The Huntress Ch. 02


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"Is your English suddenly not so good? I. Am. Busy."

"Artemis, engage autopilot please."

"Sure thing! Good luck."

Anya angrily spun her chair around and stared. "...I... need to do something, Myshka."

"Well, what do you want to do?"

She threw up her hands and yelled at the roof of the cockpit. "I do not know! Just... cannot be idle now."

He pushed her back in her chair, straddled her legs, and sat down on her lap. "If you figure it out, let me know." He cupped her cheek and leaned in, lightly kissing her forehead. "You have me worried, krasavitsa." His kissed slowly trailed down her face, hovering at her lips. Anya stared back at him, searching his eyes for something but making no move to return his affection. He could see it lurking in the depths. All her pain and anger; he wanted to wash it away. He worked his way down the nape of her neck, licking the soft crevice between her sculpted breasts. He was rewarded with a fluttering breath, the softest of sighs.

Ashley slithered from her lap and lifted her shirt, revealing hard, sculpted abs and the tight globe of her left breast. He inhaled at the sight, pausing to admire. Even after all the time they'd spent together, she still made him weak in the knees. She was his religion, and her body was his altar and holy text. He dragged his tongue across the canvas of flesh and muscle, feeling them ripple underneath. Her midriff tightened and flexed as he bathed it, circling the belly button before continuing down.

Ashley whimpered needily as he finally reached her pants and hurriedly undid the button. She arched slightly, and allowed him to shimmy them down her legs. As soon as her legs were free enough to spread again, he threw himself at her. His tongue darted along the edges of her outer lips while his arms looped under her powerful thighs. He closed his eyes as the taste of her overpowered his senses, and he shivered as he felt her fingertips graze his scalp. All the while, she stared on impassively.

His fingers gripped tighter, and he pulled himself in. His lips formed a tight seal over her, drawing out her inner lips. She moaned softly, and he thrilled to hear it. He worked the back of his throat to keep the suction pulsing while his tongue dove between the folds to seek out her pearl. He prodded it gently, stroking the tip of his tongue against the underside of her nub, before drawing back. More suction, pulling her lips between his teeth. Anya bit her lip and rolled her head back as he nibbled at her, squeezing her for nectar.

Her hand slid around to the back of his head, holding him tightly against her. At her direction, he abandoned all pretense and returned to her clit. Strong suction, drawing the bud between his teeth and teasing the overextended and overstimulated tip with his tongue. With sharp, fast flicks. "Sosi ebanataya suka! Suck it!," she whispered, through gritted teeth. Her legs wrapped around his head, locking her ankles together just below his shoulder blades, and squeezed; the intense contraction and release of her muscles in harmony with the attention of his tongue.

Her other hand slid down against the back of Ashley's head. Her heel dug into his back as she began to lift herself out of the chair, arching herself upwards. His hand began to tap lightly against her thigh, but she continued to strain and writhe; grinding herself against his face. Smothering him. Even as the visible part of his forehead darkened from pink to a deep red, his tongue never stopped moving. Never stopped touching. Never stopped working.

Anya groaned, releasing her grip, and allowing Ashley to jerk back, sucking sweet mouthfuls of air. She fell back in the chair hard, panting, while he clutched his chest. She stared down at the gasping boy with a look he couldn't decipher.

Ashley struggled to speak through the burning ache in his ribs. "Wha-" Anya's foot connected with his chest, sending him sprawling to the deck and knocking the air out of him again. She stood over the dazed boy and stared down at him unfeelingly. He reached up to her but she kicked his hand away and squatted over him. He felt strong hands grab the waist of his pants and yank, popping the button and tearing the zipper. She pawed at him mercilessly, rending Of course his shirt from him in a tear of fabric.

"You wanted this? Fine." Her voice was harsh and cold.

Anya pinned him to the ground and mounted him with a hard thrust of her hips. The sound of wet flesh slapping against flesh filled the air as she rode him hard, grinding him into the floor. Her hands pinned his shoulders to the diamond grating, and she sneered angrily as she drove herself up and down.

"Ah, An-mmmm!!-"

"No," she barked, as she slapped her hand over his mouth. "No talking." She plowed her hips down into his over and over, using his body for her own savage needs. His muffled grunts, as she beat the air out of him one thrust at a time, became weaker and weaker. She just watched as the boy shuddered, cumming within her.

