The Garden of New Olympia Ch. 04

Story Info
Short Story, Human/Anthro, M/F, Interspecies, Love, Sex.
10.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/30/2023
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Chapter 4: It's True. Magic Plus Sex Equals Amazing Sex

Tags: Male Human (s), Group Sex, Orgy, Magic, Impregnate, Pregnant, Excessive Cum, Creampie, Anthro (s), Interspecies, Love, Intercourse, Breastfeeding, Lactating

Perhaps it was a few days later or a couple of years ago. Located one hundred kilometers away from the swampy lake was another section of pristine forests. This location was filled with trees similar to the great Sequoias of former Earth. Amongst these massive plants were the smaller cherry and mango hybrid fruit trees. The unique plants provided both sets of fruits for the wayward traveler to consume upon their desire.

Near one of these trees was that of a lonely human by the name of Cleiton. He had finished up taking a bite of one of the succulent cherries from the nearby plant. The taste was unique and sweet. He rubbed the long black hair that he had before he continued to move ahead through the great forested path.

"Incredible...," the man said to himself. "It's like every kilometer, and there are different fruits and vegetables to eat." His voice indicated a unique accent, and his shaven features marked him to be a man of former Brazil. Even his accent almost had the faint tone of Portuguese in it. However, the accent was also further muddled by the possible colony that he originated from. His complexion was somewhat tan, and he was lanky by appearance. He was not a muscle-bound character nor downright athletic. However, his facial features were quite handsome to some. He continued to walk forward in his nakedness.

Cleiton was somewhat bored, but he couldn't deny the walk was unadventurous. Even trekking through the area barefoot did nothing to harm his feet. The grass was smooth and soft to the touch. The man tried to look up as if he was looking for something.

"Ugh.....having a hard time seeing the pylons," the man lightly complained. He was standing in an open area where the beaming light of the New Olympian core illuminated. "These trees are blocking my sight of them. Wow, they are huge."

He kept moving forward. While it was easy to get lost in the Garden of New Olympia, it was bound for a person to find the great pylons to interact with eventually. Cleiton seemed to be at a point of giving up.

"It's all fine," he said to himself. "They said that most of the forest was uninhabited. I guess a day of wondering isn't always going to get you what you want."

He approached the base of one of the great Sequoia trees. Even if he had reached this location for the first time, the trees were nothing like he had ever seen before. He put his hand to the bark briefly before moving along.

"Almost as amazing as the great ice trees," he said.

He continued his trek for another ten minutes. He was debating if he was going to sit down and take a brief rest. Finally, something different started to appear before him. After he walked past another set of cherry and mango trees, he could hear the distant sounds of crashing waves. The line of the giant trees had ended. What lay in front consisted of shrubs, small trees, then sand. He had reached an area that led to an enormous lake.

The lake was an incredible sight to behold, but not necessarily because of the water. The massive clearing of obstructions provided a clear line of sight of New Olympia's interior. The lake was almost as large as Lake Huron of former Earth. While Cleiton couldn't see the entire section of it due to the monstrous size, he could see the brief outlines straight ahead of how far it went. New Olympia's extensive interior was curved, and the artificial light of the heavy core was nowhere intense as a star. The air was clear enough to provide a better visual range for human eyes to see. If he looked carefully enough, he could see a very brief side view of one of the small cities to his left, even if it was kilometers upon kilometers away.

Despite this, Cleiton didn't seem too pleased. He knew that he was near one of the boundary zones of the Garden of New Olympia. The great lake helped serve as a natural marker for the few travelers. He put his hands on his hips while looking at the clear pristine water waves splashing against the beach. Oddly, while there were plenty of beautiful scents, the lake had nothing. It seemed to have nothing that served of any particular interest besides the scenery.

"Ugh....," Cleiton groaned. "I've seen this lake before. Please don't tell me that I've been walking in circles."

He turned around and knew that the trees were different from what he had seen when he was teleported there.

"No, but I nearly did. I was walking south but slowly doubled back to the lake. Time to turn around."

Just as he was about to do that, he could hear the sound of something flying high above his head. He looked up to see that of a high-flying cylindrical vessel. It was barely visible, but it was a white vessel of some sort. It might have been one of the New Olympian dreadnoughts or, most likely, something smaller. It was so high that it was difficult to decipher anything else about it. Cleiton turned around and proceeded to head back into the wilderness.

