The Heat


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Now, though...not even that. He couldn't help a little sigh, releasing breath he hadn't realized that he was holding as the bottoms of her breasts teased into view, peeked out beneath the pleated edge of what was normally her skirt. Wobbling hypnotic with her every motion, every tug, every tiny, teasing inch - she had more than a handful there, tanned with just the lightest kiss of bronze, and on her body otherwise so perfectly petite they struck the eye as positively massive, allure flirting with vulgarity. Beauty bleeding into utter sex. It felt a prayer that had been answered when at last a final pull unveiled the whole, when he could feast upon the mild dusting of her freckles that spanned her shoulders to the upper curves and valleys of her bust, could see the sheen of sweat that glistened gently from her skin. Her nipples pert and charming, little gumdrops standing with a tiny halo just around, pink as bubblegum and surely twice as sweet...

"You're lookin', daddy."

It took an effort of his will to drag his gaze away, up to her face. Uncovered now as well, of course, able to plainly see where he'd been staring. Despite her mildness of tone, there was again a smirk touched to her lips, a sparkle in those luminous and lightly lidded eyes. Teasing, chiding. He ought to feel guilty for it, probably. He did. A part of him. Itching there behind his neck, a closeness in his throat...but the feeling didn't penetrate too deeply, only stained the surface of his thoughts. Underneath, his blood kept up its steady simmer, its awareness so distracting of her body on display. He struggled even to come up with any kind of answer he could give her, an excuse, until finally she spoke again. "It's okay. Everybody looks." Indulgent. And perhaps a tiny bit embarrassed, too, despite herself. "The boys at school, the teachers, cashiers at the store, my friends, your friends...doesn't really bother me or nothin'."

"It's the heat, is all," he mumbled finally. Half an answer, maybe, forcing his attention back to the TV. The football game was almost over, home team putting up a vain defense against a loss already certain.

"Yeah, exactly." She was eager to agree, though her tone still dragged a little, languid. Flopping back down to his side...but where her dress before had somewhat held the two of them apart, the contact now was skin on skin, direct. Faintly damp with the admixture of each other's sweat, bodies rubbing soft together when she moved an inch - it made it rather difficult to focus on the dulcet ramble of her words. "It's like I said, right? Gets hot, and you can hardly even think at all." Her left hand on his boxers, on his outer thigh, slender fingers rubbing absent at the cloth. "Not even like it's completely awful, totally. It's kinda like, you know, when you're almost asleep, and you feel kinda warm and slippery inside, and your brain shuts down enough to where you're pretty sure you can do anything you feel like. And you don't even really care about things anymore., I mean, you care, but nothing really seems that bad." A single note of laughter jiggled through her chest, took flight into the air. Murmured. "That's the part that always gets me doin' things I shouldn't." Her silken hair caressing on his skin, cuddling a trifle closer.

God, but she was such a minx. Her words a silver whisper in his ear, intimate and soft. His own hand sliding down her side, instinctive, settling about her hip, treasuring the feeling of her humid skin beneath his fingertips. But it was one word in particular which stuck inside his consciousness, scratched until he had to ask. "What do you mean, 'always?'"

"What?" She inquired dully, glancing up at him.

"Pretty sure right now you're doin' something that you shouldn't, yeah, sittin' almost naked with your dad," he rumbled quietly, his voice a subtle quarreling between humor and a deeper hunger. "But what'd you do to make it 'always?'"

"Oh." Comprehension. The lazy idling of thought, consideration - it was a couple seconds there before she hit him with a small and sidelong grin. "Promise you won't be mad?"

"Mmph," a growl touched upon his tone. "You have to ask me that, I can promise you pretty sure I will be." The muscles of his arm drew faintly tighter, holding her against him as suspicion began to churn inside his stomach. Ire. Jealousy...oh, the worst of envies was the one you never can admit. "It's Jeremy, ain't it." Even though he knew he'd have to be a fool to honestly believe her sly and circumspect denials that she did anything improper with her everpresent beaus...dammit, he'd believed her anyway, forced himself to. There was no other choice. He couldn't tolerate it otherwise, the thought of all their hands upon her body, all the filthy things that they would do to her, his tempting little angel.

"No! God, dad." Groaning, as her eyes rolled back into their sockets. But her answer afterward was something of an offering of peace, a soft confession. "It was Rusty I was thinkin' of. When we drove down to visit them, last year."

"Rusty?" His eyebrow lifted, laborious with thought. Surprised, perturbed. "My sister's boy?"