If anything, Anya's pace quickened. Became even more forceful. Sweat ran down her brow and dripped from the tip of her nose as she plowed into him. Her dirty blond hair, matted and darkened as it clung to her scalp. His cries, loud against her palm as she impaled herself on the overstimulated head repeatedly. His hands, flailing about the deck for anything to hold on to. After another full minute, Anya's deep grunting began to rise up in pitch. She roared as she released, a primal emptying of her lungs that echoed throughout the ship. Ashley was left sweaty, sore, and breathless as she rolled off of him and headed for the shower.


Anya dove behind the fragmented remains of the stone wall and bit off a curse as the pleading cries fell silent. She frantically tried to remember the layout of the streets in this district and where the fallback point would be, but couldn't pull her attention away from the bullets slamming into the concrete only feet away. With a grunt, she lobbed a grenade over her head before breaking out of her dead-end cover in a sprint. Gunfire chased her as she raced down the buckled remains of the sidewalk. Most of it stopped when the grenade went off.

She looked over her shoulder at the remains of the troop transport she'd been escorting. Two of the women inside had been friends. The twisted frame belched flames and smoke into the sky, and the air reeked of charred flesh. Ahead of her, two Russian Marines returned fire from behind the remains of a magcar. Anya caught the briefest flicker of a shadow, shoulders and a head, peeking out over the edge of a roof. A second later there was a glint of steel, and Anya screamed.

The rocket propelled grenade was a blur as it screamed toward them. The car frame flew into the air in a roar of flame and dirt. The shadow on the roof disappeared and reappeared, and Anya ducked through a jagged doorway. Two little girls huddled behind the charred remains of a couch. She wanted to yell at them, to tell them to run and find safety. She wanted them to be clear of all this, but as another grenade ripped apart the door she'd just run through, all she could do was scream.

The explosion knocked her through a closed door and slammed her into a wall on the other side of it. Debris pelted her as she covered her face and throat. Her head pounded with the dull thrum of pain, but it was a good pain; the kind that told her she hadn't died yet. She clung to pain as she clung to her life. Thick black smoke billowed out of the room she'd been blown through.

One of the girls lay amid the rubble behind her. She stared vacantly, unblinkingly, at Anya; her eyes dull with dust and grime. She looked, for all the world, like a doll discarded by the side of the road. It took a moment for her brain to process that, from the pelvis down, the girl's body was a red ruin. Meat for the insects. Anya shuddered.

Anya caught motion in the corner of her eye. Too close, too soon. No time for her gun as a small figure charged at her through the cloud of dust. She reached for her belt knife and struck out with a wide slash. The shadow staggered and she lunged, burying the blade to the hilt in its chest. Her feet caught up in rubble, and as they tumbled, a sick wave of horror and recognition rolled through Anya. Ashley stared up at her, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Blood blossomed through his shirt, seeping between his fingers. He stared at her accusingly, betrayed.

Anya woke with a guttural scream.

Ashley stared wide eyed as she cradled her head, rocking. The bedsheets tangled around her were drenched in her cold sweat. Ashley sat, hanging just out of hand's reach. He knew better than to touch her. "Anya, it's okay hun. It's not real."

She stared at her trembling hands in horror. "The blood... the blood..."

He winced; it hurt to see her like that. "No hun, it's not real. None of it."

She furiously kicked at the sheets, trying to detangle herself in a panic. "Got to get blood off!" She scrabbled at the door, tumbling through it and into the bathroom. He could hear her retching and sighed. When he walked in, he found Anya kneeling before the toilet, wiping her chin. Cautiously, he walked up to her and put a hand to her shoulder as she retched again. "won't wash off." She was pallid, shaking.

Ashley kissed the back of her neck, holding her hair. "I know, krasavitsa. I thought the nightmares were over. It's been weeks."

"Will never be over," she said weakly.

Ashley sat next to her, hugging her. "Is... is this the first time you've been back to Africa?" Anya nodded, wiping the back of her hand across her lips as she stood. "It's... kind of amazing that you're going at all."

"Have you looked at dossier Ivanka left?"

"No, not yet."

She flipped open the mirror and pulled out a finger-thick cartridge with a yellow stripe around the end. "Delivery to be made to M. Bokasso, client." She sighed as she slumped down onto the toilet and flipped the cap off of the cartridge with her thumb.