This time, the man decided to head in a southwestern direction. Instead of heading directly away from the lake, he would head at a 45-degree angle away. This would help serve as a waypoint and decrease the likely chance of him reaching the lake again. The sounds of splashing waves of water were becoming less and less, till it was barely noticeable. Shrubs and small trees were blocking the view of the lake when he finally heard something that stuck out.

"Hmm....," he said. His ear tuned to the direction of the sound. The forest naturally consisted of the various small birds that lived in the woods. However, the auditory noise that they generated was nothing loud. It wasn't drowning out the other sound that was being created. It almost was that of......

"Moaning?" he questioned. "Hmm....,"

A part of him felt a wave of excitement that he might have finally found someone, but as he started to follow the source of the distant sound, he could decipher that it was moaning. It possibly sounded like that of a woman, but he was still too far away to tell the difference. He had a while to reach the area. Sets of small trees were still in the way, and he started to debate with himself.

"It's definitely moaning," he said. "Damn....finally found someone, and she's probably getting banged by some other man." He shook his head. "Not in the mood to be the second man getting serviced by some random woman."

Cleiton was slowly walking forward and put his hands to his hips. He had a distinguished frown on his face and wondered if the New Olympians were true to their word. There were generally more men in the UWA, and male bachelors were more common than least from what he heard. But, even then, the stigma still remained. Were the New Olympians really that desperate to have humans move to their planet? His mind simply told him that it was best to move along and continue searching. It was best to give the lucky pair their privacy.

The moan was decipherable enough to sound like a young woman. Then, however, he swore he heard a squeaking sound. Even though he was still far from the commotion, it drew his attention again. He was near a set of bushes that was no more than 50 meters from the supposed activity.

"Sounds like one of the Yuki women, I guess," he quietly said to himself. "Hmm.... maybe I'm judging things too early. What if it was a woman pleasuring a woman? What if they are looking for a man?"

He changed his mind and pressed his hand against the brush. He stepped past it and quietly approached the scene. It wasn't his intention to intrude or spy upon whoever was there, especially if they were already actively engaged in sex. He felt an urge to investigate.

"Just.....going to take a peek....I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Cleiton kept his footsteps as light as possible without giving the appearance of him sneaking. However, he was close enough to see through parts of the thicket of a clearing. There were definitely signs that there were two people actively engaged in sex on the grassy floor. He paused and was about to turn around when he saw a third figure walk past this couple. While it was difficult to see through much of the foliage and obstruction, he thought that he saw breasts on this figure.

"Well.....looks like I did find others," he said. "Should I just walk up to them? Guess it's the only way."

He continued his approach. A small pathway led to this clear area in the forest. By now, there were fewer obstructions and things that blocked his way. The moaning was getting louder, but it appeared that this woman might have hit her climax. There was a loud squeak again when Cleiton reached the edge of the clearing.

What Cleiton saw amazed him. He had spoken to a few of the mythics prior, but now he had a chance to see many more. The clearing was wide enough to compose half an acre. A couple of small apple trees and various soybean plants grew in the surrounding area. It wasn't a farm, but there were multiple plants to feed on. There was plenty of shade from the high overhead Sequoia trees. This cozy location had various small white and blue flowers that dotted the silk grass.

There was so much to observe in one spot alone that he wouldn't get a chance to process everything and every person that he saw fully. There were at least nine individuals that he saw. Three of them were humans, with the others being of anthro type. There was a man with a mixed complexion. He had a sturdy build and was currently having sex with a pregnant Yuki. The anthro rat woman had white and gray fur with reddish eyes. Her short hair and pink tail were on display. This was the source of the moaning and squeaks. He used strength and endurance to hold the woman in a spooning type of position. Their faces were looking at each other as they were in a slow form of sexual ecstasy. His cock was driven deep into her insides.

Another set consisted of a blond woman with a pale complexion. Another woman had short curly hair and a dark complexion. Both of them were attentively using their pointer fingers to caress the sides of what looked like a large baboon. His size was roughly the same as the women's, but he remained sitting and quietly enjoying the two women that leaned upon him. However, Cleiton had little knowledge about the type of creature that he was.

