The Florida Trip Pt. 04


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I reared back and without another word I shot my sperm deep into Julia's pussy. Her eyes went wide. She threw her head back. "Oh YES! I'm cumming! OH! I'm cumming with you, FUCK!"

I tried to jam Julia full of cum as violently as I could, like firing at her with my cannon. But it only came out as pleasure and we both shouted as our ecstasy grabbed us tight and shook till we could no longer stand it. I felt my chest get soaked with Julia's juices and I did my best to drench her back.

"Oh fffffFUCK you're filling me up you perfect fucker!" Julia said, rocking her head back and forth so hard I thought she would hurt herself, "Ohhhhhh that's so fucking GOOD."

"Oh Julia. Oh God," My eyes squeezed shut and all I could think of was putting more and more of myself into my friend's dripping pussy.

I fell forward, both of us finally defeated. Julia hugged me tight and laughed, nipping at my face. The last dregs of our shared spend slowly leaked out of us. I rolled off my roomie and fell onto my back next to her.

Julia reached out and grabbed my hand. Squeezed it tight. She climbed back on top of me and kissed me on the lips. I looked up at her, somewhere between shock and awe. I hefted her little titty one last time. Julia buried her head in my neck.

"You need a shower," she told me, "You smell."

"Yeah, this crazy woman kept fucking me and covering me in her cum," I said.

"Sounds like my kind of girl," Julia said, then she got up and started to get dressed.


In the shower I looked down at myself in disbelief. Bruises were already beginning to form. Bright red scratches on my arms, my legs. Places I didn't even realize Julia had touched. My whole body ached and not the post-fuck pleasurable one I was used to.

When Julia had come into our hotel room and pushed me onto the bed? I mean, of course I was OK with it. The whole time we'd been together was, wow, it was amazing. I'd felt drunk with it. But now that I was in the shower - as post-orgasm reality crashed down on me - I realized I wasn't content or even worn out.

I was angry.

Why did I have to be Julia's punching bag? Her ex-boyfriend had told me she was passive. He'd broken up with her because of it, I was almost positive. I didn't want Julia to be a dead fish in bed, of course not. But did she have to gut and fry me? This wasn't fun. It wasn't fair.

I got out of the shower, determined to call Julia out for it. I had the whole argument laid out in my mind. What she did and how I didn't deserve it. No one did. I didn't even bother with a towel, I threw the bathroom curtain open, stalked out and...

The room was empty.

I looked down at my phone, lying there on the bed looking as worn down as I felt. I had a text from Alyssa telling me to meet everyone at the lobby at 9. It was 8:45. I didn't even have time to be upset. I threw on my clothes and raced out of the room.

Into the already-sweltering Florida sun.


It was the hottest day we'd had since driving down to Disney. Even the plants seemed to shy from the brightness. Fortunately, our plan for the day was to go to Animal Kingdom, easily the shadiest park in the World.

When I got to the bus stop in front of the lobby, I saw that everyone was already waiting for me. Sarah handed me a croissant and a to-go cup of orange juice.

"I figured you'd need it after your workout this morning," she said.

"Oh, you went to the gym?" Kelsey asked, "Fuck, tell me you're going next time. I really need the exercise."

"I'd be happy to help," I said. Julia punched me in the arm. I looked at her and she didn't even have the decency to look ashamed. She just grinned at me, big and happy.

We went out to the waiting area. The line for Animal Kingdom was nearly twice the length of anyplace else. Buses were running behind, as well, and it made for a bad combination. We considered walking over to All-Star Music to see if it was any better. Finally, two buses in a row showed up.

Our ride was still so busy, however, that we had to stand separated from each other. As a reminder, I felt a dull pain in my shoulder as I reached up for the hang bar. Another uncounted memento from my roommate.

I looked over at Julia all the way in the back of the bus and she waved at me. I resisted the urge to growl back. My roommate had been sullen almost the whole trip. Now she seemed truly happy. Even better, she seemed to be legitimately enjoying my company.

I'd spent so much time lamenting what Julia and I had lost after the last road trip, it was hard for me to stay mad at her. Having my cute best friend back, it was all I could ask for. Right? Why did it have to be on my terms if it was working?

"You OK?" Sarah asked. She'd managed to find a space to stand next to me.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Yes, how's your head?" Chloe asked from across the way and a little further down.