Katie briefly hummed agreement, still stroking slowly at the middle of his meaty thigh. "It was even hotter there, remember? And you could go down to the basement to get a little cooler, but it didn't even help that much at all." A pause to breathe, to gather up her words, trace a fingernail in a circle on his shorts. "Anyway, there was a couple of us down there one night watching movies. And Rusty's sitting there next to me, and once the lights are off a while he's got his arm behind me, and he starts feeling at my boob a little, on the side. And I started tellin' him to cut it out, but he shushes me and says the other people there are gonna hear. And I mean, I know I oughta raise a fuss and make him stop, but it's hot enough to where I just don't have the energy to do it, you know, to where I barely even feel like it matters, really."

"So he keeps doin' it," she murmured softly. "After a little while there he's got his hand up in my shirt, just grabbin', squeezin' everywhere. I think maybe when it's hot like this it maybe makes'm sensitive, too, cause it was feeling kinda...not so bad. And then I notice that he's breathin' hard, and I look over and I see he's got his thing out of his jeans, and workin' it pretty good. And when he sees that I can see him doin' it, he stops...but then he grabs my hand instead, and he moves it over to his hard-on, so I'm the one that's holdin' it." Her father's fingers tightened on her hip at this loathsome revelation, his manhood throbbing in his boxers, trapped. Listening to her continued almost-whisper, "And I mean, everybody else is lookin' at the movie, and my brain's all frazzled with the heat, you know, and I guess he's maybe gotten me a little bit excited, too, cause pretty soon I started rubbin' him myself." A pause, before she added with a mingled note of pride and of distaste, "Pretty sure it didn't even take a minute til he shot his stuff all on my leg."

"Katie..." Even with her story done, it was a time before he could shape a response, before the beginnings of an answer rasped out of his throat. Teeth ground tight together at the image that she'd painted, that little bastard of a nephew groping clumsy at her perfect breasts, stealing the attention of her slender, skillful fingers - he'd wring the cretin's neck, if he were here right now. "Christ's sake, he's your cousin." A touch of venom growled low for her as well, anger at her impropriety mixed with the possessive instinct pulsing in his chest. The sourness of faint injustice, too, after all the times he'd had to remind himself that she was was his daughter, that she was family, off-limits, for her so easily to skip over that restriction...

"I know..." She tried appeasement, a muddling of weary commiseration. "I told you it was something that I wasn't s'pposed to. Heck, worst part was he hung around me whole rest of the visit, tryin' to get some time alone again." Reassurance after, her voice returning sweet and musical. "Isn't like I wanted to or anything. Like I said, it's just because it was so hot out."

"Yeah, right." A snort dismissed her plea of innocence, a glance beyond her pouting features to the body just below. The husky timbre of his voice not quite selling his upset. "You got your high beams on just tellin' me about it."

She did indeed. The lovely nipples he'd admired on her before now stood up prominent and pointed, hard as little diamonds - she looked down at them and back, a sheepish kind of smirk upon her lips. A playful tone upon her tongue, casting off her earlier apologetics. "Yeah, well. You should talk, huh?" And without breaking off the teasing contact of her eyes, she let her hand slip over further, deeper to his lap. Her ring and pinkie fingertips just barely brushing on his rigid manhood, caressing for an inch across the bulbous head that strained insistent from the inside of his drawers...she giggled at his sudden inhalation, at the way his back grew straighter with the sharp, electric tingle of her touch.

"But yeah." She spoke again before he could, before he even found his tongue again. Murmuring a drowsy, careless mischief as she pressed intimate against his side, her hand escaping back to safer territory on his leg. "I guess I honestly don't really care that much, about the cousin thing. At least with that. Not like we were having sex or something."

He shot her back a warning look. Or tried to, anyway. That was the intention, somewhere in his mind, in the flimsiness of thought...once his eyes were on her, though, he barely even tried to keep them from returning to their envious caresses of her form. "You figure it don't count as sex, huh? Jackin' some guy off?" The growl that he meant to be of admonition echoing instead with hunger, with the promise that her apathy implied. Stroking at her hip, his thumb caught for a moment the elastic waistband of her panties, lifting it a fraction of an inch before it snapped back into place.

"Nooo..." She coyly drew the answer out, a smile, a coo. A drifting of her hand again, further inward, slowly sliding on his inner thigh. No further contact with his hardness, yet. Not quite. "Not like he's stickin' himself in me, right? It's just playin' around. Makin' people feel good." For a breath she only smiled, that sweetly beatific smile which made it plain that nothing she would ever do could possibly be wrong. Then her eyes flashed wider, the corner of her strawberry lips curving up as she observed, "You're looking again." Soft, her voice far more indulgent than accusing, pleased with her position. The question afterward was rich with expectation, with an enticing, dulcet melody. "Do you like lookin' at me, daddy?"