The last set of individuals was that of a brown and white spotted minotaur. She was pretty big, but her bovine eyes drew attention to three other individuals. Sitting cross-legged on the grass was that of an anthro hippo. She was the oddest in looks and appearance. She was visibly pregnant with rather large breasts. Her hair was blue with that of a punk hairdo. Her gray skin marked that of a tattoo with a colored pinwheel. In the pinwheel was a drawing of an enclosed fist. Another Yuki woman appeared to be nursing from the hippo's breast. Finally, another woman appeared to be cat-like. She had white and orange fur and two tails that protruded from her rear. She was no bigger than the Yuki women and happily nursing from the hippo woman. Again, Cleiton had very little knowledge of the creatures that they represented.

"Ummm....," Cleiton remarked as he got closer to them.

"Wha...?" one of the women responded near the baboon remarked. She put her hand to her naked chest in surprise.

The hippo's eyes opened up as many of the others reacted with somewhat shock. She turned her head as the other two women pulled away from her breast to look at the newcomer. She held out her hands to greet him.

"A wayward traveler!" the hippo's voice called out. Her voice had that of excitement and joy. A great smile appeared on her face, but she remained sitting.

"I didn't mean to interrupt what you guys were doing," Cleiton replied as he stood near the center of the group.

"Don't worry," a devious smile could be seen from the hippo. She put her hand to her chest. "Shoi-Ming and Sajanara are about to finish."

There was a grunt when Cleiton turned to look at what she meant. There was a deep moan as the other human male made one last thrust into the pregnant Yuki woman. However, Cleiton noticed something rather odd and something he didn't notice at first. It surprised him so much that his jaw dropped. The human male had an enormous scrotum, with each testicle being the size of an orange. He shoved as hard as he could when he climaxed into her nether regions. A huge squeak sound could be heard. The cum being thrown into her was extensive. Some of the ejaculate leaked out of the entrance onto her fur and the grass below. The couple seemed partially exhausted while they kissed each other. Meanwhile, most of the group had watched the entire sex scene come to a finish.

"Bravo!" the hippo said with a big clap of her hands. She then looked at Cleiton. "My name is Jessica. What is yours?"

"Cleiton, ah.....what's going on here?" he replied with a question.

"What do you think is happening here?" there was a sense of happiness on her face.

"Sex and.....umm."

Jessica went and stood up. She was much taller than he expected. She stood over him at the height of seven to eight feet. She was bulky, but some of this was misconstrued by the fact that she was pregnant. She had no tail except for the short hippo-like tail that would twitch around. She seemed playful and innocent, but there was something off about her as well. She was completely naked as the rest of the group and had a large vaginal opening for her crotch. Cleiton didn't exactly feel threatened by her in any way, but she was still daunting to look at. She wrapped her arm around the man's shoulder, imposing herself upon him.

"Everyone!" Jessica announced. "This is Cleiton! I want everyone to say hello to this fine specimen of a man!"

All but the baboon started applauding at the human. He seemed to sigh before he took his hands and gave an annoyed gentle clap before placing his hands back on his knees.

"Are you a native-born New Olympian or off-planet?" the hippo asked.

"His accent sounds off-world," the minotaur said in a raspy voice.

"I was supposed to say, 'tourist mover,' or something like that," Cleiton answered. "I come from the world of Palora."

"Oh good," the hippo put her enormous hand onto the man's chest. "Offworlders become so much more fun. So much much......juice between the much to let out." A devious smile appeared on her face. "Cleiton, I want to introduce you to my friends." She pointed to the cat woman. "This is Izanami, a Nekomata from former Japan."

"Hello, Cleit," Izanami said in a faint Japanese accent. "Nice package you got."

"Wow," Cleiton replied. He had no idea if that was intended as a genuine compliment or if she was mocking him.

"Izanami knows how to suck your soul out if you're not careful," Jessica said in a jovial way. "Don't worry, though. She behaves. Just don't piss her off too much, ok?"

"He, he," the cat woman replied. She stuck her tongue out to the side and did a dipping one-handed paw wave. She was being perfectly naughty in how she portrayed herself.