"Oh, much better," I said. I'd spent pretty much the whole day at Epcot dizzy. This morning, however, I felt perfectly fine. Like it had never happened. Well, at least one part of me was healing.


We arrived at Animal Kingdom a little while after it opened. It felt very different than the other parks, quiet and almost private. We did the whole process of security, metal detectors, then Magic Passes, and finally through the gates.

Epcot and Magic Kingdom both greeted you with massive structures, announcing you had arrived at the park. Animal Kingdom was subtler, almost understated. There was forest everywhere. Slowly drawing us into the wilderness. We stopped to look at a long-haired anteater as we walked by. It was huge, and it was hard for me to imagine how all those tiny ants could feed such a big animal.

Alyssa pulled me forward, however, and so we kept going through the wilderness. The forest started to clear, opening up into a clearing. There was the large structure I'd been missing before: The Tree of Life rose above everything else around it. As we got closer, I saw that the trunk was carved into multiple animal shapes - more and more became apparent, as if it was almost infinite. I couldn't imagine tracking them all.

We stayed and took a few pictures in front of the tree. Again, Sarah would pose but she wouldn't take pictures. Even standing there while others clicked, it seemed to physically hurt her. A reminder of the phantom pain from her lost photography limb.

When we were done, we turned off the path toward the newest section of the park: Pandora While we walked over, Sarah explained to Chloe that the land was based on the Avatar movies. Chloe asked if they had the little boy with the blue arrow on his head. Finally, I gave up and had to explain it to her.

"Like smurfs," I said, "But giant."

"I don't think I remember this movie," Chloe said.

"We can stream it when we get home," Sarah said.

"Nah," Chloe said. That about summed up my feelings on the whole matter.

The park didn't do a lot to transition us from the hyper-real world of Animal Kingdom to the planet of Pandora. Instead, we crossed a bridge and suddenly we were there. Once in that land, though, it really did feel unique. Alien. We made our way around strange-looking plants and under floating islands. There was the sound of drums in the distance, rising above the crash of waterfalls. The paths, themselves, seemed to meander around, making everything feel strange and disorienting.

Well before we got to our ride, Flight of Passage, we met the line for it. It was immense - maybe the most impressive thing I saw the whole time in Disney. More than anything the Imagineers could create, this line was a thing of horror and extravagance the everyday mind could never have conceived.

Fortunately, we all had Fastpasses, so we were able to avoid most of it. We walked around and behind the waterfalls and then up into what was supposed to look like an abandoned military base. Or perhaps a corporate research center? I don't know. It was industrial and concrete, but the air conditioning was awfully nice.

I joke about the line, but the ride itself was pretty awesome, too. There were moments that really felt like flying as we raced around the world of Pandora, gliding and diving through trees, over islands, and through caves. Best of all, when the ride was over, I felt perfectly fine. Doing Flights of Passage right after my bad trip on Soarin' had been a bit of a risk, I admit. But the ride gods did not punish me and I came out the other side ready for more adventures.

We met up outside the gift shop. A crowd had formed around a man in a suit made to look like he was in a giant mech. I thought it was cool, but the girls all thought it looked dopey. That was about it for the alien planet. There was another ride, but we didn't have Fastpasses and I didn't feel like waiting over an hour to do it.

Instead, we went back into Animal Kingdom proper and wandered around the park. The whole area was clearly designed for that kind of thing, ambling around, and we found we were rewarded for taking our time, rather than racing from ride to ride.

The cool mists and shady corners - the excitement of flying on the back of a pretend strange beast - helped me at least ignore my anger at Julia. Confronting her in the park didn't seem like a good idea. So instead, I just kept my distance. Besides, everything else was going great. Sarah was being flirty. She and Alyssa both held my hands at one point. Even Chloe seemed strangely engaged, at one point stroking my arm and giving me a couple of 'come hither' glances.

After a while of walking around, however, we decided to split up so that we could do different things. Julia wanted to get on Kali River Rapids and I was happy to let her go without me. Instead, Alyssa agreed to accompany Julia so both of them, in her words, could get wet together.

I think my girlfriend was excited by what she'd seen that morning and was hoping to get Julia to play around even more. Alyssa did have a crush on my roommate, after all. I wondered if Julia would extend her torture to the saucy redhead. I couldn't decide which possibility I preferred more.

