawing out his pleasure, as his large body trembled, almost as if in pain.

He was as beautiful to her as he was terrifying.

Renz collapsed on top of her, his heavy body trapping her still trembling form. His skin was damp with exertion, slickly moving against hers like fluid, as he gently slowed his thrusts, releasing all he had to offer.

Lena winced when he eventually withdrew and crawled off of her, fearfully bracing herself for further torture.

But to her surprise, Renz kept his head lowered as he slowly reached for her, swiftly removing the suspender until finally, her arms were free.

Her hands tingled with the new influx of blood flow, and Lena slowly crawled onto her knees, eager to cradle her tortured flesh.

But to her surprise, Renz gently pulled her curled body against his broad chest, stroking her skin with an almost apologetic tenderness.

Too stunned, and too sore, to protest, Lena silently watched him as he tended to her wounds. He reached for a bottle of elixir, leaving several drops of potent oils on her neck, wrists, back, and bottom cheeks, massaging the healing formula into her skin with expert ministrations.

Once finished, he reached for her favorite sleeping robe, securing the oversized garment around her body with a soft tie around her waist.

"Are you hurt, Lena?" Renz asked eventually. His voice was steady and even, with no signs of brandy.

Lena folded her arms across her stomach, too scared to answer him truthfully.

"Do you...feel better?" Lena asked instead. Renz's lips faintly curved, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Instead, his gaze was disturbingly cold, with no signs of the fiery, violent passions that had dominated their night together. Lena wasn't sure if she preferred Renz the ravenous animal, or Renz the icy Stoic, for both terrified her in vastly different ways.

He sat still and unblinking for several silent moments, staring off into a secret unknown. She wanted to ask him what he was thinking, how he was feeling, but a sense of dread halted her query.

"You should get some rest, Lena," Renz said eventually. Something about his voice indicated that he would not be joining her, and she immediately exhaled, relieved to be safe from his lusts for the night.

But the relief was short-lived, for the dread in her belly quickly blossomed into sorrow when Renz slowly stood from the bed.

"Where are you going?" she called meekly. He paused in the doorframe.

"I'll see you in the morning, Lena," he said.

And moments later, Lena was once more alone in his bedroom.

The air seemed eerily static without Renz's presence, so much so that Lena was afraid to move from the position he'd left her in. Her body ached in pain from his violent lovemaking, yet tingled in pleasure from his soft caresses immediately after.

A swarm of emotions warred within her. Anger. Fear. Shame. Satisfaction. Humiliation.

But the strongest voice of all was the voice of sheer exhaustion, from everything she'd experienced in a range of only a day.

Lena collapsed against the large eiderdown pillows of his empty bed, her body cradled by luxurious, cloud-like softness. Heavy tears silently streamed down her cheeks as Lena grappled with fearing and missing the man she loved.

But soon her raw, tired eyes eventually granted her relief, finally allowing her to find the slumber she so desperately needed.



Renz slowly sipped his drink as he poured over Viktor Weisz's report for what seemed like the millionth time that night. He'd abandoned his true craving, either brandy or Scotch whiskey, for a less inspiring glass of French wine.

He didn't trust himself to continue to consume his preferred strong spirits, for the urge to run back upstairs and fuck Lena until she screamed still simmered beneath a temporary illusion of satiation.

And under the influence of the dark, wicked fairy, all semblances of decency and propriety seemed to fade.

He'd punished her enough for one night, and he had no doubt he'd pay for his transgressions severely.

He stared at the words in front of him, even though he'd already committed them to memory. Weisz had found that Ilise Wolfenbarger was staying in town, just as he'd suspected, in an expensive hotel for a duration still unknown.

She held formal tea in her room twice each day.

She expected fresh flowers each morning at exactly eight o'clock, with her coffee.

She spent her afternoons shopping. Afterwards, she would nap.

For dinner, she preferred the fruits of the sea, with a bottle of imported sparkling Italian water, and Russian caviar.

