The Hand of Death Ch. 18


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We had dinner at the inn and some sake. Then we went to a sake-house that specialized in plum wine. Then we found an inn that was known for its soju from the Tiger Empire. It was incredibly strong, if you can judge such a thing from your friends' behavior. As for me, I stayed sober that night. One of us had to. I was able to keep enough of them on their feet to help carry the others home. There is nothing quite like watching seven intelligent and capable samurai suddenly become a host of slobbering, crying, laughing monkeys.

I managed to get them all home before Amaterasu rose but on our way back to the inn I had that feeling. I looked around but didn't see anyone. I tried to look for what was hidden with my gift from the Myobu's ball but all I caught were glimpses of two dark shapes. Ninja.

In the morning we all bathed and cleaned up before going down to breakfast. All of them

remembered enough about last night that they didn't ask any questions of me. It was a very quiet

morning. Sometime after breakfast, Jerukukami came to me.

"My lord, I have seen our friend from Sake Mura."

"The Koga?" He nodded at me. "Where?"

"He has acquired lodgings across the street from us. I think it is a good place to observe us from."

"Does he have anyone with him?"

"Not that I have seen."

"Do you know which rooms he uses?"

"Yes. The middle one, on the third floor facing ours."

I nodded my understanding. "Find a secluded place where I can take him. A place where if he screams, no one will hear. You understand?"

"I do, my lord. But..."

I looked at him. "Yes?"

"He is of your House, are you sure you need to hurt him?"

"What I know, is that I have a job to do. Those who know of it are few, and I plan for it to stay that way. This man may be of my House but I will not allow him to escape with information that could harm the outcome of my mission."

"I didn't realize the mission was more important than a man's life."

I looked at him calmly, and said with as much sincerity as I could muster. "The mission is more important than my life." He bowed to me and started to leave. "Be sure to tell the others what I am planning and all of you are to act normally. Do not tip our hand to this Goemon."

"As you wish, my lord."

He left to do as I had told him. I thought on what I would have to do. I needed to know who he had told about Ketsumempo and her escorts and what effect this would have on us. And what else did they have planned? Ketsumempo came into the room while I was thinking.

"Hiro san? I just spoke to Jerukukami. What is it you are planning?"

"I am planning on getting some information out of a dead man."

"Is this necessary?"

"Yes. If we tell him the truth he could use it against us."

"But he would not do that once he knew we were of his House."

"We do not know that. His master is a politician so there is no telling what he will think is


"I do not like it."

I turned on her. "You think I do?!"

"I thought... I simply thought it was unnecessary."

I shook my head. "Go. Return to the merchants. Conduct business as normal. I will have to deal with this man."


I looked at her. "Excuse me, Ketsumempo sama?!"

"You are not trained for this. I am."

"...I am not comfortable with that."

"Your comfort is not of importance, Hiro san... Is - this - necessary?"

I thought a moment. "Yes."

She nodded. "I am the only specialist we have, so I will handle it."

I nodded. "Fine. Jerukukami is looking for an appropriate location for the interview as we speak. Once he returns you can go with him and wait for me to arrive with our friend."

With that, she bowed and left while saying, "Arigato gozaimasu, Hiro san."

We spent the rest of our day in the tea room of our inn. There were plenty of merchants staying at this inn so it was easy to conduct business there. Jerukukami returned later that day around dusk.

"I have found the location you requested."


"At the northern end of the docks. There is an old warehouse. No one goes there."

"Show me."

We walked to the building. It was old, and almost unsound, but it would suffice. It was

surrounded by many other older warehouses but all of these were deserted at this time of day. We went inside. It was a dirty musty building. I found the manager's office at the back. It hadn't been used in years. I located a table in the main warehouse and drug it into the office with Jerukukami's help. With that done, I walked him back to our room at the inn.

There was plenty of space in our room to stay out of a direct line of sight from Koruko's hide. I made sure the others stayed where he could see them.

I whispered, "I am going to sneak Ketsumempo and Jerukukami down to the alley behind this inn. Once you two are together, go to the warehouse and wait on me."

Ketsumempo whispered, "I want Masakari to come with us."

I looked at her. "Masakari is not going to stop me from killing this man when the time comes."

Hearing his name being whispered about he stepped over towards us and away from the others in front of the window, drinking and playing dice. "Masakari is only going to draw his sword if I threaten you or one of his men."

"It is not his sword I am interested in. His heart is still Koga and I want him there in case we need his opinion." I was thinking about what she said as she continued. "This is a very tricky situation and I do not want your anger at this man affecting your judgment."

I would have argued how I had no anger at this man, for hurting my ronin or attempting to kidnap the woman I love but not even I believed it. So instead I told her, "Fine" and nodded.

I told the others to keep drinking and laughing like nothing was wrong and to just keep their eyes on one another. I had Ketsumempo and Jerukukami rejoin them with the instructions that when I called them to the corner to just laugh and joke with the others as they moved over.