He didn't answer that a while. An exhalation first, slow and distant as his gaze rose up to touch on hers, as his jealous hand came higher, settled on her slender belly... "You know I do, kitten." The answer rumbled quietly, a trace reluctant still despite the straining of its need. An open secret spoken. "Hell, you been teasin' me since the day you turned thirteen."

"Mmm." God, that pleasant little hum of hers, the purr that scratched upon his want - it sang for only half a second til she giggled, turned her head aside, until instinct brought his lips amidst her golden hair, her scalp, breathing in her scent. "I didn't mean to, daddy. Mostly." Gently textured words, confession honeyed with a note again of little-girl innocence. So damned intoxicating, whether it was true or false. "Sometimes I did, I guess. When I wanted you to get me something. Or when I was mad at you. Or when I was mad at momma." Her pinkie finger grazed upon the side of his erection, an airy touch drawn lingering across its length. A whisper. "Sometimes I just wanted to find out what you would do."

"And what's the reason this time?" His mouth was close beside her ear, near enough to bite, to lick, to taste. His big hand sliding upward on the smoothness of her stomach, calloused fingers cupping at the bottom of her breast. Giving it the subtle squeeze that he'd been dreaming of for far too many years.

"I'unno." She laughed again, a moment. A husk inside it now, a little rasping of sensation. "Didn't even really have it in my head, at first." Her small hand rested fully on his manhood now, lightly grasping through the fabric of his boxers. Stroking slow and lazy as it pulsed beneath her touch, stretched and strained to fully prove its eagerness. "Maybe just cause it's so hot." Another notion teased into her tone. "Maybe it's to punish you for not gettin' that AC, and I'm just gonna stop and leave you like this."

"You ain't gonna stop," he growled back against her skin, not certain if he meant the words as a command or a prediction. Both, perhaps. The former, if the latter were to fail. "After all the times you wound me up, dancin' round here in those tiny skirts of yours, showin' off your tits in tight t-shirts..." Katie watching from the corner of her eye as his left hand slipped beneath his boxer shorts, pushed them down to arduously draw his manhood out into the open air, as hard as it had ever been. Jagged veins protruded from its side, its tip a deep and angry red, a single tear of his arousal glinting from its slitted eye. Throbbing with his heartbeat, with the pulse of madness in his chest. "...damn sure you can do the same for me as what you done for Rusty, anyhow." All that remained of his restraint was taken just to find this compromise, to put a limit on his lust as he took her hand within his own and wrapped it round the base of his erection.

"He was just my cousin, though. You're my daddy." Despite the distant note of protest in her voice, she made no effort to resist. Those delicate and slender fingers lightly closed around his cock, her thumbtip smearing idle through the bead of oily liquid on the head. Shivers of erotic feeling arcing upward through his spine, his muscles tensing as they passed. The moment lingered, languid, a cast of mischief and of contemplation in her gently lidded eyes. Watching the imposing pillar that she held within her hand, its subtle twitching in reaction to her touch, its thickness in her grasp...then suddenly her pouty mouth pulled upward to a wicked sort of grin, her gaze flashed upward to his own as she allowed the corner of those lips to brush against his sturdy chest, a quarter of a kiss. Decision catching in her throat, a playful murmur. "So you oughtta get a little more than him, I think."

Her cheek was velvet on his side, almost nuzzling as she descended, working down to horizontal on the couch. The trailing of her mouth, stopping for another kiss, her tongue emerging far enough to barely touch against his skin. On his stomach. On his lap, his pelvis, shadowed by the tower of his shaft, and he groaned from somewhere deep inside himself as she began to stroke him faster, a tease and a blessing both - for then she only had to turn her head to let her slippery and pliant lips caress upon the thickest part of his erection, to give it a slow and loving kiss as well. The efforts of her hand abandoned in exchange for a series of adoring little licks, lapping her way upward like a kitten tasting of her milk. He could only groan, clutch his fist into her golden hair as her tongue trailed around his crown, maddeningly slowly...she'd done this many times before, no doubt, no question. But whatever jealous anger knowing that inspired right now only added to his lust, his need.