She liked a glass of sherry before bed with her nightly tobacco.

It was the same woman he'd known for his entire life, the elegant, fiery-haired duchess born into one of the wealthiest families in Berlin. She enjoyed fine, expensive things, for she was raised to expect no less. Her routine of the day was ordinary, not too dissimilar from her activities as his wife.

Except, of course, for the fact that she'd enjoyed a secret meeting with Lena.

Viktor had been unable to gather just what the meeting was about. All he knew was that Lena arrived at the hotel in a frantic rush, and exited over two hours later with Ilise at her side.

The women had even embraced, as if dear friends.

Lena had run from him, as if he were a monster. She'd avoided him, even after the stillbirth. One of the chefs had eventually told Renz about the tragedy, further humiliating him.

Lena had run off to town with a young carriage boy, less than a day separated from her robbery, still callous and foolish with her safety.

But none of that incited his fury quiet as powerfully as the knowledge that Lena had taken afternoon tea with his vengeful former wife.

After one, then three, then nine glasses of brandy at the men's parlor, Renz was blind with anger for Lena.

And in his drunken stupor, Renz was overcome with the desire to punish her. Physically.

He wasn't sure how long Lena and Ilise had been in contact, and he knew he couldn't trust Lena to tell him. He'd given her the opportunity to be forthright, practically begging her to tell him the her truth.

But Lena had chosen to withhold.

It was more than obvious to Renz that Ilise had already managed to poison Lena, and he knew it wouldn't be long before Lena, his sweet, innocent, impressionable Lena, formed a mirror of Ilise. She would soon grow to loathe him, and eventually she would hurt him.

He'd survived the wrath of Ilise, because he'd never fully loved her.

But Lena...Renz felt love for her in every cell of his body, an all-encompassing passion that exhilarated as much as it terrified. She held more power over him than any person he'd ever known.

He wasn't sure if Lena was aware of it yet, but if she wanted to, she could easily destroy him.

And he had a feeling Ilise would soon teach her exactly how.


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JasmijnJasmijnover 2 years ago

She is stupid because she is young and had no education. He should have known better. Why does he never juist talk to her, ask her a question? You are a great writer but it would be nice if you’re characters get more space to grow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I LOVE this storyline. And I can’t wait for these two to finally get it together and communicate so they can be the couple we know they can be. A force to be reckoned with. I’d love to see them finally united and take his ex-wife and his brother out. And anyone else (like that creepy doctor) who tries to stand in their way. I think if Lena starts to truly to draw her strength from Renz and find her footing the ex would finally know what it feels like to be played and get what’s coming to her! Please give us more! And maybe Karl can take care of her husband (with Renz help of course).

Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. You are simply FANTASTIC! I can’t wait for more, lots more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Now i remember

I was looking in the stories and when I came across this again I couldnt remember why I didnt finished.. but now I do.


I’m sorry, but all this shit is making me angry. This story could be a 10/10 but with all this misscomunication and running and beeing plain dumb i

j just cant read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Two miracles?

Do we find out in a later chapter what Gottfried meant by Lena giving him two miracles? Is it because he was alluding to her pregnancy? Like one miracle was surviving Ludovic and the other is her pregnancy? That conversation plagues me every time I read this. Can’t wait for more :)

Sorry if this posted twice—I didn’t see my original comment show up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
My favorite noncon ever

You've done such an amazing job creating a seductive, evocative noncon, while still managing to humanize Renz without role reversal or making him appear weak. Aside from the obvious reason for reading (your well crafted and exquisitely authored erotic scenes), seeing cracks in Renz's steely demeanor that don't render him soft allow him to retain his authority (and titilating nature) without being absolutely barbaric, making for a particularly enjoyable character. And Lena's internal struggles for strength and understanding, both physically and emotionally, are so well crafted, no matter how many times she succumbs. You've written such a powerful story and I can't wait to read more.

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