"Masakari, I am sorry but this will be undignified." He nodded. I bent down and put my right shoulder between his legs and bent him across my shoulders so that when I stood up my right arm went around his right leg and I could grasp his right hand with mine. I assumed he was displeased. "It would probably be best if you closed your eyes." I whispered.

I assume he did as he did not utter a sound once I went to vapor and sped through the rafters of the building and down to the alley in back. I set him down and looked at him. His face gave away nothing. So after a moment's pause I went back for Ketsumempo and Jerukukami. When I set down the last of them Masakari finally spoke.

"Are you an Onmyoji?"

"No. Now go."

Both buildings on either side of me were three stories high. I bounded halfway up and bounced off the one to my right to put me high enough to crest the one to my left. Then it was just a matter of going down the street far enough that Koruko could not see me as I hopped across to his side of the street. Then I bounded a couple of times to get to his building. I misted my way under the eve of the roof and down to his room.

He was sitting at his window watching our room. I silently dropped to the floor near his room door. Just then someone dropped behind me and swung a ninja-to at my head. I ducked the swing and struck him in the nose with my right elbow. His hood kept the blood from his broken nose from spraying. Before I could collect my thoughts a second ninja was attempting to strike from the ceiling. I stepped out of the way and struck her with blindness.

Koruko was frightened stiff so putting him out was an easy strike to the back of the head. I subdued the last ninja then bound and gagged all three of them. I would have to take the time to get the ninja to our men across the street. Tiring and time consuming but not impossible.

I appeared in the corner of our room as it was the only safe place available.

"Our friend had a couple of associates with him." I said.

Hoko said, "So we can quit acting?"

"Yes and close the windows. Take this one and keep her safe until we figure what we are up against." Yumi took the ninja from me. "I will be back in a moment with the other one."

Once I had dropped off the other Ninja I went back and picked up Koruko. I made my way to the rooftops and bounded through their shadows to the warehouse. Once there I dropped to the ground where no one could see me and slipped inside to my friends. I found them waiting for me in the office. Ketsumempo had her bag open and the rope ready. I threw the man onto the table and positioned him so she would be standing to his right. Then I secured his wrists and ankles to the corners of the table for her.

She asked, "What did you do to him?"

"A simple strike to the back of the head."

She nodded and circled her hand over his face one time before snapping her fingers.             

"Wh... where am I?"

She ignored the question and lit three candles. One she placed on the table above his head, the other at his feet and the third across his body from her.

He smiled nervously. "Ha! Nice try miss but the Bandai know nothing of proper torture."

She looked at him, "I know." His smile wavered a little. She pricked his neck with a bit of 'Father's blood.'

"I do not suppose you wish to take this time to tell me what I want to know, Koruko san?"

"What is it you want to know?"

"What is your name?"

His nervous smile became a little curious. "Goemon Koruko."

"Who is your lord?"

He hesitated a moment so she reached into her bag and pulled out a small curved knife. Then spread his kimono and began to place the knife just below his throat.

"Goemon Chiyoko!"

She removed the knife. "Why are you here?"

"He heard of some merchant's daughter that was a real find. He wanted to steal her away and marry her. He is of a station for you," he said incredulously.

"No. He is not," she said. "Who are the men with you?"

"Ronin ninja. I picked them up after my samurai disappeared."

During this discussion I remembered where I knew Koruko from. "He is telling the truth." I said.

Ketsumempo looked at me. "How can you be sure?"

I looked down at Koruko. "I am Shotoku Hiro." He looked concerned. "A few months ago you were ordered to help with a kidnapping that I was involved in. Tell me the details."

He thought a moment. "Uh... I was ordered to get details about a five year old boy of the

Aka-Inu House. You were to execute the kidnapping."

"It is him."

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"Let me go so I may assist you," He smiled.

"Kill him." I said.

I was just about to pull my katana when Masakari said, "My lord?"


"From what you have described, this man is an asset to your House. Not one I appreciate, but an asset none the less."

"You think I should let him live." I said miserably.

"I agree." Said Ketsumempo.

Jerukukami just looked relieved that no one was getting cut open.

I shook my head. "Fine. Koruko, if you run or betray us I will cut off all four of your limbs and leave you to bleed to death. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Arigato gozaimasu, Hiro sama!"

I let him up from the table and explained he was to release his men and meet us one mile

outside of town. I was sending Masakari with him. All of us headed back to our room and took the back way up to the top floor. Meaning I scaled the wall to an empty suite and lowered a rope. Then pulled up the rest. Koruko explained things to his nukenin or ronin ninja. They were due money so we paid them double what they would have made and explained that this was really just a matter of convenience. He reassured them so they left. Once that was done we dressed Masakari in a plain brown kimono and sent him off with Koruko.