Kelsey and Kevin wanted to go on the Safari and agreed to take Chloe along. That left me alone with - who else? - Sarah. Not that I was complaining. Not one bit.

After everyone split, Sarah and I walked into Asia, over a long brick bridge. Almost immediately, we were back to walking arm-in-arm. I really felt like I was out on a day with a girlfriend and not with a friend who was a girl who I happened to fuck when my actual girlfriend wasn't around. It felt safe in a thoroughly dangerous way.

We saw the Up! Bird Show was starting, and so we snuck in at the last minute to watch. The birds were cool, but the show seemed to be trying too hard to make it 'fun' for kids. Sarah kept trying to turn it into a makeout session, but there were too many people watching and it made me uncomfortable to be hooking up in the middle of a family show.

After it was over, we walked deeper through Asia and into the Maharaji Jungle Trek: a path leading past multiple animal enclosures. We stopped to watch some of the monkeys leap from rope to rope. We went past a room with bats - neither of us wanted to look at that. Then we came to what had been made to look like a long-abandoned Indian temple.

Animal Kingdom was busy that day, for sure, but mostly in the Pandora section. The rest of the park had people here and there, but it felt empty compared to the crush of Avatar Land. The paths around the Jungle Trek, in particular, were almost deserted. By the time we got to the temple, it was just me and Sarah by ourselves.

"I think my sister wants to be with you," Sarah said, suddenly. As if this was a perfectly natural transition from silently observing wild animals.

"You mean like, be with be with?" I asked. We looked through one of the glass windows and saw a tiger in the distance, lolling in the sun under a scarce tree. Sure, Chloe had fooled around with us a little the night before. And then the thing with Alyssa that morning. But I thought Chloe had a girlfriend back in high school. Which precluded doing anything with me in a whole host of different ways.

"Yes, I don't get it either," Sarah said, "I mean, I get it. Obviously. I can't keep my hands off you. But what Chloe's up to? I don't know."

"So she's bi?" I asked.

"She says she thinks she might be Bensexual. Whatever that means. I think it's her way of getting around the fact that, all of a sudden, she's curious about being with a guy. Which is fine, I guess. You and your magic penis - apparently it can even cast spells at a distance."

"Whatever," I said, "I'm sure if she kissed Kevin she'd feel that way about him, too."

"She did kiss Kevin," Sarah said, "Yesterday. She said she felt nothing. Apparently, it's Ben or bust for us Hanover girls. If she did go for it, would you? I mean, would you even want to?"

"Of course!" I said, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, "I mean, your sister is hot. Ummm. OK, this conversation is only getting me in trouble."

Sarah laughed. "You're fine. We've talked about weirder things. Well, maybe not, but still. Don't be too forward about it, OK? I want Chloe to feel like it's an option, if she wants it. But it's got to be her choice. I don't want her to get hurt."

"If you tell me to stay away, you know I will," I said.

"I do," Sarah said, "And that's why I trust you. I guess act surprised if it happens. Still, I can see why she'd want to give you a try."

Sarah pushed me into a blind corner and pressed her lips against mine. I moaned into her mouth. Our tongues danced against each other. Sarah leaned forward so her sex lined up with my own erection. God, after that morning I thought I might never be hard again. All it had taken was one kiss from sexy Sarah and I was good to go all over again.

Sarah gave me long, loving kisses. Pressed her massive chest into mine. As she pulled back for another assault, I looked up. A huge orange and white head was staring back at me. Green eyes glowing almost nuclear.

A tiger.

He was up on his hind legs and watching through the clear window. I don't think he really saw us. He was looking at the other tiger - the one we'd seen on the other side of the temple, under the tree. But there he was, all the same, face massive in the glass. The moment was so surreal I staggered back.

Sarah spun and saw the tiger too. Her eyes went wide. She reached down for her camera, but, of course, it wasn't there. She hadn't been carrying it all trip. She stood there, flabbergasted, hand frozen in the place where her camera should have been.

I reached for my phone and got a quick shot before the tiger dropped down and wandered off. Another small group of people came by and pointed at the tiger walking away from us, tail twitching. As if that was anywhere near as incredible as what we had just seen. The crowds started filing in. The spell broke.