"Yeah, she's the... what... Warlord of the Holy Fire or something? Some big shot in New Cairo"

Anya nodded. "During campaign, she was rebel commander. Crafty." She twisted her synthetic arm so that the outside of the bicep was facing her, and ejected a spent finger-thick cartridge with a yellow stripe around the end. "Outnumbered and outgunned, but very resourceful. Used children. Always children. Perhot' podzalupnaya!" Her face twisted as she inserted the new cartridge. "And now, we deliver chocolate to her."

Ashley frowned. "I wish you would stop using that stuff..."

"Also wish to be pregnant with Anya's baby, da?" Ashley blushed furiously, looking away. "Both impossible," she said, smirking mirthlessly. "You would not like Anya sober. Sober Anya very violent, not think clearly. Sober Anya cannot hunt bounty." She suddenly hissed through her teeth and sat back, rotating the synthetic arm at the socket. "Trust, Myshka. Is better this way."


"Anya, I'm seeing a lot of comm traffic calling for reinforcements east of New Cairo. That whole area is hot." The cockpit speaker crackled.

"Not as hot as your ass, sweetcheeks." The Artemis chirped.

"We set down on west side then," Anya said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "While I am gone, maybe you look for computer again?"

"Yeah, about that..."

"Uh oh! Daddy's going to get the belt!"

"Ashley already wearing belt. Why he need two?"

"She was being facetious," Ashley said, as he walked out into the cargo area. "I'm coming with you this time."

Anya tapped in some coordinates. "Is cute you think so."

"I'm serious Anya, you aren't in the right mind for this job." He came up next to her, arms folded across his chest.

"No such thing as right mind to give candy to that ubiytsa."

"Anya, I will shoot you in the leg right now. I swear it. I'll shoot you and you'll have to stay here while I do the delivery by myself. I-" He was cut short as Anya drew her pistol and levied it between his eyes. A moment later, she turned and narrowed her eyes. " going with you."

"Does not create easement," she said, holstering her gun.

"Easement? Have you been taking English lessons from the Artemis again?"

"No," she said curtly, turning back to the console.

"Captain Bubble Butt, my sensors are showing a small fire located entirely on Ms. Liar Liar's pants."

"When we get back and fix computer, fix sensors too. Pants are fine," Anya said, shrugging.

Ashley rolled his eyes. "So... I'm coming?"

Anya looked up from the console and stared at him for a long moment. "Grab gun and body armor. Will not have you full of holes." He let out a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around her. Anya frowned. "Yes, very good." He squeezed her tighter. "Is okay myshka... stop, is too much..." Ashley kissed her cheek and Anya frowned. "I will break you."

"Touchdown in 10 seconds, ya'll. Grab hold of something!"

The Artemis swooped in low over the abandoned outskirts of the city, skimming the rooftops and staying well below radar altitude. The ship banked as it pulled over an empty parking lot and the turbines swept down, bringing the ship to a hover. The downblast of the engines kicked up a blinding cloud of sand and debris, obscuring the ship and a full city block in every direction. When the dust settled, the Artemis had landed on the cracked pavement of the old lot.

Anya strode into the loading dock, carrying an assault rifle slung over her shoulder. "Myshka, make sure to..." Ashley was standing by the ATV, decked out in a nano-mylar vest and an ill-fitting helmet that looked like it had been made for someone twice his size.

"I look silly, don't I?" he muttered flatly, and as he frowned, the helmet fell over his eyes.

"Is like bucket on head." Anya gave it a flick, sending it bobbing precariously.

Ashley scowled, tossing the helm back into the equipment locker. Anya grimaced, watching it bounce. "I'll be fine," he said. "She said it was going to be easy, right?."

"Da." Even for her, it was terse.

He watched as Anya loaded cases onto the ATV's trailer. "Anya? Those are all empty..."

She grunted, pulling a strap tight across the empty cargo boxes. "Da."

"And we're taking a bunch of empty cargo boxes to the drop point and leaving the boxes full of precious chocolate here because..." Anya rummaged through the equipment locker, ignoring him. Ashley frowned. "...because you think this is all going to go to hell..."

Anya smiled grimly as she grabbed two extra clips and checked the sight on her gun. "Remind Anya to buy smaller helmet."

Ashley mounted the ATV behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'll be okay. I promise." He clung to her tighter than he needed, hugging her.