The next day after breakfast we loaded up and made our way out of town. We found our two friends waiting on us so we took a moment to allow them the chance to change into more appropriate attire and we were off to the far side of Kyushu.

We traveled the back roads to prevent further issues. I don't know what I would have done if the party got any larger. We did do a lot of camping. One evening was near a hot spring we found. We all enjoyed the baths. Even Koruko's open mouthed stares didn't bother me once I was in those waters. The others just giggled at him. They had already done that but they enjoyed acting like it was beneath them. Ketsumempo slipped into the pool next to me which, thankfully, broke his stare from me. All of us sat and chatted a long time about everything but eventually Ketsumempo decided to get dressed and have dinner with some of the others.

"Hiro sama?" Koruko whispered.

"Yes, Koruko san."

"Are you of a high enough station for her?" He had noticed how close we were.

I thought a moment. "No. I hope her father views me favorably but I cannot be sure."

"Who is her father?"

"A - very - scary - man - Koruko san." I smiled.

He smiled. "It is a pity. Chiyoko will be very displeased with me."

"Just explain to him that if he had succeeded he would have been committing seppuku while her father watched and smiled."

He thought a moment and nodded. "Yes. That is a good answer."

I was happy I did not kill the man. He was bright. Which explained how he became the best at what he does. And he had a good sense of humor which I always appreciate. The others seemed to become fond of him as well. The trip to Mura no Ibusuki was going quite pleasantly. We were going to stay in Toshi no Kago, which would be a nice break from the days of crossing the Kyushu. When we got to town Ketsumempo did what she was becoming best at, trading with merchants. After the first day there Koruko was so impressed with her he was speechless.

He looked at me when we were going back to our inn. "It is like they have no idea what they are agreeing to."

"I know." I nodded.

He whispered. "Is it a spell?"

I of course had to hire more carts to send things back home. Thankfully it was a slow night for her so it only cost me two carts. It was decided it would be a drinking night. I vetoed it but Ketsumempo vetoed me. So later when everyone was going out to drink, she approached me.             

She whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too but..."

Her eyebrows rose. "But!?"

"I need to be honest with you. So you know what you are falling for. It would not be right to keep pretending I am a normal samurai." She looked concerned. "I have been keeping my duties from you. Oh, I know. Masao told you what I do but it was not real to you. Was it?"

"Yes, it was. He said you are his assassin."

"Do you realize what that means?"

She looked puzzled. "Of course. You have to kill people while they sleep."

It sounded very 'neat.' "While they sleep... Where were you during the "War of the Wolf?"

"At home. And you were in Toyama with Shogun Li. You crossed the walls at night. Two

hundred ninja against five hundred Wajima samurai."

"You make it sound heroic."

"...And you are about to educate me to the contrary... Hiro, I know most of the 500 were women and servants."

"Do you know how many were children? Do you know how many children I murdered that night?" She shook her head. "31... I murdered 31 children that night... And the only reason Nihonto is alive today, is because I heard Wajima crying and I just - could - not bring myself to make it 32." She was quiet. "I love you." She looked at me. "And because of that I should have told you this weeks ago."

"It is alright."

I shook my head. "It is not. I have to hurt kind, generous, loving people all the time. I once had to befriend a girl and then murder her just to accomplish my task." Now she looked horrified. "That is what I have not been telling you. I am that thing people fear. When they stare into the dark and feel their skin crawl. I do not like it." She stood there and wrapped her arms around herself, thinking. "You should find someone worthy of you." To my surprise she looked up and walked over to me. I thought she was going to slap me. I didn't expect her to wrap her arms around me. I held her close for several moments.

"I know why you do what you do, and it is not for your own pleasure. That is the difference to me. You do it because it must be done... That is why I love you, Koga."

Then she kissed me... and everything was better.

After a day's rest and recovery we started the journey to Mura no Ibusuki. It was the Kyushu port city that bridged the gap to the islands of the RyuKyu. Ibusuki was a very nice town. The people were hard working but pleasant and the Yoriki were fine unless you gave them a reason not to be. We stayed sober.

It took two days to book a voyage to Naha Shiro which would involve another day of travel to get to. The trip was thankfully short and without incident, except that I got seasick. Ketsumempo thought that was humorous. I even caught our friends fighting not to smirk. Still it only took a few days to cross the sea. We docked in the city at the base of the castle, and walked towards the merchants sector of town.

We found lodging near the RyuKyu palace and began trading again. After a week we wanted to give up but our orders said what we wanted was here. There were more gaijin on this island than in all of Giapan. Shang Di worshipers, Tiger Empire traders, even the frightening Khan and their freakish fur clothing. Ketsumempo was elated. The gaijin loved her. The merchants loved her. Beautiful and wealthy enough to have seven Yojimbo and assistants. They couldn't help but tell her everything. After another four days this paid off.

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