"No more playin' now." Emerging as a growl as his fingers burrowed further, wrapped behind her neck. He hardly needed to have said it - even as he did, she let her full lips open wider, strawberry sweet, permitted gravity alone to drop her lower, to push his aching cock into the heaven of her mouth. A gentle suction as her tongue now flitted like a butterfly inside, painting every inch that she could reach, slippery and warm. Her head began to bob just slowly, up and down, deeper, deeper, tiny sounds of gagging from the middle of her throat as she took most of him inside, as drool escaped the pleasantly pneumatic seal of her lips and dripped amongst the tawny tangle of his pubic hair. Epithets and adulations murmured automatic, "God damn, you little slut...ohh, that's good, kitten, that's very good." His other hand behind her head, guiding her a trifle firmer downward, deeper, her hair splayed like a blanket on his lap. "Jesus, I been dreaming of this mouth of yours, don't even know how long..."

Circumstances didn't quite allow her any answer. Nothing too distinct, at least - she only could return a long, delighted hum that vibrated through his flesh, along his nerves, lashed upon his mind like electricity. A wriggle through her body, stretched out on the couch, her shapely bottom arched up tempting in the air - it wavered, tempting, driving his desire to a fever pitch even as she worked her very best to swallow him, even as her fingers rubbed between her legs. The heat and tightness of her slender throat caressing, squeezing at the throbbing tip of his erection...oh, he only wanted more, to keep her for his own, to bind her as his toy forever so that he could plumb her every depth, use her every inch, cravings of the infinite ambition that overtakes a man when in the midst of his indulgence. Already he was nearing to the edge, the madness boiling in his blood, the mindless urge for faster, harder, to bury himself in his mate and fill her with his seed...

He barely heard the sound at first. A rumble out the window, up the drive, unwelcome - seconds passed before it crossed what he had left of consciousness. The car. His wife and son, returning from their shopping trip. "Dammit." Alarm bells set to ring inside his mind...but he was too far in, too close to give this up. Instead his fingers tightened on her skull, holding her in place as he began to thrust between her saliva-coated lips, a careful jerking of his hips that swiftly turn to a jackhammer pace. "Fuck, come on..." Pounding merciless into his little girl's mouth. There wasn't time for gentleness, for care, not now - he used her like she was a toy, the squelching sounds of suction from her throat exciting and obscene. His eyes closed shut to focus on the feeling, on the release that hovered just ahead. Sensation only heightened by her brief attempt to speak, her momentary tugging of resistance, before she let herself go limp, surrender.

And then at last it was upon him, the deep and urgent tremor of that most primal satisfaction. All the years of his suppressed desires compressed into this single instant, every slim bikini clinging damply to her form, every little wiggle of her hips when she was listening to music, every hug that squeezed her buxom breasts against his skin - all of it collapsed into a single flash of feeling, a great inferno of the soul. A spasm of his muscles forced her head so far into his lap that her tiny, upturned nose was touched against his skin, his length surrounded wholly by her molten heat as it began to fire, thick and ropey salvoes of his essence painting on the inside of her throat, dripping from the corners of her mouth. One, and two and three and four barrages, weaker every time, until finally the awareness of the passing seconds in the background of his mind became louder than the instinct to remain, to savor what he'd done.

Katie came up coughing, choking as he pulled his hands away, a bubbly, translucent mess of spit and semen coated on her chin and jaw. An ambiguous expression in her eyes, pained and prideful, incongruous amidst the dampness of involuntary tears. He tried to speak something as rapture's glow began to fade, as consciousness and guilt seeped in to take its place. A word of reassurance, maybe, or apology, or even of command, watching as she gamely swallowed the deposit that he'd given her, wiped her hand across her face to try to clean the rest - but with the creak of footsteps on the patio outside, there wasn't time for any such attempt. Just a silent gaze between them, lingering a second til she turned to grab the dress she'd tossed aside before, and hurried off into the hall. Til he was left to cram himself still halfway turgid back into his boxer shorts, to look as normal as he could as the doorknob just behind him turned.

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aoSolitude1964aoSolitude1964about 6 years ago

Lovely work... amazing tale.

Your stories are vivid, full and intense! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You really do owe the daughter a little of

daddy's mouth to make her cum now. And then have her try and get him to fuck her but they can't find enough time to be alone. Until one day the family goes to the beach and dad and daughter stay home. She takes his huge cock and they fuck like dogs in heat!!

camstevens33camstevens33over 8 years ago
Awesome as always!

One of the things I most enjoy about your writing, that I feel you do better than any other author I've read on this site, is that you give your characters such a vivid voice! Really brings them to life. Thanks again for another great story!

oPilgrim1964oPilgrim1964over 8 years ago

Short and sweet... I appreciate your works, please write more :)

nomennescionomennescioover 8 years agoAuthor

Possibly. Probably, eventually. I've had tremendous trouble writing of late. This one was kind of an exception.

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