"Just keep pretty head on shoulders," she said, as the ATV roared down the loading ramp.

The outskirts of New Cairo were little more than rubble and the burnt-out shells of buildings. Decades of conflict and occupation had reduced half the city to charred husks. For the first five minutes, they saw no one. For another five minutes after that, they saw only the frightened eyes of children too curious to stay where they were told, peeking out of empty windows.

Ashley clung to Anya's waist as they drove through the cracked roads and into the inner city. As they drove past homes and businesses, windows were shuttered and people slammed doors closed as they passed. A small girl stood in a doorway watching as they drove by. Ashley flashed her a smile when she gave him a furtive wave but she was quickly hauled into the house by an older woman who scolded her furiously in Arabic.

Ashley tapped Anya's shoulder. "This feels bad," he shouted.

Anya watched the buildings warily "Da."

"Think we should call this off?"

She shrugged. "We were paid. Also, do not shout into headset. Very amateur."

He rested his hand on the gun and continued to watch the empty windows. "Why are there no people?"

"Hiding," she snarled. "Did same last time. Cowards."

They pulled around the corner and into an old manufacturing district. Much of the industrial complex of New Cairo had long since fallen into disrepair but, at one time, had served as an economic hub for the city, processing and storing much of the valuable resources mined from across Africa. Ashley pointed over her shoulder, and Anya sped through the abandoned warehouses.

"Never good cover," she said, dismounting. The meeting point was as devoid as it looked from the outside. "Fuck Africa."


Ashley looked down at his wrist and sighed. Anya continued to stare at the entrance as she had for the last hour, unphased. "Moe is tracking movement."

"Warlords not known for being on time," she said flatly.

"Two vehicles."

"Yob... Moe is... north?"


"Keep head down."

It was several more minutes before two aging, repurposed Russian trucks pulled through the vast open door of the warehouse. Anya ground her teeth together as six dark-skinned women in dusky camo debarked and approached, their assault rifles slung tight over their shoulders. Both drivers remained in their vehicles, engines idling loudly.

"As-salamu alaykum," Anya said. Ashley couldn't help but stare at her. None of the other four women responded.

"You are... An-yaa?" The tall one in front, in a black beret, sneered as she spoke. The barest traces of a French accent tinged her speech. "You have... something... of ours."

"Delivery is for M. Bokasso."

"Yeeees," the tall woman slurred. "Chocolate."

Anya shook her head. "This woman is known to me. You are not M. Bokasso."

"The Eternal Warlord of the Holy Fire is not here." The three women in back chuckled, and one began to circle around beside Ashley.

"Ashley, before Anya forgets, make note to have pancakes later."

The tall woman stepped past Anya and moved to put her hand on the crate strapped to the ATV, but Anya grabbed her wrist. Instantly, the two women in the back had their rifles drawn and aimed, but Anya was cool. "Delivery for M. Bokasso. We will wait for M. Bokasso."

"She has been permanently detained," the tall one said. "You will be leaving your cargo with us."

"Leave boy too," the fourth woman said haltingly. She smiled appreciatively at Ashley, who recoiled slightly.

"Speaking of boy," Anya said, not breaking her stare with the tall woman, "did you make note for pancakes?"

"Wh-uh.... what?"

"Pancakes, Ashley."

"No, I... forgot?"

The fourth woman traced a finger along his jawline. "You pretty. Maybe I make real man out of you tonight," she said, and he whimpered involuntarily.

"Ashley. Pancakes."

"What are you-" As he turned to look at her, Anya became a blur of motion. In the blink of an eye, she lashed out and buried her knife in the taller woman's throat. Before the woman at Ashley's side could react, Anya raised her pistol just past his face. The crack of the gun was deafening, and he instantly fell to his knees. He stared at the ground, unaware, as Anya used the tall woman as a shield while returning fire at the four remaining women. She dropped the body as one of them fell, and dragged him behind the ATV by the collar of his oversized body armor. She was screaming at him, but all he could hear was the ringing.

She reached across his lap, withdrew his pistol, and forced it into his hands. Dumbly, he poked his head around the rear tire. The three remaining women had taken up positions in the backs of their trucks. The concrete floor popped and puffed around him, and it wasn't until a bullet sparked off the frame of the ATV that he realized they were shooting at him.