I put my hands on Sarah's shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze. Kissed her on the cheek. The sexy brunette stood there, silent. Watching for a long time. Like there was some unfathomable truth stuck out in the middle distance.

My phone buzzed. It was time to meet the rest of the group for lunch.


We all met up at Flame Tree BBQ, back near the front of the park. The crowds had made it out of Avatar and were now waiting for lunch. The line to order was busy, but the seating area was even worse. Alyssa agreed to get my food if I scouted out a table for us. So, I split off and found a place to sit that wasn't too dirty with a bit of shade, down a set of stairs. A surprising number of geese startled as I sat down.

With nothing to do but wait, and no one else around, I did what any normal human being would do: I got out my phone. All the pictures that Alyssa had taken the night before were there, waiting for me. With everything that had gone on, I hadn't ever had the chance to look at all of them.

They were pretty racy, I have to admit. My girlfriend had sent them to me as part of our play-and-play-alike policy. I supposed this meant that it was supposed to turn me on. After all, it was pictures of the redheaded Alyssa kissing the beautiful, blonde Kelsey. The ones where my girlfriend was with Kevin, however - their lips together, his hand on her breast, her hands on his crotch - made my stomach twist and not in the good way.

I reminded myself that this was all part of the fun. After all, I was getting to be with all the girls too. Jealousy doesn't listen. Jealousy only sees.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up.

"Nice, right?" Alyssa asked, standing over me.

"These pictures are pretty crazy," I said.

"Oh God," Kelsey said. Everyone else had arrived carrying trays of food and they were sitting around me, "You sent all those to Ben?" She looked legitimately mortified, refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"I told you that's what I was doing," Alyssa said, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about, trust me. She leaned over to give Kelsey a kiss on the cheek, but the beautiful blonde ducked away.

"Oo, let me see," Julia said, but Kelsey reached across and ripped the phone out of my hand before she could. My roommate jumped back like Kelsey had taken a sharp swipe at her.

"It's nothing that bad," I said, "Nothing exposed or anything."

"Except for Kelsey's and my boobs," Alyssa said. She grabbed the phone from Kelsey and swiped over to that shot so we could all see. "It's one of my favorites."

Kelsey howled and buried her head in her arms. Her boyfriend, Kevin, looked down at her with disdain, like she was a little girl throwing a tantrum. Which I suppose she was. The rest of us sat in silence, trays of food stacked in front of us and untouched. This was not the performance I'd paid for - no Fastpasses had been acquired - but that didn't stop me from watching.

"Come on, Kel," Kevin said, "It wasn't that bad - all we did was kiss."

"And fondle," Alyssa said. She paged to another picture.

Kelsey groaned and tried to hide her head even deeper. Kevin shook his head. "I'm going to... I don't know, I'm going to go away for a while," he told us, gestured fruitlessly at Kelsey, and stalked off.

"See?" Kelsey said, finally looking up. Her face was red and it would have looked cute if it wasn't so troubling. "He's pissed. I told you not to take those pictures."

"If he's mad, it's because you're making such a big deal over nothing," Alyssa said. "As I recall, you were pretty eager last night."

"I was drunk," Kelsey said, "And you used your magical powers on me."

Alyssa looked at me, querying. I shrugged. I didn't think the whole 'sucking bust' speech was going to go over well in that moment.

"So, what we did last night was wrong," Alyssa said, "A mistake."

"Obviously," Kelsey said, throwing her hands in the air, dramatically.

"You were tricked. And I'm just some slut for doing it," Alyssa said.

"That's not what I said," Kelsey said. I looked around for Kevin, hoping that he might be able to stop this before it got worse. But he was nowhere to be seen. The rest of us all stared blankly. A fly landed on my barbecue chicken.

"My first boyfriend was ten years older than me," Alyssa said, "I was young and naive and he took advantage of that."

"I'm sorry," Sarah said.

"Don't be," Alyssa said, "I learned a lot from him. Since then I've been with a lot of people. Girls and guys. I had a regular thing with a married man. Slept with two of my professors. My best friend's Dad. Not boys and girls, but men and women who were mature enough to have grown beyond jealousy. Being with Ben is great, but eventually we'll split up and I'll move on to someone else and so will he. I won't have any regrets about it. I'm not looking for some perfect Prince Charming to be with forever. So I guess that means I'm not good enough for you, right Kelsey?"