Jessica pointed to the rat woman next to her. "And this is Chizu. Don't ask me why her parents tried to name her 'cheese' in Japanese."

"Plus, I never really cared for cheese," Chizu said. Cleiton looked at the rat woman. She had brown fur and a pink tail. Her hair was painted in yellow and black, having the black hair far longer and falling down the right side of her shoulder. She began to play with her hair as she eyed the human closely. For the briefest of moments, he felt the tiniest spark of interest towards her. The human had to veer his eyes from her.

"Hmm," Jessica could see the look immediately. "Have to keep that one in mind." She pointed to the bovine woman. "This is Britany. She's the granddaughter to Ariadne, oh...." She tapped his shoulder. "I'm sorry, you probably don't know Ariadne."

Cleiton shook his head no. Britany might have had the same height as Jessica, but she was sitting down cross-legged. The anthro bovine was stockier than Jessica. She had breasts that were bigger than Jessica's. Horns grew from the top of her head, and she had four fingers on each hand. Her digitigrade legs ended in hooves, and she had a long thin cow-like tail. She was challenging to gauge, but she did scratch her snout. The human noticed that there was a dribble of milk leaking from her areolas.

"'re leaking," Cleiton warned Britney.

"Oh....," Brittany remarked as she tried to take her fingers to squeeze her nipples. The leaking milk halted the moment that she pinched the ducts closed. "Jessica, I warned you that I needed to have the others breastfeed from me. I got too much again."

"Ah, you're right," Jessica smacked her head. "I'm sorry, I just got greedy. Besides, Chizu and Izanami are just so playful. Besides....," She leaned forward and looked at Cleiton. "Maybe you'll have help on that soon. Are you hungry, Cleiton?"

"I.....uh...," he couldn't believe it. His eyes had widened, and his mouth was agape, but he wondered if it was a joke. However, he could feel his member begin to twitch and stiffen a little bit. He had to push the thoughts out. He was truly wondering if he did walk into a hornet's nest.....of horny women. He had realized that he was far from his misunderstandings. The New Olympians certainly had more women, and they seemed more than pleased to encounter him. However, his mind was simply recovering from the sheer shock of the events. To discover that a colony of mythical creatures from Earth living on this new world was one thing, find out that it was filled with lustful women. It was a sensory overload on his part. On the one hand, he felt excited about the scene, but on the other hand, he had to keep himself under control. Again, this might have just been insistent teasing on their part. A part of him, though, was unsettled. It was simply too many women and too much happening at once. His thoughts were interrupted when Jessica took her finger and closed his mouth.

"And the next trio here," Jessica said as she lightly turned him to face the three characters. "This is Esme and Bamidele."

"Hello, Cleiton," Esme said.

"Cleiton, become a part of our group!" Bamidele added.

"And this is Babi, one of the two gods in our group," the hippo said.

"Hmph...," the baboon snorted, but he wasn't trying to be mean to Cleiton purposely. However, he nodded, and the two women seemed to "aww" Babi.

Cleiton had a chance to evaluate the three individuals further. Esme was the woman with a pale complexion. Her blond hair and physique were pressed to Babi's hip. Bamidele, the woman with a dark complexion, reflected the same hand reactions as Esme. Both of these women would gently stroke the side cheek fur that protruded from the baboon god. For a moment, Cleiton had, somehow, felt that the women were twin sisters by their movements and reactions. They were in complete orbit and physically attached to Babi worshipping and cradling him like he was the most crucial individual in existence.

"A god of what?" Cleiton asked.

"Babi is the god of erections," Jessica happily answered.

"A what?" the man reacted as most others would upon hearing it. He then realized that this unique sitting character was indeed sporting a seven-inch erection. It was difficult to tell because the god's legs were somewhat close together, blocking most of the view, but it seemed to be true. This god was hardened and ready to fuck these women. Both Esme and Bamidele were physically attractive, and it was more than apparent that he had his way with the women whenever he wanted to.

"Oh, alright," Jessica relented. "Babi is a god of virility. But....," she held her hand and gestured in a whisper to Cleiton. "I don't know about you, but I totally believe the story that he used his shaft as a mast in....,"